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 Ulster Ancestry
Ulster Ancestry - Ancestral and Family Research in Northern Ireland
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The Brig Maria


List of passengers to go on board the ship MARIA, leaving from the Quay at Londonderry Bound for Philadelphia, 30th March 1804.

Nancy McKeever 45 spinster

Robert Fulton 43 labourer

John Rice 38 labourer

Mary Ann Hammond 27 spinster

Nancy Fulton 31 spinster

Robert Miller 26 labourer

Arthur Murphy 49 labourer

James Dougherty 33 labourer

Jas. McKinley 23 labourer

Sarah Murphy 21 spinster

Mary McGomery 17 spinster

Margt. Pearson 52 spinster

Frans. Scott 47 labourer

James Dogherty 51 labourer

Saml. McKinley 33 labourer

Patt Karlin 42 labourer

John McConway 28 labourer

Mary McConway 26 spinster

Hugh Smith 44 labourer

Humphry Graham 50 labourer

Thos. Graham 36 labourer

Barny McCanna 43 labourer

Robert Leonard 21 labourer

Henry Rankin 17 labourer

Wm. Anderson 53 labourer

Wm. Edmond 41 labourer

John Anderson 28 labourer

John Bellman 35 labourer

Saml. Anderson 46 labourer

Margt. Anderson 36 spinster

Ann Walker 24 spinster

Henry Anderson labourer

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