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The Ship Alsatia Londonderry to New York
From Glasgow, Scotland via Moville, County Donegal and Londonderry Ireland to
New York
I, Archibald Campbell, Master of the Steam-Ship Alsatia, do solemnly, sincerely, and Truly swear that the following List or Manifest, subscribed by me, and now delivered by me to the Collector of the Customs of the Collection District of New York, is a full and perfect list of all the passengers taken on board the said S.S. Alsatia at Glasgow Moville and Londonderry from which port said S.S. Alsatia has now arrived; And that on said list is truly designated the age, the sex, and the occupation of each of said passengers, the part of the vessel occupied by each during the passage, the country to which each belongs, and also the country of which it is intended by each to become an inhabitant; And that said List or Manifest truly sets forth the number of said passengers who have died on said voyage; And the names and ages of those who died. Sworn to this Oct 4th, 1876, so Help Me God. List or Manifest of all the Passengers taken on board the Steamship Alsatia whereof Archibald Campbell is Master,
Columns represent: Names, Age in Years & Months, Sex, Occupation, The Country to which they severally belong, The country which they intend to become inhabitants, died on voyage, Part of the vessel occupied by each passenger during the voyage.
1 George Thurston 50 M Traveller England Intermediate 2 Helen Jennings 32 F Housewife England Intermediate 3 George Jennings 33 M Iron Puddler England Intermediate 4 George Jennings 7 M Child England Intermediate 5 Elanor Jennings 3 F Child England Intermediate 6 Francis Jennings 1Yr 3Mo M Infant England Intermediate 7 Richard Farley 40 M Iron Puddler England Intermediate 8 Dennis Farley 12 M Puddler England Intermediate 9 Mrs Anne Elliot 30 F Housewife England Steerage 10 Mrs Mary Ann Elliot 20 F Housewife England Steerage 11 Edward Elliot 29 M Iron Puddler England Steerage 12 Edward Jr Elliot 11 M Child England Steerage 15 Alexander Hart 23 M Engraver Scotland Intermediate 16 Andrew Henderson 22 M Watchmaker Scotland Intermediate 17 Mrs McDowall 50 F Wife Scotland Intermediate 18 Mrs J.J. Bryden 47 F Wife Scotland Intermediate 19 Miss Grace Patterson 22 F No Scotland Intermediate 20 Wm S. Brock 23 M Flag Maker Scotland Intermediate 21 Joseph Holden 15 M No Scotland Steerage 22 James Murray 22 M Engineman Scotland Steerage 23 Mary Catrell 16 F None Scotland Steerage 24 Robert Leith 24 M Joiner Scotland Steerage 25 Wm Armstrong 23 M Miner Scotland Steerage 26 Alice Galbraith 30 M Joiner Scotland Steerage 27 Allan Gilmour 30 M Builder Scotland Steerage 28 Mrs Chas McPherson 32 F Wife Scotland Steerage 29 William Urquhart 21 M Labourer Scotland Intermediate 30 Esther Platt 50 F None Ireland Intermediate 31 John McConnell 27 M Labourer Ireland Intermediate 32 Alexander Morrison 39 M Cutler Ireland Intermediate 33 William Fulton 65 M Stone Mason Ireland Intermediate 34 John McCullough 19 M Labourer Ireland Intermediate 35 Arthur McConnel 32 M Miller Ireland Intermediate 36 Cath McConnel 26 F Wife Ireland Intermediate 37 Roseanne McConnel 5Mo F Infant Ireland Intermediate 38 Andrew Mowbray 32 M Horse Farmer Ireland Intermediate 39 Mrs Martin 25 F Wife Ireland Intermediate 40 Patrick Martin 17 M Labourer Ireland Intermediate 41 Susan McIlone 19 F House servant Ireland Intermediate 42 Isa Faushaw 23 F Wife Ireland Intermediate 43 Arthur A. Faushaw 27 M Labourer Ireland Intermediate 44 Danial Faushaw 11Mo M Infant Ireland Intermediate 45 Thomas Roper 35 M Labourer Ireland Steerage 46 Mary Ann Brooke 16 F House Servt Ireland Steerage 47 Mary Ann Ferguson 24 F House Servt Ireland Steerage 48 Henry McGarvey 55 M Tailor Ireland Steerage 49 Mary McGarvey 55 F Wife Ireland Steerage 50 Joseph McGarvey 18 M Weaver Ireland Steerage 51 Ellen McDoud 17 F None Ireland Steerage 52 Elizabeth Mitchell 50 F None Ireland Steerage 53 Margaret McIlvaine 25 F House Servt Ireland Steerage 54 Mary A. Anderson 23 F Hose Servt Ireland Steerage 55 Susan Clarke 16 F None Ireland Steerage 56 John Langan 21 M Labourer Ireland Steerage 57 William Ballantine 27 M Farmer Ireland Steerage 58 Susan McGraith 45 F None Ireland Steerage 59 Thomas Flanagan 34 M Labourer Ireland Steerage 60 Mary Boyle 50 F Wife Ireland Steerage 61 Hugh Boyle 7 M Child Ireland Steerage 62 Cornell Boyle 3 M Child Ireland Steerage 63 Maria Sudeller 24 F House Servt Ireland Steerage 64 Pat Bryan 23 M Labourer Ireland Steerage 65 Patrick Kealty 40 M Labourer Ireland Steerage 66 Bridget Kealty 30 F None U.S A. Steerage 67 William Buckley 20 M Labourer Ireland Steerage 68 Isabella OConnor 54 F None Ireland Steerage 69 Hill Wilson 30 M iron Puddler Ireland Steerage 70 Hessy Wilson 30 F Wife Ireland Steerage 71 James Wilson 8 M Child Ireland Steerage 72 George Hill Wilson 7 M Child Ireland Steerage 73 Wm John Wilson 6 Months Infant Ireland Steerage 74 Owen Gearty 25 F None Ireland Steerage 75 Mary Ann Mason 10 F Child Ireland Steerage 76 Lizzie Mason 8 F Child Ireland Steerage 77 James Lee 30 M Labourer Ireland Steerage 78 Henrich Denzein 30 M Labourer Germany Steerage 79 Hedda Johanson 39 F Wife Sweden Steerage 80 Jure Wilhelm Johanson 10 M Child Sweden Steerage 81 Adolf Richard Johanson 2 M Child Sweden Steerage 82 Johanna M. Sanblom 33 F None Sweden Steerage 83 Magnus K Nielsen 30 M Seaman Denmark Steerage 84 Heansiru Moe 46 M Labourer Norway Steerage 85 Johan Swerin Moe 2 M Child Norway Steerage 86 Jacobine Moe 17 F None Norway Steerage 87* Andreas Bern Moe 14 M None Norway Steerage 88 Anton Christian Moe 5 M None Norway Steerage 90 James Johnson 40 M None U.S.A. Saloon 91 Rev L.B. Voorhes 30 M Clergyman U.S.A. Saloon 92 Gustavis C. Henning 24 M None U.S A.Saloon 93 A.D. Forbes 50 M None U.S.A. Saloon 94 H. Ketchan 45 M None U.S A. Saloon 95 Joseph McBride 28 M None U.S A. Saloon 96 Mrs McBride 26 F Wife U.S A. Saloon 97 G.H. Braughn 41 M None U.S.A. Saloon 98 Wm Lockart 54 M None Scotland Saloon 99 John Marshall 31 M None Scotland Saloon 100 Mrs Elizth Marshall 29 F Wife Scotland Saloon 101 Miss Elizth Naul 54 F None Scotland Saloon 102 Mrs Williamson 32 F None Scotland Saloon 103 Mrs Jardine 56 F None Scotland Saloon 104 Miss Margt McKillop 20 F None Scotland Saloon 105 S.E. Smythe 43 M None Ireland Saloon 106 Miss Caroline Kinnear 19 F None Ireland Saloon 107 Miss Elizabeth Witherow 40 F None Ireland Saloon 108 F. McKelvey 40 M None Ireland Saloon 109 C.H. Schenck 51 M Merchant France Saloon
(Signed) Archibald Campbell
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