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Transported Jacobite prisoners

The Ship Godspeed
Liverpool 14 July 1716

Source: Embarkation List: Colonial Office Records Book, CO 5 190 p 363.

National Archives Kew London

 A list of fifty four rebel prisoners shipped in order to be transported for life

on board the vessel Godspeed for the colony of Virginia America . Capt. Arthur Smith


2   Miles    Beggs

3   James    Benton

4   James    Bow

5   Ninian   Brown

6   John     Cameron

7   Jno.     Chambers

8   James    Crampton

9   James    Dixon

10  Duncan   Ferguson

11  Willm.   Ferguson

12  David.   Graham

13  Daniel.  Grant

14  George   Hodgson

15  Thomas  Hume

16  William Johnson

17  Daniel.  Kennedy

18  David    Lawder

19  James    Malone

20  John     McArdy

21  Francis McBean {McBain}

22  John McBean {McBain}

23  John     McCollum

24  Malcolm    McCollum

25  Patrick  McCoy

26  Angus    McDermott

27   Hugh  McDugall {McDougal}

28  Alex.    McGiven

29  John     McGregor

30  Finlon   McIntire

31  Hugh     McIntire

32  Alex:    McIntosh

33  James    McIntosh

34  Jams.    McIntosh

35  Loughlin McIntosh

36  John  McKowan {McKeown}

37  James McLearn {McClaren}

38  Willm.   McPherson

39  George   Neilson

40  Alex:    Orack

41  Rowland  Robson

42  James    Rutherford

43  John     Shaftoe

44  James    Shaw

45  Thomas   Shaw

46  Willm.   Shaw

47  James    Sinclair

48  Patrick  Smith

49  James    Somerville

50  Danl.    Stewart

51  John     Stewart

52  Humphrey Sword

53  William  Sympson {Simpson}

54  Hector   White


Trans.{c} :  Hugh Tornabene

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