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List of Protestant Householders Tamlagh O Crilly

1740 Protestant householders in Tamlaght O Crilly Parish

County Londonderry 

Thos. Church
Tole McAllester
Danl. mcAllester
John Brannan
Willm. Campble (sic)
Robt. Campble
James Killpatrick
James Maberry
James Karny
John Maberry
Richd. Maberry
John Crosly
Mark Carr
John Murry
John McLaughlin
Tage oMurry
Randle mcAlester
Patk. Orr
Danl. mcAllin
Hugh oDiamond
James Wilson
widow Hamilton
Jas. Williamson
Hugh Hill
Ninion Smith
Willm. Hill
George Akin
Adam Hill
Thos. Madikin
James McNickle
John mcNickle
Rose mcGulpin
Wm. Collins
Archd. McAlhphatrick (sic)
John Martin
John mcClemont
Richd. Gardiner
James Collins
Willm. Collins
Robt. Willy
John oNeal
John Cox
Willm. Cox
James Gillmore
John Campble
James Williamson
Patk. Mulloy
John mcPeak
Widow Mulloy
James Creely
Danl. Margy
Shan. oQuin
Art oQuin
John Caskey
Saml. Boulton
John Boyd
widow Casky
Danl. Stuart
John Moylany
John Scott
John Casky
Thos. Stuart
Willm. Boulton
widow Boulton
Mary Blair
John Stuart
John Campble
Edwd. Cox
John mcLain
Robt. Campble
Richard Campble
Patk. Mulholland
Art Mulholland
James Richey
Peter Tochel
Willm. Stuart
Allen Stuart
John McRandle
Shan McRandle
Alexander Turner
Robert Wallace
Willm. Hart
Thos mcKillip
widow mcCart
widow mcKillip
Willm. mcKaghy
Robert Withorow
Randle mcAlester
James mcConnell
Dinis mcCay
John Willy
John mcCahan
James mcCahan
Josh Willy
John Faulkner
Willm. Turner
Carby mcCann
John Campble
widow mcAllary
Danl. mcAllary
James mcKeenan
widow mcRandle
Shan mcAllary
Juggy Kenedy
Dorothy Kenedy
Willm. Kenedy
Jas. Begly
Willm. Begly
Richd. Craford
John oMullan
widow macReady
Neal mcCotter
John mcAllary
Frans. Starret
Tole oCain
Hugh Glasgow
Patk. OQuin
widow Davison
Neal oNeil
James Graham
Hester Laudden
Robt. mcCormick
Patk. macDuffe
John Woods
Chas. McLaughlin
Danl. Downing
Wilm. Catherwood
James Hinds
Chas. Richy
John mcKaghy
Willm. Johnston
Willm. Fleming
Robert Campbell (sic)
John mcDonnell
widow mcKay
Bryan mcGill
widow mcGill
James Miller
John Mark
Willm. Bole
James mcCartney
Huy Bay
Henry mcGill
Danl. mcPeak
James mcKaghy
John Fleming
John Rea
John Miller
Andw. Cochran
James mcCurtney
Robert Henderson
John Bay
John Murdoch
David Long
Robt. Miller
Robt. Workman
John Kelsy
John mcDearmont
Danl. mcPeake
Hugh mcPeake
George mcKaghy
John mcKaghy
widow Blair
Danl. mcKaghy
Hugh Crafford
Chas. Kairnan
Archd. mcKaghy
Art oHenry
Roger mcLairn
Cork oHenry
widow Gilmore
Willm. mcTammy
widow Campble
Nathl. Marks
John Miliken
widow mcNeal
Neal mcPeake
Hugh Henry
Willm. Sturgeon
Richd. Shaw
Robt. Clements
widow Hevern
Alex. Duncan
Andw. Lorimer
James Mulholland
widow Mullan
Robt. Smith
Frans. Smith
Edmd. oDichon
Patk. oKeenan
Henry Lennox
Hugh Glasgow
Hugh Allice
James mcCullough
James Knox
James mcCleland
Patk. mcVeagh
Patk. mcFadden
Thomas Rainy
Eneas Welsh
Samuel Hasty
Willm. Hasty
James Neal
widow Henry
Tage mcLain
James Laughlin
John Murphy
James Murphy
Josh. Laughlin
Alex Huey
John Willson
John Neal
Willm. mcMullan
John Huey
John Reed
John mcCaa
James mcCaa
Robt. Orr
John oFerral
James Hilton
Willm. Stuart
Frans. Reed
Chas. Orr
Chars. mcKaghy
Nichs. Bert
Manus mcPeake
John oBoylan
Bryan mcPeecke
John Mulholland
Neal Diamond
Willm. Mulholland
Jas. mcCalen
David Mulholland
James Mulholland
Mrs. Mulholland
widow mcPeak
Mrs. Mulholland
neal mcKee
widow Raleagh
Patrick Rallaghan
Hugh Walker
Danl. Shaw
Patk. Dorethy
Willm. Gilmore
widow Banintin
Robt. Stuart
Alex Mott
Danl. Workman
Adam Blair
Thos. Roe
George Polike
John Polike
Alexr. Kelly
James Sim
Willm. Sloan
widow Mulholland
John Taylor
John Young
Wm. Young
Willm. mcCaa
Robt. Graham
Fras. Roe
Jas. Gibson
Willm. Workman
widow mcCullough
Bryan Black
Jas. Stuart
Danl. mcConoghy
John Gilmore
Mr. mcLain
Willm. Wilson
James Taylor
John Taylor
John Workman
Nees oKenny
Cola mcATamny
Patk. mcATamny
John oDaly
James Pattan
James Reid
Roger oHenry
James Tagart
Neal mcater

Dunc. mcAnnuller
George French
Patk. oMullan
Chas mcLain
Henry mcAnular
Edwd. Cox
Nees oHenry
Mr. Worling
Patk. oMurry
Alexr. mcAlester
Art oNeal
Allen Woods
Mary Simon
James Woods
Hugh Young
Robert Smith
Willm. Rea
Margt. Johnston
Robt. Clerk
James Smith
Alexr. Rea
James Rea
John Rea
George Rea
John Bell


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