We, the
under-named Subscribers, Members of the Protestant Dissenting Congregation of
Markethill in the County of Armagh, having observed, with the utmost affliction,
the desperate and wicked Attempts made by a number of our countrymen, of all
denominations, to throw this County into anarchy and confusion, by audaciously
preferring to trample under foot the Laws of the Realm, do, in the inert Solemn
Manner, declare our abhorrence of their unjustifiable proceedings, and take this
opportunity of making it known, that we are truly sensible of the ineffable
happiness we enjoy under the best of Kings, and the innumerable blessings which
have attended this Nation, by a due Execution of the Laws, since the Accession
of his Majesty’s Royal Family to the throne; and we also make this further
that we
will to continue to pay every mark of duty to his most Sacred Majesty, his Laws,
Magistrates and inferior officers, and, to the utmost of our power, aid and
assist in preserving the peace of our native Country and opposing all such as
shall wickedly and traitorously attempt to dissuade the same.
In Witness whereof we have hereto set our hands, this 31st of July, 1763.
George Ferguson (Minister), Francis Sloane, Andrew Dickson, Thomas
McCarrol, John McKean, Michael Wilson, James Campbell, James McClure, Robert
Peebles, James Orr, John McWhirter, William Orr, John Brooks, George Taylor,
James Jamison, James Robinson, Matthew Bell, Robert Leggat, Henry Todd, Andrew
Wilson, Alexander Jamison, John Jamison, Samuel McGarety, Matthew McClinchy,
William Goudy, Samuel Peebles, James Miller, Arthur Grear, Richard Coupland,
Edward Park, John Moore, John McClelland, James McKean, Henry McWhirter, John
McCreary, Joseph McClelland, Edward Ashcroft, John Scott, John Robinson, John
Deyelle, John Bell, John Thornberry, Thomas McRoberts, Samuel Ferguson, Samuel
Bell, Henry McKean, Luke McClinchie, Samuel Taylor, Andrew Rayney, Alexander
Ferguson, Hugh Rush, John Hamilton, James Allen, John Neilson, John Roberts,
Francis Lowry, James McClure, James Huckes, Adam Turner, John McMullan, Benjamin
Bell, James Wilson, James Neal, James Kirk, Hugh Neilson, James Betty, Samuel
McGaughy, Nathaniel Simpson, James McConlagh, Joseph Reany, Joseph McCarrol, Wm.
Hosack, Robert Betty, Samuel Peebles,{Peoples} Robert Grear{Grier}, George
Erwin, George McGarrety, Thomas McGarrety, John McGarrety, Joseph Jamison, David
Hamilton, James Dowery, William Wier, Henry Todd, Adam Bell, John Laverty, James
Laverty, John Grear, James McConnell, Hugh Ferguson, David Ross, William Allen,
John Turner, Robert Mitchell, John Turner, Samuel McGaughy, William Todd, Thomas
Delap, Daniel Laverty, Alexander Johnston, James Whitley, Robert Johnston,
Andrew Simpson, John McCullagh, Wm. Agnew, Andrew Robinson, Robert Ennis, James
Kennedy, William Tweedy, Archibald Tweedy, George Murray, George Rowan, Thomas
Grear, James McCay, Alexander Wilson, James Lockhart, George Lockhart, William
Turner, John Carlisle, James McCay, Robert Ballantine, Archibald McKean, Hugh
Cleland, Mungo Dickson, William McMullan, Thomas Allen, Robert Cleland,
Andrew McCombe, John Anderson, James Berry, John Black, John Kerr, Hans Peebles,
Michael Augheltree, Richard Bolt, James McDowell, Simon McGlinchie, James Luke,
Henry Robinson, Alexander McMullan, John McMullan, Arthur Graham, Patrik
Chambers, Homer Murray, John Allen, George Sinclair, Robert Henry, John Taylor,
John Bell, Alexander Park, Robert McKean, Alex. Turner, John Spence, David Bell,
Thomas Shanks, John Sinclar, Benjamin Bell, William Hand, David Hare, John
Martin, John McClonchy, John Allen, William Neilson, George Thornberry, James
Neilson, James Black, John McRoberts, John Taylor, Alexander McMullan, Adam
Scott, George Coghran, Samuel McClelland, Robert Wilson, Robert Stephenson, John
Gray, Robert Craige, James Douglas, David Bell, Thomas Little, James McKean,
Arthur Dougan, John Dougan, Archibald McKean, William Johnston, Solomon Mordagh,
Samuel Craige, John Mordagh, Joseph Craige, Andrew Craige, James Trimble, George
McClelland, William Wilson, William Turner, Peter Man, John Maskimin.