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 Ulster Ancestry
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18th century emigrants via Londonderry

Dated at Halifax, 17th November 1761

Later copied in The Belfast Newsletter


A list of names on a letter of thanks and recommendation

 the passengers of Colonel McNutt now safely arrived at Halifax, Nova Scotia.


Andrew Ross, Bellreshain{Ballyrashane}, Co. Antrim.

William Moore, P of Faun,{Parish of Fahan} Co. Donegal.

William Henderson, Rathmullan, Co. Donegal.

William McNutt, P of Mavagh,{Parish of Mevagh} Co. Donegal.

John McMahon, {The}Rosses, Co. Donegal

Joseph Crawford,  Rathmalton, {Ramelton }Co. Donegal.

Robert Spencer, Clanda Horky,{Condahorkey}  Co. Donegal.          

John Morrison, P of Ry Tollaghbegly,{Rye Tullaghobegley} Co. Donegal

Benjamin McNutt, P of Mavagh, {Mevagh}Kilmacrenan, Co. Donegal.

Mark Patton, P of Forgan, Vael,{Parish of Faughanvale} Co. Londonderry.

John McNutt, Tullyachnish,?? Co. Londonderry.

Daniel Cochran, Derrykeychen,{Derrykeighan} Co. Antrim.

Robert Smith, Cahery, P of Drumnacose,{Drumachose} Co. Londonderry.

Anthony McClean, from near Letterkenny, Co. Donegal.

John Clark, P of Tamlaughtfinleggan,{Tamlaghfinlagen} Co. Londonderry

John Barnhill, P of Lake, {Parish of Leck} Co. Donegal.


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