Ulster AncestryUlster Ancestry


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Ulster Ancestry Family & Ancestral Research Service


Should you wish to have specific Research carried out on your behalf the Archives of The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland can be searched.

The Archive contains millions of records in the form of original documents or transcripts, many not available outside Northern Ireland, all relating to Ulster families, the earliest being 1219,{A Papal Bull}, but most from 1600 onwards.

Included are  most of the surviving Church registers of baptism, marriage and burial for every Parish in Northern Ireland. There are also all early census fragments and returns, family papers and personal letters, Wills and probates, land leases and agreements, rental records, estate papers, thousands of complete family pedigrees, 18th and 19th century voting and land taxation records, a wide collection of gravestone inscriptions, emigration records , ships passenger lists, 19th century school reports and Workhouse records, to name just a few.

If reliable documented evidence of your family is to be found anywhere in Ireland it is likely to be found in this archive. Be aware the evidence may exist, or it may not. A great deal depends on what the family have left for us to find and of course the survival of the records down through the years.

If you outline briefly your particular research needs, using the free assessment form, including research you have already carried out, so there is no duplication, I will access the feasibility of your request and come back to you with a proposed Research Plan.

I will also provide you with a quotation of the total cost and a completion time to undertake the research as detailed.

If my proposal proves to be acceptable, payment can then be made using PayPal and we can go forward from there.

Thank you

Ulster Ancestry

Free Assessment

Complete and submit our Free Assessment Form and we will appraise the information that you have and advise on whether or not further research is feasible.

This service is entirely free of charge and you are under no obligation.

When the assessment is completed you can choose from a number of options should you wish to pursue and expand your search for your ancestral family roots here in Ireland.

Click here for a Free assessment