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 Ulster Ancestry
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Ship Owners in Belfast 1860

Andrews & Alexander, Victoria Chambers.
Arrott, Isaac, 34 Waring Street.
Askin, William.
Belfast Steam Ship Company.
Boyd, Robert, Donegall Quay.
Bradford, James, 41 Dock Street.
Carey, T., Carrickfergus.
Carson, R. M., 2 Corporation Street.
Charley, John, 53 Donegall Quay.
Clotworthy & Pinkerton, Tomb Street.
Coates, Victor, Prince\\\'s Dock Foundry.
Cochran, J., 30 Great George\\\'s Street.
Coey, E., Gamble Street.
Corry, James P., Great Georges Street.
Corry, Robert & Sons, 3 Great Georges Street.
Craig, Hugh, Queens Quay.
Dickson, T. & Co., Larne.
Ewing, Samuel, 49 Ship Street.
Fulton, David, 251 Abbotsford Place.
Glenfield, Francis, 110 High Street.
Grainger, D. & Son, Princes Dock.
Gray, Thomas, 22 North Street.
Greenfield, John, 76 High Street.
Gregg, J., Cranston, Malone.
Hanlon, Michael, 2 Corporation Square.
Harper, Martin, Victoria Street.
Henderson, Robert * Son, 23 Donegall Quay.
Houston, Samuel, 24 Garmoyle Street.
Keenan, Thomas, 102 High Street.
Lemon, James, Corporation Square.
Lepper, C. W., Laurel Lodge.
Martin, J. & Co., Dublin.
Martin, Samuel & Co., Ann Street.
Megaw, J. G., London.
Milford, J.
Miller, John, Lisburn.
Millen, John, 11 Marlborough Street.
Mogey, Daniel, 5 Dock Street.
Murray, D., Ballymacarrett.
Murray, Owen, Green Street.
McCausland, Samuel, 30 North Street.
McClure, Son & Co., Corporation Street.
McGarrell, C., London.
McGiffin, W. & Thomas.
McLaine, Alexander & sons.
Neill, R., Bangor.
Owens, Thomas, 96 Nelson Street.
Phillips & Moore, Victoria Street.
Quinn, Peter, Corporation Street.
Richardson Brothers & Co., Donegall Place.
Scott, John, 34 Great Georges Street.
Shaw & Finlay, Ann Street.
Sinclair, John & Thos., Tomb Street.
Sinclair & Boyd, Donegall Quay.
Smiley, J., Larne.
Sullivan, J. & M. D.
Tedford, James, 7 Donegall Quay.
Templeton, W. & Co.
Thomson, Samuel, Corporation Street.
Wardlow, Hugh, Windsor.
Wright, P., 10 Queens Quay.


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