Ulster AncestryUlster Ancestry

Court Leet Bownlows Derry

Court Leet of the Manor of Brownlow’s Derry, Lurgan, County Armagh. At a Court Leet held in Lurgan in and for said Manor on Tuesday the 23rd day of June 1795 the under named jurors being duly sworn:

1.  John Waite

8.   John Hanna

15.  Edward Turkington

2.  William Coulter

9.   William Langtry

16.  Edward Turkington

3.  George Ruddell

10. Thomas Bunting 

17.  William Robinson

4.  Robert Hazelton

11. Henry Gilbert

18.  Henry Gilstane

5.  George Ruddell

12. Thomas Johnston

19.  Thomas Greer

6.  James Boyd

13. John Levingston

20.  Joseph Swinerton

7.  James Byrne

14. John McMurray

21.  Andrew McCollam


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