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The Brigatine Two Brothers

Brigantine The Two Brothers
Liverpool to Jamaica, West Indies
Liverpool April 26, 1716 to Montserrat, June 1716  

26th April 1716 shipped on board the Two Brothers Edward Rathben Commander

for Jamaica 47 Rebels or Prisoners


I am commanded by His Royal Highness to transmit to you the inclosed List of the Rebel Prisoners who have been ordered to be Transported to Jamaica, and am to signify to you that you do with all convenient Speed return exact Lists of those Rebel Prisoners that have landed in that Island, that the same may be laid before His Royal Highness. 

P: Methuen Leverpool April 26 1716.

A List of Forty Seven Rebel Prisoners on board the Two Brothers in order for Transportation.

 1.  John Duncan.

 2.  Duncan Bean.Bain

 3.  John McIntyre.

 4.  Alex. Smith.

 5.  Denis McIntyre.

 6.  Robt. Handyside.

 7.  Alex. Duncan.

 8.  Danl. Smith.

 9.  Angus McDermott.

10.  Alex. McLear.{McClair}

11.  John Kenneyday.{Kennedy}

12.  Jno. McCoy.

13.  Danl. McLean.

14.  Danl. Robertson.

15.  Mich. Turnball.

16.  John McCullum.

17.  Denis McDonall.

18.  John Cannon.

19.  Geo. Moody.

20.  Duncan Robertson.

21.  John Stewart.

22.  Alex. Kenneyday.{Kennedy}

23.  John Stewart.

24.  Duncan McNormer.

25.  James Carmell.

26.  Alex. McNabb.

27.  Alex. McClaser.

28.  James Robartson.

29.  Peter Ferguson.

30.  John Robartson.

31.  Duncan Stewart.

32.  Robt. McCullaugh.

33.  Duncan McGibon.

34.  John McFarlin.{McFarland}

35.  Geo. Mortimore.

36.  Philip McDorton.

37.  John Scott.

38.  Willm. McDonald.

39.  Alex. McPherson.

40.  John McNabb.

41.  Duncan Shorter.

42.  Robert. Wallis.{Wallace}

43.  John Stewart.

44.  Angus McDermott.

45.  Duncan McIntier.{McIntyre}

46.  Edward McCann.

47.  Angus McIntosh 


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