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Ardclinis Old Graveyard

Source : Public Record Office for Northern Ireland


Reference T3627/3/5


Transcript of Gravestone Inscriptions in graveyards in the Glens of Antrim, taken from notebook in the possession of Mrs E Tierney of Dublin

Ardclinis Old Graveyard, Galbally

Here lieth the remains of Catherine McKerry, wife to Daniel McAulay of Tamlacht who departed this life on the 4th day of January 1812 aged 46.

Here lyeth ye body of Shean OMulvena who departe[d] this life ye 16 Mar[ch] 1754 aged 56 years.
Franciscan Church at Layde, Cushendall

Here lieth the remains of Michael Mulvenna who departed this life April 8th 1806 aged 71 years.
Erected by John and Patrick ONeill of Charleston in America to the memory of their mother Catherine ONeill who departed this life March 26th 1812 aged 49 years. Likewise her two sons Edmund and Francis.

Graveyard at Glenravel, Cargan
(There follows an English inscription and list of persons buried, then an inscription in Irish). The gravestone commemorates members of the OLoan family including two priests, one of whom was TP.

IHS with a cross
Erected in memory of Duncan ONeill who departed this life 18th February 1857 aged 79 years. Also his wife Margaret who depd this life 5th January 1855 aged 79 years.

IHS with a cross
Erected in memory of James ORaw of Skerry East who departed this life 14th Feb 1870, aged 87 [also three grandchildren who died young].
IHS with a cross
Erected in memory of John ORaw of Ligrane who departed this life 21st August 1874 aged 28 years.
Very simple wooden cross about two feet high and stride

In memory of Charles ORawe who died 9th November 1934 RIP
On the plinth of a cross of polished granite there is an inscription in latin.
Orate Pro Anima Revdi Guliemi Joannes Maculey Qui Post Quam Annos Feri XXII Hujus Paroecae Parochus Fuit Anno Salutis Repratae MDCCCLXXVIII, Aetatis Vero Suae LIII, Sacerdotii Autem XXIX Die Sexto Idus Maias, Domis Operisius Plenus Ae Sacramentis Ecclesiae Recreatus placidie obbormivit in domino.
Requiescit in paco amen.

Atiam pro anima ejus fratis rev Bernardo Macauley qui ano domini 1888 aetatis vero sua 74 die aprilis 27 sacramentis comfortatis evita pie migravit

IHF with a cross
Erected by Duncan ONeill in memory of his beloved wife Jane who died 24th August 1878 aged 37 years. The above Duncan ONeill died 12th February 1880 aged 63 years; also their son Archibald who died 4th May 1930 aged 58 years.

The following are names from other gravestones: the inscriptions are not given in full.
Henry ORaw, Craigfad aged 53 died 1877 Ellen is wife aged 80 died 1907

James his son aged 57 died 1915

Mary his daughter died 1938

Catherine his daughter died 1944

James ORawe, Craigdunloof aged 89 died 1891

His mother Susan who died young
John ORawe, Craigfad Catherine ORawe aded 64 died 1874

Erected by Elizabeth Bemrick

in memory of her father Neal ORawe died 1844 aged 62 plus three brothers.

Flat stone: In Memory of Hugh ORaw who departed this life 12th May 1809 aged 67 years. May his soul rest in peace. Hark whisper the angels say Brother spirit come away.

Celtic cross: Erected by Charles ONeill MP JP MB CMG Goatbridge, Scotland in memory of his father Hugh ONeill died 28th February 1883 aged 82 years; his mother Mary died 5th December 1886 aged 70 years. His sister Annie died 9th November 1881 aged 23 years and his brother Henry who died in infancy.
[Charles ONeills own death is on a separate panel].

The following inscription is not given in full:
Erected by William ORaw, Legegrane Bernard ORaw died 1840 aged 45 Mary ORaw died 1895 aged 94 Margaret ORaw died 1863 aged 40 Patrick ORaw died 1898 aged 77

Graveyard at Skerry
Here lieth the body of Hugh OHara who departed this life the 12th of August 1790 aged 49 years.

IHS with a cross
In memory of Bryan ORawe once an old and respectable inhabitant of Ballymena. He died on 23rd February 1831 aged 81 years requiescat in pace.

A cross: William ORawe, surgeon, deptd this life 14th January 1826 aged 22.
Graveyard at Dixavit, Glenravel
[This graveyard is completely neglected and has almost disappeared. The following was fixed into the walls of a stone enclosure about five feet high and ten square].

Erected by Patrick ORaw in memory of his father and mother James and Rose ORaw also his son James ORaw who departed this life November 21 1827 aged 10 years. Also Mary ORaw and Peter ORaw, Mary ORaw ... .
Graveyard at Bay Chapel, Ardclinis

IHS with a cross
Underneath lies the remains of Duncan ONeill late of Grenaghan who departed this life the 30th day of April 1850 aged 76 years. Dated this 20th October 1852.
Also his wife Mary ONeill who departed this life on the 7th June 1877 aged 79 years.
And their son Daniel ONeill who died 21st July 1901 aged 76 years.
Also his wife Margaret who died 15th February 1913 aged 81 years.
Also their son Patrick ONeill who died 21st August 1945 aged 81 years.
Erected by John ONeill of Ballisque to the memory of his son Neal ONeill who departed this life December 7th 1841 aged 52 years. Also his wife Rose who died August 17th [1812?] aged 81 years.
Also the above John ONeill who died 30th April 1853 aged 95 years.

The family burying ground of the ONeills of Bay Lodge.
Harriet died 1846 aged 16
Edmund died 1858 aged 18
Charlotte died 1861 aged 13
Louisa died 1862 aged 15
Patrick died 1874 aged 46
Jane mother of above died 1875 aged 75.
Edmond died 1889 aged 105.
Mary (none in Baldoyle) died 1900 aged 75.
Rose and Alex died in infancy.
May they rest in peace.
NB. This inscription is on the front of the plinth on which is a cross.

On the side of the plinth is the following:
Neal ONeill, Balliskey died 7th Decemeber 1841 aged 52 years: there is a separate gravestone with these names on it.
Mother of above Rose died 17th August [ ] aged 84 years. Jack ONeill father of Edmond and Neal ONeill died 30th April 1853 aged 85 years.

Headstone with the ONeill coat of arms:

Underneath lie the remains of Daniel ONeill late of Grenaghan who departed this life 18th February 1837 aged 64 years, also his daughter Mrs Rose OHara who departed this life 2nd May 1856 aged 48 years, Margaret, wife of above named Daniel ONeill who died the 20th April 1808 aged 25 years and whose remains are interred in Glenarm Graveyard, Charles Joseph ONeill who died in 1872 in infancy; also Edmund ONeill of Grenaghan who died 1st August 1881 aged 84 years.
The following was engraved on a very nice old stone with a carving of a crucifix above:
Erected to the memory of John ONeill late of Ardclinis who departed this life April the 7th 1838 aged 72 years.

IHS with a cross
Erected by Neal OBoyle of Clonreaugh to the memory of his father John OBoyle who departed this life 2nd June 1852 aged 87 years.

IHS with a cross
Erected by Widow ONeill of Ardclinis to the memory of her husband Daniel ONeill who departed this life the 7th April 1859 aged 68 years.
Underneath also lieth the remains of their daughter Catherine who died the 22nd February 1838 aged 12 years. Also her daughter Rose ONeill who departed this life on the 22nd February 1854 aged 23 years.

IHS Erected by Patrick ONeill of Balliskey in memory of his wife Sarah ONeill who died 19th March 1868 aged 61 years. Also their two sons Patrick ONeill died 1st August 1849 aged 17 years also Neal died 19th January 1865 aged 23 years.
The above named Patrick ONeill who died 2nd February 1872 aged 87 years.
Requiscat in pace.
Erected by John ONeill of Cushinilt to the memory of his daughter Margaret who departed this life April 4th 1838 aged 17 years.

IHS with a cross
Erected by Charles ONeill of Carraghmurphy to the memory of his son John ONeill who departed this life 13th January 1843 aged 23 years.

ONeill Grave in Carramena, Dunloy, Co Antrim
Erected Charles ONeill SP Derry[?] in memory of parents and brothers.
Charles ONeill, his father, 15th May 1847
Mary ONeill, his mother, September 1857
Bernard 1854
Dennis 1867
Dr John 25th January 1871
Patrick 20th November 1902
James 11th October 1917
Meg(?) McKenty, Bernard McKentys sister.

Here lies the body of Rose ONeill late of Carramenagh who departed this life 17th January Anno domini 1806 aged 55 also Charles ONeill her husband, who departed this life 15th May 1847 aged 81 years.
[Mary ONeill of Grenahan was above Charles ONeills first wife. Her daughter Mary was born 1794].

McKenty grave, Franciscan Friary, Glenarm

IHS Sacred to the memory of Bernard McKenty of Glenarm who died 20th July 1817 aged 60 years.
His daughter Mary McKenty who died 4th September 1817 aged 4 years.
Also his daughter Charlotte McKenty who died 3rd February 1843 aged 26 years.
And his son John McKenty, surgeon, who died at Bonny, Africa, on board the ship Lady Paget, 31st December 1841 aged 26 years RIP.
Likewise Bernard ONeill, surgeon of Glenarm and nephew of the above Bernard McKenty who died the 4th September 1834 aged 33 years.

[The papers that Mrs Tierney loaned to PRONI for copying includes a letter from John McKenty written from Bonny River, Nigeria, Africa, to his mother 21st August 1839. This John McKenty was born in Glenarm 1815, the son of Bernard McKenty and Mary ONeill [1794-1816] of Carromenagh. Bernard McKenty emigrated to Jamaica where he prospered and became part owner of a plantation called Golden Grove near Kingston (see copies of accounts and deeds c.1815]. He retired and returned to Co Antrim and married Mary ONeill, 17 year old daughter of the woman he loved before emigrating to Jamaica. They had two children, John and Charlotte, both of whom died childless.
John McKenty was a ships doctor, and probably only completed two voyages. He went out to Nigeria on the ship Showdon and later on the ship Lady Paget and died there 31st December 1841.

 {c} PRONI Crown copyright



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