Ulster AncestryUlster Ancestry

Clergy of the Laggan Presbytery

The Presbytery of Laggan : centered on County Donegal

 During the time of the Laggan Presbytery was in being, the following congregations were under its care and ministered to by the men whose names are here given.

The figures indicate the years over which their pastorates extended.


Taboyn/Taughboyne {aka Monreagh Presbyterian}

Robert Cunningham 1644-1654

John Hart 1655-1685

Neil Gray 1689-1714

William Gray {assistant} 1699-1721



Hugh Cunningham 1647-1661

Robert Campbell 1671-1722



Robert Craghead 1658-1690

Joshua Fisher 1694-1706


Lifford aka Ballindrait

William Trail 1672-1682

John Rowatt 168* -1694

James Pringle 1695-1699


Raphoe aka Convoy

John Crookshanks 1665

Samuel Halliday 1664-1677

James Alexander 1678-1704



William Hempton 1673-1688

Andrew Ferguson 1690-1725



William Semple 1647-1674

William Liston 1677-1695



Thomas Drummond 1654-168*

Seth Drummond 1696-1740



Samuel Halliday 1664-1688

James Maxwell 1699-1750

John Rowatt was minister of Cappagh Omagh 1672-1682


Ardstra aka Ardstraw

William Moorecroft  *****

Adam White 1672-1692

Samuel Halliday 1692-1724



James Wallace 1654-1674

David Brown 1677-1688

William Holmes 1696-1734



William Keys ******

Robert Wilson 1659-1689

William Holmes 1692-1715



Adam White 1654-1672



Robert Rule 1672-1688

Robert Craghead 1690-1711



John Will 1654-1679

James Gordon 1692

John Harvey 1696-1731


Donaghadey aka Donagheady/Donaghhedy

John Hamilton 1658-1688

Thomas Winsley 1699-1736



James Taylor 1675-1681

Robert Kelso ****

John McGuachin 1695-1720


Donegal and Ballyshannon

William Henry 1674-1681

Thomas Craghead 1698-1714



Samuel Henry 1695-1727


Moywater aka Killala

James Pringle 1700-1707


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