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Church Wardens Enniskillen Parish
NOTE.—Until 1832 one Churchwarden was chosen for the
Corporation and the other for the Parish at large—i.e., the
Country part. From 1832 to 1867 two were elected for the town and two for
the country. In 1868 only one is mentioned for the
country ; and from 1869 the names represent the present smaller
Parish. I. and E. stand for Inniskilling, and Enniskillen. Churchwardens before 1773 are taken from the Par. Register in the Public Record Office, Dublin those in italics being added from a list in Vestry Book No. 2, which was evidently made before some of the missing leaves in the old Register disappeared.
1666—John Johnston.
Thomas Hermiston.
I667—Alexander Newman.
William Peebles.
1668—John Deane.
John Priscott.
In ye room of John Deane above mentioned there was chosen Churchwarden
Philip Browning in behalfe of ye
1669—Philip Browning.
John Priscott.
1670-1—Robert Clarke.
Richard Scarlett.
1672—John How.
John ffrith.
1673—Christopher Martin.
John Moore (ffalls).
1674—James Corry the elder, David Rynd the younger (I).
James Corry possibly died this year, for Patk. Attwell
took his place as Churchwarden. Vestry Minutes of 23
ffeb., 1675: " Taken account of David Rynd and Patrick Attwell ye Churchwardens
for ye last year.
1675—Thomas Pickrin (I).
John Scarlett, jun. (Ring).
1676—William Palfrey.
James Spence.
1677—Thomas Shore.
James Spence.
1678—The record of this Easter Vestry is almost illegible. In
the place where Wardens are usually mentioned it reads : " nominate and appoint
Cornelius Donelan and Robert
farguerson." Vestry Book No. 2 gives
Thomas Shore and
James Spence.
1679—William Browning.
Robert Allen (Aghaward).
Cottington (see George Annan. p.
16o). Vestry Book No. 2 gives same as in 1679
John Sceil (?) John Sealy (Brendrum).
Thomas Dunbar.
1683—James Corry (Castlecoole) Thomas Dunbar (I).
James Ewart (I).
Allen Cathcart.
1686—Alex. Forker.
Robert Ferguson.
1687—James Johnston.
William Campbell.
Mat. Lindsay.
1691—John Hall.
1692-3—John Nixon.
1694—Wm. Ferguson.
1695—Richard Evott.
1697—Wm. Ball, mercht. (I).
Wm. Little (Edenmore).
1698—Paul Dane.
James Crozier (Coolcranagh).
1699—Paul Dean.
Andrew ffalles (Emberew).
1700—Capt. Robert Clarke.
Thomas Kiers (flails)
1701— Do.
Thomas Keir.
1702—Win. Roscrow (I).
John Johnston (Killywill)
Andrew Irwin (Carrinigiltagh).
I704—Thomas fforchar (I). Josias Armstrong
1705—Wm. Roscrow (I).
Philip Hoe (Letterbaily).
" Philip Hoe having made it appear before ye
Lord Bishop of Clogher that he is a
very poore man and not worth ten shill, in ye world, consequently not fit to be
chosen Churchwarden, it is therefore now enacted that
Crow, of Tullehullagh is chosen " in his room.
Thomas Crow.
Robert Armstrong (Killee).
Wm. Haw (Cullin)
James Rutlege (Clabby).
Edward Barton (Aghaward). John
John Rutlege (Lurganclabby).
James Betty, sen. (Drumderge).
Wm. Ruttledge (Tyralton). James Hogg
William Cluff (Ratoran).
Jas. Armstrong (Moysnaght).
James Beath, jun. (Drumderig).
Jas. Armstrong (Brackagh). Wm.
Moffit (Carngert).
James Johnston (Shancho).
Thos. Armstrong (Moysnaght).
A. D.
I 681—James Euart.
Wm. Foster.
Wm. Pal/ree. Patrick Huey. Wm.
1706—W112. Roscrow.
17o7-8--Robert Shore (Derri'7°9—
Do. [carrow).
1722—James Clarke (E).
1723—John Cathcart (E). 1724-5—Wm. Gibb (E).
1726—Robt. Elliot, mercht.,living at the corner of
the Market (E).
1727— Do.
1728--John Cue, jun. (E).
Stewart. I730—Richard Surphlet.
1731—Thos. Roscrow.
1732—John Dane (Killyhevlin )•
1733—Thomas Magee.
1734—James Armstrong (I).
1735—William Smith (I).
1736—James Hall (I).
1738—William Hazlet (I).
1739—Alex. Clarke (I).
1741—George Reed (E).
I742—George Reid. 1743— Do. 1744—Thomas Oliver. 1745—William Peebles. 1746—John Ball. I747—Wm. Campbell. 1748—Samuel Moore. 1749— Do.
Do. 1751—Robert Adams. 1752—William Spear. 1753—Robert Johnston (E). 1754—Alexr. Ross. 1755—John Deeryn. 1756—Wm. Cue. 1757—Christopher West. 1758—Philip Mulligan. I759—John Hinds. 1760—James Thompson (E). I 761—Edward Crook.
1762—Arthur Johnston (E). I763—Michael Swettenham. 1764—George Clark. I765—John Attwell. 1766—Robert Soden (E). 1767—Thomas Quinton (E). 1768—Wm. Carleton (E). 1769—Alexr. Ross (E).
1770—Hazlett Irvine.
Jas. Beatty, jun. (Drumderg). John
Armstrong (Brackagh). John
McClintock (Pubble).
Andrew Scott (Emrough). Archibald Cunningham (Tunny‑
James Shaw (Killee).
Wm. Ramsay (Drumnameal). James Irvin
Wm. Moffit (Mullicknock). Samuel
Beatty (Doon).
John Lyon (M'Gonraw) (MagonJas.
Armstrong, (Emroo) [ragh)
Francis Carter (Ramaly).
William Frith (Cross).
Wm. Frith (Alex. Curry).
John M'Clintick (Pubble). Samuel Richey (Emerow).
John Irwin (Falls).
Law. Spear (signs as Warden.) Vestry
Book No. 2 gives Wm.
John Nixon.
William Shaw (Killee).
John Wherry (Doon).
John Cooke (Springwell) . Richard Frith
(Cornagrade). Archd. Henderson.
Mathew Erwine (Knockstakin).
Matthew Irvine.
Robert Crawford the younger.
John Ruttledge.
Philip Armstrong (Moidena). James
Watson (Brackagh). Wm. Moffitt
John Barber (Killee).
James Beatty (Carrykeel). Josiah Armstrong (Mullysillagh)
Wm. Little (Pubble).
Lawr. Cony (Carrickmacmea).
James Ruttledge (Shancho). Chas. Hamilton
Wm. Ramsay (Drumnamall). " May 15.—Resolved, that as Mr. Wm. Ramsay has already served the office of Churchwarden, Mr. Wm. Fearis, of Emroo, be appointed in his stead."
1771—James Hall.
Wm. Michel (Breacho), (Metchel) I772—Wm. Howard. Samuel Beatty (Lattin).
VESTRY Book No. 2. A. D.
I 773—Wm. Lawton.
I 774—Matthew Armstrong.
I 775—John McMullin. I 776—Thomas Irvine.
I777—Richard Campbell.
1778—Francis Johnston.
John Cue.
178o—Wm. Graham. 1781—Christopher Johnston.
1782—John Graham. 1783—Thos. Hamilton.
1784—Walter Stewart. 1785—Daniel Queade.
1786—Robert Read.
1787—" Resolved, that John
1786), having had the office of
Churchwarden, above office." John Elliott (Tullyweel). Wm. M'Cormack (Emroo). James Moffet (Mullynock). Joseph Coulter (Clabby).
Wm. Moffit (Tattingart).
James Crawford (Aughternerry).
Arthur Armstrong (Emroo).
Wm. Hamilton (Springwell). James Rutledge (Falls).
Alexr. M'Clintock (Pubble).
John Beatty, jun. (Drumderg).
Wm. Elliott (Mullysilligah).
Alexr. Frith (Cornagrade).
Thos. Nixon (Tullyweel).
Scott, of Emroo, Sidesman (in whole
trouble of executing the is excused
from serving the
1787—John Johnston. 1788—Wm. Ball,
jun. 1789—Wm. Frith.
1790—James Quinton. 1791 —John
1792—Andrew Montgomery. 1793—John
Crozier (died in office, Geo.
Trotter, Sides-
man served as C. W.)
I 794—Wm. Thompson. 1795—Charles Oliver.
1796—Sir Walter Hudson.
1797—Joseph Frith. 1798—Joseph Gamble, M.D.
1799—Wm. Henderson (E). i800—Fookes Moore.
I801—Alexr. Clarke. I8o2—Daniel Queade.
I803—Chris. Hamilton (School‑House
Lane. I805—James Hall. 1806—Wm. Muldoon.
I807—Alexr. Hudson. I808—James Hall.
1809—James Chittick.
I 810—Robert Crawford.
John Falls (Carrowkeel).
Robert Watson (Brockagh).
James Crook (or Cook) of Falls.
James M'Auley (Edenmore).
Wm. Shaw, jun. (Killee).
Wm. Veitch (Lisnalughoge). Wm. Little
Andrew Scott (Learn).
Andrew Morrow (Tullyultagh).
Andrew Cunningham (Tony‑
Jos. Coulter (Lurganclabby).
George Little (Ramaly)
Edward West (Tiralton).
James Frith (Cross).
Wm. Cluff (Ratoran).
Wm. Redmond (Tempo).
Robert Little (Pubble).
Galbraith Hamilton (Creive)
Wm. Rutledge (Falls).
Wm. Ramsay (Drumrain).
John Cluff (Furnace).
Peter Moffat (Topped Mt.).
Do. Do.
Peter Moffat (Topped Mt.)
1812—John Henry Frith.
r813—Wm. Quintin.
I814.—Armar Boyle.
Joseph Betty (Claranagh).
1815—Wm. Thompson.
Galbraith Moat (Manor of
[Clabby). r8x6—Francis Hastings (after- Alexr. Little (Kilnabrackin). wards Earl of Hunting‑
don, see p. 169).
1817—Liddle Baxter (E).
Richard Dane (Killyhevlin).
1818—Gorgius (sic) Irvine (E). Do.
1819—Wm. Irvine (Prospecthill).
1820-I—Wm. Gabbitt (E).
Wm. Frith (Cross).
1820—Richard Dane (Killyhevlin).
1823—*Wm. Gabbitt (E).
r824—Charles Jones (E).
Richard Dane (Killyhevlin).
1825—George Spear (E).
1826—Exham Moroney (E).
1827—Samuel Frith (E).
James Elliott (Clabby).
1828—Stuart Whittaker (E).
Richard Dane (Killyhevlin)
1829—Wm. Gabbitt (E).
Do. 183o—Geo. Wood (Tonystick). Paul Dane (Killyhevlin). 1831—Baptist G. Frith, M.D. (E) Richard Dane (Killyhevlin).
1832—Geo. Spear.
Wm. Dane (Drumard).
Arthur Thompson.
James Graham (Ratoran).
1833—James Chittick.
Richard Dane (Killyhevlin).
Stewart Betty.
John Little (Shillinmore).
i834—Robert Keys.
Wm. Dane (Drumard).
Wm. Fitzgerald.
Joseph Armstrong (Tyralton).
1835—Chris. Gamble.
Paul Dane
John Adams.
Wm. Hamilton (Crieve Hill).
1836—John Collum.
Richard Dane (Killyhevlin).
Thomas Wood.
Alexr. Nelson (Lattin).
1837—Capt. Curry.
James Frith (Cross).
James Kernaghan.
John Watson (Pubble).
1838—Paul Dane.
Dr. Richd. Frith (Tonystick).
1839—Joseph M`Gwire.
Ralph Stone.
Wm. Frith.
Wm. Hurst (Topped Mt.).
Wm. Little (Doone).
Richard Dane (Killyhevlin).
Lieut. Win. Dundas, R.N.
184o--Geo. Nixon.
(Killyvilly). John Beatty (Drumderg).
Robert Clegg.
Wm. Armstrong (Coolcrana).
r 84 r—Paul Dane.
David Campbell (Derryhean).
John Falls (Tempo).
1842—Wm. C. Ovenden, M.D. James Frith (Cross).
Wm. Auchinleck Dane Wm. Frith (Cross).
1843—S. Betty.
Robert Betty (Doon).
G. A. Nixon, M.D. * Captain Wm. Gabbet (sic), Darling-street, was in 1824 Provost of the Corporation (Pigot's Directory)
A.D. 1844—Baptist Frith, M.D. James Beatty (Carrowkeel).
John Thos. Galbraith.
John Hall (Drumclay).
1845—Wm. Kitson, Wine merct. Andrew Wilson (Waternerry).
1846—Capt. Corry,
Wm. Frith (Cross).
Wm. Robinson.
Fras. Armstrong (Coolcran).
1847—Capt. Morony.
Hezlatt Betty.
Wm. Hall, Grocer.
Thos. Scales (Tempo). 1848—Dr. Mahood. James Frith (Cross).
Robert Beatty.
Hamilton Hunter (Doonin).
1849—Baptist Frith, M.D.
Wm. Frith (Cross).
Archibald Collum, Attey. Hamilton Hunter (Doonin).
1850—John Graham, Attey.
Wm. Frith (Cross).
i851—Richard Hamilton. Wm.
r 852—Samuel Clarke. Geo. Black.
1853—Massy H. Morphy. John Quinton,
1854—Saml. Frith.
John Lemon, Mercht.
1855—George Stewart. Wm. Bell,
1856—Henry Echlin.
Saml Little, Mercht.
1857—Fredk. Nixon. George Willis.
1858—R. P. Walsh, M.D. Ben. Robinson, Mercht.
1859—John Keys. Walker E. Patterson. 1860—John Gunning. Edwd. Gamble.
1861—Dr. Geo. Mahood.
1862—Saml. Clarke (Ulster Bnk)
Hazlett Betty (Floraville)
1863—Robt. Keys (Fort Ldge.). Wm. Ball, Postmaster 1864—Edwd. Gamble (Ann-st.). David Wilkin (Church-st)
1865—John Graham. James Dundas.
1866—James King (Eden). John
Johnston (High-st.)
1867—W. R. Cooney. Thos. Plunkett. 1868—Edwd. Bagot, M.D.
Wm. Frith (Cross).
James Beatty (Tempo). Wm. Robt. Frith
(Cross). Thos. Armstrong (Coolcran).
Andrew Wilson (Waternerry). Dr.
Gerard Irvine (Tempo). John
Touchburn (Drumgarrow). John Little
(Doon). Andrew Wilson (Waternerry). Wm. Hurst (Mullinock). Henry Beacome (Killanure). Wm. Hurst, jun. (Mullinock). Samuel Frith (Cross).
Guy Beatty (Carnagiltagh). Thos. Hall
(Drumclay). Robert Little (Doon).
John Hall (Drumclay). Frans. Armstrong (Coolcran).
Massy H. Morphy (Levaghy). John
Beatty (Carrowkeel). Saml. Frith (Cross).
John Gibson, sen. (Tempo). W. Frith
James Beatty (Doon). Alex. Nelson. Jas Frith Belmore-st.). J. Trimble (Ratoran). Saml Frith (Cross). Saml. Frith. Robt. Little (Doon). Saml. Frith. Robt. Hunter (Tempo). John Robinson (Pubble). John Hall (Drumclay). George Hurst (Drumderg)
1869—Robt. Pakenham Walsh, 1870—John A.
Pomeroy [M.D. 1871—Henry Plews.
1872—Edward Smyth. 1873—Saml Clarke. 1874—Joseph Alexander.
1875—Geo. Stewart (Prov. Bnk) 1876—Dr. Bagot.
1877—Sam. Clarke (Ulster Bnk.)
1878—Capt. Sitwell, R.E. 1879—Henry Plews. 1880—Joseph Alexander. 1881—Frederick
-Wilson. 1882—Richard Talbot Forde
(Ulster Bank). 1883—C. E. R. A. Irvine.
1884—j. B. Frith.
1885—John Ringwood. 1886—R. P. Walsh, M.D.
1887—Edward Smyth, J.P. 1888—John Richardson. 1889—Henry Plews.
1890—Edward Smyth. 1891—R. P. Walsh, M.D.
1892—Leonard Kidd, M.D. 1893—Charles
Irvine. 1894-5—John Stewart. 1896—
1897—R. A. M'Kay. 1898—C. D. J. Jephson. 1899—Arthur Collum (Bellevue) rgoo—Capt. Arthur Collum. 1901-2—Richard Biggs, LL.D. 19o3-6—Jas. Parsons Burkitt,B.A.
1907-9—C. F. Falls, M.A.
1910-11—A. C. M'Donnell, M.A.
1912—John Duff.
1913—Sinclair Gunning.
Thos. M'Keague. Edwd. Gamble.
William Teele. John Verner.
(Mr.) Gunning. Wm. Clarke
Wm. Teele.
James Dundas. Edwd. Gamble.
John Gunning, M.D.
Jas. Dundas, jun. (Darling-st ).
Thomas Elliott.
C. R. Hearne. Dr. Gamble.
John Brien Frith. Robert Lemon.
Rbot. Parsons. Thomas Elliott.
W. R. Cooney Dr. Gunning. John
Richardson. John Richardson.
Sinclair Gunning.
James Dundas, jun. Do.
Thompson Taylor.
James Dundas, sen.
R. A. M'Cay. Sinclair Gunning.
Jas. Dundas (i.e., J. D., jun.,
now of Townhall-St James Dundas, sen., his cousin,
died in 1901). Josiah Maguire.
James Dundas.
1667—Pat. Murphy. 1670—Robt. Sheeres. 1672—James Draper. 1673—John Bayly.
1673—James Dollimeer.
1736—Robt. Elliot (Garvary). I737—Robert Crawford(Woughternerry).
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