Ulster AncestryUlster Ancestry

 Ulster Ancestry
Ulster Ancestry - Ancestral and Family Research in Northern Ireland
Ulster Ancestry Free Ancestor Search - Search over 330,000 ancestors and ancestry records. Heir Hunters Association

The Brig Yorkshire


Ammended list of Passengers on the Ship YORKSHIRE from Ireland via Liverpool to New York,

27 October, 1847.


 Mary Black

Thomas Brady

Joseph Brown

Ellen Carrol

Catherine Coile {Coyle}

Catherine Coleman

Pat Dailey

Francis Farrel

Bess Flinn

Michael Gilhooly

Mary Griffin

John Griffin

John Irving

Ann Leonard

William Longhead {Lockhead?}

Mary McCarty

Catherine McGowan

Peter McHugh

Thomas McMahon

Ann Morrison

Edmond Quinn

Joanna Scanlan

Mary Spencer

John Wall


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