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Aghalurcher HeadstonesAGHALURCHER CEMETERY
Headstone InscriptionsExtracted from the Clogher Record, 1958, pg 330-352
A. 1. This stone is erected by John Doherty of Boston in memory of his dearly Beloved daughter Anny Doherty who departed this life 16th Sept. 1809 aged 1 year and seven months.
2. Erected by James Gilleese in memory of his father William Gilleese who died on the 24th May 1881 aged 94 yrs. Also his mother Ellen Gilleese who d. on 17th March 1897 aged 84yrs. Also James Gilleese who erected this memorial d. 14th June 1936. Aged 79 yrs. and his sister Mary Jane Gilleese d. 30th January 1937. Aged 84 yrs.
3. Erected by Bernard Cosgrove of Behriagh in memory of his daughter Catherine who departed this life March 21st 1851. Aged 21 years.
4. Erected to the memory of Julien Fitz Julien the 2nd born of Julien & Julia de Belmont who died 11th July 1842 Aged 3 1/2 yrs. 5. Erected by Patrick McHugh of Lisnaskea in memory of his son Charles McHugh who departed this life August 27th 1839 Aged 18 yrs. James McCaul Lisnaskea d. the 5th May 1900 Aged 56 years Susan McCaul wife of the above James d. the 2nd of May 1921 Aged 75 years R.I.P. Heart of Jesus have Mercy on their souls.
6. Erected by Robert Little to the memory of Joseph Gravdon of Cloughagaddy who departed this life Nov 16th 1859 aged 83 yrs. Also his daughter Maryanne Campbell who departed this life May 2nd 1861. Aged 32 years Also his wife who departed this life July 24th 1861 Aged 25 years Also his grandson Thomas Alexander Campbell who departed this life Jan 1858 aged 6 months Also his granddaughter Mary Elizabeth Campbell who departed this life April 18th 1863 aged 4 years. Also His son-in-law the Rev. Alexander Campbell who departed this life Sept 27th. 1864 Aged 44 yrs.
7. In loving memory of Thomas Little of Cloughaddy who died 24th May 1908. Aged 77 years Also his wife Jane Ann Little who died 1st Nov 1914 Aged 44 yrs.
8. Here lieth the remains of the said Robt Little who departed this life August 1796 aged 72 years Here lieth the body of Margaret Little wife to Robert Little of Toney who departed this life April 22nd 1790 Aged 59 years Also his son Thomas of Cloughagaddy who departed this life 10th May 1831 Aged 71 yrs.
9. Here lieth the remains of Leslie Pauerson And Catherine his wife the former d. 1st Jan Aged 71 yrs the latter February 19th 1800 Aged 62 years.
10. Here lieth the body of John Arnell who departed this life Dec. 17th 1762 aged 46 yrs and also the remains of his son George late of Toney who d. Nov 6th 1825 Aged 67 years.
11. - - - - - - - - (Note:The following footnote does not have a reference, but should apply to one of the above 11 stones: ???This is on the site of the Bishop???s Stone before it was built into the wall of the vault.???)
(AT WALL) B 1. Erected by Hugh and Patrick McAlerny of Coragh in Memory of their father Hugh.
2. Pray for the soul of Pioneer James Harte A Coy 2nd Labour Battalion R.E. who died 21st. Oct Oct 1918 in France on Active Service. Erected to his memory by his comrades.
3. Erected by William Maguire in m. of his son J.W. who died 14th Sept. 1888 Aged 13 yrs.
4. Erected by Edward Doherty in memory of Anne Doherty who departed August 9th 1775.
5. Here lyeth the body of Philip Murphy who died in 1737 aged 20 years.
6. Blank
7. Erected by James Berry of Aughalurgher in memory of his beloved son Richard who depd this life 27th of Oct. 1870 aged 20 yrs.
8. Blank
9. Here lieth the body of Christopher Teerney late of Berreagh who Dept this life Jan 10th 1896 Aged 51 Also the body of his daughter Rose who dept this life March 17th 1818 Aged 14 yrs.
10. Erected by James Neason in memory of his father John Neason who dept this life in May 1814 Aged 76 yrs. Also in memory of his wife Jane Neason who dept this life July 18th 1852 Aged 85 yrs.
11. Here lyth the body of Teauge Callana (Broken).
12. Here lyeth the body of Daniel Magilroy who died April 26th aged 77 yrs.
13. (a) In memory of Francis Meelroy. Knockmanus. d. Nov 30th 1879 His wife Mary McElroy d. 1908 Their Daughters Jane, Sarah, and Kate Eliza who died March 30th 1931.
(b) Sacred to the memory of John Mcelroy Enniskillen and affectionate husband a fond father an upright citizen and a truely benevelent man d. 9th May 1849 aged 55 yrs. Req. in pace.
(c) In loving memory of my sister Jane who d. April 1903 aged 50 yrs. Sarah who died 1928 70 yrs R.I.P. Erected by Tobias McElroy of Crogey.
(d) Erected by Michl McElroy of Clones in memory of his beloved wife Bridget Who departed this life January the 3rd. 1811 Aged 35 yrs Her many virtues and quiet disposition and mother to all who knew her.
(e) Sacred to the memory of Michl McElroy Late of Crockmanus who departed this life 11th April 1839 aged 76 yrs and placed here by his sons as a testamony of his filial affection and deepest gratitude to one of the best and kindest parents May his soul rest in peace.
14. Here lyeth the bodey of Mathew McElroy who departed this life 24th 1737.
15. In memory of Patrick McElroy Architect of Lisnaskea who died March the 7th 1840 Aged 42 yrs. Also his wife Mary who d. April 16th 1871 Aged 65 yrs and his daughter Mary Anne who died 29th OCT 1868 aged 31 years.
16. Here lieth the body of Charles Armstrong who dyed June 4th 1735 Aged 29 yrs.
17. Here lyeth the body of Bryan McElroy Who dept this life on the 29th Oct 1761 Aged 70 yrs.
18. This stone was erected by John Foster of Rathmoran in Memory of his honored Father James Foster who was killed in his Majesties Sarvuce King William 1689 Also the body of Robt Foster Grandson to the above James Foster.
18 a. Blank
19. Here lyeth the body of Mag Storey wife to William Storey of Keenaughey who departed this life June 22nd 1790 a. 94 yrs. Underneath lies John Storey of Nappagh who departed this life 10th June 1863 aged 57 yrs also his daughter Annabella Storey who d. May 27th 1863 aged 22 yrs.
20. Here lieth the body of John Foster OF Keenaughy who departed this life November the 4th 1775 aged 78 yrs Here also lieth the Body of his wife Margaret Foster who departed this life Feb the 12th 1775 aged 64 yrs.
21. Here lies the body of Alexander Graham Late of Donough he died Dec. 25th 1769 aged 51 yrs Here lies the remains of John Murry son to the Murry of Derryadd who departed this life the 6th Sept. 1839 a. 22 yrs. and Sarah Murry Grand-daughter to the above Alexander who departed this life Jan 17th 1811 Aged 62 yrs.
22. Blank
23. This stone was erected by William Elliot in memory of his wife Margaret Who departed this life the 2nd of August 1863 Aged 62 years.
24. Here lieth the body of Arthur Graham who departed this life Dec. 19th 1722 aged 65 yrs and of Catherine Graham his wife who died Feb 9th 1718 aged 55 yrs also Mary Elizabeth Graham of Drumany d. 21st May 1931 aged 67 yrs.
25. Here lieth the body of Lieutent George Graham who died Jan 10th 1734 aged 69 years (crested stone)
26. Here lieth the body of Joseph Graham who d. June 24th 1748 aged 23 yrs Here lieth the body of William Graham who died Feb 1749 aged.....
27. This tomb was placed here by Wm. Graham of Collarn in memory of his Uncle Wm who d. the 26th Aug 1826 Aged 59 yrs Also the body of Mary wife of said Wm. Graham who died 27th April 1840 aged 35 yrs.
28. Erected by William Chapman of Farnaconaghy. Here lie the remains of the said William who departed this life March 16th 1837 aged 55 yrs.
29. In Memory of Margaret Noble of Killycramph who died 5th June 1864 aged 42 yrs and also her son Wm Noble Who died 10th Jan 1864 aged 4 yrs. also her husband Alexander Noble who died 24th May 1890 aged 78 yrs. Also his son Mark Noble who died 9th Aug 1916 Aged 57 yrs.
30. Under this tomb lie the remains of Archibald Noble of Killycramph who dept this life October 11th 1835 81 yrs.
31. Noble 1790.
32. Underneath lies the body of Mark Hall of Killacramph who d. 18th July 1847 aged 18 yrs. Also his mother Margaret HALL who d. 16th July 1854 aged 63 years Also Francis Hall Father and Husband of above who departed this life the 28th May 1861 aged 74 yrs.
33. Underneath lies the remains of John Irwin son to Thomas Irwin of Doorish who departed this life Aug 27, 1839 Aged 28 yrs.
34. Here lies the remains of James Thompson who departed this life 17th March 1705 a. 45 yrs also his son George Thompson CROCHEN who died 22nd Jan 1823 aged 83 and also Jane wife to John Thompson who died Nov 27th 1858 aged 86 yrs.
35.(a) Erected by James and Thomas Maguire of Lisnaskea in memory of their beloved brother John Maguire of Enniskillen who died 8th March 1884 a. 68 yrs. and also their sister Anne Maguire who d. 23rd March 1887 a. 73 yrs.
(b) Erected by Mrs. Katie Maguire in memory of her dear parents Thomas Maguire who d.4th Sept 1896 Aged 63 years and his wife Anne who d. 12th July 1892 aged 60 yrs Also their beloved daughters Mary Anne and Julie Maguire Katie Maguire D. 1st. Feb. 1937 aged 71 yrs.
(c) In Memory of James Maguire Carrick House who d. 8th Feb. 1895 aged 70 yrs. Also his wife Ellen Maguire d. 23 July 1905 a. 62 yrs. and their children James D. Maguire M.R.C.V.S. who died the 30th Nov 1904 aged 30 yrs. Anne M. Maguire who d. 31st Jan 1905 Aged 32 yrs John T Maguire Solr. d. 7th May 1906 aged 28 yrs.
1. This stone was erected by Daniel Maguire of Crummie. Said Daniel he departed this life on Feb 16th 1777 aged 84 yrs.
2. Erected by John Maguire Merchant Enniskillen to the memory of his Father Thomas Maguire who d. 24th feb 1843 aged 87 yrs. Patk Maguire brother d. 27 Dec 1859. 38 yrs. also his mother Julie Maguire d. 7th Oct 1861 aged 71 yrs.
3. Erected by Hugh McNulty in memory of his father Edward McNulty who departed this life May 20th 1825 Aged 46 yrs.
4. Here lies the remains of S. Rennick wife of Francis Rennick of Farnacounaghy who d. April 15th 1828 aged 66 & Also his daughter Eliza Rennick who d. May 20th 1838 aged 11 yrs.
5.This cross was erected by Father John McGuire for his beloved father Brien McGuir and his posterity who d (ied) April 4 1729 aged 32 years.
1. (Here lie)th the body of John Leonard (who departed) this Tenth day of May........(L)ord God 1681 and in the 63 year of (his age). Also thes body of Mary Leonarde (who died) the 22nd day of August 1706. (this stone was erected by Bernard Lenard of Drumbrughosse. in memory of Fa & Mo.
2. Hic iacet corpus Adam (c)leric Vicarii generalis Dioc Clogherensis et rectoris Parochiae de Aghalurgher anno aetatis suae 58 qu obit 15 die Decembris anno Domini 1716 hoc erectum erat per me Mariam eius viduam et administraticem. (Note: This is the tomb of Rev. Adam Nixon, Rector of the parish, who died December, 1716, in his fifty-eighth year. The monument was erected by Mary, his widow and administratrix)
3. This stone erected by Milin Leonard of Carrahoney in memory of Ferdinando Leon.d who departed this life Novb.r ye 16 dy 1717 agd 63 years as allso Margrett Leon.d his wife who departed this life Jully ye 14 day 1775 agd 83 years.
1. Murphy. in Loving Memory of our Father and Mother John Murphy d. 5th oct 1897 Margaret Murphy 2nd April 1919 ???They being dead yet speak.??? Children of the above William Hall, aged 13 d. 19th sept 1877 Thomas John, d. in infancy. Andrew d. in infancy. Herbert d. 12th April 1933 & Thomas Gordon d. 29th July 1936. Yvonne (Cisse) d. 23rd Feb 1949. Also Thomas John father of above 3 children d. 11th June 1949 a. 78 yrs Late of Drumbruaghas.
2. Crested Flat stone. Blank.
1. Here lyeth the body of Marie Belfourd of 2 years old daughter of Charles Belfourd Esqr. who departed this lyfe the 10th of Nov b. anno 1672.
2. Here lyeth the body of Cicely Byran Daughter to Sir Robert Byron a wife (of) Charles Balfour.........1688 and in the 44 year of his age.
3. Omne solum fort patria. Here lyeth the body of John Balford Esq. who d. in July 8th 1750 aged 54 years. (Note: The Latin means, ???Every soil is fatherland to the brave man.???)
4. (Margin) Hic jacet Jacodus Galbraith armiger vir perfectus qui pietati... Deum Fidelitati in pacem amicitia in suos justitia in alienos candore... omnes (Centre)...............bello fortiter gesta aut in pace exitet admin trata ita..............m fama et fortuna sua virtute et industria sua exige.....cum..........tran siit in immortalit. em. Nones Aprilis MDCLXXIII (Note:. In translation, so far as it is decipherable: Here lies James Galbraith. gent., a perfect man who, by devotion to God, fidelity to peace, friendship to his own, justice to others and by candour towards all.......deeds bravely done in war or peace.........passed into immortality 5 April 1673.)
5. Elizabetha Jacobi Galbraith armigeri uxor cum uno filio ac filiabus duabus hic sepulta iacet quae ob vitae pietatem et modestiam omnibus chara a terris in caelos sublata est Calend. Septembris anno Domini MDCLXX. Castae Casta fui conjux bona mater boenina mitis testis (.......)t soboles fit mihi mundos erant vita fuit proavi (........) poetvoie ac contuge foelix ingenio vult (.......) I nomine sorte toro et sine priscorum aemula norum civilis sobria sancta pia. (Note: ???Here lies buried Elizabeth, wife of James Galbraith. gent., with one son and two daughters. Dear to all for her piety and modesty of life she was taken up from earth to Heaven 1 September, 1670. I was a chaste wife, a good mother, benign, meek, my children are witness..............???)
1. Here lieth the body of Bryan Faghnan who d. May the 2nd. 1751 a. 78 years.
2. Here lieth the body of Andrew Smyth who departed this life June 19th 1763.
3. Pray for the soul of Philip Murphy who d. Sept ye 10th 1746 a. 33 yrs.
4. Here lieth ye body of Daniel Murphy who d. Jan 7th 1740 a. 60 yrs. and also Cathrin Murphy wife to said Dainel who d. Dec ye 19th. 1749.
5. Here lieth the body of Patrick Murphy who dyed April 16th 1729. a. 50 yrs.
1. Erected by Francis Cosgrove of Coal hill in m. of his father John Cosgrove who dept. this life July 12th 1832 a. 81 yrs. also Catherine Cosgrove wife to the afore said Francis Cosgrove who Departed this life 17th March 1851 72 yrs. Also the above Francis Cosgrove d. 27th August 1886 a 111 yrs. Also his son John d. 28th Oct 1914 a. 87 Anne Cosgrove wife to the above John d. 10th Jan 1924 a. 78 yrs.
2. Erected by Ann and Francis Cosgrove in m. of their Father and mother 1810.
3. Pray for the soul of Brien McCoskill who departed 22nd July 1732 aged 77 yrs.
4. In loving m. of Thomas Clifford Corradiller who d. 26th July 1911 his wife Ellen Clifford who d. 3rd Sept 1952 and their son Leo J. Clifford who d. 4th June 1924.
5. Here lieth the body of Elizabeth Clifford who dep this life ye 9th May 1793 aged 36 yrs. Erected by Thomas Clifford her Husband.
6. This stone was erected by Patrick Clifford of Creagh in m. of his father Thomas Clifford who departed this life Mar 28th 1818 A. 18 yrs also........................
7. This cross erected by Ned Crifferty for his son Tom Crifferty who dyed Feb 2nd 1746 a 21 yrs.
8. Erected by William Farrell in Memory of his Father John Farrell of Lehinch who dep this life Aug 10th 1816 a. 36 yrs.
9. Here lieth the body of Terrance Murphy who departed this life April ye 16th 1757 aged 58 yrs.
10. This stone was erected by Hugh McKeever in memorandum of his son Peter McKeever who departed this life Oct. 20th. 1750 aged 16 yrs.
11. Pray for the soul of Brien Murphy who dyed February 19th 1719 Aged 62 yrs.
12. This stone was erected by Thomas Murphy in m. of his father Hugh Murphy who departed this life March the 20th 1783 a. 50 years.
13. Erected by James Early in m. of his daughter Anne Early who departed this life Aug ye 10th 1801 a. 19.
1. Erected by Patrick Shales Mulmurry in m. of his mother Catherine who departed this life the 11th Feb 1842 aged 78 yrs. Also his father Thos who departed this life the 9th May 1846 a 82.
2. Here lyeth the body of Phelemy McBryne who d. April 7th 1738 aged 68 yrs.(Note: may be 1758)
3. Here lieth the body of Michael McBryen who d. April 17th 1759 a. 78 yrs.
4. Pray for the soul of Art McBryan who d. Sep 24th 1773 a 22 yrs.
5. This stone was erected by Micheal McCormack & son Bryan McCormick........Here lyeth the body of Anne McCormick daughter to the above Bryan who died young Sept 3 1790.
6. Of your charity pray for the soul of Margaret Maguire Kilnacran who d. 21st June 1881 aged 80 years also her husband Patrick Maguire who d. 13 June 1885 a. 95 yrs.
1. Here lieth the body of Oyn Cleareken who d. Dec 25th 1747. a. 25 yrs.
2. This stone was erected by Bryan Sheals for his father William Sheals who d. March 10th 1758 a 51 yrs.
3. Erected by Arthur Sheals in m. of his mother Mary Sheals who departed this life March 15th 1783 a 77 yrs also of his daughter Rose who d. May 2nd 1808 a. 78 yrs.
4. Here lyeth the body of Elinor Sheals who d. 9th May 1717 a 29 yrs.
5. Here lyeth the body of Torlagh McTegart who d. May 1740 a. 69 yrs.
6. Pray for the soul of Patrick McBryan who d. June the 21st 1726 a. 76.
7. Here lies the body of Terence McBryan who d. the 4th May 1749 a. 52.
8. Here lieth the body of Teague McBryan of Drumleagues who d. June 3rd. 1734 a 63.
9. This stone was erected by Bryan McCormick for the use of his posterity.
1. This stone was erected by James Maguire in memory of his son Bryan Maguire who dept this life May the 2nd, 1786 a. 25 yrs.
2. This stone was erected by Matthew McCormick in memory of his son Patrick McCormick deceased 1757 a. 12 yrs.
3. This stone was erected by Patrick & Matthew McCormick in memory of their father Hugh McCormick d. Feb 2, 1750.
4. Blank.
5. This stone was erected by Anthoney McCusker in m. of his father Constantine McCusker who dept. this life Jan 2. 1752 a. 48.
6. Pray for the soul of Mary McTegerty who d. Aug. 14. 1721 a. 25 yrs. Patrick McTegerty who d. Nov 22, 1744 a. 67.
7. Blank.
8. Here lieth the body of Mannes McBryn who d. June ye 11th 1738 a. 70.
9. This tomb was erected by Thomas O???Brien in memory of his wife Mary, late of Lisnaskea who dept this life July 30th 1829 a. 64 yrs.
10. Pray for the soul of Phelim Bryan who d. May 1st 1729 a. 60 yrs.
11. Pray for the soul of Nogher McBryan who d. March 25th 1732 a 54.
12. Here lies the body of Daniel Murphy who d. Feb. 1737 a. 66.
13. This stone was erected by Patrick McCaffrey in m. of his father Charles d. 1751 a. 84 yrs.
14. This stone was erected by Patrick McCaffrey in m. of his son Redmond who d. Mrch the 4th 1752 a 28 yrs.
15. This stone was erected by Thomas McCaffrey in m. of his father Hugh McCaffrey who d. Sept. 10th 1762 a 52.
16. Erected by Denis McCaffrey of Drimli(f) in m. of his brother Thomas McCaffrey who departed this life May 11, 1799 a. 97.
17. HIC JACET- R.Ad. P.F. Ioannes Maguire Knockneniensis, Ordinis Praedicatorum, S.Th. et Lege magister; fuit vigilantissimus anni marum pastor ?eum senio ri laboribus fractus, expectans carnis resurrectionem, viam universae carnis ingressus est die..... (Note: Translated: Very Rev. Father Friar John McGuire, Knockninny, O.P. Master of Sacred Theology and Law. He was a most vigilant pastor of souls. Broken by old age and labours, awaiting the Resurrection of the flesh, he went the way of all flesh on........)
1. This stone was erected by Owen McCormick in m. of his daughter Mary McCormick who departed this life Aug. 10 1750, a. 5.
2. Erected by James McCormick of Mulnaburtlin in m. of his daughter Catherine who dept. this life May 1801. a. 8 yrs.
3. This cross erected by Patrick McCormick for his son Own McCormick who d. Nov ye 5th. a. 8 yrs.
4. Here lyeth the body of Hugh McCormick who departed this life Jan. 1st 1764. a. 71.
5. Erected by James McCormick of Eshmeen in m. of his son John McCormick who departed this life July 1829. a. 18 yrs.
6. This stone was erected by Luke McCormick in m. of his father Daniel McCormick who departed this life July ye 25th. 1722 a. 72.
7. Pray for the soul of Patrick Maguire.
8. This stone was erected by Marren Braunan in m. of his son Hugh who departed this life March 17th, 1761 a.......
9. Here lies the body of Teague McCaffrey.
10. Pray for the soul of Patrick McCaffrey who d. ye 7th April 1727. a. 56 yrs. This stone was erected by his son Matthew.
1. Erected by Fredrick Ryan in m. of his beloved wife Eliza Jane Ryan Also his beloved son Patrick Hugh Ryan a. 3 yrs. Above Frederick Ryan d. 14th Nov. 1911 a. 36 yrs.
2. I.H.S. Erected by John Gallagher of Moughley in m. of his beloved father Hugh Gallagher. d. 12th April 1866 a. 55 Also his brother Patrick R.I.C. d. 23rd July 1883 a. 26 yrs. James d. 24th July 1883 a. 18 yrs. Catherine wife of Hugh Gallagher d. May 17th 1887 a. 72 yrs. Also Terrence F. Gallagher d. in New York city, U.S.A. 4th Aug. 1921. a. 71 yrs. His sister Mary E. McGirr who d. in New York, U.S.A. 7th Aug 1911 a. 52 yrs. R.I.P.
3. Here lye the body of Cathrine Watrs who d. May 11th 1769.
4. Pray for Michael McAloone d. 14th May 1914 a. 64 yrs.
5. This stone was erected by Hugh Conelly in m. of his father James Connelly who d. Jan 5th 1772 a. 52 yrs.
6. Erected by David McCaffrey of Brooklyn, New York. in m. of his beloved father James McCaffrey of Augharooskey who d. 20th Feb 1881 a. 95 yrs. Also his beloved mother Margaret McCaffrey who d. 9th March 1883. a. 87 yrs.
7. Pray for the soul of John McCaffrey who dyed in November the 15th 1742 a. 32 yrs.
8. Erected by John Hughs of Derahorbin in memory of his father Patt who departed this life March the 27th 1832 a. 65 yrs.
1. This stone was erected by John Terney in m. of his father Dito who d. March....1772 a. 58 yrs.
2. Here lieth the body of John Terney late of Gledstown who dept. this life Aug. 31st 1799 a. 51 yrs. Also the body of Margaret his daughter who dept. this life Jan. ye 21st 1799. a. 13 yrs.
3. Pray for the soul of Mary McTeague who d. November the 25th 1741. a. 19yrs.
4. This cross was erected by Patrick Maguire for his beloved daughter Nely Maguire who d. March ye 17th. 1740.
5. Brian and James McComb set this over their fathers Nead and Patrick McComb. Nead d. Aug ye 7th. 1756 a. 65 yrs. and Patrick Dec. 23. 1774 a. 68 yrs.
6. Erected by Michael McManus in m. of his mother Bridget McManus who dept this life 1807.
7. Pray for the soul of Bryan Riehel who dyed Aug. 17th. 1740 a. 67 yrs. This stone was erected by his son Charles 1763.
8. This stone was erected by Patrick Lunin in memory of his son James who d. Nbr the 16th. 1763 (2). a. 12 yrs.
9. This stone was erected by James McManus in memory of his mother Mrgaret mcManus who d. Feb. 30th. 1783. a. 56 yrs.
10. Erected by Anthon McCuster in Memory of his father Constantine who departed this life May the 6th. 1806. a. 61 yrs.
11. Lving m. James Maguire of Beltreagh, who d. 27th Oct. 1884 a. 72 yrs. Also his wife Catherine Maguire d. 29th July, 1887. a. 61 yrs. heir daughter Margaret d. Oct 1898. also Hugh who d. 9th Feb 1920 a. 63 yrs. James Maguire d. 2.Oct 1921. a. 54 yrs. His sister12.
This monument was erected by Hugh McGuire in memory of his beloved children.
Roger and Rose Maguire and his posterity who both d. Feb 1756. Roger being 22
yrs. and Rose being 12 yrs. N 1.
Here lieth the body of Edward Dougherty wo d. Jan. 1746(8) a. 31 yrs. 2.
This monument was erected by Hugh and Richard Martin in m. of their father
Daniel Martin who d. 3.
Here lieth the body of Edward McManus who d. 4.
Erected by Patrick McManus of Garvaugh in m. of his father Hugh McManus who
departed this life July the 15th. 1838. a. 59 yrs. 5.
Pray for the sould of Patrick Mc Mannaus wh dyed 6.
This stone was erected by Denis McManus of Bolehill in m. of his father Denis
McManus who departed this life Aug 8th. 1782. a. 86 yrs. 7.
This stone erected by Patrisk Gavan in memo of his daughter Ann who dyed 8.
Erected by John Keran of Dernish in m. of his father Own Keran of Derle who dept
this life March 1791 a. 70 yrs. Also of his mother. Likewise of his wife
Ezabela. O 1.
Erected by Owen Nolan of Crocknagoan in m. of his son James Nolan who dept. this
life the 8th of October 1810 a. 2 yrs. Also in m. of his wife who dept. this
life 2.
I.H.S. Here lieth the body of Denis Oltaghon who dept this life Decbr. ye 10th
1748. a. 85 yrs. 3.
Here lieth the body of Owen Hultahan who departed this life Feb. the 2nd. 1779.
a. 63 yrs. 4.
This stone was erected by Dennis Hultahan of Crocknagoan in memo of his wife
Mary Hultahan alias Breslin who departed this life 5.
Underneath are interred the remains of Susan, wife to Jas. Nolan of Crocknagoan,
who d. March 1st. 1857. a.17 yrs. Also his son John who d. 6.
This cross was made for Thomean Martin who d. 7.
This cross was erected by Roger McManus in m. of Bryan McManus his father who d. 8.
This stone was erected by Francis McCormick in m. of his father David who
departed this life March ye 4th 1758 a. 71; also is here the remains of his
wife. 9.
This stone was erected by Bryan McCormick in memory of his daughter Mary who d.
March ye 4th 1762 a. 18 yrs. 10.
This stone was erected by Thomas Gavan in m. of his grandfather Patrick Drum who
d. 11.
Erected by Thomas Gavin, Lisnaskea in loving m. of my dear parents James Gavin
Carryhoney, d. 23 May 1893 a. 66 yrs. Also Ann Gavin d. 25 Sept 1910 a. 80 yrs.
Also my loving wife Lucy Gavin, Lisnaskea d. 20 Jan 1906 a. 40 yrs. and my dear
daughter Lucy T. Gavin who d.
12.This stone was erected by Robert McCaffry of Newtownbutler in m. of his uncle
Patrick McCaffrey of Crocknagoan who departed this life Feb. 11. 1830 a 58 yrs. 13.
Erected by Antony McManus of Derelee in m. of his father Peter McManus who dep
this life P 1.
Blank 2.
Pray for the soul of Bryan McElcho(s) kely who d. 3.
Hugh McManus deceased 23rd of April (1713) a. 92. 4.
This stone was erected by Patrick Brady in m. of his son James who departed this
life 5.
Here lieth the body of.............who departed this life 6.
This cross erected by Caul ogue McManus for his beloved father Phillip MacManus
and son Patrick McManus who dyed 9 Br. ye 8 17/37 a. 17 yrs. (Note: Gein.
Fhearmanach, 635 : Clann Cathail oig mc Philib oig mc Aodh ruadh Seamus, Pilib
agus Brian, Padraig, Eamonn agus Aodh ruadh. Whose burying fround is it to-day?) 7.
Pray for the soul of Nocheoge McManus who dyed Aug. (1) 1745 a. 4 yrs. 8.
Blank 9.
This stone was erected by Phelmy McManus in m. of his mother Mary McManus who
departed 10.
This stone was erected by Ramond McManus in m. of his wife Nelly McManus who d.
Dec the 20, 1767 a. 33. 11.
Erected by Conner McManus of Mullaghboy in memory of his son Oliver McManus who
dept. this life 12.
Erected by Phillip McManus of Derehan in memory of his father Peter McManus who
dept. this life 8th of Aug. 1817 a. 86 yrs. 13.
In fond and loving m. of Bridie M. Harris, Pettigo. who d. Q 1.
Erected by Catherine McHugh in m. of her dearly beloved husband Bernard McHugh
late of Clones who departed this life April 10th, 1837 a. 39 yrs. 2.
Erected by Michael McHugh of Lisnaskea in m. of his son John who departed this
life 3.
Here lyeth the body of Michael McManus late of Forty who departed this life May
the 10th 1800 a. 52. Also the body of his mother Catherine McManus who dept this
life 4.
Blank 5.
Here lyeth the body of Tague McManus who departed this life 7.
Blank 8.
This stone is erected by John Thompson in m. of his father; Archibald Thompson
late of Be(d)or(g)ihoo who departed this life
This tomb was erected by Robert Bryans in m. of his son edward Bryans of
Scieevaugh who died B 1.
This monument was erected by William Bryans in memory of his sister Jane Bryans
late of Salaugher who departed this life Jan. 13th. 1781 Aged 32. 2.
Here lieth the body of James Graham late of Branish who d. C
1.Erected by James and John Bryans of Moorlough in memory of their father
William Bryans who departed this life Sept. 29th. 1828. Aged 78 yrs. 2.
Here Lieth the body of Henry Foster who departed this life June the 9th. 1746
Aged 60 yrs. 3.
Here lieth the body of James Little son to William Little of .......umaragh who
departed this life D 1.
Here lieth the body of Arthur Foster of CarrickMcCosker who dyed 2.
Here Lyeth ye body of Arthur Foster who Dyed June ye 29th 1687 aged 80 yrs. and
of Dinah his wife who died 3.
Here Lieth the body of He(nry) Waston who Died 29th day of July (1880)? E 1.
Here Lieth the body of Thomas Foster who departed this life June 23rd 1740 Aged
80 yrs. and Likewise the body of Jane Foster daughter of the above said Thomas
Who died Agust the 22nd 1737 Aged 29 yrs. Died on the 26th of April Jane wife of
John Foster of Maguiresbridge Aged 61 yrs. 2.
Here Lieth the Body of MArgaret Foster daughter to John Foster of
Car.........who died Feb 9th 1741
Aged 18 yrs. 3.
Here lieth the body Of William Foster
of McG Bridge who deptd this life 14th of July 1843(8) Aged
84 yrs.
Erected by John Foster of Derrychery who was intered here Also
his son Thomas Foster who departed this life 4. (........) ditur hoc tumulo J Johnstonius Aghalurcherensis quondam pastor Anno Domini 1665. (Note: In this grave is buried J. Johnstone, formerly Pastor of Aghalurcher. A.D. 1665) 5. Erected by William Clingin of Derryadd in m. of his father Robert Clingin who d. this life March 9th. 1815 Aged 78 yrs. Christ is my hope. 6.
Here Lyeth the body of Thomas Armstrong who Departed this life 7.
Here Lieth the body of John Clark
who died E 1.
Erected by Hugh Connelly of Killronan in m. of his father John Connelly of
Cormonalay who departed this life the 28th 1812. Aged 82 yrs. Also his wife Mary
Connelly who departed this life 2. Here lieth the body of Michael Murphy who departed August the 21st. 1744 Aged 46 yrs. 3. Erected by Jane Clarke in M. of her beloved husband Jonathan Clake late of Enniskillen who departed this life July the 13th. 1831 Aged 33 yrs. Christ is my hope. Also their son James Moore Clarke.......aged 16 months. And William their son Aged 5 yrs. 4.
This tomb is erected by John Clarke of Newtownbutler in memory of his wife Anne
Clarke and her children who he......Underneath 5. In
sweet and loving memory of Samuel Clarke OF Netownbutler who fell asleep in
Jesus on 6. Her lieth the body of Thomas Chambers who died April the 15th. 1757 Aged 70 yrs. Like wise Eliabeth Cr....st wife of the above. F 1.
Blank 2. (Crested) Here lieth the body of Nearburdalus Foster who died in August 1722. Aged 75 yrs. 3.
(Crested) Here lieth the body of William Brown who died September the 20th 1715
Aged 39 yrs. Here also lyeth the body of Mary Brown Wife to the above William
who died 4. (Crested) Here lyeth the body of Alexander Brown who d. August the 31st 17-41 Aged 40 yrs. 5. Erected by Sarah Maguire of Lisdooh in memory of her husband James who died March 1st. 1831 Aged 44 yrs. 6.
(a) Beneath this stone lies the remains of Charles Latimore Late of Killnavh who
depared this life (b)
This stone is Erected by Charles Latimore of Killynauhin in Memory of his wife
Olivea Alias Moton Latimore who departed this life (c) Here lieth the body of Jean wife of Hugh Lattemore who Died Feb to the above Hugh and Jean (Note: These three stones enclosed by railing.) 7.
Here lieth the Body of Joseph Westt who d. 8.
Underneath are interred the remains of John Somers of Moate who d. Dec. 21st.
1850. Aged 68 yrs. Also the remains of his wife Mary Somers who d. 9. Herunder is interred the body of David Cross Who departed this life the 21st day of Dec. Anno Dom. 1701 and the 35 yr. of his age. 10.
This stone was erected by John Foresyth of Clough in memory of his father George
Forsyth who Dep this life 11.
Here lyeth the body of Mary Forsig wife of William Fasit who dyed 12.
Erected to the memory of James Fleming of Annacrane who deptd this life G 1.
William Magee erected this stone for his son John Magee who died 2.
Erected by Thomas McEvoy of Kilneran though greatful rememberance of his mother
of T 3.
Here lieth the body of John Elliot Cairnes Sen. Esq. of Killyfady in the Co. of
Tyrone who departed this life 4.
Here lieth the body of William who died 5.
(c) Here Lieth the body of ......Nick.....ole 6.
This monument was erected by Jane Gardiner in memory of her husband Edward
Gardiner late of Gargrannagh who dep. this life 7. Sacred to the memory of Margaret Nixon wife of John Nixon of Littlehill who died in the Lord 4th of June 1851 aged 45 yrs. 8.
This stone was erected by Alexander Morton of Killelahard in memory of his wife
Elizabeth Morton who departed this Life 9.
Erected by John Rennick of Macknagh in memory of his daughter Eliza who d. 10.
Erected by James Rennick of Terraffy in m. of his beloved daughter Susan Rennick
who departed this life 11
..... husband Robert Thompson who died 12.
Crawford. In fond remembrance of Edward A. Crawford who died 13.
Kettyle. In remembrance of James Edward Kettyle died H 1. Erected by Mary Lynch of Carahoney in memory of her husband James Lynch who departed this life Febry 16th 1827 aged 44 yrs. 2. Erected by Patrick Lunny in memory of his father John Lunny of Drumleagues departed this life 1864 aged 74 yrs. 3.This was erected by John McCoy in memory of his son Isaac who departed this life 17th of 1768 aged 9 yrs And Likewise his wife Jane McCoy alias Dunlop who died May 3rd 1804 Aged 81 yrs. 4.
Underneath lieth the remains Joseph McCoy late of Tonneyboy who departed this
life 5.
Here lieth the body of John Dunlay who d. Feb. 1763. 6.
Here lieth the body of Mary Hogg wife of Jasper Hogg who Departed this life Nov
8th. 1773 aged 58 yrs. 7.
Underveath Lies the body of Jasper Hogg Late of Esnascreen who dept this life 8. This stone was erected by Robert Liddle of Killy......in memory of his son William Liddle who departed this life 1906 Aged 29 yrs. James Gardiner Gortgrannagh died 13th Oct 1919 aged 41 yrs. 9.
Erected by James Clingan of Lisnaskea in Memory of his father who departed 10.
In m. of Thomas Plunkett, Derradd who d. on 11. (c) Here lieth body of Frances Adam who dept this life De. 24th 1744 aged 70 yrs. 12.
(c) This Tomb was erected by May 13.
Underneath are deposited the remains of Wm Kettyle of Derryadd who departed this
life on 14. This stone was erected by Thomas Kettyle of Derryadd in memory of his son John Kettyle who departed this life 10th of jan 1796 in 28th year of his age. 15.Here lieth the body of John Clingan who Dyed April 29th 1737 aged 21 And also his wife Anna Clingan who departed this life May 13th, 1838 Aged 82 yrs.( Note: These ARE the dates in the Clogher Record, 1958, pg 346) 16.
Here lyeth the body of Jane Clingan who Died 17. In loving m. Last survivor of the family of John Thompson and his wife Margaret nee Liddle of Groghan a. 86 yrs. Erected by her nephew T.A. Thompson, Maguiresbridge. 18.
Erected by Jane Liddell of Lisnaskea to the m. of her dear father William
Liddell of Gortgranagh who departed this life 19.
John Lyddel dyed 20. Here lyeth the body of Edward Liddle of Killturk who dept this life Oct. ye 2nd 1798 aged 74 yrs.
21.(c) Here lieth the body of Mary Fleming wife to 22.
Here lieth the body of James Teevan of Coolarne who dept. this
life 23.
Erected by John Reilly of Corrahgaragh in m. of his son William who departed
this life 24. (Indecipherable apart from some letters.) 25.
Erected by Oliver Carlisle of Ballymacleroy to the m. of his parents John and
Elizabeth Carlisle of said place.
The former of whom departed this life I 1. Here lieth the body of Torance McGrorey and his five brothers & sister. 2. Here lieth the body of Patrick McManus who d. December ye 2nd 1770. a. 64 yrs. 3. In
loving memory of William Douglas of Drumgoon who d. 4.
In loving memory of Mary Faire, Drummack. d. 5. In
loving MEMORY of William Faire, Drumleagues Big who d. 6.
This stone is erected by James Fere of Drumleagues in m. of his father Wm. Fere,
who departed this life Nov ye 1769 a. 59 yrs. Also James Fere a. 65 Also Mare
Fere who departed this life Aug 12 ye 1798. 7.
Here lieth the body of Thomas Fair of Drumbegs who departed this life 8.
Here lieth the body of James Mack who departed this lifes 9.
Here lieth the body of Mungo Noble of Glasdrumond who departed this life 10.
Sacred to the Memory of Mungo Noble who d. in Enniskillen 29th Jan 1817 a. 69
yrs. And of Mary Noble his Grandaughter who died at Munville 12th May 1852 aged
12 yrs. And of Mungo Noble Grandson of the above Mungo Noble who d. at Munville
6th July 1860 A. 23 yrs. 11.
Sacred to the loving m. Mungo Noble Munville d. 25th Aug. 1864 a. 21 yrs Also
Prudence Noble, Munville Who d. 5th Feb. 1927 aged 75 yrs. Mary Jane Noble
beloved sister d. 31st. Jan 1923. 12.
Here lieth the body of Mary Noble who departed this life
13.(c) Here lieth the body of James Noble of Glasdrumond who d. the 21st Sept
1719 and in the 65 year of his age Mary Noble Munville d. 22nd April A.D. 1858
a. 65 yrs. yrs. Also Richard Noble Munville her husband who d. 29th May 1893 a.
83 yrs.
14.(c) Here lieth the body of Edward Noble of Tatindiller who d. J 1.
Erected by Edward McManus of Drumdranin in m. of his wife Mary McManus who
departed this life July 1870 a. 80 yrs. 2.
Erected 1877 in memory of Patrick McManus late of Kinmore who d. 3.
Erected by James McManus in m. of his father Edward McManus Senr. Late of
Kinmore who d. 4.
(Wooden Cross) R.I.P. In loving m. of Pat. McCaffrey d. 7th. April 1927. Also
his wife Annie McCaffrey d. 5.
I.H.S. Erected by James Lunney of Aughamore in m. of his brother Terrance Lunney
who d. 6.
Blank. 7.
Here lyeth the remains of Geo. Moore late of Coracrow who d. 8.
Here lyeth the body of James Moore lates of Corrothrow who departed this life 9.
Sacred to the m. of Mongomery Moore who departed this life 10.
This stone was erected by Nath. Wright in memory of his wife Jane Wright who
departed this life January (?) 1788
a 27 yrs. 11.
Here lieth the body of Robt Beaty late of Clones who departed this life 12.
Here lieth the body of Wm. Beatty son of John Beatty of Killykeeran who d. the
9th day of March 1833 aged 39 yrs. Also the remains of the above mentioned John
Beatty who d. 13.
Here lyeth the body of McWillm Beaty late of Aughamore who departed this life
April ye 29th 1767 aged 37 yrs. Also his daughter Elenor who Died May ye 2nd
1767 aged 7 yrs. Inscribed by Margaret Beatty in m. of her beloved husband Edwin
Beatty of Clones who departed this life Nov 21st 1869 a. 46 yrs. Also Mary
Beatty who of Lieut Wm. Beatty of Ivy Cottage Clones Who departed this life Aug
22nd 1869 a. 77 yrs. 14.
Underneath are deposited the remains of Bernard McDaniel of Foremass who d. 15.
Erected by James Mitchell in loving memory of his sister Alice Mitchell D. 21st.
OCT 1897 a. 90 yrs. Above James Mitchell D..... 1911 aged 93 yrs. Also Emma his
Beloved d. (FLAT
This stone has been placed here by George Lloyd of Leiran in m. of his father
Gerald Lloyd Esq., late of Munville who d. the 29th day of June 1824 a. 82 yrs. 2.
Here lyeth the body of Mr. Wm. Lloyd of Lisnaskea who dept. this life October ye
1st. 1802 a. 57 yrs. Also 4 of his children who d. young. 3.
Underneath this tomb are the remains of Robert Lloyd Esq. Late Lieut and Adjt.
of the 89 regiment who d. the 23rd of Feb 1818 a. 24 yrs. 4.
Here lieth the body of Margaret Frickelton wife to Josep Frickelton of Corard
Lodge who departed this life Dec 22 nd 1825 a. 31 yrs. This tomb was erected by
her husband as a token of esteem of a loving and affectionate wife. 5.
This stone was erected by Thomas Murry of Mourlough in m. of his son Alexander
Murry who departed this Life Dec 4th. 1797 a. 10 yrs. Also the said Thomas who
departed this life 6.
Erected by John allen in m. of his beloved wife Margaret Allen of Drumroosk who
departed this life L 1.
Blank 2.
Erected by Wm Bryans of Drumbroughas in m. of his mother Rebecca who departed
this life 2nd of June 1814 a. 62 yrs. Also his father Jas the 15th of Nov. 1832
a. 82 yrs. Also Mary Jane Bryans daughter of the above Jas. who departed this
life 3.
Erected by James Bryans of Coragh in m. of his father Christopher Bryans who d.
14th 1846 a. 51 yrs. 4.
This stone was erected by Owen McCarren in memory of his father John McCarren
who departed this life 1822 a. 65. 5.
This stone was erected by Thomas Maguire in m. of his Father Cormick Maguire who
departed this life March 22nd 1774 a. 80 Also of his mother Catherine who
departed this life Nov 6, 1785 a. 78 yrs. 6.
Erected by George Robinson of Coolcrannel in m. of his father Francis who d. 7.
Here lyeth the body of Ann Bell wife to William Bell who departed this life 8. b.
1783, d. 1848. To Alexander Robinson of
9.---------- 10.
In loving m. of John Granleese of Henrystughan who d. 6 May 1896 a. 85 Also his
wife Catherine Granleese who d. 25th of Oct 1901 a. 76 yrs. Also Margaret
beloved wife of John Granleese, Kilynamph who d.
11.Here lieth the body of (John) Bowels who departed this life 12,
This stone erected by James Armstrong, Carrickmcusker in m. of his wife Shusey
Armstrong who departed this life Aug the 30. 1788 a. 38 yrs. also her son James,
3 yrs. 13.
----------------- 14.
Here lieth the body of Edward Armstrong who d. 15.
This stone was erected by Wilm Armstrong of Lieraw in m. of his children namely
Jane, Robert, and Elenor who dyed young, fourthly John who departed this life
the first of May 1773 a. 25 yrs. Also the body of Rhoda Armstrong wife of the
above William and mother to those children who dept this life the 18th day of
March 1782 a. 73 yrs. 16.
Here lies the body of .........Armstrong otherwise.........wife of Francis
Armstrong of Newtownbutler who d. 18th of September 1775 a. 28 yrs. Also Mary
daughter of said and Jane who d. young. 17.
Here lieth the body of Jane Armstrong who d. 18.
Here also lyeth the body of Francis Armstrong who dept this life 19.
Here lieth the body of Francis Armstrong late of Fany who d. 20.
Here lyeth the body of Gerard Loyd who dept. this life Oct the 10th. 1747 a. 40
yrs. 22.
This stone was erected by James Irwin of Teraffy in m. of his wife and children.
Namely Elizabeth Irwin otherwise Rennick, mother to the under named children who
dept. this life 23.
Here lieth the body of Jane Irwin of Tyraffy who dept. this life.....1779. 24.
This mounment has been erected to the m. of Edward Bussell Esq. of Drumcaw who
dept this life 3rd Day of July 1860 a. 50 yrs. ???Sincerely and deservedly
regretted by a numerous circle of friends.??? :Time like an ever roiling stream,
bears all its sons away.??? In loving m. of John Bussell, Carrarooskey d. 25.
Family vault of Edward Bussell d. Oct. 1886. In accordance with the will of the
late Edward Bussell in m. of his dear father & mother, Cursinsnin,
Newtownbutler. Maria Bussell d. 26.
In loving and sorrowful m. of Edward Bussell, son of the late Edward Bussell of
Cursinshin b. M 1.(c)
Here lyeth the body of Abigail Noble, wife of Arth Noble of Lisnaskea, who dept.
this life 8 br. ye 1765, a 61 yrs. Likewise, above mentioned Archibald Noble who
departed this life Feb.....1766 Willie Steen, Moughley, d. 30 July 1929 a. 33
yrs. 2.
Underneath are interred the body of Margaret Noble, Late wife to Mr. Thomas Boyd
who dept this life 23 Nov., A.D., 1736, a. 26 yrs. 3.
(.........Mark Noble. Killypaddy, d. 4.
Under this tomb is interred the body of Elizabeth Boardman, daughter of
Archibald and Ann Boardman, Lisnaskea; who 5.
Here Lyeth the body of Magr. Arthur Noble, who departed this life the 29 day of
Aug., 1731, a. 77. It is remarkable He was Loyale, Active and Corragious in the
late Revolution in defending Londonderry in 1689 and in storming the fort of the
mouth of Limrick, in which restored ye Protestant cause under the Glorious K.W.
of happy memory.(Note: In Belfast Telegraph, 12 oct., 1939, Miss Mona Milligan
wrote a short article about Major Noble. There is a summary of the family
history in Burke???s Landed Gentry.)
7.---------------------- 8.
--------------(This stone is very much worn but from the few words that are
legible, the wife of Magr. Noble is buried here.) 9.
This monument was e. by John Rosboroug in m. of his wife Mararet, who dept. this
life 10.
Erected by Thomas Armstrong, Crockenness in m. of his son Thomas, who dept. this
life 11.
......son Noble of Lisnaskea, d. 9 Dec., 1798 a. 72 yrs. Mrs. Catherine Noble
his wife d. 12.
Here lies the body of Mr. Alex. Noble; late of Lisnaskea who dept. this life
Aug. ye 1st, 1781, a. 55 yrs. Also the body of his wife Mrs. 13.
This stone was erected by Archibald Noble of Gartharn in memory of his father
and mother who dept. this life Oct., 1918. 14.
Here lyeth the body of Edmond Noble, Kinmore who d. December the 29, 1742 a. 52.
Also Ann his wife who d. From the Clogher Record: Acknowledgements are due to the following: Mervyn Fleming, J. Teague, Nixon Fiddis, W. Foster, V. Swift, F. Murphy, T. O???Neill, Austin Henry and F. MCKinney, BDS, with all of whose assistance many of these stones would not have been unearthed nor their inscriptions recorded here. Note:
If you find inconsistant, inaccurate or illegible information in this database,
please consider the following: 1) I may have made an error in transcribing the
record. 2) There may have been an error in transcribing the information from the
tombstone. 3) The tombstone may be weathered and partly illegible. 4) The
tombstone information may be inaccurate.
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