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18th century emigrants from Newry

22nd October 1765

Belfast Newsletter

Publick Notice

We whose names are here-unto subscribed, being passengers of Mr. John Eccles merchant of Newry in the ship Snow Buchanon from said town of Newry to New York in the Americas.

We do hereby acquaint our friends in Ireland, that we have all arrived safe and well in

New York in eight weeks and six days .

During which voyage we must in common justice to Mr Eccles, acknowledge that he was very obliging and careful of every passenger, and gave us abundance of good provisions and water, and did every other thing in his power to make our to make our passage comfortable:

 We therefore sincerely recommend it to our friends who may have an inclination to come to this country where religious freedom reigns to come with him should he set up for that way  not doubting but they will experience his care and good nature as much as we have done, and we acknowledge that Captain Cochran behaved to us very kindly. 

Given under our hands, at New York, this day the 24th August 1765.

Joseph Shakelton           Neal McKanna                     James Anderson

John Lockhart                Edward Keeran                    William Armstrong

Niel Hardy                  Benjamin. Dias                      John Hanna

Sarah Lockhart               Mick Carolan                       George McAdam

Hannah Stuart                John Maginis                        James Blackwood

John North                     James Osburne                     Nesbitt Deane

John Hall                        John Kearns                         John Williamson

Richard Barlow              Ezkanah Deane                     John Montgomery

William Field                 William Deane                     William Pearson

David Clark                   Thomas North                      Allen Wilson

Thomas Clark                 Thomas Wier                        John Cochrane

John Reynolds               John McMahon                    Andrew Robinson

William Reynolds          Thomas Blakeney                 Walter Crawford

Mark Brady                    William McChesney             Robert Wiley

Patrick Mooney              Adam McColloch 



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