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 Ulster Ancestry
Ulster Ancestry - Ancestral and Family Research in Northern Ireland
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Names on the Irish Wall Toronto

1847 Toronto Memorial.

In 1847 over 38,000 Irish men, women and children landed on the shores of Toronto. Over 1,100 did not survive and died upon their arrival

Following is the list of  675 names  found to date

W. Acton
Edward Ahern
Margaret Anderson
David Armstrong
Hugh Atkins
Robert Atkins
John Auldy
Susan Bailey
Henry Barrett
Sally Ann Baxter
Thomas Beaty
William Bell
Margaret Bell
Alexander Berryman
Oliver Berryman
Sarah Ann Biggar
Thomas Biggar
Robert Black
Peter Blake
Thomas Boles
Jane Boles
John Bolster
Francis Booth
Mary Ann Booth
Margaret A Bowman
Andrew Bowman
Marry Brannen
James Brennan
Elisa Brooks
Mary Brophy
Mark Brophy
Oliver Brown
William Brown
John Brown
Sarah Brown
Bridget Bryan
Michael Burke
Mary Burns
Richard Burns
Catherine Burns
Catherine Burns
Mathew Burns
Bridget Burns
Nancy Burns
Thomas Butler
Thomas Cahill
Edgens Calbraith
Rose Calgie
Pat Calgy
Pat Callaghan
Cornelius Callahan
Fanny Campbell
Robert Campbell
Johnston Campbell
David Campbell
Susan Canary
Alice Carey
Elizabeth Carey
Martin Carlow
Joseph Carroll
Thomas Carroll
Julia Carroll
Biddy Carroll
Anne Carroll
Margaret Carroll
Honora Carroll
Bridget Carwady
Pattie Casey
Catherine Casey
Catherine Casiello
Pattie Caskill
George Cass
Bessy Cassady
Rose Cassady
Patrick Cawlor
Joshua Chambers
Rachel Cherry
Rachel Cherry
Pattie Clarke
Biddy Clary
Rose Clifford
James Clifford
John Cochrane
William Coke
Martin Collins
Mary Collins
Bridget Collins
William Collins
Anne Commerford
Mary Commerford
Matthew Conighan
Mary Anne Conn
Margaret Conn
Patrick Connell
Catherine Connell
John Connolly
Mary Connors
James Conolly
Mary Conroy
Anne Conroy
William Conroy
William Cook
William Cooke
John Corcoran
Mary Jane Correy
James Cosgrove
Eliza Costello
James Courtney
Michael Cowan
Jane Cox
Andrew Creagh
Johanna Creagh
Mary Ann Creagh
James Crown
James Cuff
Ann Cugheen
John Cullen
Patrick Cullin
Eliza Cummerford
Pat Cummerford
Martha Cummins
Robert Cunningham
Jane Cunningham
Sarah Cunningham
William Cunningham
Sarah Cunningham
Hugh Cunningham
Hugh Curry
Hugh Curry
Benjamin Deacon
John Deairt
Mary DeLaney
Michael Delaney
William Dempsey
James Dempsey
John Dilworth
Benjamin Dixon
Catherine Doherty
Catherine Doherty
Bridget Doherty
James Donavan
Nelly Donavan
John Donnelly
Francis Donnelly
Michael Doohy
Margaret Doole
Owen Duffy
Mary Duffy
Edward Duffy
Michael Duffy
Sarah Duggan
Anne Dundas
John Dundas
Henry Dundas
John Dunevan
James Dunevan
P. Dunevan
Ann Dunn
Charles Dunwoodie
Arthur Dunwoody
Samuel Dunwoody
James Dunwoody
Anne Dunwoody
William Earl
Margaret Edmonds
James Edmonds
Thomas Edmunds
Robert Edwards
Margaret Elliot
James Elliott
William Evans
William Evans
Mary Fagan
Alexander Fagan
Martin Fallin
Margaret Farrell
Peggy Fitzgibbon
Margaret Flaherty
Michael Flanagan
William Fleming
Infant Fleming
Mary Flemming
Ann Flynn
Mary Foley
Mary Foley
Biddy Foulkin
Frederick Fox
Robert Fox
Frederick Fox
Janet Fox
William Fox
Frederick Fox
Mary Gahan
Ann Galbriath
Mary Gallagher
John Gallagher
William Gallaher
Catherine Galvin
William Garrety
Nicholas Garvin
Judy Gaughan
W. Gaughan
Nelly Gelleghan
Marry Gihory
Paul Gildy
Bridget Gilhooly
William Girvin
John Glass
Michael Gleason
James Gleeson
Mary Gleeson
Mary Glover
James Gogin
John Golaghan
Anne Gorman
Catherine Gorman
Eliza Graham
Ann Graham
William Graham
James Graham
John Grant
George RobGrasett
John Grihim
Patrick Grimes

Thomas Grindale
Mary Hagan
Margaret Hagarty
Mary Hagerty
Joseph Hamilton
Joseph Hamilton
John Hanalan
Patrick Hanalan
Ellen Hanigan
James Hanlan
Pattie Hannan
James Hannery
Archibald Hare
Edward Harkin
Mary Harkins
William Harleton
Eliza Harleton
William Harrison
Judy Hartegan
Biddy Haskins
Richard Hastings
Ellen Haughter
Julia Hayes
Jane Anne Heatby
Eleanor Heather
John Heatley
Thomas Heatly
Thomas Helm
Susan Henry
John Henry
Felix Henry
Joseph Henry
Felix Henry
Margaret Henry
Patrick Henry
Jane Henry
John Hickey
Peter Hickey
Patrick Hickey
Michael Higgins
Michael Higgins
Gess Higgins
Mary Anne Higgins
Betty Higgins
James Higgins
James Hinton
Betty Hirvins
Bridget Hogan
Mary Hogan
Ann Hogan
James Hogan
Ellen Hogan
Charles Hogan
Eliza Hogan
Sarah Holden
B. Howard
Michael Howard
Ellen Howard
Joseph FraHowe
Ellen Hoy
A Widow Hughes
Thomas H. Hunter
Benjamin Hunter
Eliza Bell Hunter
Burgess Hunter
David Alex Hunter
Burn Hutchinson
Betsy Hutchison
Arther M. Hutton
Edward Hyland
Richard Hyland
Margaret Hyland
John Hyland
William Hyland
Patrick Hyland
Richard Hyland
Mary Hyland
Bryan Hyland
Ann Hyland
John Hyland
William Jameson
Daniel Jaucle
William JoJohnston
Neil Johnston
Frederick Jones
Richard Jones
Margaret Joyce
Mary Joyce ( Joice)
Richard Kearney
Martin Kearney
Simon Keeton
Rachael Kelam
Honora Kelly
James Kempston
Catherine Kennedy
Martha Kennedy
Sarah Kennedy
Mary Ann Keogh
John Kerney
John Kilpatrick
Nancy Kilpatrick
Elizabeth Kimpston
John Kinahan
Eliza Kinchin
Thomas King
Ellen King
Paul Kingston
Thomas Kingston
James Kingston
Cherry Kingston
Julia Kinney
Jane Kirkpatrick
Adam Kyle
Jane Lafferty
Thomas Lally
John Lam
W. Lambert
Julia Lane
Martha Lang
Johanna Lannigan
Catharine Lawson
David Leahy
Johannah Leary
Bessy Leary
Patrick Leary
John Leary
Mary Ann Leary
Breden/Br Lee
Margaret Lenneghan
Catherine Lennox
Anne Jane Lettice
Mary Little
Maragaret Little
Roger Longhney
Margaret Lonnery
Ellen Lorer
K.M. Lundegan
David Lynch
Mary Lyons
Flora MacDonald
Judy Machen
Hagar Machen
Mary Machen
Daniel Maddigan
Margaret Magee
Alexander Magee
Ellen Maher
Mary Mahoney
Eliza Mahoney
Anamia Martin
Bartley McAndrew
Thomas McBrien
Ann McCaffery
Anne McCaffery
John McCall
Pattie McCallin
Anne McCallum
Betty McCallum
Eliza Ann McCann
Thomas McCardle
Jane McCausland
Robert McClary
William McClelland
Eliza McClelland
James McCloy
Jane McCloy
James McCloy
Charles McCloy
Pattie McClusky
John McCormick
Mary McCormick
Catherine McCroghan
Luke McCue
Sarah McCurdy
Charles McDermot
Thomas McDonough
Margaret McDougall
John McDowell
Edward McElderry
Mary McGee
Catharine McGee
Elizabeth McGee
Elizabeth McGee
Alexander McGee
W. McGee
Joseph McGill
Nancy McGillvray
John McGinn
Mary McGregor
Nancy McGuire
Samuel McGuire
Nancy McGuire
James McGuirren
Samue McKay
James McKenna
James McKeogh
John McKervie
Jane McKnight
James McKron
Fields McLaughlin
Mary McLean
Mary McLellan
Mary McManus
Patrick McManus
Anne McMurray
Ann McMurray
John McNabb
John McNabb
Mary McNaughton
Michael McNaulty
Flora McQuade
Hugh McTeren
John McTiernan
Catherine Mealey
Pattie Meehen
Brady Melbourne
Jane Mellon
Judy Merideth
John Middleton
Johnston Miller
Bridget Mitchell
Peggy Molloy
Thomas Monaghan
Patrick Monaghan

Martin Monahan
Bridget Monghan
Mary Monghan
Catherine Moone
Susan Morris
Stephen Morris
A.J. Morrison
Will Morrison
Anne Morrison
W. Morton
William Morton
Mary Mowbrey
James Mulholland
Ann Mullen
Ann Mullen
Sarah Mulroney
Patrick Murphy
Biddy Murphy
Catherine Murphy
James Murphy
Patrick Murphy
Benjamin Murray
Ann Murray
Anthony Murray
Mary Ann Murray
Hugh Murray
Mary Murriky
Henry Musgrove
Richard Nash
Mary Neal
Mary Neale
John Needhan
Catherine Nevin
William Newell
James Nisbet
A. Noble
Ellen Noonan
John Nowood
Mary Nunan
Mary O’Brien
Ellen O’Brien
Michael O’Bryan
Pattie O’Bryan
John O’Hara
Catherine O’Hara
Henry O’Hara
Mark O’Hara
Biddy O’Neill
Patrick O’Rieley
Peter Ovens
Thomas Owens
Mary Ann Owens
William Oxley
Mary Padden
Mary Ann Paterson
Mary Ann Paterson
Richard Patten
Maragaret Patterson
James Patton
Michael Patton
Margaret Peterson
Catherine Phair
Lowdon Poke
James Pollock
Robert Porter
Bp. Michael Power
Margaret Power
Mary Prendergest
John Pringle
Edward Purdey
John Purdis
Ann Quinlan
John Raley
Ellen Rawreghan
Catherine Reardon
Sarah Reed
Anne Reel
Jeremiah Regan
David Riley
James Riley
Edward Riley
John Robb
Sarah Robe
James Robey
Matthew Robinson
Catherine Robinson
Ann Robinson
John Roderick
Samuel Rodger
Michael Rodger
Bessy Rorke
Robert Roseman
James Rourke
Catherine Rourke
Harriet Rouse
John Rowe
John Runnigan
Charles Ryan
Catherine Ryan
Stephen Ryan
John Ryan
Mary Ryan
Patrick Ryan
Mary Ryan
James Ryan
John Ryan
Mary Ryan
Mary Ryan
Ann Ryan
Honora Ryan
Mary Ryan
Thomas Ryan
R. Ryan
Pat Ryland
Oliver Sage
Margaret Saple
John Scollard
Martha Scott
Mary Shanaley
Mary Shea
John Sheehan
Honora Sheehan
Michael Sheridan
Larry Sheridan
Edward Sherry
Sarah Jane Sherwood
Mary Shewman
Thomas Sloane
Anne Slocumb
Alice Smith
Eliza Smith
Michael Smith
Robert Smith
Ann Smith
Anne Smith
John Smith
Elizabeth Smith
Eliza Smith
Samuel Smith
Jane Smith
Margaret Smith
Honora Smith
Jane Smith
William Smith
James Smith
James Smith
Nancy Smith
John Smith
Margaret Smith
Rebecca Smith
Samuel Snaith
Sally Stinson
John Stinson
Joseph Stott
Mary Stretch
Mary Stretch
Jane Stroud
Andrew Sullivan
Daniel Sullivan
Steven Sullivan
Mary Sullivan
George Swain
Margaret Sweeny
Martin Tanney
Michael Taughy
Patrick Tehany
Margaret Temple
James Temple
Mary Thomas
John Thompson
Joseph Thompson
Joseph Thompson
John Thompson
Andrew Thompson
Catherine Tobin
John Towney
Marin Townsend
Patrick Tracy
Mary Tracy
Jane Trimble
Eliza Vance
Catherine Vance
Caroline Vance
Ellen Walch
Martin Walker
Thomas Walker
Alexander Walker
Joseph Walker
Mary Wallace
Patrick Wallace
Patrick Wallace
Peggy Wallace
Thomas Wallaron
James Wallis
John Wallis
James Wallis
Ellen Walsh
Mary Walsh
William Walsh
Michael Walsh
John Ward
Elizabeth Ward
William Waugh
Michael White
Mary Jane Whiteside
Arthur Williams
Thomas Williams
John Williamson
John Williamson
Isabella Williamson
James Williamson
Robert Willis
Robert Willis
Robert Willis
John Willis
George Wilson
James Wilson
Mary Wilson
Bejamin Wood
Mary Woods
Mary Woods
A Child From the Wharf





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