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 Ulster Ancestry
Ulster Ancestry - Ancestral and Family Research in Northern Ireland
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Muster Roll Ironmongers Estate

MUSTER ROLL ON THE IRONMONGERS\' ESTATE Co. Londonderry, Ireland (circa. 1630)

extracted from the book Aghadowey by Rev. Thomas H. Mullin, Belfast: Century Services, 1972.

 Anderson, John Hemphill, Robert Porter, William Armestron, Adam Henderson, John Reed, Adam Asby, George Henry, John Reed,

George Bar, Cuthbert Hughston, John Reed, John Bennett, John Hunter, Andrew Reed, Robert Blacker, David Hemphill, James

Robb, David Bramson, Samuel Itson, Edward Rock, Thomas Canning, George Keemyng, John Rod, James Canning, Paul Kerne,

Barneby Ross, John Canning, Richard Kinington, Henry Smale, John Canning, William Liggat, Michael Smith, Allen Carrington

Nathaniel Longmore, Robert Smith, Mungo Chamberlin, William Lull, Thomas Smyth, John Chamberlyn, Guy Makaspy, Turlo

Smyth, Robert Chamberlyn, Alexander Mason, ffrancis Spire, Adam (elder) Chambers, William McAlester, Alexander Spire,

James (younger) Church, Elias McElenan, Bryan Spire, Lawrence (elder) Collom, Moyle McFetriss, Donnell Spire, Robert Collome,

William McFetriss, Cullam Spire, William Copeland, William McGilandryes, Owen Spyre, Adam (younger) Cross, George

McGilbredy, Patrick Spyre, Hugh Cross, William (elder) McGilbredy, Owen Spyre, James (elder) Degarnock, Henry McGill, John

Spyre, John Dixon, Richard McGill, William Stabin, Thomas Eaton, Robert McKee, John Thomson, John Exfall, John McKinly,

Lancelot Thomson, Martin Exfull, Robert McMullan, John Tiplady, Benjamin Gambell, William McMurroghy, Donnell Tome,

John(younger) Garven, James McMurroghy, Morto Tome, John (elder) Gate, Thomas McReady, Patrick Tyming, Richard Gaut, Paul

Miller, Thomas Vincent, John Gibson, James Moone, Thomas Vincent, William Gibson, Thomas Moore, Thomas (younger) Ward,

Robert Gould, Alexander Moore, Thomas (elder) Web, Edward Gout, Allen Morgan, Thomas Wells, Lawrence Gray,

Andrew Morrise, Evance Wilk, William Gyles, John Mungomery, Robert Willson, Hugh Hamibidg, Thomas Murryne, Thomas Wilson,

Robert Harrison, Charles O Kat, Turlo Wings, Henry Harrison, William Patterson, David Wytty, William Haumor,

Thomas Port, Donnell ________________________________________

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