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Census of Laghy Church of IrelandLAGHEY 1901 CENSUS LAGHY PARISH CHURCH OF IRELAND Transcibed by Margaret GrahamLaghyJoseph McCLAY [60] and Margaret Freeborn [50]Kate [22] Bella, [19] James Arthur [17] and Robert [14]
James McCLAY [48] [Mother Rebecca Stewart] and Elias Hammond [52] Lizzie [23] Maggie Jane [20] Rebecca [17] and James [12] Eliza Jane Hammond [4][Niece]
Adam McLAY [53] and Euphemia Harron [39] Shopkeeper.William Edward [15] son Samuel Chism [17] servant [William Edward is also recorded in the home of Andrew McIntyre [36] Cashelard and his wife Emily [31] and Andrews mother Jane nee Magee [78]
Mary COLLINS [67] widow of Hazlett Collins and her son Hazlett. [25]
Fanny McLAY [65] dressmaker, sister of Adam McLay.
Jane STEWART [73] and her daughter Kate [33]
Dr James COLLINS [44] and his wife Harriet. [40] Newton H [11] and Gladys H. [7] son and daughter. Mary Shannon [33] servant.
William J ROBINSON [35] born Co Tyrone and Martha Scott [33]Rebecca [11] Mary Ann [9] William J [7] Martha Jane [5] Lizzie [3] Robert [2] and Fanny. [1month Married Willie Curry]
Francis ELLIOTT [56] Blacksmith and Liza Graham [50] John [23] married E Barnett. William [21] and Sarah [19]
Adam McCLAY [65] and Elizabeth Graham [64]James [30] NM Adam A [25] Carpenter, married Lizzie McClay, Alexander Hammond [boarder] [23]
John McMURRY [64] and Margaret [66]
William [87] and Bella SCOTT. [44]?
Maggie J McCOLLUM [32] married and Esther JOHNSTON [38][sisters] spirit dealer.
Andrew [49] NM and John McCLAY [47] NM [brothers]
Catherine THOMPSON [52][widow] Jane [26] George [24] Thomas H [16] Matthew [13] and Andrew [10].
Adam STEWART [47] [grocer] and Isabella nee Gregory [47] [teacher] Lilly [17] married Charles Johnston Tullybrook and Bell J [15]
Mary Jane McCLAY [widow] [60] Mary [35] NM and Lisa. [30] Daughters. Susan Galbraith [50] NM boarder. Catherine Kilpatrick [46] Methodist. Boarder NM
Andrew McCLAY [40] and Fanny McIntyre [40] Ann Jane or Jenny [8] Margaret E [6] married J Thompson. Andrew [2] died 7/5/1902 John McClay [24] visitor [solicitors clerk]
Mary GRAHAM [50][dispensary poster]
Robert Graham [56] widower James Kee [30] son-in-law and Margaret Kee [28] nee
Graham, parents of Annie Kee Fawcett. Robert Kee 2 and William 1 month.
James Harron [62] Widower Carpenter. Lizzie J. [22] seamstress, daughter married Irwin, George [21] carpenter son, and Willie J [9] son.
John Scott [56] grocer and Mary Ann Johnston [52]
William Scott [70] MN and his sister Rebecca [60] NM
James Scott [70] widower.
Mary Graham [80] widow
Andrew Freeborn [84] and Anne [74] wife, born Co Down, aunt to Anna M. Mahood
John Graham [47] and Sarah Scott [36]
Robert Maxwell [46] and Fanny Torrens servant. [NA]
Mary Ann Kee [70] nee Kee
William Kee [60] and Susan Davis [60]
James Johnston [50] and Elizabeth Maxwell [43]
Thomas Johnston FARRELL [40] [Farmer and Surveyor] and Maria Alice Mahood [36] who was born in Co Down. Andrew David [16] married in Arlington Mass. Annie Ellie [14] married in Arlington. Robert [11] John [9] married Kathleen Colvin of Glasbolie. Emily [3] married James Henry McClay Gardrim [Moyne] Laghy.
Ellen HOLMES. [58] NM Daughter of Richard Holmes and sister of John Holmes and cousin of the Browne Family Rathneeny.
Anne CALDWELL [73] widow from Co Tyrone and her daughter Mary Jane [39]
William James COCHRANE [65] [Rector of Laghy] Born Co Tyrone and Minnie. [63] Born Co Down. Albert Edward [son] [27] student of theology, born Co Fermanagh. Mary Ann Love [servant] [29] NM.
Audley BROWNE [49] and Margaret Young [40] Maggie born Castlederg Co Tyrone. Sarah Adelaide [9] married Robert Wray. Robert Audley [8] married Margaret Hemple. William John [6] married Florrie Barnett, Rockhill, George Alexander [5] married Florence Scott. Mary Evelyn Ellen [2] married Hammy McClay. Margaret Louisa Jane [1] married Richard Graham. George McAdams [36] RC [servant] Also Herbert 1901 married in Scotland.
William [53] and Eliza FARRELL [54] and Ellen Bell. [18] [Presb]
William BROWNE [59] and Mary Ann Farrell [62] daughter of James Farrell and Jane Magee. Mary Ann [25] married Samuel Browne Golard. Catherine [21] and Audley [18] married Euphemia Browne, Derries in America. Also Ellen, Prudence, Catherine and Joseph who all emigrated to America, Woburn and Boston area. Ellen Jane [15] [died a short time later] and Sarah Ann Farrell [18]. Married Harron. [Nieces] Daughters of Robert and Ellen Farrell. RATHNEENY EAST.
Alexander SCOTT [70] and Elizabeth Johnston [64] Andrew McCLAY [40] son-in-law and Mary Scott [39] Daughter of above. Alexander [13] married Mary Dinsmore] Eliza Jane [12] married W. Clarke. Adam Arthur [8] married Spear. Hamilton [5] married Evelyn [Effie] Browne. Jane H [3] Alfred [1] Isabella [9] and Baby [2 hours old] McClay. Grandchildren
Joseph GRAHAM [50] and his sister Eliza Ellen. [46]
John GRAHAM [62] TULLY Jane [30] NM and Alexander [[22] Robert Moore [10] servant
Robert LOVE [43] and Anne Scott [35] Robert John [15] Emma Jane [12] Lizzie [7] and Alexander. [13 months]
David [64] born Co Tyrone and Ann Jane ERWIN [48] James [20] born Co Durham. Andrew. [16] David J Erwin [22] this was crossed out. Born Co Armagh.
Jane McCLAY [widow] [70] Mary [44] Jane [41] Bella [33]. Daughters.
James McCLAY [widower] [60] WifeCatherine Harron John [17] Elizabeth [16] and Sarah. [9]
William HAMMOND [64] and Jane [Boyle] [49] Willie [19] and Robert. [18]
Samuel McMURRY [widower][64] wife Hannah Crawford. John [27] married Thompson. Samuel Thompson [23] married Harron; Annie [21] married James McClay in Scotland. Rebecca [20] married John McClay. And Fredrick [18] NM
William SCOTT [45] and Fanny [McClay] [47] Elizabeth [24] Fanny Belle [21] Robert John, [17] William James, [13] Alexander [11] Samuel [8] George [4?] and Andrew [5]
Mary Ann [51] Elizabeth [44] and Margaret McCLAY. [39][Sisters]
Andrew McCLAY [44]
William ELLIOTT [38] married Annabella McClay. John married Harron [30] Eliza [28] and Ellen [26] married Mervyn Harron. [Brothers and sisters]
James [64] and Annie GRAHAM. [60] James [postman] [30] NM Kate [23] Richard [20] and Grey [brother] 65.
TRUMMON WESTAnn Colvin widow [75]Robert [45] son and Mary [40] daughter NM
Elizabeth JOHNSTON [36] Meth Euphemia [33] and Jane JOHNSTON [29] [sisters]
Thomas McCLAY [54] and Sarah [Hammond] 48] Methodists. Minnie [17] NM Samuel Henry [16] Adam [15] Violet [14] NM Thomas John [12] Maggie Jane [9] NM and Robert Edward [3]
Robert HARRON [35] [married Jane Stinson.] Femmy Kilpatrick [60] mother Fanny Mahon [niece] 15 Mervyn Harron [brother] [30]
Michael [65] and Bessie COLVIN [65] Jane Hazlett [83] lodger
Robert PATTERSON [58] and Susan McClure [57] Samuel [18] and Chrissie. [16] Richard Harron [3] and Jennie Harron [26] visitors
Anne PATTERSON [60] Thomas Kirkpatrick [son] 26
Andrew HARRON [54] and Eliza Holmes [52] Mary [24] Robert [22] married Graham. Alexander [20] married Graham. Carrie [18] married Griffith. William [16] married Morrow and Maggie [14] married Harron.
James HAMILTON [54] NM Eliza Ann Roberts [sister] [68] widow. Mary Jane Moore [niece] [34] Methodist. Married, born England Eveline E, Moore [grandniece] [5] Methodist. Born Scotland.Hamilton [4] and Charles Moore [11months] [grandnephews] Edith Arnold [18] James Johnston [26] and Mary Moore [19]. [servants]
Robert HARRON [60] and Elizabeth McClay [46] Fanny Jane, [[15] Thomas John [13] Robert [11] and Andrew [9]
Alexander KIRKPATRICK [42] NM Elizabeth [44] and Maggie. [30] [Sisters] Both NM Elizabeth Morrow [5] visitor
CARRICK EAST. James COLGAN [35] NM Elizabeth [Mother] [60] widow William [60] NM and Grace Hamilton [50] NM [Aunt and uncle]
Mary McCLAY [80] widow Andrew [son] 40 and Margaret nee McClay [daughter-in-law] [30]
James McCLAY [55] and Bella nee McClay [50] John [15] son
Robert SMITH widower [60] Born Co Fermanagh Lizzie [daughter] 24 Born Scotland NMSarah Diver [20] and Alexander Harron [22] [servants]
Margaret McCLAY widow of Andrew McClay [51] [Under the Ault] James [26] Shop Assistant married Annie McMurry. Andrew [24] William [21] Margaret [18] Elizabeth [16] Ettie [13] Joseph [10] Bella [7] and Robert. [4] James McClay [brother-in-law] 60 Caroline Griffith McClay Daughter-in-law [24] widow of Johnny McClay.John [2] born Co Antrim and Carrie [11][grandchildren]
CARRICK WEST. Charles HERRON [60] NM Catherine McLay [57] married and Elizabeth Herron [40][sisters] NM
Jane HARRON Widow [53] William [19] and Elizabeth [15] William Currie [21] servant. Later sexton of Laghy Church for many years.
Andrew HARRON [61] NM George Graham [nephew] [32] married Margaret Graham [niece][30] married James Graham [25] visitor carpenter born Co Fermanagh.
Henry HARRON widower [58] Wife Thomas [20] Ellen Jane [18] Margaret [16] Catherine [14] and Alexander. [13] Married Mary Harron.
Robert HARRON [44] and Ellin [Harron] [46] Mary, [12] married Scott. Robert [10] Alexander [9] Annabella McClay. William [7] married Martha Mills. Annabella [6] and Ellen [3].
William [65] and Hannah CARSON. [67][Brother and sister] NM
Robert HARRON [67] and Ellen Harron. [66]
John HARRON [70] and Maggie McClay [60] Jane [30] NM Andrew [28] married Susan Scott. James [26] and Elizabeth Ellen [23] married Robert Graham.
TULLYEARLCharles GRAHAM [29] NMRebecca Stewart [aunt] [79] NM Samuel [44] and Hugh Graham [33] brothers NM
Margaret CRAWFORD [55] Presby.
Hugh CRAWFORD [73] NM Sarah [85] and Jane [57] sisters NM
Samuel MILLER [51?] Margaret [sister] 38 NM
William [50] and Ellen WHITE [45] Catherine 65 [mother] widow and Lizzie [sister] 45 NM
William LYNN [54] NM Mary Jane [57] Eliza [55] and Anne [sisters] James [brother] [40] all unmarried Susan Millar [niece] 13
William [75] and Catherine GRAHAM Sarah [28] Bella [26] Thomas J [24] Maggie [22] and Edward [20]
David [58] and Jane GRAHAM [57] Hannah [32] Rebecca [29] Francis [21] Isabella [17] and David [14]
William [50] and Susan MILLER [45] Francis [12] [Married Margaret Jane Love. Woburn] Lucy [10]
Thomas HAMMOND [19] Jane [mother] [45] Ann Thompson [grandmother] 70 Frances M Hammond [15] [and Joseph Hammond [10][brother and sister to Thomas] Born America.
Mary Ann WHITE. [60] Robert [son] [19] NM
Jane GRAHAM nee Magee [widow] [61] Sarah Ann [27] Lizzie [24] Jane [21] and William J. [17]
Lewis GRAHAM [19] Margaret [20] Rebecca [17[Ellen [15] married George Farrell and Edith Graham [14] <SPAN lang=EN
James BUSTARD widower [76]
Lizzie [28] Letitia [24] married Sam Graham. Fanny [19] married J Dobbins Woburn
James [54] MAGEE and Mary/Rebecca Jane Graham [65]
Charles Louis [23] NM
Anne GRAHAM widow [79]
Charles [37] married Hannah Graham Tullyearl.
James [65] and Eliza ELLIS [60]
Henry Graham [88] and Jane Coleman [78]
Henry [son] 36 and Maggie Abraham [30] d-in-l
James [4] Maggie Jane [3] Lizzie [2] and Sarah Ann [11 months] [grandchildren]
James MAHON [40] and Lizzie [wife] [41] Cassie [12] Lizzie [10] Sarah [7] William James [6] and Andrew [4].
Thomas ELLIOTT [58] and Fanny Stewart [50]
Kate [27] Elizabeth [25] Andrew [22] married Sarah Graham Winchester. Thomas
[19] William [12] married Greta White. Thomas Stewart. [Father-in-law]
Isabella ELLIOTT [53] nee Graham [widow] husband James Elliott.
Jane [30] USA Robert [28] Kate [26] John [24] USA and James. [20] USA.
Francis [son] 28 and Mary [D-in-L] 26 William Albert [ [19] Maggie E 17] Hanames
[5] and Mary [32] GRAHAM. [Methodist] Brother and
James JOHNSTON [79] and Jane nee Bustard [72]
James 35 [father to James married Greta Given
David. 23
Francis [54] and Maggie [51] GRAHAM
Andrew KIRKPATRICK [47] and Mary Ann [Love] [48]
Maggie [22] married Gilbert Wray
Bell [19] married John Joseph Wray.
Mary Ann [17] married Charles Scott Ballikallone.
Andrew [15] NM
William [7] married Mary Burke]
Joseph. [5]
Andrew SCOTT [59] and Jane SCOTT. [61][Brother and sister] Children of Robert
and Mary Scott.
Elizabeth PEARSON [70][widow] Methodist.
Thomas [35] NM
George [32] NM Father to Elizabeth Pearson Farrell.
Andrew [75] and Ellen [72] SCOTT.
William SCOTT [63] and Margaret [Lynn] [58]
Margaret Scott [sister] [72]
Edward [19] and Andrew [17] married Cassie Pearson [sons]
Mary Ann SCOTT nee Scott [65] widow
Robert [38] married Leslie
Alexander [34] Sarah [30] Lizzie [25] Rebecca Jane [20]
Willie Love grandson [5] married Matilda Corrigan and father to Bobby Love
Robert SCOTT [30] and Margaret [26] [Wray] Daughter of Gilbert Wray and Eliza
Robert Andrew [5] married Mabel Graham, daughter of Joseph Graham and Bella
Eliza Jane [3] married Joseph Edgar, son of Robert Edgar and Mary Wray [her
Susan J Scott [widow 44]
George [22] Robert [18] married Elizabeth Harron. Bella [16] Cassie [13] and
Mary E [12]
William ABRAHAM [widower 66]
Eliza Ann [25] NM and James [21] NM
Alexander SCOTT [70]
Fanny McCrea [servant]
Robert [68] and Mary Jane SCOTT [64]
Elizabeth SCOTT [widow] [72]
John [41] Willie [34] Lizzie [50] Mary Ann [36] and William J. nephew
Robert WHITE widower [60] married to Stephenson.
Samuel [36] William [32] married Susan Thompson Rebecca [27] NM Emily [25] John
[23] NM and Ruth [18] NM
Robert BUSTARD [65] and Maggie Anne Gervis [48] [Butt Bustards related to
Hugh White]
William James [20] married McNeely
Mary Jane [22] married John Stewart of Drimconner.
Robert [18] Andrew [16] Arthur [14] Philadelphia had a Bus Company.
Alexander [14] Philadelphia. John George [11] Philadelphia. Maggie
[9] Walter. [5] Philadelphia.
Rachael BUSTARD nee Graham [widow] [82]
Richard [50] NM and William [48] [sons] Sarah Maxwell granddaughter, born
Hugh WHITE widower [Sub. Sanitary Officer] [73]
William [son] [30]
Rebecca nee Scott [daughter in law] [26]
Hugh [grandson] [1] married 1st Elizabeth McClay and 2nd
Sarah Frances Wray.
Joseph LITTLE [60] NM
Margaret Stewart [sister] [80] widow.
Elizabeth FREEBORN [92] knitter NM
Richard [58] FREEBORN and Lucinda Stevenson
Arthur [27] [deaf and dumb] Mary Ann. [23] both not married.
William KERRIGAN [60] and Hannah Graham [39]
James [18] [m] Rebecca Graham, Hannah 16 [m] Harvey Rushton, Arthur [14] [m]
Margaret Dobbins and William [12] [m] Elizabeth Graham
John LOWRY [49] and Mary Farrell [33]
William [9] John [3] married Mary Morrow, Clar [Phil] Thomas [1]
Arthur GRAHAM and Sarah Ann Johnston.
Arthur Johnston [10] Elizabeth [7] Sarah Ann [3] and Annie Jane [1] Mary born
John GRAHAM [63] and Catherine Colvin [53]
James [27] married Ellen Freeborn] John [25] Maggie [21] married George Spence.
Robert [18] Bella [15] Andrew [12] and Cassie [9]
John WRAY [40] and Anne Graham [33] [carpenter] Sarah A [14] Robert [11] married Sarah Adelaide Browne. William [10] James F [7] John Joseph [6] Maudie E. Wray [3] niece. Born in America.
James HARRON [47] and Kezia Mahon [32]
F. Samuel [24] B. Jane [20] C. Ellen [10] J. Henry [8] Mervyns D [6] Kezia
J [4]
John GRAHAM [61] and Rachael Graham [59] Born Co Antrim
William John [34] NM Florence Elizabeth [24].
Robert Rutherford [servant] [62] NM Mary Ann Friel [servant] [19] RC James
Ellis [servant aged 71] Married
Census is not complete. Part of Cully Townland and the Johnstons of Tullybrook
are not included. These records were taken from copies made by Margery Carlson
in Woburn. U.S.A. and added to by Margaret Graham.
Margery Carlson was a descendant of Henry Graham and Jane Coleman, Screen and of
the Hammond???s, Drumholm. She was a dedicated amateur genealogist and recorded
many of the families from Laghy and Drumholm Parishes.
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