Ulster AncestryUlster Ancestry

Tithe Applotment Payers in Parish of Forkhill

To get around the problem of having no 19th century census records we use what we term “census substitutes”

Among these substitutes for the early part of the 19th century are the Tithe Applotment Books.



Tithe was a tax on all agricultural land (originally a tenth of the produce) excepting only church lands and glebes and urban areas and it was paid by leaseholders and occupiers of all religious denominations to the clergy of the Established Church of Ireland. There was growing resentment against this tax, particularly in the period of distress after 1815 and the government was forced to give way and introduce a Tithe Composition Act 1823 which replaced payment in kind by payment in cash by landlords.

In order to effect this change, all the agricultural land in the country, which was liable to pay the tithe had to be surveyed and apploted or valued. During the period 1823 to 1837 a Tithe Applotment Survey was made in each civil parish for the whole of Ireland to determine the value of tithe payable by different landlords. The material was arranged by civil parish and townland in volumes known as TITHE APPLOTMENT BOOKS.


Names in the Tithe Applotment for the Parish of Forkhill 1828



Balina, Richard


Balmer, David


Balmer, David


Balmer, Henry


Balmer, John


Balmer, John


Balmer, Richard


Balmer, Robert


Balmer, Thomas




Begley, Philip


Begly, Brian


Begly, Thomas


Begly, Widow


Bellow, John


Bellow, Michael




Bennet, Charles


Bennet, Francis


Bennet, James


Bennet, John


Bennet, John


Bennet, Lawrence


Bennet, Michael


Bennet, Michael


Bennet, Owen


Bennet, Owen


Bennet, Patrick


Bennet, Thomas


Bennet, Widow


Bennet, Widow


Bernard, Major.


Berry, Luke


Bigger, George


Boyd, Widow


Boyle, Michael


Boysan, Thomas


Brennan, Brian


Brennan, Peter


Burke, William


Burn, Laurence


Byrne, Henry


Byrne, Hugh


Byrne, Hugh


Byrne, James


Byrne, John


Byrne, John


Byrne, Owen


Byrne, Owen


Byrne, Patt.


Byrne, Peter


Byrne, Widow


Byron, Thomas


Caghey, Brien


Caghey, James


Callaghan, John


Camey, Philip


Camoy, Widow


Campbell, Rev.


Carberry, John


Carlisle, John


Carlisle, John


Carney, Edward


Carney, James


Carrol, Bryan


Carrol, John


Carrol, Owen


Carrol, Patt.


Cassidy, Charles


Cassidy, Michael


Cavenah, Widow


Christy, Felix


Colethorpe, Mrs.


Collen, Daniel


Collen, John


Collin, Thomas


Collins, William


Conlan, Owen


Conlan, Widow


Connolly, James


Connor, Thomas


Conroy, Widow


Cooney, Hugh


Coulter, John


Courtney, Patt.






Cowan, Andrew


Coyle, Peter


Crawley, Francis


Crawley, James


Crawley, James


Crawley, John


Crawley, Michael


Crawley, Michael


Crawley, Patt.


Crawley, Thomas


Crawley, Thomas


Crawley, Thomas


Creegan, Andrew


Creegan, Thomas


Creigan, Patt.


Creigan, Peter


Crilly, John


Crilly, Thomas


Crugan, Peter


Cullin, John


Cummisky, Patt.


Cunningham, Barney


Daly, Farly


Daly, James


Daly, John


Daly, Patt.


Daly, Peter


Daly, Philip


Daly, Widow


Dane, Michael


Dane, Owen


Darby, John


Davitt, Edward


Davitt, Thomas


Dawson, James


Deary, Michael


Deighan, Widow


Delany, Bridget


Delany, Patt.




Dick, James


Dick, John


Dick, Widow


Dickson, James


Dollaghan, Thomas


Donnelly, Bryan


Donnelly, James


Donnelly, Peter


Donnelly, Peter


Donnelly, Philip


Donnelly, Widow


Donnelly, Widow


Doyle, Henry


Duffy, James


Duffy, Patt.


Duffy, Thomas




Dunn, Edward


Dunn, Mathew


Edmonson, William


Farmer, Peter


Farrel, Brian


Farrel, Patt.


Farrel, Peter


Farrel, Widow


Feagan, Brian


Feagan, Francis


Feagan, Hugh


Feagan, John


Feagan, Michael


Feagan, Nicholas


Feagan, Patk.


Feagan, Patt.


Feagan, Thomas


Fenington, W.


Fenton, James


Fenton, James


Fenton, James




Forde, Francis


Forde, George


Forde, George


Forde, John


Forde, Thomas, Jr.


Foxall, John


Fragan, Widow


Freeland, William


Garland, Widow


Gartlany, Hugh


Gartlany, Mathew


Gartlany, Michael


Gartlany, Patt.


Gartlany, Thomas


Garvey, James


Goggan, William


Gollagly, Bryan


Gollagly, Francis


Gollagly, Francis


Gollagly, James


Gollagly, Michael


Gollagly, Michl.


Gollagly, Patt.


Gollagly, Peter


Gollagly, Peter


Gollagly, Widow


Gollagly, Widow


Gollogly, Edward


Goutlamy, John


Gracey, Charles


Gracey, Richard


Grafton, Lawrence


Grafton, Peter


Grant, Brian


Grant, Brien


Grant, James


Grant, John


Grant, Manus


Grant, Michael


Grant, Owen


Grant, Patrick


Grant, Peter


Grant, Peter


Grant, Rose


Grant, Sarah


Grant, Stephen


Grant, Widow


Gregory, Thomas


Grogan, Andrew


Grogan, Brian


Grogan, Patt.


Grogan, Terence


Hagon, Widow


Halfpenny, Thomas


Hamil, Patt.


Hamil, Patt.


Hanlon, Ardle


Hanlon, Bernard


Hanlon, Francis


Hanlon, Hugh


Hanlon, John


Hanlon, John


Hanlon, Mary


Hanlon, Michael


Hanlon, Terence


Hanlon, Widow


Hanlon, Widow


Hannratty, Thomas




Hanratty, Arthur


Hanratty, Brian


Hanratty, Brian


Hanratty, Bryan


Hanratty, Edward


Hanratty, Felix


Hanratty, James


Hanratty, John


Hanratty, Laughlin


Hanratty, Michael


Hanratty, Owen


Hanratty, Owen, Jr.


Hanratty, Owen, Sr.


Hanratty, Paul


Hanratty, Thomas


Haughey, David


Haughian, Patt.


Haughin, Patt.


Heany, James


Heany, Thomas


Hearty, Daniel


Hearty, Francis


Hearty, Michael


Hearty, Owen


Hearty, Owen


Hearty, Terence


Heidy, James


Henry, Widow


Hollywood, Felix


Hollywood, Frans.


Hollywood, Michael


Hollywood, Terence


Hudson, Rev. Adam


Hughes, Mark


Hughes, Michael


Hughes, Michael


Hughes, Patt.


Hughes, Patt.


Hughes, Patt.


Hughes, Patt.


Hughes, Terence


Humphries, Michael


Jackson, Widow


Jeffers, Samuel


Jeffers, Samuel


Jeffers, Samuel


Johnston, Arthur


Johnston, James


Johnston, John


Johnston, John


Johnston, Patt.


Johnston, William


Jourdan, Patt.


Kane, Andrew


Kane, James


Keenan, Brian


Keeran, Michael


Keily, John


Keily, Peter


Keily, Thomas


Kelly, Bryan


Kelly, Daniel


Kelly, Daniel


Kelly, Francis


Kelly, James


Kelly, Lake


Kelly, Mathew


Kelly, Michael


Kelly, Neal


Kelly, Owen


Kelly, Patt.


Kelly, Patt., Jr.


Kelly, Patt., Sr.


Kelly, Patt., Sr.


Kelly, Peter


Kelly, Peter


Kelly, Thomas


Kennedy, Robert


Kieran, Henry


Kieran, Patt.


Lackin, James


Lacy, Patt.


Lappan, Bartly


Lappan, Thomas


Laurence, Francis


Law, Bartley


Lawerence, Francis


Lawless, John


Lawrence, Francis


Lee, John


Lee, Lawrence


Lee, Widow


Lennon, James


Lennon, John


Lennon, Thomas


Little, John


Lock, Mathew


Lock, Michael


Lock, William


Lockerly, James


Lockerly, Joseph




Loughran, James


Loughran, Patt.


Loughran, Thomas


Louth, Brian


Loy, Mary




Macan, Arthur


Macan, Brian


Macan, Bryan


Macan, Edward


Macan, Henry


Macan, Hugh


Macan, James


Macan, Lawrence


Macan, Michael


Macan, Michael


Macan, Michael


Macan, Patt.


Macan, Patt.


Macan, Robert


Macan, Rose


Macan, Terence


Macan, Terence


Macan, Thomas


Macan, Thomas


Macan, Widow


Maclure, Judith


Magahan, Charles


Magahan, Hugh


Magahan, Patt.


Magee, Lawrence


Magee, Patt.


Magennis, John


Magennis, Peter


Magill, Charles


Magill, Daniel


Magill, James


Magill, Joseph


Magill, Owen


Magill, Owen


Magill, Patt.


Magill, Patt.


Magill, Peter


Magill, Thomas


Magill, Widow


Magin, Roger


Maginn, Roger


Magowan, Samuel


Magowan, Widow


Maguigan, Brian


Maguigan, Daniel


Maguigan, Thomas


Maguire, Constantine


Maguire, Michael


Mahohn, Lawrence


Maholin, David


Martin, Bryan


Martin, Margaret


Martin, Mathew


Martin, Owen


Martin, Owen


Martin, Owen


Mathews, Owen


Mathews, Patt.


Mawhertie, Hugh


McAleavy, Hugh


McAleavy, John


McAleavy, Terence


McAlevy, Brian


McAlevy, Brien


McAlevy, Charles


McAlevy, Hugh


McAlevy, James


McAlevy, John


McAlevy, Pat


McAlevy, Patt.


McAlevy, Peter


McAlevy, Terence


McAlevy, Terence


McAnulty, Michael


McArdle, Pat


McArdle, Patt.


McArdle, Widow


McCan, Brian


McCann, Arthur


McCann, Brian


McCann, Hugh


McCann, John


McCann, Owen


McCann, Peter


McCann, Thomas


McCann, Thomas


McCann, Thomas


McCann, Tole


McCartney, George


McClean, John


McConvil, Felix


McConvil, Hugh


McConvil, Michael


McConvil, Owen


McConvil, Widow




McCormick, John


McCormick, John


McCormick, Widow


McCourt, Catherine


McCourt, Michael


McCourt, Pat


McCourt, Patt.


McCourt, Peter


McCourt, Thomas




McCoy, Brian


McCoy, Bryan


McCoy, Daniel


McCoy, Denis


McCoy, Edward


McCoy, Felix


McCoy, Felix


McCoy, Francis


McCoy, James


McCoy, James


McCoy, John


McCoy, John


McCoy, John, Sr.


McCoy, Lawrence


McCoy, Mary


McCoy, Mathew


McCoy, Michael


McCoy, Michael


McCoy, Owen


McCoy, Owen


McCoy, Owen


McCoy, Patrick


McCoy, Patt.


McCoy, Patt.


McCoy, Thomas


McCoy, Thomas


McCoy, Widow


McCram, Bryan


McCreesh, Andrew


McCreesh, Bryan


McCreish, Brian


McCreish, James


McCreish, Owen


McCreish, Widow


McCullaugh, Charles


McDermot, John


McDermot, Patt.


McDermot, Peter


McDonnel, Patt.


McDonnell, Charles


McDonnell, Francis


McDonnell, James


McDonnell, Joseph


McElroy, John


McElroy, Owen


McElroy, Peter


McElroy, Peter


McElroy, Stephen


McElroy, Stephen


McElroy, Thomas


McEnteggart, James


McFarland, Felix


McGainy, Hugh


McGairy, Thomas


McGeough, Arthur


McGeough, Brian


McGeough, Edward


McGeough, Francis


McGeough, James


McGeough, John


McGeough, Michael


McGeough, Patt.


McGeough, Patt.


McGeough, Peter


McGeough, W. Bond


McGill, Owen


McGinn, Roger


McGlade, Daniel


McGlade, Edward


McGlade, Francis


McGlade, Francis, Jr.


McGlade, Francis, Sr.


McGlade, Laurence


McGlade, Michael


McGlade, Michael, Jr.


McGlade, Michael, Sr.


McGlade, Miles


McGlade, Owen


McGlade, Owen


McGlade, Patt.


McGlade, Patt.


McGlade, Patt., Jr.


McGlade, Patt., Sr.


McGlade, Widow


McKee, James


McKenna, Peter


McKeown, Bernard


McKeown, Lawrence


McKeown, Michl.


McKeown, Widow


McKeowne, Arthur


McKeowne, Peter


McKinly, Brian


McKinly, Brian


McKinly, Bryan


McKinly, Daniel


McKinly, David


McKinly, Francis


McKinly, James


McKinly, John


McKinly, Michael


McLoughlin, John


McLoughlin, Patt.


McLoughlin, Peter


McLoughlin, Thomas


McLoughlin, Widow


McManus, Arthur


McManus, Felix


McNamee, David


McNamee, Martin


McNamee, Mathew


McNamee, Michael


McNamee, Owen


McNamee, Patt.


McNamee, Thomas, Jr.


McNamee, Thomas, Sr.


McNamee, Widow


McNeal, Arthur


McNeal, Daniel


McNeal, Hugh


McNeal, James


McNeal, Neal


McNeal, Patt.


McNeal, Terence


McNeale, Archy.


McNeill, Daniel


McParland, Cormick


McParland, Edward


McParland, Felix


McParland, Felix


McParland, Henry


McParland, John


McParland, Joseph


McParland, Michael


McParland, Michael


McParland, Michl.


McParland, Patrick


McParland, Patt.


McParland, Patt.


McParland, Patt.


McParland, Peter


McParland, Terence


McParland, Widow


McParland, Widow


McPartland, Bryan


McPartland, Edward


McPartland, Owen


McPartland, Thos.


McShane, Henry


McShane, James


McShane, John


McShane, Owen


McShane, Patt.


McVerry, Brian


McVerry, Dennis


McVerry, James


McVerry, John


McVerry, Lawrence


McVerry, Owen


McVerry, Peter


McVerry, Thomas


McVerry, Widow


McVey, Denis


McVey, Michael


McVey, Patt.


McVey, Terence


Mealin, Widow


Meehan, Francis


Moan, John


Moan, Thomas


Moan, Thomas


Monaghan, Owen


Montgomery, Alexander


Mooney, Hugh


Mooney, Owen


Mooney, Patt.


Morgan, Francis


Morgan, Neal


Morgan, Patt.


Morgan, Peter


Morgan, Peter


Morgan, Sarah


Morgan, Terence


Morgan, Terence


Morgan, Thomas


Morgan, Thomas


Morgan, Thomas


Morgan, Thomas


Morres, Charles


Moulin, Thomas


Mucan, Arthur


Mucan, John


Mucan, Neal


Mucan, Tole


Muckian, Arthur


Muckian, James


Mulholland, Arthur


Mulholm, Michael


Mullaghan, Widow


Mullan, Francis


Mullan, John


Mullan, Lawrence


Mullan, Michael


Mullan, Owen


Mullan, Owen, Jr.


Mullan, Owen, Sr.


Mullan, Patt.


Mullan, Widow


Mullholland, Owen


Mullin, Patt.




Murdock, Archibald


Murdock, Archibald


Murdock, Charles


Murdock, James




Murphy, Anthony


Murphy, Arthur


Murphy, Barney


Murphy, Bernard


Murphy, Brain


Murphy, Brian


Murphy, Brian


Murphy, Brien


Murphy, Bryan


Murphy, Charles


Murphy, Charles


Murphy, Charles


Murphy, Charles


Murphy, Cormac


Murphy, Edward


Murphy, Edward


Murphy, Edward


Murphy, Elizabeth


Murphy, Felix


Murphy, Felix


Murphy, Francis


Murphy, Francis


Murphy, Frans.


Murphy, George


Murphy, Hugh


Murphy, Hugh


Murphy, James


Murphy, James


Murphy, James


Murphy, James


Murphy, James


Murphy, James


Murphy, James


Murphy, John


Murphy, John


Murphy, John


Murphy, John


Murphy, John


Murphy, Jonneily


Murphy, Lawrence


Murphy, Lawrence


Murphy, Mathew


Murphy, Mathew


Murphy, Michael


Murphy, Michael


Murphy, Michael


Murphy, Michael


Murphy, Michael


Murphy, Michl.


Murphy, Michl.


Murphy, Owen


Murphy, Owen


Murphy, Owen


Murphy, Owen


Murphy, Owen


Murphy, Owen


Murphy, Patrick


Murphy, Patt.


Murphy, Patt.


Murphy, Patt.


Murphy, Patt.


Murphy, Patt.


Murphy, Patt.


Murphy, Patt.


Murphy, Patt.


Murphy, Paul


Murphy, Peter


Murphy, Peter


Murphy, Peter


Murphy, Peter


Murphy, Peter


Murphy, Peter, Jr.


Murphy, Peter, Sr.


Murphy, Robert


Murphy, Rose


Murphy, Terence


Murphy, Terence


Murphy, Thomas


Murphy, Thomas


Murphy, Thomas


Murphy, Thomas


Murphy, Thomas


Murphy, Widow


Murphy, Widow


Murphy, Widow


Murphy, Widow


Murtaugh, Patt.


Murtaugh, Widow


Neal, Henry


Neill, James


Neill, John


Nugent, Francis


Nugent, James


Nugent, James


Nugent, James


Nugent, James, Jr.


Nugent, Thomas


Ogle, Colonel


Ogle, Mrs.


Ogle, Colonel


Ogle, Mrs.


Ogle, Mrs.


Ogle, Mrs.


Ogle, Col.


Ogle, Mrs.


Ogle, Colonel


Ogle, Mrs.


Ogle, Mrs. Bog


Ogle, Coll.


Ogle, William


Ogle, Wm.


Ogle, Wm.


Ogle, Wm.


Ogle, Wm.


O'Hare, John


O'Hare, Terence


O'Hare, Thomas


O'Neal, Arthur


O'Neal, Brian


O'Neal, Henry


O'Neal, John


O'Neal, Terence


O'Neill, Brian


O'Neill, Bryan


O'Neill, Charles


O'Neill, Henry


O'Neill, Owen


O'Neill, Terence


Pier, Bryan


Pier, Edwd.


Pier, James


Pier, Michael


Pier, Owen


Pier, Patt.


Quigly, Michael


Quigly, Thomas


Quigly, Widow


Quigly, Widow


Quillan, Brian


Quin, Brian


Quin, Bryan


Quin, Bryan


Quin, Christopher


Quin, Daniel


Quin, Edwd.


Quin, Hugh


Quin, James


Quin, John


Quin, John


Quin, Michael


Quin, Neal


Quin, Owen


Quin, Patt.


Quin, Widow


Quin, Widow


Quin, William


Raverty, Charles


Raverty, Cormick


Raverty, Francis


Raverty, Lawrence


Raverty, Owen


Raverty, Patt.


Raverty, Patt.


Reed, John


Reed, Patt.


Reed, Patt.


Rice, Daniel


Rice, Edward


Rice, John


Robinson, George


Ronaghan, Michael


Ronaghan, Owen


Ronaghan, Patt.


Ronaghan, Terence


Rooney, James


Rooney, Patt.


Sally, Neal


Sheavlin, Widow


Sheny, Michael


Shevlin, Michael


Shevlin, Owen


Shiels, James


Shiels, Patt.


Small, Patt.




Smith, Bernard


Smith, Edward


Smith, Henry


Smith, James


Smith, Jonathon


Smith, Mathew


Smith, Michael


Smith, Patt.


Smith, Patt.


Smith, Patt.


Smith, Patt.


Smith, Thomas


Smith, William


Stanly, Patt.


Tennon, James


Tiernan, James


Tiernan, Owen


Tiernan, Owen


Tiernan, Terence


Tierney, Brian


Tierney, Michael


Tierney, Patt.


Toal, Edward


Toal, John


Toal, Patt.


Toal, Richard


Toal, Widow


Tole, Daniel


Tole, James


Tole, John


Tole, John


Tole, Patt.


Tole, Thomas


Tole, Widow


Tole, Widow


Tomany, Felix


Toner, Patt.


Toner, Stephen


Tuft, David


Tuft, Francis


Tuft, Robert


Tuft, Thomas


Tuft, William


Verry, Patt.


Waid, Thomas


Ward, Anne


Ward, Bridget


Ward, Catherine


Ward, John


Watters, James


Wier, David


Wier, Joseph


Woods, Widow





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