Ulster AncestryUlster Ancestry

Transported Jacobite rebels

 The Ship Susannah
Liverpool, England to South Carolina, the Americas 7 May 1716

A list of the one hundred & four rebel prisoners to be transported to South Carolina           

to Commander in Chief  South Carolina

From Whitehall 16. August 1716



I am commanded by His Royal Highness to transmit to you the enclosed lists of the rebel prisoners who have been ordered to be transported to South Carolina, and am to signify to you H.R.H. pleasure that you do with all convenient speed return exact lists of those rebel prisoners that have landed in that Province that the same may be laid before His Royal Highness. I am etc. 

Liverpool 7th May 1716

  1 Allen Baton

  2 James Bruce

  3 Donald Cameron

  4 John Cameron

  5 John Campbell

  6 John Campbell

  7 Joseph Chambers

  8 Hugh Clark

  9 George. Cornell

 10 John Cozens Cousins

 11 James. Creighton

 12 John Crockett

 13 Alexander. Dalketty {Dougherty}

 14 William. Dalzell

 15 Donald. Davidson

 16 David Duckter

 17 Donald. Duff

 18 Thomas Duff

 19 John Eggoe

 20 William. Eggoe

 21 George Forbes

 22 John. Fotheringam

 23 Duncan. Frazer

 24 Hugh Frazer

 25 William Frazer

 26 Henry Gill

 27 Ludovick. Grant

 28 Thomas Guild

 29 John Guttry Guthrie

 30 Geo. Hammond

 31 John Heard

 32 John Johnston

 33 John Lemon

 34 Alexander. Leslie

 35 John Mathewson

 36 Elias McBeane  McBain

 37 Donald.  McCoy

 38 Donald. McCallum

 39 Duncan. McCallum

 40 James. McDonald

 41 John McDonald

 42 Rory McDonald

 43 William. McDonald

 44 Donald. McGillivray

 45 Fergus McGillivray

 46 Duncan. McGregor

 47 Malcolm McGregor

 48 John McInnis

 49 Duncan McIntosh

 50 Ewen McIntosh

 51 James. McIntosh

 52 John. McIntosh

 53 John. McIntosh

 54 John. McIntosh

 55 William McIntosh

 56 Daniel McKeels

 57 John McLaren

 58 Patrick McLaren

 59 Duncan McNaughton

 60 Angus McPherson

 61 Donald McPherson

 62 Donald McPherson

 63 Duncan McPherson

 64 John McPherson

 65 John McQuinn

 66 John McVane

 67 Mallcolm McVane

 68 Jonathan Newton

 69 John Ray or Wray

 70 Malcolm. Reid

 71 James Robb

 72 John Robb

 73 Thomas. Robb

 74 Donald. Robertson

 75 James. Robertson

 76 James Robertson

 77 David Robinson

 78 Don. Robinson

 79 Duncan. Robinson

 80 James Robinson

 81 James Robinson

 82 John Robinson

 83 Thomass. Ross

 84 Henry Serjeant

 85 Alexander. Shaw

 86 Donald. Shaw

 87 Ewen Shaw

 88 John. Shaw

 89 Peter Shaw

 90 William Shaw

 91 Bernard Shuttard

 92 James Simpson

 93 David Smith

 94 Donald. Smith

 95 Patrick Smith

 96 Alexander Stewart or Stuart

 97 Duncan  Stewart

 98 Hugh Stewart

 99 John Stewart

100 Neil Stewart

101 Neil Stewart

102 Patrick Stewart

103 James Swinhoe

104 Francis Yeoman 

  Source : The National Archives, Kew, London.



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