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Deposition of William Baxter 1641

Deposition of William Baxter 1641

Citation: Trinity College Dublin, 1641 Depositions 


Date: 22nd September 1642

County: Fermanagh

Deposition Type: Dublin Original

Nature of Deposition: Arson, Robbery, Words

Commissioners: Henry Brereton, John Watson, William Aldrich

Deposition Transcription:

William Baxter late of Rathmoran in the halfe Barony of Clankelly and County of ffarmannagh gent eldest sonne and heire apparant of Martin Baxter late of Carndallan in the County of Cauan Clarke deceased: being duily sworne  and examined, deposeth & saith that on the 23 day of October last this deponents said father was lawfully possessed as in his owne right as of his owne proper good{s} of & in sixscore head of Catle in the mannour of Armagh on the lands of Rathmoran in the County of ffarmannagh worth 180 li. of 20 horses and mar{es} worth 40 li. of howsehould Stuffe at Rathmoran aforsaid worth 10 li. of Corne sowne worth 100 li. of corne in the hagyard at Rathmoran aforsaid worth 30 li. of debts & areares of rent in the said County due from such as are in rebellion or robbed by the Rebells and unable to make satisfacteon 48 li. This deponent further saith that his said father was then seized of the mannowr house & proportion of lands of Armagh beeing by estimation a Thowsand acres more or lesse lieing in the said barony & County of ffarmannagh beeing purchast lands of inheeritane of the cleere value & yearly rent of 200 li. per annum to his said fath{er} beesides all under estates held in the said mannowr of Armagh of his said father, and worth (to haue beene sould at the beeginning of this rebellion) som 2000 li., which it cost this deponents father but a little beefore this rebellion, And that hee beeing theroff so seized & the whole estate goods & lands beeing in the hands & mannageing of this deponent vnder his <a> said father. Vpon the 23 day of 8ber last Rosse mc Art mc Guire of the said County with other rebells to the number of Ten or upwards by {name?} m e unknowne unto this deponent apprehended this Deponent at Rathmoran aforesaid seized upon his house land cattle corne & howshould suff abouenamed turned this deponent & his sister out of dores {hardly?} suffering them to escape with their liues & saing that they (meaning  the Irish) had killed all the English in that half barony & that they had a broad seale from the king for their so doing, and were every one for to enter upon their owne lands, wheroff they or their predecessors  had beene by plantation dispossessed, like as the said Rosse mc Guiere then entered upon the said lands of Rathmoran challenging them to have belonged to his father before the said plantation. This deponent further saith that hee hath credibly heard that by reason of this rebellion and to hinder the Rebles from harbour Sir William Cole of Enniskillen knight hath burned this deponents house to his damadge of at least 60 li. soe that this deponent hath in the said County of ffarmannagh sufered the loss of 468 li. besides one yeare and an halfe losse of his rents there beeing 300 li. in all to his present losse of 768 li. besides <200 li per annum>
Tis deponent further saith that his said father was robbed and dispoiled in the County of Cavan by the Rebells his neghbours at and of the land of the Carne of househould goods to the value of 40 li. corne in the Hagyard 100 li. horses worth 25 li. Cowes worth 30 li. but the names and number of the rebells that soe robbed him he knoweth not, for that he this deponent hearing of theyr approch before, they came to the Carne aforesaid fledd away, This dep{onent} further saith that his fathers bookes being worth about 40 li. {were car}ried to the house of Denish o Shraiden minister Clerke in the said {Countie?} where hee feareth they will be lost, and never recovered out {of that?} Rebellious County, & that hee this deponent left in the County of {Cavan at?} the house of James Gray of the said towne of Cauan {at such time} as this deponent with others bee { }

plate which hee had made up in the the cariages of one that came out of the said Castle but turned backe worth [ ] li. 10 s. This deponent further saith that their was taken from his unckele John Warren of Belturbet as he was comming towards Dublin neare the Cauan, cloath stuffe and wearing apparrell belonging to this deponent and his sister worth 10 li. soe that his whole certayne losses in the County of Cauan susteyned amounteth to 280 li. 10 s. in both Counties to 1048 li. li. verily feareth he shall susteyne to 583 l i 10s. in all in that county to 197 li of his uncertayne losses which he besides his losse of the rent of his lands till a peace be settled and which will not then answer to neare the value that it stands him in1048 li.
And saith that Ja: Brady of the Tullagh of the aforesaid County is in Rebellion and oweth him 30 li. of the aforesaid 48 li.

William Baxter
Jurat Sept 22d 1642
John Watson:
Will: Aldrich
Henry: Brereton

William Baxter Jur xxijo
Sept 1642

William Baxter Jury 22nd Sept 1642

Deponent Ful lname: William Baxter

Deponent Gender: Male

Deponent Occupation: Gentleman

Deponent County of Residence: Fermanagh

Mentioned Non-Deponent Full names: Martin Baxter, Rosse Mc Art Mc Guire, William Cole, Ja: Brady, Denis OShraiden, James Gray, John Warren


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