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Ulster Town property holders 1850

The lists below may help to illustrate the basic economic infrastructure required to foster and sustain population growth in Irish towns after the upheaval of the Famine period.

The lists refer to Lurgan, Portadown, Ballymena and Coleraine, four towns of more or less comparable size and function. Only properties meriting a valuation in excess of £50 are listed, although for some individual property-holders' businesses/residences are amalgamated to boost overall valuations to £50 or more.


Property-Holders with property of £50 valuation or more in 1862.

  1. BALLYMENA GAS CO gas works, coal store, ho., off., yd., Bridge Street £180
  2. ULSTER BANKING CO ho., off., yd., Wellington Street £ 50
  3. PROVINCIAL BANK OF IRELAND ho., off., yd., gdn., Wellington Street £ 60
  4. ROBERT DILL beetling-mill,bleach works, yd., Railway Street £ 75
  5. WM GIHON, JUN beetling-mill, bleach works, yd., Bridge Street £110
  6. JAMES BEATTY soap + candle manufactory, ho., offs., Wellington Street, Bridge Street £ 56
  7. UNOCCUPIED hotel, off., yd., gdn., Ballymoney Road £ 80
  8. DAVID McFEDRIES hotel, off., yd., Bridge Street £ 65
  9. ANDREW MARTIN soap-manufactory, stores, off., yd., Church Street £ 50
  10. UNOCCUPIED ho., stores, off., yd., Mill Street £ 80
  11. UNOCCUPIED ho., stores, off., yd., Church Street £ 75
  12. ROBERT MORTON flour and corn mills, stores, ho., offs., yd., Portglenone Road, Church Street £519
  13. GEORGE TOMB hos., offs., yds., gdn., Church Street £ 93
  14. JAMES N HARDY hos., offs., yds., gdns., Church Street £140
  15. ABRAHAM & GEORGE SINCLAIR hos., offs., yds., Castle Street, Mill Street £ 94
  16. JOHN ATKINSON & SON ho., off., yd., Mill Street £ 50
  17. ARCHIBALD TAYLOR ho., off., stores, yd., Mill Street £ 60
  18. JAMES & ROBERT YOUNG ho., warehouse, off., yds., Galgorm Street, High Street £ 95
  19. WILLIAM ORR ho., offs., yd., gdn., Henry Street £ 55
  20. WILLIAM McPEAKE hos., offs., saw-mill, slate, coal + timber yds., Railway Street Queen Street £ 60
  21. SIR ROBERT S ADAIR corn, pork + flax market, shambles and market and fair-green. Cullybackey Road, Ballymoney Street £300
  22. JAMES B PATRICK ho., offs., yd., gdn., Bridge Street £ 50
  23. ANDREW GIHON ho., offs., land, Bridge Street £ 68
  24. JOHN STRAHAN hos., offs., stores, yd., stables, coach-entry, Wellington Street, Church Street £ 94
  25. UNOCCUPIED ho., off., yd., gdn., Ballymoney Road £ 50
  26. JOSEPH McAULEY ho., coach factory, work-shops, offs., George's Street £ 50
  27. JAMES & GEORGE GRAHAM hos., stores, offs., yds., gdn., Linen Hall Street, Bridge Street £ 59
  28. Total £2,718


Property-Holders with property of £50 valuation or more in 1859.

  1. BALLYMENA, BALLYMONEY, COLERAINE and PORTRUSH RAILWAY COMPANY, station, station-house, sheds, Highland Road £120
  2. TOWN COMMISSIONERS OF COLERAINE, potato, butter and corn market, New Market Street £300
  3. TOWN COMMISSIONERS OF COLERAINE right and easement over land occupied by gas-mains and pipes; gas-works, yd., gdn., Hanover Place £118
  4. NORTHERN BANK CO ho., off., yd., The Diamond £ 60
  5. SAMUEL LAWRENCE corn stores, yd., steam mill, kiln, ho., offs., yd., land, Upper New-Row, Beresford Place, Blindgate Street £192
  6. ED GRIBBEN & PARTNER ho., weaving factory, off., Waterside + Killowen Street £ 80
  7. ROBERT SHARPE workshop, ho., offs., yd., King's-Gate £ 65
  8. JAMES MOORE distillery, brewery, yd., malt-house, bonding store, sheds, corn-mill, kiln, flax-mill, store, yd., New Markets Street, New Road, Brooke Street, Church Walls £357
  9. JOHN GLENN hos., offs., yds., land, bonding store, Cross Lane, New Markets Street, Shamble Lane, The Diamond, Captain Street Upper £ 87
  10. JOHN McPHILLIP & MARGARET BOYLAN hotel, offs., yd., Waterside £ 75
  11. MARY E McGROTTY hotel, off., yd., The Diamond £ 65
  12. JOHN McCURDY ho., off., yds., stores, Stone-Row Lower, The Diamond £ 54
  13. HENRY KYLE ho., offs., land, Churchland £ 64
  14. CHARLES J KNOW ho., offs., land, Waterside £ 82
  15. BIRCH, WATERSON & COMPANY ho., off., yd., The Diamond £ 50
  16. THOMPSON, SON & COMPANY ho., off., yd., The Diamond £ 90
  17. ROBERT GIVEN ho., off., yd., gdn., timber yards, Stone-Row Lower, Circular Road, The Diamond £ 85
  18. CATHERINE COCHRANE ho., off., yd., gdn., The Diamond £ 55
  19. ROBERT NEVIN ho., offs., yd., stores, Church Street, New Row £ 57
  20. SAMUEL KNOX hos., offs., yds., gdn., New Row, New Row West £ 54
  21. JOSEPH McCARTER ho., offs., tan-yard, New Row £ 50
  22. ARCHIBALD McELWAIN ho., offs., yd., land, Beresford Place £ 50
  23. DANIEL & ROBERT TAYLOR warehouse, offs., yd., Church Street, The Diamond £ 72
  24. WILLIAM WARKE ho., off., yd., cellar, store, timber yard, Beresford Place, Hanover Place, The Diamond £ 62
  25. JOHN IRWIN, corn-mill, kiln, offs., ho., stores, Highland Row, North Brook Street £ 50
  26. JOHN GIVEN ho.; offs., yd., land, store, Hanover Place, Beresford Place £ 50
  27. ALEXANDER CUTHBERT ho., offs., warehouse, tan-yard, Kings Gate, Highland Row £ 55
  28. HUGH & THOMAS BELLAS timber-yard, coal-yard, sheds, cornstore, kiln, yds., ho., offs., Beresford Place, North Rampart, Church Street £101
  29. Total £2,600


Property-Holders with property of £50 valuation or more in 1864.

  1. ULSTER RAILWAY COMPANY, railway, station buildings, land: £313
  2. LURGAN GAS LIGHT CO LTD, gas-works, manager's ho., off., yd. £182
  3. MECHANICS INSTITUTE, Market Street £ 55
  4. NORTHERN BANKING CO, ho., off., yd., gdn., High Street £ 50
  5. ULSTER BANKING CO, ho., off., yd., gdn., Market Street £ 50
  6. MARY MAGEE weaving factory + ho., Queen Street £ 78
  7. FRANCIS WATSON linen factory + ho., Queen Street £ 54
  8. JAMES MALCOLM weaving factory + stores, Factory Lane £105
  9. JAMES MALCOLM warehouse + factory, off., yd., High Street £ 85
  10. GEORGE DOUGLAS factory + warehouse, William Street £ 50
  11. WM +JAMES MACOUN factory + warehouse, Brownlow Terrace £ 62
  12. LORD LURGAN corn-mill, kiln, stores, offs., fm., yd., North Street £156
  13. JOHN JOHNSTON malt + grain stores, ho., offs., yd., High Street £130
  14. JOHN JOHNSON brewery + offs., yd., gdn., Tannaghmore South £ 97
  15. JOHN JOHNSTON tobacco + snuff manufactory, offs., Union Street £ 57
  16. JAMES JOHNSTON brewery, offs., yd., gdn., Roger's Court £ 67
  17. ALFRED ARMSTRONG saw-mill, timber + coal yard, Market Street £ 75
  18. REPS. ROBERT IRWIN hotel, offs., yd., Market Street £ 70
  19. JOHN HANCOCK house, offs., gdn., land, Edward Street £ 66
  20. JOSEPH MURPHY house, stores, yd., gdn., William Street £ 52
  21. JOHN HAZELTON house, offs., yd., gdn., Market Street £ 55
  22. MATTHEW WELLS house, offs., yd., gdn., Market Street £ 60
  23. ROBERT MATHERS house, offs., yd., gdn., Market Street £110
  24. MESSRS LATIMER, OGLE and BURLEIGH warehouse, Market Street £120
  25. JOHN HAZLETT house, off. yd., gdn., Church Place £ 70
  26. ARTHUR DONNELLY house, off., yd., gdn., Church Place £ 50
  27. JAMES ANDERSON house, off., yd., gdn., Church Place £ 55
  28. SAMUEL McCULLAGH house, warehouse, offs., yd., High Street £ 52
  29. ROBERT MORRIS house, off., gdn., High Street £ 60
  30. JAMES MALCOLM house, off., gdn., High Street £ 52
  31. WM WAUGH McCLURE house, stores, yd., High Street £ 61
  32. JOHN ROSS warehouse + stores, High Street £ 55
  33. JANE HALL house, off., yd., gdn., High Street £ 56
  34. MARY BELL house, off., yd., gdn., High Street £ 55
  35. JOHN HAZLETON, A. P. SHEPPARD w-h, stores, wk-sh., William Street £ 70
  36. CHARLES MAGEE spirit-st., chandlery, ho.st., Union Street + High Street £ 51
  37. Total £2,906


Property-Holders with property of £50 valuation or more in 1864.

  1. ULSTER RAILWAY CO railway land, buildings, in Edenderry (Township) £670
  2. ULSTER RAILWAY CO goods-stores, appurtenances, Woodhouse Street £120
  3. DUBLIN & BELFAST JUNCTION CO locomotive houses + sheds Woodhouse Street £ 55
  4. WILLIAM MARTIN (UL. RAIL CO) refreshment rooms, Edenderry £100
  5. PORTADOWN GAS COMPANY gas-works, Bridge Street £ 65
  6. BELFAST BANKING CO ho., off., yd., gdn., High Street £ 77
  7. ULSTER BANKING CO ho., off., yd., gdn., High Street £ 53
  8. WATSON, ARMSTRONG & CO weaving factory, offs. stores, Watson's Street £500
  9. ROBERT MOORE weaving factory, Church Street £120
  10. WILSON, IRWIN & CO spinning mills, off., stores, yd., Castle Street £145
  11. DAVID WILSON IRWIN flour-mill, kiln, stores, Castle Street £ 95
  12. WALTER MITCHELL flour + corn mills, kilns, stores, ho., Castle Street £205
  13. BENJAMIN ROBB cornstores, kiln, ho., off., yd., Thomas Street £ 85
  14. WILLIAM MARTIN hotel, off., yd., Bridge Street £ 50
  15. MARGARET GREW Queen's hotel, off., yd., High Street £ 80
  16. WILLIAM HALL Imperial hotel, off., yd., High Street £ 65
  17. JOHN SHILLINGTON chandlery, ho., off., yd., gdn., High Street £ 80
  18. THOMAS A & THOMAS SHILLINGTON quay, weighbridge, off., Castle Street £110
  19. AVERALL & THOMAS SHILLINGTON ho., off., yd., gdn., High Street £ 85
  20. THOMAS A & THOMAS SHILLINGTON off., stores, yd., Woodhouse Street £ 50
  21. THOMAS ARMSTRONG ho., off., land, Edenderry (Township) £171
  22. HAMILTON ROBB ho., off., land, orchard, Bridge Street £ 78
  23. ANDREW J LUTTON ho., off., store, yd., gdn., Bridge Street £ 55
  24. ALEXANDER BREDON ho., off. yd., Church Street £ 60
  25. JOHN FULTON ho., off., store, yd., gdn., Church Street £ 55
  26. STUART MONRO houses, offs., yd., gdn., High Street £ 74
  27. DAVID THORNTON ho., off., yd., High Street £ 55
  28. WILLIAM JOHN PAUL houses, offs., yds., High Street £110
  29. HARFORD MONTGOMERY ho., off., yd., Woodhouse Street £ 55
  30. CHARLES F WAKEFIELD ho., off., gate-lodge, land, Charles Street £ 50
  31. JOSEPH DRUITT ho., off. store, gate-lodge, land, Charles Street £100
  32. JOHN JAMES MARLAY ho., off., yd., gdn., sts., quay bridge + Castle Sts. £ 86
  33. JAMES O'HANLON ho., warerooms, store, offs., yd., gdn., High Street £ 54
  34. THOMAS CARLETON offs., ho., yd., gdn., brickland, Church Street £ 54


 {c} transcriber unknown

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