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Religious Census of Devenish
Parliamentary Returns concerning Religion Copied from the original in the Public Record Office, Dublin, by Tennison Groves, B.A. No. 714. Bundle 77.
A Perfect List of all the Families in the Parish of Devenish and Diocese of Clogher, determined and reckoned by the Head of each Family. 25 March, 1766. Note : Spelling of names as original mss. Protestants Richard Graham, Widow Beatty, Widow Kincade, Widow Kerr, Thomas Graham, Widow Graham, Jam Graham, Arthur Graham, John Brown, Francis Brooke, Gerard Owns, Jam Kerr, James Cowen, Rob Stephenson, John Owens, Robt. Carson, Widow Owens, Wm. Bustard, Christopher Graham, Jam Stuert, Jam Brown, Thos. Carson, Alex. Robinson, Patrick Hamilton, Wm. Doman, James Bustard, George Dixon, Widow Henderson, Robt. Fox, George Wilson, Widow Fiddes, Robt. Macutchin, John Hurst, Widow, Reston, Sam McCayne, Thos. Honer, Thos. Dickison, John Bothwill, Gabriel Waterson, Thos. Davies, Jam Robinson, Alex. Robinson, Thos. Armstrong, Wm. Armstrong, John Armstrong, Henry Dundass, John Acheson, Wm. Acheson, Robt. Howden, George Howden, George Howden, Wm. Acheson, Alex. Acheson, Thos. Acheson, Edw. Johnston, John Thompson, Hugh Kitchen, John Gowly, Jam. Carson, Mathew Maclaine, Edw. Maclaine, Robt. Kerguson, George Veach, Patrick Ingram, John Stephenson, Jam Maclaine, Widow Portus, Thomas Methers, James Portus, George Portus, John Boyd, Widow Hillert, Wm. Portus, James Johnston, John Trotter, Wm. Rossgrow, Richard Robinson, George Thompson, Jam Thompson, Richard Howden, Robert Rowe, John Simson, Thos. Boyd, Andrew Dudgeon, Henry Makinny, Alex. Trotter, Robt. Rowe, Mathew Boyle, Widow Kerr, John Makinny, Hugh Kerr, Wm. Wallis, Alex Fere, Edw. Stephenson, Richard Hassard, James Carson, Christopher Brown, Moses Lane, James Fiddes, John Matters, Roger Achison, John Drennan, James Brown, Christopher Brown, James Macullagh, Robt. Macutchon, Peter Houston, Widow Housden, Widow Follis, Wm. Millar, Thos. Wilkin, David Bruce, Alex. Cathcart, Andrew Kelly, Widow Cathcart, Alex. Cathcart, John Waterson, Mathew Wilkin, Wm. Acheson, Richard Follis, Widow Waterson, Jam Follis, George Tichburn, Jam Tichbum, Wm. Tichburn, John Macullagh, Widow Follis, James Ross, Edward Hall, Henry White, Thos. Peterson, John Elliott, Edw. Wier, Robt. Elliot, George Elliot, Wm. Follis, John Macullagh, Wm. Macullagh, Christopher Irvine, John Irvine, John Irvine, George Wier, James Irvine, Roger Magee, Robt. Elliott, Thomas Elliott, Gabriel Lowe, Widow Elliott, George Elliott, John Crozier, Wm. Maginly, Jam Johnston, Andrew Balfour, Thom Johnston, Francis Graham, Charles Magloghlin, Widow Peterson, Wm. Macabe, John Maguire, Rich. Hamilton, John Balfour, Widow Brown, Bryan Maguire, George Macdonnell, James Read, James Brown, Alex. Robinson, Jam Graham, Alexander Wier, Wm. MacBryan, John Brown, Widow Hunter, Widow Millar, Jam Haddock, George Millar, Robt. Johnston, James Johnston, George Johnston, Widow Pots, John Wilkin, Mathew Deane, Simon Armstrong, Christopher Noble, Hugh Drenan, John Trotter, Widow Irwine, James Follis, John Read, Robt. Lough, Robt. Armstrong, Francis Armstrong, Robert Parker, John Heggarty, Widow Elliott, Andrew Ferguson, Wm. Montgomery, Widow Sanderson, Edw. Green, Charles Follis, Mathew Blakely, James Elliott, Robt. Elliott, George Spence, John Keys, Charles Lane, Jane Cuningham, Francis Armstrong, John Swindon, John Swindon, Widow Rankin, Alex. Clarke, Roger Bell, George Trotter, James Hunter, James Nixon, Thos. Wetsor or Wetfor, Thos. Sturdyr, Alex. Robinson, Thos. Wedgeworth, Widow Rankin, George Rankin, Alex. Johnston, Wm. Kelly, John Crozier, Wm. Crozier, Alex. Brechwing, Wm. Follis, James Johnston, George Hillart, John Sanderson, Widow Sanderson, Thos. Little, James Maguire, Francis Ball, Arthur Johnston, Thos.Veech, James Grey, Thos. St.Clere, Robt. Frith, Michael Crozier, Thos. Crozier, Widow Cully, Widow Rutlige, John Johnston, James Crozier, John Crozier, Thos. Rutledge, John Wilson, Edw. Armstrong, Robt. Crozier, John Crozier, James Hicks, James Little, Thos. Graham, Robt. Graham, John Magowan, John Cue, Christopher Hetherington, Andrew Brumstone, Widow Little, Stephen Johnston, Edw. Tomouth, Gabriel Kerr, David Johnston, Thos. Hillart, Thos. Campbell, Thos. Hillart, Guy Hillart, Widow Elliott, James Toomouth, Thos. Cullam, James Crozier, Alex. Steel, James Johnston, Christopher Carleton, Thos. Morrow, Andrew Gibson, John Gibson, George Gibson, Wm. Gibson, Thos. Maguire, Widow Abercromy, Thos. Clarke, Francis Brown, George Nilson, John Guttery, Robt. Spear, Wm. Kerr, James Johnston, George Johnston, John Johnston, Widow Johnston, James Johnston, John Irvine, Rich Ball, Christopher Hetherington, Roger Hetherington, John Sprat, George Sprat, Richard Grey, Robt. Bell, John Grey, George Robinson, Christopher Robinson, John Maguire, Widow Robinson, Robt. Armstrong, Thos. Armstrong, John Brumstone. Total of Protestant Families 309 Total of Catholic Families 224 533
Priests living in the Parish of Devenish Andrew Cashedy confined to his bed. Philip Magowan assistant to Cashedy. Michael Macavana, this last has succeeded another secular priest lately deceased. (No signature). Catholics (Name spellings as found in original M.S.S..) Roger McMullen, Marten Magullion, Dennis Magullion, Wm. Magullion, Wm. Maginny, Bryan Ward, Miles Coan, Connor Scallion, Mark Coan, John Heggerty, Patrick Makilly, Terence Caron, James Mullagan, Hugh Mullagan, Owen Maguire, Dennis Magrah, Francis Magragh, Roger Flanagan, Edw. Callony, Thos. Megan, Thos. Magrah, Owen Wade, Hugh Mackinan, Phelim McManus, Bryan McManus, Cormick McCann, Wm. Gilgan, Owen Kaey, Patrick Maguire, Patrick Meginn, Dennis McManus, Daniel Kelly, Mich Gallegher, Mich Connelly, Bryan Maguire, Thos. Cunningham, Owen Jones, Owen Magarraghan, Owen Maguire, Terence McLinnan, Rog Maguire, Phelim Manus, Patrick McLoughlin, Patrick Cassidy, Hen McLoghlin, Loghlin Murphy, Luke Jones, Cormick Flanagan, Owen Dollan, Hugh Rost, Patrick Leevan, Patrick Macolly, Cons. Maginny, Pat Maginny, Con Maginny, Andrew Duffey, Hugh Dollan, Terence Quin, Pat McLonan, Phelim McLonan, Roger Flanagan, Dan Cox, James Maguire, Manus Carroll, James Flanagan, Thomas McAtegart, Pat McCaffrey, Philip Murphy, Owen Magrory, Bryan Magrory, Owen Macaffrey, Bryan Maguire, Owen Magea, Hugh Jones, Patrick Bredy, John Morvonagh, Bryan Morvonagh, Owen Morvenagh, Bryan Maguire, Pat Flanagan, Murtagh Flanagan, James Maguire, Bryan Mahon, Patrick Cassedy, John Joy, Bren Flanagan, Connor Flin, John Casey, Denis Flanagan, Edw. Flanagan, Marten Magee, John Magee, Edward Jones, Terence Hoy, Faulkner Flanagan, Francis McManus, Philip Cox, Edw. Flanagan, Dan Flanagan, Pat McManus, Edw. Flanagan, Roger Jones, Philip Maguire, Hugh Maguire, Edw. Megoe, Hugh Megue, Hugh Maguire, George Kelly, James Murphy, James Megeghran, Connor Makilly, John Maguire, Edw. Cosgrave, Philip Magowran, Thos. Jones, Owen More, And Morvomagh, James Morvomagh, Martin Tracey, John Dooras, Roger Magullion, Martin Magullion, Hugh Macalese, Patrick Maguire, Thos. Maguire, James Slavin, Pat Maccanulty, Pat Vildone, Thos. Vildone, Hugh Malone, Anthony Malone, James Coan, Connor Malone, Bryan McCue, Pat. O\'Mulcan, Terence Scallon, Fra. Conroy, John Conroy, Jam Carnan, Fra. McMoneghan, Jas. McMoneghan, Martin Maker, Laurence Shiry, Philip Maguire, Dan Mageghran, John Brady, Dan Boyle, John Brady, Widow Brady, Phelim Conran, Hugh Corran, John Corran, Hugh Tiemy, Hugh Mecleavy, John Murry, John Maguire, John Brady, John Kelly, Mich Maguire, James Murphy, Pat Murphy, Pat Maguire, Charles Riely, Terence McCoscar, Pat McManus, Connor McManus, Jas. McManus, Dan Murphy, Owen Fellan, Wm. Kelly, Pat Maguire, Redmond McCart, Bryan Cassedy, Roger Jones, Terence Birns, John Macabe, Conor Macelusher, Owen Teevin, Pat Teevin, Phelim Macaleese, John Dempsey, Dan Macullen, Pat Lane, Mich Cunningham, John Magrory, Sam Breslan, Hugh Mickleroy, James Flanagan, Pat Macart, Arthur Griffin, Cormick Teighy, Connor Duffy, John Maguire, John Maguire, John Maguire, Owen Maguire, Pat Maguire, Teague Maguire, Cormick Maguire, Edw. Mecue, Terence Mecue, John Mecue, Jam Flanegan, Jas. Cassidy, Patrick Hoy, Patrick Tosh, Manus Meghan, Dennis Macool, John Gallagher, Ferrol Magee, Jam Maguire, Hugh Maguire, Jas. Maguire, Cormick Hamel, Hugh Corrigan, Michael Magloghlin, Edw. Magrah, Pat Macart, Manus Magovran, Jas. McDermot, Charles Nogher, Wm. Linch, Martagh McCue, Pat Macabe or Macalee.
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