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Census of Carnteel & Aghaloo


 1766 Religious Census of County Tyrone

            Diocese of Armagh,

            Parishes of Aghalow and Carnteel

Parliamentary returns as to religion, made by the Protestant Rectors, by order of the Irish House of Lords.

15 March 1766 To the Rt. Reverend and Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal. A List of the several families in the Parishes of AGHALOW and CARANTELLE in the County of Tyrone and Diocese of Armagh being the corps of the Archdeaconry of Armagh.

(The names which are followed by X, are those of Catholics.)

Henry Ray esq

Andrew Hutcheson

Henry McCardel

Rev Mr Robert Pringle

Isaac Smith

George McClery

Mr William Pringle

Robert Waugh

Charles Quigley

Mr Anthony Griffith

James Brown

Robert Latimer

Mr Jn Moore

Samuel Potter

James Burnes

Mr William Petticrue

Robert Potter

Pat McGunshenon X

Mr Hamilton Pringle

Saml Greer

John Irwin

Mr Cornelius Marshall

William Potter

James Hughs X

Mr William Harriott

Robert Potter

Patt Hughs X

Thomas Forsyth esq

Robert Kerr

William Hughs X

Mr Henry Marshall

John Kerr

Henry Hughs X

Rev Mr Campbell

William Oliver

Michl McKenna X

Widow Kelly Patrick X

Patr Sherry

Terence Gildernue X

John Kelly X

John Michelpatrick

Alex Nelson

Bryan Kelly X

Arthur OMullin X

George Irwin

Henry Hamill X

John OMullin X

Thomas Barret X

Terence Hamill X

Patrick OMullin X

Bryan Farrell X

Fardaragh Hughs

Hugh McKenna X

Daniel McGrady X

Henry Hughs

Hugh McMahon X

Henry Wallace

Neal OHeir X

Terence Higgins X

Edmd Donaghy X

William Crawford

Neal Develin X

Fardaragh McMullin X

Anthony McCamill

Edwd McQuide X

John Cullen X

Robert Bearnes

Hugh Burns

Owen Lonaghy X

Hugh McCamon

Margt McMahon X

William Mullen X

John Campble

M McKever X

Terence Hughs X

John Irwin

James Chapman

Denis Sheridan X

widow Hughs

Thos Fox  X

Terence Coyle X

John Kelter

Patrick Cush X

James Coyle X

James Hughs

Henry Burley

Steven King X

John Hughs

Patrick Donaghy X

Hugh Mullin X

John Conelan

Patrick Hagan X

James Carroll

John Hughs

Owen Kelter X

James Watt

Michael Duffy

Patrick McKenna X

Miles McMullin X

John Hutcheson

John Stewart

Adam Crozier

widow Hamill X

George Guy

Dennis Maloy X

Samuel Hutcheson

Patrick Conely X

Bryan McQuide X

Ter: McLaghlin X

George Davison

James Magee

Ter: Devine X

James Hadin

John Finlay

Robert Henderson

Redmon McDonald X

John Miller

Charles Petergrew

Phelemy McKenna X

Thomas McLoghlin X

William Boyd

James McConnol X

John Frazier

David Boyd

John McWilliams

Culla Martin X

Charles Kingsberry

John Kelly X

Willm Magee

Robert Vernit?

William Reid

John Watson

John Scott

Richd Coyle X

Owen McKenna X

Arthur Scott

James Corbit

James Montgomery

William Petecrew

Willm Corbit

Chas Harker

John Petecrew

John Corbit

widow McWilliams

David McFarland

Willm Clarke

Hu: Goodfellow X

Thomas Lesly

Thomas Buchanan

Geo: Hill

Richd Skimmins

William Murry X

Jos Read

Willm Wallace

Patrick Coyle X

Thos Cook

John Moor

Edward Coyle X

John Herring

Peter Donelly X

Bryan McScolloge X

James Maron X

John Hart

Alexdr Tegart

William Develin

John McClean

Thomas Tegart

Rose Murry X

Robert Morrow

Robert Hurst

Alex Latta

John Hering

Willm Sloan

James Miller

John Horner

John Jameson

David Finly

widow Hand

John Sloan

Andrew Williamson

Robert Cochrane

James Davison

David Magee

Moses Cherry

John Davison

John Thompson

Mathew Fleming

John Wellse

Thos Cook

John Buchanan

widow Wallace

James Bell

John Walker

Samuel Wallace

Patt Murry X

John Lowry

Paterick Hamill

Willm McCreery

James Cook

William Sloan

Mrs Harrot

Willm Bell

Matthew Marshall

Saml Mckenzy

Edwd Stevenson

Barny Willson

Nathaniel Tagart

John Cane X

Henry Marshall

Robert Irwin

Thomas Graham

Thomas Sleeth

John Davison

John McNichol

Paterick Hughs X

widow Steel

William Trenor X

Thomas McCaffrey X

William Steen

Brian Develin

Owen Trener X

Henry Butten

Edwd Steenson

John Dillon X

Willm Harrot

Danl Murry X

John Broon

James Miller

Alex: Brown

Thomas Kelly X

John Brown

Andw Rogers

Daniel Moony X

Thos Corry

John Mossman

Bryan Moony X

Mathew Marshall

Willm Windslow

James Kerr

Willm Miller

James Baily X

Terrance Hughs X

James Hall

Willm Sturgeon

widow McMullin X

Saml M Chesny

Patt McKenna X

James Cashaly

John Haney

Owen McKenna X

William Barnet

Jos: Bell

Daniel Sherry X

Arthur ONeal X

Willm Clark

John Wright

Neal Thistle

Geo: Liggatt

James Gowdy

Peter Rice X

James Lowees

William Patterson

Willm Anderson

Andrew Wigam X

Hugh McAree

widow McWilliams

David Johnson

James Watson

Patt OHara

Jos Forsythe

James Donaghy X

Culla Murphy X

Willm Armstrong

widow Neal X

widow Neal X

Saml Benson

Per: Divine X

Hu: Morrison

Geo: Henery

James Keenon X

John Coile X

James Richardson

Simon Donelly X

John Williams

widow Wray

Owen McCamell X

James Foresythe

James Wray

James McGuire X

John Anderson

Uriah Warnock

Denis McScolloge X

Michael Marten X

James Stuart

John McScolloge X

Thomas McCree X

Alex Jackson

William Hoath

William Willson

Saml Lesly

Robert Hoath

Thomas McLogherin X

John Foresythe

Roger Maginnis X

Patrick Sherry X

Willm McAull

James McKenna X

Anthony Dogan X

Dr Petecrew

John Cummock

Anthony Thompson

Jos Marshall

Thos Cummock

Richard Martin X

widow Neal

Alex Tagart

John Creieton X

Barny Marcer

Alex Lutta

John Moore

Richd Douglas

John Whittan

Barnet Manret X

Robert Pattison

Archibald Watson

Mrs Scot

Jos Moor

Gilbreath Slevon X

John Runchy X

Robert Callwell

Edward Slevon X

John Dick

John Slavin X

Terrance McKennan X

Willm Cooper

Samuel Miles

Patrick Slevon x

Willm Bush

Jos Bogs

Alex Begs

Joseph Sprum

John Car

Thomas Goodwin

Barney McKenna X

Owen Conner

Henry Gaghagan

widow Means

John Mcguire

Stephan Gaghagan

Robert Adams

Ter: Murphy

Arsable Armstrong

John Montgomery

Ter: Cornan

John Tompson

widow Kelly X

Jane Baily

Joseph Gibson

Patt Hamell X

Chars Hurdman

Henry Slevon X

John Wray

John McClean

Owen McGuire X

Charles Henry

Willm Simpson

John Graham X

Patrick Hughs X

Andrew Wigam X

John Henderson

John Conellan X

Charles Watson

Thomas Bell

Manus Trenor X

Robert Armstrong

John Soly

Patrick Farrel X

James Holland

John Henderson

William Crawford

Laurca Holland

Alex Moor

Geo: Sanderson

Andrew Brisbin

John Clark

Michl Sanderson

John Happer

Willm Skilton

John Purvis

Adam Clendenon

John McCarell

Arthur Convell X

Robert Williams

Dennis Cox

John Donelly X

widow Moor

Robert Moor

Geo: Morrow X

Cormick Sherky X

Acheson Moor

Saml Foresythe

Henry Rocks

Michael McMullen X

John Forsythe

Geo: Irwin

John Lee

Geo: Collins

Neal Cullen X

John Robison

widow McAuly

James McKenna X

James Mullin X

Geo: Moor

Patt McGrane

Arthur McGurk X

Jas Moor

Patrick Wood

Henery McMullin X

William Ormele X

e="PADDING-RIGHT: 0.75pt; PADDING-LEFT: 0.75pt; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0.75pt; PADDING-TOP: 0.75pt">

Thos Falls

George Connelan X

Danl White

Francis Harvey

Terrance Murphy X

Willm Burnet

John M???Crorey X

widow Alexander

Andw Burnet

James Murphy X

Willm Todd

Francis Davison

George Murphy X

Mathew Brisbin

Thos Davison

Willm Camble

John Falls

John Trenor X

Samuel Murphy X

John Cocharon

Willm M???Auly

John Murphy X

Thomas Caldwell

widow M???Auly

James M???Donnell X

Robert Bretton

Thos M???Auly

Peter Quin

Willm Alexander

Nahor Keenon X

Robert Coots

Christopher Johnston

John KeenonX

Thos Brackenlig

James Pedon

John M???Coan X

Cane M???naMee X

John Hamill

John Hughs X

Owen Develin X

John Bustard

John Lyn

Duncan Mekinly

Willm Slack

John Campbell

John Ralsten

John Heston

John Palmer

James Potter

Neal Dolly X

John Brush

John Stevenson

James M???Cardell X

Roland Brush

Alex: Irwin

Tarrance Donnely X

Adam Armstrong

Geo: Carouth

Robert Johnston

David Wray

John Davison

Willm Bell

Saml English

John Davison

John Falls

John Donnelly X

Robert Irwin


John Cochran

Brian Krogher X

Hu: Donaldson


Robert Nees

Mathew M???Gin

Willm M"Ginn


Neal Dolly X

James Willson

Maur: M"Ginn X


James M???Carney X

Robert Beaty

Patrick Dunn X


William Clark

Robt Fisher

Patrick M???Kinna X


Francis Wright

Hugh Surgeon

Dudley Dorgan X


James M???Williams

Per???s Cavanagh X

Bryan Dorgan X


Andw M???Williams

James Moinagh X

Peter Hughs X


David Arskin

John Alix

Owen M???Kenna X


James Reed

Laugh: M???Kenna X

Jas Johnston


John Caldwell

Robt M???Connell X

Miles M???Maniff X


Thomas Tompson

Willm Bell

Francis M???Donnell X


Saml Willson

John Bean

Francis M???Kenna X


John Irwin

John Dennis X

John Gormley X


Saml Irwin

John Beaty

Phelemy Mellon X


James Murphy X

Willm Young

Patrick Hamill X


John Montgomery

James M???Girr

Mathew Hamill X


David Irwin

Moses Beans

Ter:Magill X


Willm Irwin

Edmd M???Kenna X

MargtM???Gail X


John Bell

Thos Crumlin

Roger M???Donnell X


John Ligott

Benj : Smith

John Redon or Pedon


Edwd Moor

Hu:Cavanagh X

Thos Mason


Paterick Heny X

Richd Worthington

Sally M???Knight


John Gilliland

Willm Jackson

widow Means


Elenor Little

James Fidelay

widow Garlon X


Felemy Develon

Nichs Garland X

John M???Kinley X


James Hughs X

Margt Means X

James Willson


James M???Leland

Tho Creiton

Willm Beaty


widow Masters

Mary Peterson

James Angus


Ter: Cavana X

Willm Watson

Bryan Divine x


Adam Holiday

John Beggs

Adam Hamill X


Cormick O???Mullan X

Richd Morrison

John Kelly


John Camble

John Watson

Geo: M???Williams


Michl Frame X

Willm Watson

James Donaghy X


Willm Miles

James Watson

John Robison


James Brown

Mary Watson

Cormick Aul


John M??? Cann X

Thos Farmer X

Crisil M???Michael


Tho Gautt

James Bucanan

widow M???Cormick X


Willm Bell

Christy Johnston

Abrahm Clements


Alex: Downs

Math: Marten X

Saml M???Chesny


John Cabane

Willm Bairns X

James M???Williams


Willm Coot

Wilm Bairns X

Ter: Cavana X


John Coot

Charles Morrow X

James Mason


James Cairns

Thos Sutton

Ku: Green


Thos Bairns X

Willm Adams

Peter M???Cann X


Willm Slack

Henry Hagan X

John Hagan X


Francis Donelly X

Oneas M???Falls X




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