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Presbyterian Petitions Barony of Dungannon

1775 Petitions Ref T808/15307

Petitions of Dissenters {Presbyterians} and also some members of the Established Church to the Irish Parliament . The names were recorded by Parish or Congregation


PROTESTANT DISSENTERS (as PRESBYTERIANS were disparagingly termed) were barred from holding public office because of their beliefs. Presbyterian congregations across Ireland petitioned the parliament in Dublin for repeal of the Test Act which required all office holders, i.e. magistrates, burgesses etc. to be communicant members of the Established Church. Clearly, not all members of the Presbyterian congregations signed: some may have been beholden to a landlord belonging to the Established Church and did not wish to upset him.


Dungannon Barony

John Brown

Thomas **nester?

William Lomand

William Farguson

John Farguson

Andrew Farguson

Saml Davidson

Dolway Edmiston

George McVeigh

George Reed

John Hunter

David Hunter

Robert Robinson

John Matthews

John Sloan

John Leard/Laird

Robert Maffett

William Callans/ Collins

Robert Robinson

Thomas Greer

Wm Kirkpatrick

William Carson

John Beatty

William Carson

Matthew Magey

John Kirk

Andrew Brown

William Wylie

Alex Jordan

James Griffin

Samuel McCullough

William Beatty

James Lockart

David McMaster

John Moncrief

David McNeely

John Stewart

John Gibson

James Gibson

Robert Alan

John Allan

George Nicholl

Hugh Catherwood

William White

John Miller

G Ledlie

Ben Hodine**d??

John Speedy

James Theaker

Jas Hunter

Hugh McKel

Sam McGaa

Matt. Fairservice

Robert Speer

James Kilpatrick

Andrew Beatty

John Boyd

Alex Miller

Robert Wylie

Archibald Ballie

John Gibson

James Campbell

Andrew Campbell

John Rea

James McCord

James Lylburn

Robert Chesney

John McCaughy

Thomas Gibson

Samuel Sloan

John Carson

Hugh Weir

William Elliott

John Henry

John Halliday

Sam Park

David Sloan

Robert Carson

Andrew Brown

Robert Means

John Davidson

John Shields

John Carson

John Greer


{c} ulsterancestry



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