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Friendship out of Belfast

List of 80 Jacobite rebel prisoners {sold} to Maryland transported aboard the ship Friendship of Belfast, 20th Aug., 1716, with the names of their potential purchasers.


If their own name is recorded as the purchaser it would seem that they had enough money to buy their “freedom” 

Allen James        Allen James


Ayre Willm.        Are William


Bane Willm.        McBean William


Brenden John       Blandell John


Cameron Finlow     Cameron Finley


Conahar John       Couchar John


Cooper Patrick     Cooper Patrick


Cummins William.   Cummins William


Daie Andrew        Day Andrew


Dalgaty John       Dogerdy John


Davidson Andrew    Davidson Andrew


Davidson Willm.    Davidson Wm


Denham James       Denholme James


Donaldson Cha.     Donallson Charles


Donaldson Thos.    Donallson Thomas


Dunbarr Jerom      Dunbarr Jeremiah


Ferguson Henry     Farchasar Henry


Forbes Thos.      Forbus Thomas


Glandy John        Glandy John


Gordon Alex.       Gorden Alex


Grant Willm.       Grant Wm


Hay John           Hay Jno


Henderson Robt.    Henderson Robert


Hendrick James     Hendry James


Hill James         Hill James


Hunter Patrick     Hunter Patrick


Lowe Abram.        Lowe Abra


Lowe James         Lowe James


Lowry Thos.        Lawrey Thomas


Mann Willm.        Mnan William


Martison Jno.      Mertison John


McBean John        Mackbayn McBain} John


McDarran Archd.    Macdonnal Archibald


McDonald John      McDonald John


McDugall Alex.     McDugall Alex


McGillivray Farg.  Mcglvary Fargular


McGillivray Will.  MacGilvary Wm.


McGillivray Willm. MacGilvary Wm.


McLane Allen       Mclian Allen


McLoughlan John    Macklean John


McNabb Thos.       McNabb Thos.


McQueen Alex.      McQueen Alexa


McQueen David      McQueen David


McQueen Dugall     Macqueen Dugell


McQueen Hector     Macqueen Hector


Mitchell James     Mitchell James


Mortimer Alex.     Mortimore Alexa


Moubray Willm.     Mobbery Wm


Mulls David         Mills David


Murray Henry       Murray Henry


Neave Alex.        Nave Alexa


Nevery James       Nithery James


Park Thos.         Park Thomas


Peter John         Pitter John


Potts Thos.        Potts Thomas


Ramsey John        Ramsey John


Rend Alex.         Reind Alex


Robertson Don.     Robertson Donald


Robertson James    Robertson James


Robertson John     Robertson John


Robertson Leonard  Robinson Leonard


Robertson Patrick   White James


Ross John          Ross John


Rutter Thos.       Rutter Thomas


Semms Willm.        Simms Wm


Shaw James         Shaw James


Stonger Alex.      Swinger? Alexa


Shonger John       Sinclear John


Small James        Small James


Smith Alex.        Smith Alex


Smith Thos.        Smith Thomas


Spalding Alex.     Spalding Alexa


Stewart David      Steward David


Stubbs Robt.       Stobbs Robert


Thompson Geo.      Thompson George


Webster James      Webster James


White James        White James


Wilson Henry        Wilson Henry


Source for departure list:

CO 5 190, page 366 (Colonial Office). Kew, London.


Source for arrival list:

Maryland Land Records pp 395-7, 1716. Annapolis, Maryland.




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