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Donaghenry old graveyard headstonesDonaghenry Old Graveyard, Stewartstown ,County Tyrone
Transcriptions by Frank published 1990 in The Bell, The Journal of the Stewartstown and District Local History Society.
No 1 Erected by her children in loving memory of Mary, the beloved wife of John ELLISON who died at Stewartstown on November 19th 1894 aged 75 yrs. Also her grandson William David ELLISON who died at Stewartstown on April 15th 1882, aged 7 months; her daughter Minnie who died March 22nd 1903 aged 42 years. Also her grand-daughter Kathleen, died April 12th 1905, aged 23 yrs; John, husband of Mary ELLISON died April 1907; Margaret Jane, daughter, died Jan 1915; Isabella, 2nd daughter, died May 29th 1920. He giveth his beloved sleep. Ps 127,2.
2. Ellie McREYNOLDS, 1-8-1981.
4 Mary A.H. McLAUGHLIN, nee PATTON, died 30.4.87
5 Here lieth the body of John LAMOND, who departed this life July ye 5th 1769 aged 80 years. Also Elinor, his wife, who departed this life May ye 12th 1760 aged 70 years, Also Sarah, wife to George LAMOND who departed this life June 8th 1760, aged 37 years.
6. Sacred to the memory of Margaret beloved wife of Robert CARSON died 9th Jan 1937, aged 87 years. Also the above named Robert CARSON, died 28th March 1939, aged 92 years. \\\"God is love\\\".
7 Erected in memory of Jane CARSON, who departed this life 4th April 1861, aged 88 years. Also her husband, Robert CARSON, who died 13th March 1863, aged 77 years. Likewise Robert CARSON, their only son, who died 17th December 1868, aged 49 years. Also William CARSON, third son of the late Robert CARSON, who died May 29th 1874, aged 23 years; Eliza CARSON, wife of Robert CARSON, who died 21stJanuary 1889, aged 69 years, and their daughter, Margaret, who died 26th February 1933, aged 80 years. Also their son Kennedy Baillie CARSON, who died 10th December 1948, aged 87 years. Also his wife Frances Glasgow CARSON, who died 7th February 1951, aged 80 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Rev. 14 v 13.
8. Erected by Robert McGAHIE, in memory of his wife, Jane, who died 13th October 1916. Also the above named Robert McGAHIE, who died 13th January 1926, and their son, David G McGAHIE MPSI, who died 17thNovember 1932. Also Sarah Jane McGAHIE, who died 6th April 1966. Also Olive Zelma, wife of David G McGAHIE, who died 28th October 1975.
9 Erected by John McGAHIE, of Brooklyn U.S.A., in loving remembrance of his parents: John McGAHIE, who died 10th June 1863, aged 60 years, and Jane McGAHIE who died 17th March 1865 aged 64 years. Also Elizabeth Jane McGAHIE of Inevall, who died 31st December 1902, and Mary McGAHIE of Inevall, who died 15th March 1910. Also Isabella Anne McGAHIE of Inevall, who died 10th December 1912. Also Anne McGAHIE of Inevall, who died 14th April 1891, aged 84 years. Here lieth also the body of Robert McGAHIE (of Inevall) who died 22nd Octr. 1869, aged 60 years, and his daughter Ellen McGAHIE, who died 16th Sept. 1859, aged 20 years. “Jesus said I am the resurrection and the life. He that believeth in me, though he die, yet shall he live.” John XI.25
10 Here lieth the body of [John] CARSON, who departed y life, the [2nd or 3rd ?] [April?] [1747?] aged [25?] years. [Also ye] body of William CARSON, who departed ye life Oct. ye 20 174[4?], aged 83 year[i]s. [ ]. Also the body of Alexander CARSON, husband to Sarah CARSON, who departed this life October [ ] 1767 [aged 57 years?].
11 Here lyeth the body of Geor[g]e TURNER, who departed [ ]fe y [1th ?] 1775, aged 44. Also the body of Husten McGEE, who departed this life Octbr ye 15th 1777, aged 57.
12 Underneath this stone lyeth the remains of William MULLIGAN, who departed this life December 22nd1803, aged 79 years. Also his wife Jane MULLIGAN, who departed this life December 4th 1814, aged 86 years.
13 Here lieth ye body of William [LINDSAY?] who departed ye life ye 1 of Decbr 1716, aged [56] years.
14 Memento Mori. Here lyeth the body of Hugh YOUNG, who departed this life in January 1711, aged 36 years.
15 [two broken pieces] Here lyeth the body of James SLOAN who [ ], also [ ], also [ ] [1765]. Here lyeth the body of [Stuart/Robert?] SLOAN who [ ].
17 Here lyeth ye body of Prudence MEY, who departed ys life Ju[ ] ye [ ]. [Base broken off at this point].
18 Here lyeth ye body of James CRAWFORD, who departed this [ ] June 6th [1770], aged [70] years.
19 * CHRIGHTO[N], who died 1716 [ ] of Mary their mother, died Febr 29th 1729, aged 61 years. [ ] John CHRIGHTOWN, died July the 16th [ ].
20 [He]re lyes ye body of Isbell HENDREY, who departed ys life Apl ye 7th 1738, aged 1 year. Also James HENDREY who died Jany ye 9th 1743, aged 2 years. [Broken off].
21In loving memory of Katherine Cecilia Creighton McCREA, an unselfish and devoted mother, who departed this life 28th Sept 1890. Erected by her daughter Emily Ann PORRIET. Here also lie the remains of her grandfather, Robert CREIGHTON, her father Rev. Robert CREIGHTON, her uncle James CREIGHTON. Julia Eleinor McCREA, died 25th Nov 1898. James Creighton McCREA, died 27th July 1910, aged 40 years. “We know that our redeemer liveth.”
22 Here lyeth the body of Robert CREIGHTON, who departed this life May the 20th 1774 AD, aged 50 years. Here lyeth the body of Janet BRYAN, who departed this life February the 8th day ye 70th year of her age, A D 1792.
23 Sacred to the memory of Eleanor, wife of James ROBINSON, Stewartstown, died 31st Augt 1810, aged 38 years. Arminella ROBINSON, Coagh, died 22nd Nov 1828, aged 27 years. Hugh SMITH, Stewartstown, died 11th March 1829, aged 66 years. Marianne, wife of Hugh SMITH, died 30th Oct 1837, aged 78 years. Sarah, wife of Hugh WEIR, Drumkern, died 27th March 1817, aged 78 years. Hugh WEIR, Drumkern, died 23rdApril 1830, aged 98 years. John, Eleanor and Sarah, children of Hugh WEIR. Anne WEIR, wife of Revd. S McCURDY, died 17th June 1860, aged 76 years. Also Sarah Jane DILL, died 17th February 1878.
24 Sacred to the memory of Sarah WEIR, daughter of Rev Thomas MILLAR, Cookstown, died 10thMarch 1810, aged 3 years. Sarah, wife of Rev. T MILLAR, died 18th Nov. 1833, aged 53 years. Rev. Thomas MILLAR for 56 years Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Congregation, Cookstown, died 16th Nov 1859, aged 81 years. Also his wife Margaret, who departed this life 14th May 1889, aged 86 years.
25 Sacred to the memory of John, Sarah and Jane WEIR, children of John WEIR, died 1741 and 1743. Ellinor, wife of John WEIR, died 6th Oct 1773, aged 68 years. John WEIR, Stewartstown, died 12th April 1806, aged 95 years. William WEIR, Stewartstown, died 20th Sept 1792, aged 57 years. Sarah wife of Wm WEIR, died 21st July 1806, aged 63 years. Jane, Joseph, John, Hugh and William, children of William WEIR. Jane, wife of John WEIR, Stewartstown, died 23rd Oct 1818, aged 35 years. William and James, children of John WEIR, Stewartstown, died 1814. James WEIR, Belfast, died 8th march 1846, aged 57 years. John WEIR, Stewartstown, died 15th Sept 1850, aged 78 years.
26 Sacred to the memory of Marianne, daughter of William WEIR, Cookstown, who died at Armagh 22Nov 1851, aged 41 years; and her sister Ellen, wife of William W MILLAR of Belfast, who died 17th July 1893, aged 82 years.
27 Sacred to the memory of Eliza, wife of William WEIR, Cookstown, died 14th Octr 1814, aged 31 years. William WEIR, Cookstown, died 10th February 1824, aged 42 years. Silas Ebenezer WEIR, Cookstown, died 21st Oct 1866, aged 61 years; and Anne Marshall WEIR, his wife, who died at Belfast 1st March 1870, aged 58 years. Also William WEIR, their son, who died 16th Sept 1877, aged 37 years.
28 [broken into two] Erected to the memory of W.J.H. ROBSON, died Aug 12th 1868. Sarah ROBSON, died Jan 6th 1869. Carolina ROBSON, died April 8th 1879. Bessie ROBSON, died Dec 2nd 1895. John ROBSON, died Jan 5th 1896, aged 75 years. Mary ROBSON, died March 14th 1897. Rachael ROBSON, died Jan 20th 1903, aged 80 years. James ROBSON, died Dec 25th 1919. Margaret ROBSON, died January 26th1929. \\\"Thy will be done.\\\" Erected by Margaret ROBSON
29 Here lyeth the body of Robert HENDRY, who departed this life June the 23rd 1789, aged 48 years. Also 7 children who died young. Also the body of his son Robert HENDRY, who departed this life December the [10thor 15th] 17[9?][8 or 9?], aged [13 or 73] years.
31 Underneath are the precious remains of Mrs. Martha KENNEDY, the best of mothers and the best of wives, who finished her allotted course of 49 years the 10 of March 1782. Her better part under the friendship of angels was [ ] to the [ ] into the region of [uncreated ... ... ] everlasting [light for] the glory of God did lighten it and the Lamb is the light thereof. Here also lies the [ ] William KENNEDY who finished his short race [ ] years [ ] months July [9th 1789?]. His mild disposition promised [well for?] being one of those minors of whom Christ spoke; Suffer little children to come unto me & forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven.
32 Underneath is deposited all that could die of Captain Walter BAILIE, who as a soldier, was posessed of undaunted courage. And in any dispute was always ready to assist the injured and support the weak. He resigned this life for better, the 16 of March 1769, aged 31 years. Also, here lies in calm repose the dust of Miss Margaret BAILIE, the only child of the above Capt. BAILIE. She resigned this mortal life for that of blessed immortality the 25th Oct 1790 aged 24 years.
34 Beneath this stone is interred the body of Elizabeth BAILIE, alias CLARKE, wife to Andrew BAILIE Esq, of Donaghendry, who departed this life June 8th 1778, aged 44 years. Also the body of Andrew BAILIE Esq, husband to the above was Major in the Army [11] years, who departed this life September the 10th 1780, aged 49 years. Underneath lies the remains of Mrs. Elizabeth HUNTER, wife of Henry HUNTER, and daughter of the above Major BAILIE. She died [10] february, 18[0]6 AD, the 58 year of her age, leaving all thing[s] here below for a better inheritance. Amor Honor et Justitia.
36. Erected in memory of John RODGERS, Dura, who departed this life April 5th 1874, aged 74 years.
37 Erected in memory of John SEATON, Dooragh, died 4th August 1887; and Mary Jane HENDERSON, died 22nd June 1937.
38 Here lyeth [?] corps of Robert McMILLIN, who departed this life [ye] [ ] [4 months of] Anno [Dom] [1700?].
39 Here lyeth ye body of David HUNTER, who departed this life Feb ye 18th 1751, aged 45 years. Also ye body of Mary HUNTER, who departed this life March ye 21 1766, aged 24 years.
40Here lyeth ye body of Patrick BRODLY, who departed this life June ye 19 1742, aged 58 yers.
41 [two broken slabs] [in?] [ ] the [ ] of November [17?] [ ]. Samuel SLOAN [husband] to ye ... who d[eparte]d this life December y [5] [1777], aged 66 years.
42 Erected by Doctor Forbis Galbraith SEATON of Melbourne, Australia, in memory of his beloved parents and sister namely: Thomas SEATON his father, who departed this life 18th June 1816, aged 44 years. Also his mother Elizabeth SEATON who departed this life 27th Jany 1825, aged 44 years. Also his sister Mrs Catherine CREAGHTON, who departed this life 15th March 1878.
43 Walter TAYLOR, Cookstown, died Feb 17th 1783, aged 62 years. To the memory of Samuel TAYLOR, Highcross, who died 1st 18[4 or 1]5, aged 87 years.
44 [Lettering around margin] Hic iacet corpus Joannis BAILL[IE] [prefect qur ...] secundo & aetatis suae vicesimo septimo [ ]. [Here lies the body of John BAILLIE ... aged 27].
45 [Lettering around margin] Sub hoc tumulo conditur corpus Alexandr [Legitimi] p[rogenie] Andre[w] BA[ILLY] [ ] etiam corpus [ ] Anno Domini 1676, aetatis suae [duodecimo]. [Beneath this mound is buried the body of Alexander, legitimate offspring of Andrew BAILLIE ... also the body of ... 1676, aged twelve].
47 Memento Mori. Here lyeth the body of Jane BAILIE alias MOORE, wife to And[v] BAILIE who depar[ted] ys life ye [ ] of Oct [ ] aged 56 years. Also the body of Mary AN[ ] who departed ys life [ ] of August 172[ ] [As] Also the body of Andrew BAILLIE Esq, Husband to the above Mrs. Jane BAILLIE who departed this life ye first of May 1754 aged 90 years. Ensigne at ye siege of Derry.
49 In loving memory of M.C. FERGUSON, died 9th March 1848.
50 [Here lyeth the body of] [ ] aged 6[ ] [ ] body of [ ] wif[e] [ ] [dye]d ye 29 of Jun[3] [?] [And]rew BAILY [son] to [Andre]w BAILY junior, who dyed ye 20 of February 1702.
51 Here lyeth the body of Mary SEATON, who departed this life May the 9 1781, aged 19 years. Also Thomas SEATON, who departed this life 14th May 1811, aged 84. Also his son Thomas, who departed this life 19th June 1816, aged 44 years. Also Jane SEATON who departed this life 18th Nov 1828 aged 103 years.
52 Underneath lie the remains of George ANDERSON, infant son to James ANDERSON of Rossmount, who departed this life 20th Feby 1840, aged 8 months. Also James Seaton ANDERSON 13th April 1840, aged 13 years; and of their sister Lydia ANDERSON 19th Nov 1858, aged 21 years. \\\"Farewell, farewell, a long farewell. Our tears are on the sod where rests their dust. Their souls shall dwell eternally with God. \\\" James ANDERSON departed this life June the 22nd 1865, aged 92 years. \\\"We have laid his sounds, he will rise again in life.\\\" Jane ANDERSON, died March 1st 1888, aged 85 years. Thomas ANDERSON, died Dec 16th 1899, aged 81 years.
53 Here lyeth the corps of James McGILL, who departed this life May the 10 [dy?] the 5[5 or 6]th year of his age. Anno Dom 1703[8?]. Meme[n]to Mori.
54 [Lettering around margin of slab] May 24 1622. Hic iacent corpora Robert[i], Margaret, Henrici STEWART, progenies Andreae magistri de Castelstuart et Annae comitis Atholiae dies mortis aeterna vita natalis est. Here lie the bodies of Robert, Margaret, Henry STEWART children of Andrew, Master of Castlestuart and Anne, Countess of Athol. The day of death is the day of being born into eternal life.
55 Sacred to the memory of Theodore BAILLIE Esq of Timaskea{Termaskea}. Also of his eldest daughter, Eleanor Mary BAILLIE.
56 [Top part illegible] Also the body of Agnes WHITE, wife to John, who depd this life June 3 1794 aged 48 years. Also the body of Robert WHITE, who depd this life Decb 25th 1777, aged 7 years.
57 BOYD of Ross: Iain, aged 7, died 1707; John, aged 74, died 1782; William, aged 56, died 1801; Robert, aged [ ] died [ ]; William Collins aged [ ] died 1882; John, aged 56, died 1913; Jane May, aged 88, died 1920; Mary Jane, aged 86 died 1963; John NORWOOD.
58. Here Lyeth the body of John BOYD, who depd. this life March [27]th 1782, aged [74] years. Also John BOYD of Ross, who died 3rd November 1914 [sic] aged [56] years. Also the body of William BOYD, his son, who departed this life Feb. [ ] 1801, aged [58] years.
59 Here lyeth ye body of Mary CARSON, late wife to James CARSON, who departed this life October ye 9th1772, aged 29 years.
60 In memory of Hugh McILWAINE, Tullaghbeg, who died 5th Nov 1867, aged 48 years. Also his beloved wife, Martha McILWAINE, who died 12th March 1893, aged 75 years; their daughter Lizzie, who died 10th Sept 1910, aged 56 years; their sons Robert McILWAINE, who died 21st May 1921, aged 81 years; John McILWAINE, who died 13th August 1921, aged 83 years; their daughter Maggie, who died 12th February 1929, aged 68 years; Mary Alan McILWAINE, who died 28th June 1942, aged 75 years. Also Lucy HINDES, who died 3rd February 1944, aged 89 years.
61 [broken top part off] Here lyeth the body of Fr[ ] SHAW who departed ye life 26 April 1714, aged 48 years. Also ye body of Coli[ ], his son who ...
63 [Lettering around margin of slab] [ST]EWART iacet corps Jacobi STEWART qwi[puaer ...] er obiit [28 or 23] die mensis jwlii anno dom 1616. Aetatis suae [52 or 22] hic etiam iacent corpora [ ] moriuntur in Domino. [The initials AS and possibly RS appear on the stone on either side of what may be a coat of arms.] [Translation: STEWART ... lies the body of James STEWART ... died 28th or 23rd July 1616 AD, aged (52 or 22). Here also lies the bodies ... die in the Lord].
64 *** of Sarah PEEBLES, wife of Rob PEEBLES, Tullyhogue, who departed this life 24th Sept 1810, aged 47 years; Elenor PEEBLES, their daughter, died 17th Oct 1794, aged 10 months and Mathew Brattan PEEBLES, their son, deceased 30 Oct 1810, aged 3 months.
65 James COLLINS, surgeon, late of Cookstown, died 14th May 1806, aged 70. Jane COLLINS, his wife, died the 19th Dec 1825, aged 82 yrs. Also resteth here, Mary COLLINS, their daughter, who was removed from this to a better world Sept 23rd 1831, aged 45 years. \\\"Be ye also ready in such an hour as ye think not the son of man cometh.\\\"
66 Underneath this stone lieth the remains of John COLLINS, late of Cookstown [March] who departed this life the 31 day of January 1811, aged 67 years. Also are deposited the remains of Joshua COLLINS, solicitor, Cookstown, who departed this life March 17th 1838, aged 64 years.
67 Sacred to the memory of Thomas BLACKWOOD, late of [D]owns, who depd this life [11th] of June 1841, aged 78 years. Also his wife, Martha BLACKWOOD, who depd this life [13th or 15th] of May 1837, aged 70 years. Also Andrew BLACKWOOD, their son, died in the Lord, Jun 29th 1842, aged 4[5] years.
69 Beneath this stone is deposited the remains of Hugh ROBSON, late of Castlestewart, who departed this life May the 8th 1817, aged 63 years.
Underneath this stone lyeth the remains of Elenor ROBSON, otherwise THOMPSON, who departed this life March 11th 1808, aged 25 years. Also John ROBSON who died young.
Underneath this stone is deposited the remains of James ROBSON Esq, the Surgeon of the Rifle Brigade, son to Hugh ROBSON, who died at Castlestewart, July the 24th 1821 at the age of 35. His premature death was occasioned by fever fatigue in an honorable service of 12 years on the continent at Waterloo.
Here also lie the remains of Hugh ROBSON, late of Castle Farm Stewartstown who died Aug 1st 1862, aged 70 years. Also his wife Jane ROBSON of Castlefarm, who died 16th March 1879, aged 71 years.
70 Here lyeth Mary LAIRD aged [11?], died 169[ ]. Also [John?] LAIRD, aged [23?], died 17[2]2.
71 Here lyeth ye body of John LAIRD, who departed this life August 1[8 or 9] 17[ ]6, aged 44 years. Here lies the remains of Elizabeth BLAIN, who dep this life 25 March 1873 ag 66.
72 Here lyeth the body of Robert McENTIRE, who departed this life February the 2 1786, aged 44 years. Also the body of his dear wife Anne, who departed this life 7th April 1816, aged 76 years.
73 Here lyeth ye body of [ ] dep[ ] life [ ] [ ] aged [ ]. Also ye body of Mary M[ ][yh?], who departed ye life August ye 14 1750, aged 72 [ ].
74 [Illegible/blank; with parts of broken HS\\\'s on top] Sacred to the memory of James McENTIRE, late of Eary, who departed this life on the [ ] of March in the year of our Lord 18[ ] aged [3?]9 years. Also [his] son Creighton Mc[ENTIRE] [ ] Robert [ ] Eliza da[ughter] [ ] McENTIRE.
76 Sacred to the memory of Thomas BOYD la[te] of Drumbellyhugh, who departed this life the 13th of November 1819, aged 48 years. He lived respected and died lamented by all who knew him. Also Samuel BOYD, who departed this life the 28th of January 1826, aged 38 years.
77 [Jane/James] McENTIRE of Eary [ ]. In fond memory of James McENTIRE of Eary, County Tyrone, died 18th August 1849, in his 36th year.
78 Here lieth ye body of Samuel STEWART, who dep ye life Dec 14 1773, aged 75 years. Also his wife Sarah, who departed Jan ye 20 1789, aged 68 ye[ars]. 79 Erected to the memory of Alexander CLEMENTS of Tullaghmore, who died in the Lord 11th June 1860, aged 77 years.
80 Erected by Samuel CRAWFORD of Ruskey Row. To the memory of his beloved wife, Jane CRAWFORD, who departed this life March 16th 1879 Also [Esther] dearly beloved wife of James CRAWFORD, who died Dec 30th 1892, aged 55 years.
81 Erected to the memory of Andrew BEATTIE, Lisnanane; his brother Joseph, and Martha, wife of Joseph. Also their son Robert J BEATTIE, died 30th August 1952, aged 76 years, and his wife Emma, died 12th Jan 1955, aged 78 years. \\\"Asleep.\\\"
82 In loving memory of John McGAHIE, died 11th April 1913, his wife Margaret, died 1st Dec 1921. Also their sons Robert John died 22nd Oct 1902, interred in Minnesota, U.S.A., David, died 21st Feb 1929, and their daughters, Eliza Ann, died 28th August 1934, Mary, died 17th Oct 1936.
83 A vault [on outside wall] Erected to the memory of Joseph STEWART, Coalisland, who died 29th July 1889, aged 37 years. 84 VAULT [on outside wall] Erected to the memory of Hugh KINLEY, who departed this life on the 20th of December 1879, aged 83 years. Also his wife Agnes KINLEY, who departed this life on the 10th of March 1886, aged 54 years. Also his son John Stevenson KINLEY, who departed this life on the 31st December 1893, aged 32 years. Also his daughter-in-law, Edith Caroline KINLEY, who fell asleep, after long suffering on the 9th of March 1909, aged 53 years. Also his son, Hugh Washington KINLEY, died 26th October 1937, aged 82 years. Also his grand-daughters, Muriel Gaussen KINLEY, died 19th May 1922, aged 32 years, and Marjorie Gaussen KINLEY, died 18th September 1918, aged 22 years.
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