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SS India: Moville to New York

Moville to New York

June 9, 1871

SS India



I, the Master of the Steam-Ship "India" do solemnly, sincerely, and truly swear that the following List or Manifest, subscribed by me, and now delivered by me to the Collector of the Customs of the Collection District of New York, is a full and perfect list of all the passengers taken on board of the said at Glasgow & Moville for which ports said SS India has now arrived; and that on said list is truly designated the age, the sex, and the occupation of each of said passengers, the part of the vessel occupied by each during the passage, the country to which each belongs, and also the country of which it is intended by each to become an inhabitant; and that said List or Manifest truly sets forth the number of said passengers who have died on said voyage and the names and ages of those who died. So help me God. Sworn to this June 9 1871

Passengers boarding at Moville via Londonderry

  1 Margt. McDonough         28     F  House Servt     Ireland  Steerage

  2 Isabel. Truesdale          23     F  House Servt     Ireland  Steerage

  3 Ann McLaughlin           25     F  House Servt     Ireland  Steerage

  4 Mgt. Moss                76     F  House Servt     Ireland  Steerage

  5 Ann McDaid               23     F  House Servt     Ireland  Steerage

  6 Hanna McGarvey           18     F  House Servt     Ireland  Steerage

  7 Elizth. Millan           20     F  House Servt     Ireland  Steerage

  8 Sarah McGwyan            24     F  House Servt     Ireland  Steerage

  9 Cath. Cleary             25     F  House Servt     Ireland  Steerage

 10 Susan Mullen             24     F  House Servt     Ireland  Steerage

  1 Jno. Smith               36     M  Lab            Ireland  Steerage

  2 Patk. Herraghty          22     M  Lab            Ireland  Steerage

  3 Ellen Murray             19     F  None           Ireland  Steerage

  4 Mgt. Gormley             23     F  None           Ireland  Steerage

  5 Danl. Brewster           24     M  Farmer         Ireland  Steerage

  6 Saml. Hutchinson         25     M  Farmer         Ireland  Steerage

  7 Jno. McCallester         20     M  Farmer         Ireland  Steerage

  8 Hamilton Smith           21     M  Gardener       Ireland  Steerage

  9 Jno. Manion              18     M  None           Ireland  Steerage

  20 Chas. Moss               18     M  None           Ireland  Steerage

  1 Matthew Cleary             27     M  None           Ireland  Steerage

  2 Neil Cleary              20     M  None           Ireland  Steerage

  3 Patk. Gallagher          24     M  Lab        Ireland  Steerage

  4 Thos. Gillespie          17     M  None           Ireland  Steerage

  5 Jno. Cunnie              26     M  None           Ireland  Steerage

  6 Wm. McLaid               20     M  None           Ireland  Steerage

  7 Patk. McFadden           23     M  None           Ireland  Steerage

  8 Patk. Leader             20     M  Shopboy        Ireland  Steerage



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