![]() ![]() ![]() |
p. 1
Barony de Rapho
The Lord Duke of Lynox, undertaker of 4000 acres, his men and armes
Robert Leackye Robert mcffarlan
James Wood John mcffarlan
Andrew Wood Patt. mcAndrew
Mathew Lyndsey Patt. mcArthur
William Douglas Robert Denyston
Robert Lyndsay Donnell mcBaxter
Robert Buchanan John Boyd
John Galbreath Humfrey Colquphone
Alexander Buchanan William Gulilan
Alexander Lawder John Steward
James Denniston elder John McIlman
Andrew Royare John Scot
William Laughlan Robert Boyde
John Lowrye Thomas Lowrye
John Ralston
William Cokeran Swords onely
Hector Hinman -------------
Robert Cocheran John Wood
John Buchanan John Martin
John mcConochy John mcLenochan
Robert mcPeter John Cambell edler
George Haldin William Deneston
Robert Horner John Buchanan
Donell Galey John Cambell
Robert mcKyndely John mcffarlan
Robert Glass Donnell mcffarlan
Archbell Campbell Robert Michell
ffyndley mcKindley Costyme Ranckein
Andrew mctyre John Allen
Alexander Galbreath Gilbert mcLyntock
John mcKaire John Brice
John Thromble James Allan
John Smyth Dunkan Speney
Dunkan mcffarlen Thomas Ramsey
Patrick mcNeron John Cock
Wm. McLentock James Cock
George Colmories Andrew Cock
p. 2
William Scot Sword and Calleuer
John mcCawly ------------------
John mcGourden John Royer
Andrew Lackye Morrice Peacock
James mcKennye Walter Lowrye
James Hustone William mcNevin
Robert Lackye Robert Campbell
John mcKyndley
Swords and Snaphances David mcKan
-------------------- John mcIldonagh
James Dromond Dunkan mcffarlan
Archbald Gambell John Crawfford
John Sempell
Snaphances onely James Symison
----------------- William mcarthur
Morrice mcConnell Robert Reroch
John Cocheran Thomas Crafford
John Snodgarse Camack mcCole
John Cambell younger Henry Cruse
Owen mcNair John Barlone
David Lyndsay Thomas Swaine
Alexander mcLentock Patrick Porler
Robert Aickeene Randall mcAlexander
Robert Morison John Douglas
James Kilsoe James Logan
Donnell mcNichol Alexander Hamond
Dunkan Cambell Mathew Gillrew
Donnell mcBaxter elder William Hewes
Robert Barlaine Robert Leman
James Richye Donnell mcCahey
John Swayne Adam Quahone
John Valentyne Neece mcGilrouse
Dunkan Graham John mcffarlan
Walter Deneston
Swords and Pikes Anthony Steward
---------------- William Noble
Robert Calmeris John Parmenter
Andrew Calmeris Andrew Galbreath
Willliam Wood
Pikes onely John Wood
------------ John Steward
Hugh Greire James Deneston
Sword and halbert
John mcffarlan
p. 3
James Muthey John Pecock
Walter Roger Robert Craufourd
John Brittein Archbald Ballintyne
John Young Thomas mcKeeg
Gawen mcConnell John Logan
John Watson Lamock mcColl
Walter Henry John Buchanan
Robert Cambell David Gibb
Dunkan Crafford John Pearce
George Allyson John mcGillione
No Armes
Barony de Rapho
Sir John Conningham knight, undertaker of 4,000 acres, his
men and armes.
Robert Boyll David Ramsay
Gawen Michell James Young
John Malfeild
John Wood Swords and Snaphances
John fforret ---------------------
James Lennox James Patterson
Patrick Coningham Art mcCary
John Longpill Donnell mcKee
Willliam Dunlap Killetellon mcCury
Robert Young James Robinson
David Coningham John Frizell younger
Robert Wallas Dunkan mcKinley
John Blare John Richee
Robert Wernogh John Cambell
Patrick Fould Adam ffleming
Alexander Lawson Hugh Thomson
William Crafford
Swords onely William Colwell
------------ William Steavenson
Thomas Hislat Marcus Odoylson
William mcEask William Marshall
William Saner (or Sauer?) Dunkan Lyone
Patrick mccleland Patrick Crafford
Andrew Balmanner John Lyone
Alexander Balmanner John Mathew
Robert mcInteer John Makee
Walter de Jestame Dunkan mcCostune
Herbert Morison Hugh Barskemny
James mcCreay James Hutchison
p. 4.
Patrick Delap Andrew Conningham
Hugh Thomson Donnell mcConnell
John Gylles John Frizell
James Steill William ffrizell
John Allason William Iesack
William Wilson Donnell mcIlman
John Hettels John mcNevin
John Hettels younger John Yoole (Poole?)
Steaphen ffrag Donnell mcKean
George Scot William Doone
Henry Gaine Rober (sic) Roger
James Morrison Robert Miller
Killcollume mcKeynie Andrew Balmann'r
Wm. Dunlap younger James Morison
William Young
Swords and Pikes John Bayly
--------------- John Steaphenson
Archbald ffleming James Cressball
Robert Larges John Lyone
James Hate John Crawfourd
Patrick Bright
Swords and Muskets John Wallas
----------------- John Morrison
Robert Longpill
William Cutberson James Browne
William Snyp
Swords and Calleuers Steaphen Cragg
-------------------- James Knox
John ffleming William Crag
James Morrison Mathew Cuningham
Gibert (sic) ffleming Jame (sic) forsyth
Alexander Thompson William mcBaine
John Steavenson David Young
James Steward Patt ffleming
David Tullagh Barnard Cuningham
William Young James Wilson
John Watt William Wighton
Patrick Wright Hugh Sawer
John Baytye Patt Adam
Christopher Walker John Wallas
John Hunter
Archbald Hunter
p. 5
No Armes
Barony de Rapho
The Lady Conningham Widdow of Sir James Conningham,
undertaker of 2,000 acres, her men and armes.
William Conningham Richard Leaky
James Calquahan Robert Staret
Andrew mcCorkill John mcIlhome
John mcCorkill Sallomon Giffin
Tobias Hood David Reed
James Davye Donnell mcDonnell
Peter Starret Alexander Carlell
John mcquchowne William Gafeth
James Knox
Adam Garvance Swords onely
Swords and Pikes Gilbert Highgate
--------------- Patrick Porter
James mcAdowe Robert Hasta
ffyndlay Ewing William Gambell
Dunkan mcffarlan John Hunter
Ninian ffoulton John Crawfford
James Scot Robert Johnston
William Rankin Henry Smyth
Daniell Ramsay William Boyes
Martin Galbreath David Ramsay
Patrick Porter William Steward
Robert Crafford
Swords and Snaphances James Conningham
--------------------- Andrew Conningham
John Crafford
William mcIltherne John Hunter
David Walker John Wilson
John Barbor James Bredyne
Mungo Davy
Swords and Calleuers William Richey
-------------------- John mcIlhome
James Makee Henry Hunter
John mcHutchon
Sword and Halbert James Rankin
---------------- William Killy
Andrew George Robert Pots
James mcIlman William Gambell
Michaell Rot(h?)es John Lyone
Patrick Miller James Knox
Robert Muntgomery
Alexander Conningham
p. 6
No Armes
Barony de Rapho
Sr John Kingsmell Knight, undertaker of 2,270 acres, his men
and armes.
Robert Hammilton George Young
Andrew Hammiltion John Patterson
robert Moderwell John Smyth
George Stendson
James Symes Swords onely
John Squiverell -----------
Robert Warnog Gabrahill Morrison
John Speare Robert Marke
John Wilson John Warnog
James Wilson Walter Lewis
William Conningham Michaell Lewis
John Bordland Allyn mcCall
Thomas Coopson William Davis
William Coopson Thomas Hoggard
Phillomy Huston
Hugh Carnog Swords and Pikes
William Carmighell ----------------
John Warke Adam Moderwell
William Euch (Ench?) Alexander Browne
James Crafford James Nealson
James Henderson
David Bihit Swords and Snaphances
Robert Wilson --------------------
Rise Davis Gilbert Moryson
John mcApinagh William ffryer
Robert Wallice Hugh Robinson
John fflulton James Synes younger
No Armes
Barony de Rapho
Captain Ralph Mansfield, undertaker of 1,000 acres, hie men
and armes.
Thomas Ellis Swords onely
James Benny ------------
William White James mcTanlease
William Wald Thomas Dunlelly
John Bell
Robert White Swords and Pikes
William Glen ----------------
William Gryffyn
p. 7
Sword and Calleuer
----------------- Thomas Gray
Robert Adam Thomas ffayrefax
Ralph Mansfield Thomas ffayrefax younter
Thomas Clarke
No Armes
Barony de Rapho
Sr John Willson Barronet, undertaker of 2550 acres, his men
and armes.
Robert Porter Swords onely
William Makee ------------
William Deasly George Irwing
Gabraell Homes John Pitts
John Homes John Hendry
John mcCley John Davis
David Read John mcCowr
Alexander Cambell Richard mcCowr
Wenables Albones Thomas Browne
Henry Roberts Robert Bromside
John ffrizell John Kilpatrick
John ffulton
Robert Ray Swords and Pikes
Donnell Reth (Roth?) ----------------
Thomas Cranston Alexander mcKee
James Lassles
William Lassles Pike onely
William Wilson ---------
Richard Browne James ffargison
John Kilpatrick ('younger' erased) John Willson
John mcclere John Halbert
Anthony McClere John Henderson
Michaell mcCleare Thomas Henderson
William Moneyley Thomas Lassles
George Gray younger
John Michell Snaph: onely
John Waynes (Wagires) ------------
John Browne Alexander mcCowr
John Hendry John Rowsell
David Hunter John ffleming
Robert Read
John Weiton Swords and Snaphances
James mcGumberry ---------------------
James Hall
p. 8
Sword and Musket
Walter Carr Patrick mcMullaing
William Dixon James Dunkin
Christopher Cale
Swords and Calleurs James Nesbit
------------------- John mcClentock
Patrick Read Thomas Davis
Robert Pitts Robert Robertson
John Edger Leonard Wisse
Robert Ray
No Armes
Barony de Rapho
Peter Benson Esqr., undertaker of 1,500 acres, his men and
James O[?]rines or C[]Rines? Sword and Musket
John mcCreary ----------------
James mcCreary Richard Gibson
Wm. Kirkpatrick
Andrew Leapper Sword and Calleuer
Jo: Kirkpatrick elder ------------------
Arch Mowberry Richard Roper
John Kirkpatrick Patrick Cherry
George Harkalls
Andrew mcKerry Swords and Snaphances
Swords onely John Davis
John Bree Snaphance onely
Thomas Moraphie ---------------
Thomas ffarrell Edward Babbington
Robert Kirkepatrick Robert Angleson
John Michell
Swords and Pikes Edward Smyth
---------------- Michaell Blanye
Gilbert Hesee Jo: Kirkpatrick younger
Alexander Maxwell
Pike onely Richard Babington
---------- Edmond Jessopp
William Kirkpatrick William Gibson
John ffarrell George Arkales
James Tath Mathew Browne
Andrew mcCheney?
Swords and Halberts John mcCheney (mcClieney?)
------------------- David Key
Thomas Preston Alexander Maxfeild
p. 9
No Armes
Barony de Rapho
William Steward Esqr. Lard of Dunduff, undertaker of 1,000
acres, his men and armes.
Archbald Thomson Swords and Pikes
Andrew Thompson ----------------
Robert Alexander Robert Thomson
John mcKey John ffife
David Kenedye
Patrick Baruzathyn Swords and Muskets
Anthony Steward ------------------
John Steward James Squire
Archbald Steward John Conningham
John Browne Steaphen Marshell
Andrew Browne John Smyth
Edward Roger Michaell Smith
John Moore Michaell mcCleary
John mcCullagh Donnell Cambell
John Moire Archbald Bredene
Patrick Conningham
John Allyson Swords and Snaphances
John Smeally ---------------------
John Kelly
Swords onely Humphrey Cooke
------------ William Wan
John Davidson ffynley mcKirdly
Archbald mcEmmory Alexander mcClaney
Roary mcCleane John Conningham
Patrick Thomson John mcffay
Donnell Or Donnell mcNevin alias McNit
Mungo David John mcKee younger
John Cambell John mcWalker
John mcLynienie James mcKergour
Archbald Hourd David Kenedy
William Houston Alexander mcWilliam
James mcKee Patrick Steward
Anthony Kenedy Donnell mcCarslaire
George Steward James Kenellye
John mcClen John Campbell
John Cambell
Hugh Gamill
No Armes
p. 10.
Barony de Rapho
Mr. Cahoune Lard of Luce, undertaker of 1,000 acres, his men
and armes.
John Arrell Thomas Allasonne
Patrick Boochanan
Humphrey Mountgomery Swords and Pikes
David Hume ----------------
Walter Barlowe John ffoster
James Leach Arthur mcCurrin
James Creagh Patrick Leach
John mcGillurne
Swords onely
Swords and Snaphances ------------
--------------------- Hugh Mure
John Blare
John Watson Sword and Halbert
John Patterson -----------------
Patrick Morton
John Allison
John Okenhead
No Armes
Barony de Rapho
Captain Robert Davis, undertaker of 2,000 acres, his men and
David Payne Sword and Halbert
Robert Grame -----------------
William Johnes John Parry
James Thompson
Richard Davis Sword and Calleuer
Swords and Pikes Richard Prick
---------------- Evane Greefleth (sic)
John Newton David Edmond
Peter Payne John Aplevin (?)
Edward Euance George Barret elder
George Barret younger
Swords and Snaphaces Ralph Loyd
-------------------- Richard Lestor
William Monely John Price
Rice Evance
Snaphance onely Evaine Peirce
William Barr
p. 11
No Armes
-------- Rice Williams
Kinrick Thomas George Newson
Swords onely
Barony de Rapho
Robert Harrington esqr. undertaker of 4,000 acres, his men
and armes.
Edward Hill Hugh Gwillin
Gabraeill Griffyeth John Pepells
Patrick Browne George Russell
William Michell Thomas Haward
George Michell
John Arckly Swords and Pikes
Alexander Twig ----------------
William Boner William Ridgate
Archbald Hunter John Gursore
John Walker
William Machan Pikes onely
William Sympson -----------
James Gurskadyne James Ranag
James Scot George Miller
Alexander Neesbit Robert Smelly
David Gillmore
Swords onely Hugh Gambell
------------ James ffleming
Robert Rowchester William Uprichard
Robert Wyne
Robert Makee Swords and Muskets
James Homes ------------------
John Nicholas gorgets Ralph Eorill
Walter mcArthur William Miller
compleat Peter Steauenson
John Lang Gabraell Wilson
Robert Grifeth John Pepells
curasses and gorget John ffisher
------------------ Alexander Teus
John Dealp James Darson
curasses and gorget Patrick mcLintog
John Miller
William Miller Swords and Snaphances
John mcManus ---------------------
James Martin John Awerd
John mcGilwory
William Gambell Sword and Calleuer
Arthur mcArthur ------------------
Andrew Steauens
Patrick mcArrell
p. 12
Swords and targets
Barony de Rapho
Mr. Alexander Steward, undertaker of 1,000 acres, his men
and armes.
John mcIlwane Sword and Target
Callum mcMuyre ----------------
James Cambell John Kennan
Robert mcKenily Ninian Steward
William Toyes ('y' struck out)
William Conningham Swords onely
William Home ------------
Neall mcCurid Andrew Cambell
Alexander Cambell Gilbert mcKenny
John Gillaspy
Swords and Pikes Robert Steward
--------------- John Steward
Alexander Cambell (sic) Archbald Steward
John mcKenely William Cambell
Robert Boyd James ffyfe
Robert Henedy Arch Alexander
Storiment Carr John Roger
John Boyill
Swords and Snaphances William Boyill
-------------------- John Cambell
John Niweme younger Gilbert mcCan
Sword and Musket
Walter mcffarlen
No Armes
Barony de Rapho
James conningham Esqr., undertaker of 1,000 acres, his men
and armes.
Andrew Crafford Joseph Browne
John Gills William Galbreath
Hugh Lokehart Hugh Leag
Arch ffynlagh Andrew Browne
ffynlay mcCredy John Harper
John Browne Thomas Stole
Patrick Robison
Swords onely John Enery
John Alexander
George White
p. 13
Swords and Pikes Andrew Leag
---------------- John Hururence
Andrew Arnott John Hamilton
John Alexander James ffulloone
Adnarle Hoomes Robert Patterson
Robert Graham John Cunningham
George Naught
Sn: only Hugh Leag
-------- James Browne
John Smyth John mcEuan
William Gall George Speare
Andrew Smyth Mathew mcCadame
James Gillmore John Dyne
Robert Roger Andrew Dyne
Thomas Roger Arch Boyle
Thomas Lars (Lard?) John Calwell
John Adam Robert mcCamy
Robert Davison Robert mcCamy younger
Michaeli Beare Dunkan mcWrick
Thomas Richmoule
Swords and Snaphances John mcJohn Keine
--------------------- Mungo Willy
Robert mcKeene Andrew Cambell
Mathew Gieffe (Giesse?) Hugh Mure
Andrew Callhown
Swords and Halberts
James ffulloone
George Steavenson
No Armes
Barony de Rapho
Mr. John Steward, undertaker of 1,000 acres, his men and
Arch Steward Sword and Snaphance
Andrew Cambell -------------------
William Cambell John Bullesine
Illime mcKaine
James ffife Sword and Pike
John Steward --------------
Robert Steward
Swords onely John Boyle
------------ John Roger
John Barkly Arch Alexander
Pike onely
William Conningham
p. 14
Barony de Boylagh and Bannagh
The Earle of Annandall, undertaker of 10,000 acres, the names
of his men and armes.
Andrew Nesbit Hector Douglas
Robert Rinkeny John Gourdon
James Read elder Nichol Walker
Alexander Tyndy
Swords onely Martin Shellan
------------ Andrew Shellan
David Greire John mcKilvame
John Creighton
Sword and Snaphance Robert Creighton
------------------- James Crafford
David ffynley Andrew Dunne
Archbald Houet younger David Kernes
George Molligan Robert Kernes
David Jackson younger David Jackson
John Reynold John Creighton younger
John Kirkpatrick Alexander mcMachan
John Hall Patrick Dunbar
John Makye Edward Houet
George Miller John ffynlay
Andrew mcffarlan Thomas Gressy
Richard Murray Andrew Keirs
Gilbert Shaw Thomas Creighton
Walter Leaky Robert mcKnaght
James Read younger James mcKnaght younger
John William John Shane younger
Edward Griffeth John Scot younger
John mcClintog Gilbert Shankeland
John Menzes John Milligan younger
Patrick Herron John Vaux
John mcClanes John mcKilmain
John mcCartney James Shan younger
John Chancellor John Kirkpatrick
Robert Walker Alexander Shilan
John Creighton John Walker
John mcKennet Robert Vaux
Thomas Blane John Waker
Sampson mcKee Michaell mcKilwayne
James Blane Arch Horner
William Ellot William Cocheran
George Ellot John mcKaughry
John Waus John Dunbar
John mcKee Gilbert mcClelan
p. 15
William mcClaughry Alexander Scot
William mcConnell William Douglas
John mcConnell Hugh Reed
Dunkan mcKilmore Alexander mcCullogh
John Camell Thomas mcCullogh
Anthony Shaw George mcCullogh
Patrick mcHutchin Jo: Small younger
John Bagster David Wilson
Robert mcHutchen John Karnes
John Harvye Robert Maxwell
Steaphen Price Thomas Scot
James Hugones George Scot
David Barnes John Johnston
John Smyth William Layser
James mcKnoe William Kenedy
Alexander Murry John mcKinley
James Murry John mcCormick
John Murry John Leis
Adam Makee William Leies
Robert Makee John mcKneilly
James Frizsell Patrick Dunbar
John Frizell John Camell
Thomas Carnes John Dunbar
Thomas Carnes younger John Walker
ffynlay mcCauley Andrew Dunne
Thomas Hutton Andrew Leirs
John Kirk John ffynlay
Peter Martin George Ellot
Andrew Robinson David Jackson
Patrick Davison Robert Kernes
John mcClaughey elder James Shaw
James mcClaughry John Scot
No Armes
Barony de Rapho
Mr ffarrell undertaker of 1,500 acres w'ch he houldeth by his
wife lady to Sr Thomas Cutch, deceased.
Barony de Rapho
The Lo: Bpp of Rapho his churchlands being 2,700 acres,
his men and armes.
Archbald Conningham John Edward
John Smyth Andrew Steaphenson
John ffulton James Lang
Mathew Patterson William Kingham
Patrick mcMair John Key
p. 16
George Wasson James Hervy
Robert Bcochanan John Heslet
William Richie John Carmouth
Wm. Nickilvy Thomas Kelson
Thomas Eishintor John Calwell
George Steaphenson Thomas Armor
John Tocheran
Michaell Lyndsay Swords onely
Richard Carson ------------
Andrew mcIlvaine John Wylly
William Lyne James Dick
Claud Donniell James Keare
John Walker John Steaphen
William Henry George Carmighell
John Wause John mcPeter
Hector Conne James Johnston
Thomas mcArthur John Lyndsay
Alexander Allen Ninian Thompson
John Harper John mcKinly elder
Archbald mcCalla James Spreull
John Allan James Atterew
Robert Wylly John Willson
William Pock
John Walker Swords and Pikes
John Kenedy ----------------
Robert ffleming John White
James Lard
John Morrison Sword and Musket
Alexander Sterrep ----------------
Archbald Stenison Humphrey mcLeny
Robert Bachanan
John Graham Calleuer onely
Thomas Cloughan --------------
Dunkan Mountgomery James Carmighell
Alexander Gibson Richard Horris
Gabraell Maxwell John Maxwell
John Laird Archbald Leaviston
Archbald Henderson James Mathey
Symond Graham William Lyndsay
John mcCalla Robert Barly
ffyndlay Huston John Wylly
James Makeene John Dunlap
William Atkin Wm. Carmighell
James Davye Wm. Carssar'es
Alexander Johnston James Allen younger
William Makee Robert Lyone
John Latay John Deneston
William Home
p. 16
John Stenison John Davy
John Pirry William Porter
Hugh Salsmond
Swords and Snaphances John Henderson
--------------------- Thomas Henderson
John Willy Michaell Henderson
John Wallice Thomas Lassilles
Thomas Browne
Snaphances onely Richard mcCuluer
---------------- Alexander mcCuluer
John Hammilton Esqr. Thomas Parmenter
George Knox John Pitty
Robert White James Mathey
John Leige Robert Denton
Symon Elshinter ffrancis Lacillis
John Moore Wm. Lasillis
Andrew Knox John Kirkpatrick
John Leitch Michaell mccleary
Hugh Allan William Sterret
Andrew Steaphen John Torrenc
Donnell mcPeter David Prier
John Snodgrass John Porter
Christopher Geat Patrick Knox
Andrew Elshinter John Hutchone
Robert foulton James Morison
John Allason William Boyd
John Steward Walter Lane
Dunkan mcGilmichill Robert Robinson
Robert Deneston David Crassone
John Roger Edward Sill
John mcKee William Rankin
James Mathey
No Armes
Barony de Rapho
The Deane of Rapho, his churchlands being 300 acres, his
men and armes.
ffynlay mcClentock Sword and Snaphance
Thomas mcKeag -------------------
Dunkan Cambell John Taylor
John Braggat William Wallace
Swords onely No Armes
------------ --------
William ffargison
p. 17
The Churchlands of Tayboyne
The names of the inhabitants and their armes.
John Denyn Swords and Snaphances
John Strutter ---------------------
Robert Carsby
Swords and Pikes Robert Callwell
James Hammilton No Armes
George Morison ---------
Barony de Eneshone
The Lo: Chichester, his servitor's lands, his men and armes.
Robert mcKintire John Kirkwoode
James Kintire William Kirkowod
William Douglas Abraham Houd
William Maxwell Henry Allicock
John Hammilton John Chamberlyne
Richard Pyn Duke Chamberlyne
Richard Benson William Chamberlyne
Andrew Cadwell Mathew Cadwell
Nathaniell Couch John ffyng
John Crosse John Henderson
Archbald Conningham Aghey mcCorkey
Henry Temple Andrew Hud
Mungo Torents Gilbert Woorke
Adam Rosbergh Alexander Higat
Alexander Lacker Alexander Worke
John Sampson Thomas Staret
Paul ffaulse John Clene
James Henderson John Berry
James Porter Alexander Cadwell
William Armone Richard Sampson
Patrick Wallecs John Koyne
Alexander Adams Walter mcCowene
John Cowbrone Thomas mcKeon
John Lyone Robert Coweene
James Neickeill John Staret
Thomas Glyne John Osborne
John mcKegge Adam Porter
Donnell mcManus John Richie
John Bord William Porter
John Storret James Porter
John Nickollon William Neely
Archbald Barnet Gabrahell fayrefax
Robert Young Robert Cary
Wm. Cougheron
p. 18
Mathew Alcorne Swords and Pikes
Donnell Denneston ----------------
Paul Elliot Walter Illiner
John Knox Thomas Gutery
John Richy John Scot
Davye Worke Edward Parker
John Giffen elder John Battes
John Mountgomery Thomas Hodges
James mcgee
Alexander mcMathew Swords and Muskets
Gilbert mcNeal ------------------
Alexander Browne George Hall
Robert Browne
Hugh Browne Sword and Corslet
William Wallace -----------------
John Wallas Robert Hammilton
John Hall Archbald Collaghan
Robert mcLenaghan John mcKegg
John Elly James mcKilveny
John Chambers Mungo Barnet
Robert Whithill John ffargusonne
William mcKeone Humphrey Turay
William Nelly William Hunter
Richard Leister
Richard Leeth Swords and Snaphances
John Bruse ---------------------
John Greig Thomas Moore
Owen Williams James Michell
James Heltch John Bord
John Hilbot Water Salder
William Hibbots
James Sorerd Swords and Halberts
Peter Gibson -------------------
George Redgate William Fulton
George Moorehead George Burges
James Young William Porter
Andrew Young
Patt Michell Halberts onely
George Cary Esq --------------
John Robinson
Swords onely George Butler
------------ Bryan Smelly
Thomas Davenport Walter Boy
John Browne John Lacker
Ardrew Ramson Donnagh mcConoghy
John Hogguyre Wiliam Crafford
Nathaniell Willson John Glandoney
Batholomew hog
p. 19
William Newton John Michell
Edward Rudson William Richy
Thomas Bruma Robert Richy
William Mountgomery Wm. Alcorne
Robert Smelly David Richy
Luke Lassels John Guy
John Cannall John mcBy
Thomas Orr Robert Browne
Robert ffals James Conningham
Robert ffulton Donnell Scot
Mungo Warden John Hunter
John Warden James Archbald
John Miller Henry English
Gilbert mcNeal John Wray
James Deniston Peter Elder
Richard Williams
Rich ffranncis No Armes
George Gawen --------
John Prince
Note: There were no entries in the muster rolls for the baronies of Kilmacrenan or Tirhugh, both of which remained populated largely by Irish Catholics, although the majority of the land had been granted to English or Scottish undertakers or servitors. Kilmacrenan barony had been reserved for native Irish undertakers, including the MacSweeneys and O'Donnell ruling lines.