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St Columbs Cathedral Londonderry Memorials


Journal of the Association for the Preservation of the Memorials of the Dead in

Ireland  Vol. IX 

‘Small flat stone‘: --

   Erected by | John & Henry COYLE | to the memory of | their beloved

            Mother | Jane Coyle | who departed this life | July 4th 1852 |

            aged 37 years.


            Here lies the remains of Mary MORTON daughter of Gamaliel MORTON of this

            City who |departed this life 27th of June 1812 | aged 18 years | Also of

            Ann and Hannagh Morton who died young | Ann Morton | departed this life

            the 21st day of Septr 1816 | aged 18 years.

            Jane | wife of Gamaliel MORTON |departed this life 11th day of June |1832

            aged 72 years

            Also of Gamaliel Morton of this City | Merchant who departed this life

            on the 18th | day of September 1846 aged 86 years | and of his sons |

            Charles Morton Surgeon of this | City who departed this life on | the

            24th day of January 1855 | in the 56th year of his age.


            Also the remains of Jane Morton | daughter of Gamaliel Morton | who died

            on the 11th day of February 1869 | aged 64 years.

‘Also inside railing’: --

            Sacred | to the memory of | RICHARD MORTON son to | Richard Morton

            Merchant of | this City who departed this life the | 29th of June 1825

            aged 12 years.  | Also of | Rebecca who died young. | Rebecca Morton

            wife to | Mr. Richard Morton of this City | who died the 17th March 1832

            aged 45 years.  | John MORTON Surgeon | son to the above died the 9th

            July 1833 | aged 25 years | Also of Richard Morton of this City |

            Merchant who departed this life on the 21st | day of January 1848 aged

            61 years | Also to | Jane Morton | daughter to the |above who died on

            the 10th day of January 1867 |aged 55 years.


‘Large flat stone (crested at top)’: --

            Underneath is deposited the remains of | William CUTHBERT Surgeon | late

            of this City | who departed this life April 9th 1817 | aged 51 years |

            He was eminent in his Profession | universally beloved and lamented. |

            Also three of his children who died young.


‘Upright stone laid flat (cracked)’: --

            To the memory of | Thomas HALL | who departed this life | 21st of

            January 1845 | aged . . Years | Thomas Egerton HALLl | died 12th

            November, 184- | aged 7 months | Ann Hall | died 16th June 1852 | aged

            10 years.

‘Large flat slab’:--

            Underneath are the remains of |Hannah CROMPTON | who departed this life |

            the 9th of Feby 1837 | also Hannah CROMPTON | died 23rd Jany 1864 | also

            | Isabella CROMPTON | died 28th June 1869.


‘Large raised slab’:--

            Erected by |The Rev. Edward BATTY | Vicar of Duleek in the Diocese of

            Meath | To the memory of | His beloved daughter | Emily Catherine | who

            departed this life | on the 29th day of January 1845 | in the eighteenth

            year of her age, | when on a visit to this City | and whose remains are

            deposited beneath.


            Here lie the remains of | Alice CROMPTON | who departed this life the

            21st October | 1813 aged 10 years | Also the remains of | Adam Crompton

            who departed this life the 23rd of April | 1835 |. Also his son | John

            Crompton | who departed this life the 4th of May | 1836 | And also |

            Margaret Crompton | died 11th Octr 1874 | and | Jane Crompton | died 19th

            January, 1889.


‘Large altar-tomb’:--

            Here lie interred the remains | of Mrs. Mary THOMPSON | who departed

            this life | the 4th March 1819 | aged 33 years | Also | James Thompson

            Esqr. | husband of the above Mary | who departed this life | on the 20th

            of August 1861 | aged 81 years. | Also his wife | Fanny COCHRANE | who

            departed this life | the 29th November 1865 aged 76 years. | Also |

            Fanny daughter of the above | James and Mary Thompson | who departed

            this life | the 4th February 1896 | aged 79 years.

‘Upright stone’:

            Sacred to the memory of | George HILL | of Mullamena near Omagh | who

            died March 1848 | aged 34 years.


            Beneath this stone are laid the remains | of Samuel LEATHEM, M.D.  He

            died on | the 31st December 1811

            in the 41st year of | his age | Also his wife | Elizabeth LEATHEM | who

            died 18th November 1859 | aged 78 years.


‘Small flat stone’:--

            To the memory of | James | Son of Capt. & Mrs. POYNTZ | 30th Regt | Died

            Dec 9th 1832 | aged 17 months.


‘Headstone clamped to cathedral wall’:--

            Here | lieth the Body of Catherine HARWARD | daughter of John & Margt

            Harward | who departed this life 16th April 1794 } aged 11 years & 4

            months | Also Margaret Harward his wife | who departed this life the

            27th | of Octr 1795 . . . Years.

‘Large bevelled slab with carved headstone’:--


             This tribute to her memory | is inscribed by a sincere Friend |

            And also of their Father | James McCREA | Merchant of this City | who

            died 31st Jany 1856 | aged 89 years.


            Sacred to the memory of | Elizabeth Anne CHARLETON | died 17 March 1848

            | AE 27 years | Oh weep not for her though | . . Sleeps in her grave |

            She . . . . one who | . . . Save.


‘Large flat slab’:--

            Here lieth the remains of | Huntly ROSE | who departed this life | on

            the 5th June 1841 | aged 41.


‘Flat stone’

            Sacred to the memory | of Mary Leticia | wife of Lieut Colonel Bryce

            McMASTER | of the Madras Army who died this 17th | day of June 1842 |

            Also of her Aunt | Ann YOUNG | who departed this life 26 March 1860 | in

            her 85th year.


‘Slab beside above’:--

            Here lieth the remains of | Elenor DOAK | who departed this life the

            12th | June 1820 in the 16th year of her age | Also Anne DOAK aged 88

            years | died the 15th of Decr1880 | Mother of the above | and Anthony DOAK aged 76 years | died the

            21th of Decr 1847 | husband of Anne Doak.


‘Large altar-tomb’:--

            Erected by Maria WADDY | to the Memory of her husband | Phineas MANSON |

            who departed this life in Dublin | on the 30th of November 1852 | aged

            45 years.


‘Flat stone’:--

            Here lyeth the bodies of | John HAMILTON aged 5 years | and Isabella

            Catherine Elizbth | HAMILTON who died on the 21st | of July 1828 aged 18



‘Flat stone’:--

            Sacred | to the memory of | Diana MARTIN | wife of Robert Martin. | In

            her were united all the virtues of | an affectionate wife & tender

            Mother.  She died on the 16th March 1833 | aged 41 years.


‘Against wall of engine-house’:--

            Here lieth the body of | Joseph F. SPARROW | an American Seaman | born

            at Chatham State of | Massa-chusetts who died | May 25th 1848 [1843] aged 18

            years. | The toils & tempests of life’s wages o’er | Far from his

            friends, far from his native shore | To this young Sea-man holy rest is

            given | His body here his soul aloft in Heaven.


‘Upright large stone’:--

            To the beloved memory | of her husband | Maxwell DEERING| of this City

            | who died April the 30th 1857 | aged 87 years | Also | Sophia WADDY |

            his wife | who died June 7th 1889 | aged 62 years. | “Trusting in a sure

            and certain resurrection.”

‘Large low altar-tomb’:--

            Here lyeth the Body of John &  I THARP who died young child ren to

            Mich’ Tharp March’ in Londonderry | Also the remains of Mrs Ann | Tharp,

            widow to said Mich’ | Tharp who died the 2nd of July | 1807 aged 7_



‘Large flat slab’:--

            Here lieth the remains of | Robert BATTERSBY by | of this City who died

            15th June 1834 | aged 21 years.


‘Flat broken stone’:--

Nier rulet

Schiffs Captain

an Nicholas CHRISTEN



In memory of John Nicholas CHRISTEN

Of Lubeck

Captain of the Brig

Catharina Charlotte of Riga

Died the 17th January 1849

Aged 45 years.


‘Large flat stone’:--

            Here lieth the remains of | Mrs Margaret WALKER | who departed this life

            the 1st of April | 1810 aged 75 years | Also | Mrs Martha WALKER | who

            departed this life the 29th Dec | 1819 aged 29 years | Also Alexander

            WALKER | who died the 9th of June 1824 | aged 94 years; | Also Samuel

            WALKER | of this City Merch’ who died on the 1st of | June 1844 aged 70

            years | Also of his son Samuel Hay WWALKER | of this City Surgeon who

            died on the 12th of | March 1845 aged 30 years | Also Jane WALKER |

            Widow of Samuel WALKER | who departed this life on the 21st June 1888 |

            aged 98 years.


‘Flat stone’:

            To the memory | of Martha aged 5 and Jane | 3 years, the beloved |

            daughters of | Samuel McGOWAN | of this City Merchant | March 1836.

‘Flat headstone’:--

            Here | lieth the remains of | Thomas H. MURPHY | who departed this life

            | on the 7th of August A.D. 1845 | aged ten years.



            Erected | by | James WILSON | Merchant Londonderry | in memory of

            Agnes CRAIG his beloved and affectionate wife | who died 31st August 1850

            aged 36 years | Here also are interred | the remains of | Alexander Craig

            WILSON | eldest son of the above named | who died 7th January 1864 aged 26

            years | Here also the remains of James WILSON | who was 33 years a Merchant in

            Derry | Born at Paisley 2nd Novr 1815 | died at Londonderry 24th May 1869

‘Large flat stone’:--

Sacred | to the memory of Robert LYONS | who departed this life on the

7th of September 1847 aged 18 years.

‘Large flat stone’:--

   Underneath are deposited | the remains of | Edward DAVENPORT | who

departed this life | 2nd Octr 1815 aged 68 years | Also the remains of

his daughter | Rebecca | who departed this life 20th Jany 1837 | aged 35

years | Also | Matilda his wife who departed this life 1st July 1841 |


DAVENPORT | Blessed are the dead | that die in the Lord.


  Erected | by John M. JOHNSTON | to the memory of | William Bacon WALLEN |

  Founder of the Londonderry Sentinel Newspaper | in the year 1829 | for

the | advo cacy of Protestant and Conservative principles | who died

 upon the principles of the Founder until the | period of her death |

which took place on the 3rd day of April 1857 | aged 68 years.











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