Ulster AncestryUlster Ancestry

A List of Deported Convicts and Vagabonds


Journals of the Irish House of  Commons 
I Humbly certify that the foregoing is an exact abstract of all 
the presentments made by the grand-juries at the several Sessions 
held for the County of the City of Dublin, commencing midsummer 
Sessions, 1737, to this Time, for transporting felons and 
vagabonds pursuant to the statute. Dated this twenty-fifth day 
of November, 1743. 
                     Henry Gonne Clerk Peace County City Dublin. 
A List of all convict felons and vagabonds who have been ordered 
for transportation at the general Quarter-sessions of the peace, 
held for the County of Dublin, for these seven years last past. 
January, 1741           John Mc. Gwire         | 
                        Hester Mc. Gwire       | 
                        Jane Mc. Gwire         | 
April Sessions, 1742    Thomas Murphy          | 
                        Catherine Byrne        | 
                        Judith Freeman         | 
                          otherwise Byrne, and | Ordered to be 
                        Mary Anderson          > transported 
October Sessions, 1742  David Lawler           | 
                        William Flin, otherwise| 
                          Leathercap           | 
January Sessions, 1742  Thomas Moran           | 
October Sessions, 1743  Patrick Purcel         | 
                        Joan Barefoot          | 
       Thomas Green, Dep. Clerk Peace for the County of Dublin. 
A List of all convicted felons and vagabonds who have been 
ordered for transportation for seven years last past in the several 
Counties of Meath, County of the town of Drogheda, and County of Lowth 
[Louth?] in the North East circuit of Ulster and province of 
                       County of Meath. 
Dates of Assizes  Persons ordered   For what crimes  Money present- 
                        for                           ed for that 
                  transportation                        purpose 
#PAGE 2 
22d March 1736-7                                        l. s. d. 
25th July 1737                                          40  0 0 
10th April 1738   Michael Kelly      Grand Larceny  > 
                  Patrick Smyth      Like           >   26  0 0 
24th July 1738    Honorah Kennedy    Vagabond           18  0 0 
22nd March 1758   Patrick Moran      Grand Larceny 
         [1738?]  Michael Cavenagh   Grand Larceny 
7th September 1739                                      12  0 0 
16th April 1740   Thomas Magauran    Vagabond 
                  John Kelly         Like 
                  Mary Byrne         Petty Larceny 
6th August 1740   Owen Byrne         Vagabond       > 
                  Christopher Dowd   Like           >   18  0 0 
8th April 1741    James Mc. Cabe     Like 
                  James Carroll      Grand Larceny 
                  Thomas Carroll     Like 
                  Matthew Mooney     Vagabond 
                  Owen Meenagh       Like 
                  James Daly         Grand Larceny 
                  Robert Ball        Like 
                  Francis Kelly      Vagabond 
                  Patrick Mc. Mahan  Forging a bond 
8th July 1741     Bryan Mc. Cabe     Vagabond       | 
                  Matthew Dudley     Petty larceny  | 
                  John Caulon        Vagabond       >   91  2 9 
                  John Connor        Like           | 
                  John Bannon        Grand Larceny 
28th April 1742   James Caullan      Like           | 
                  George Smyth       Vagabond       | 
                  Henry Shaffrey     Grand Larceny  | 
                  Richard Swords     Like           | 
                  Daniel Garvin      Petty Larceny  | 
                  James Rogers       Grand Larceny  >   24  0 0 
                  Thomas Russell     Like           | 
                  Michael Cunningham Like           | 
                  Owen Mc. Guire     Vagabond       | 
                  Patrick Mechan     Grand Larceny  | 
                  Patrick Macken     Like           | 
26th July 1742    Patrick Heyland    Vagabond 
                  Thomas Williams    Petty Larceny 
                  Patrick Mc. Bryan  Like 
11th April 1742   Nicholas Hamill    Grand Larceny  | 
                  Bridget Reilly     Vagabond       | 
                  Matthew Murtagh    Grand Larceny  >   96  0 0 
8th July 1741     Bryan Mc. Cabe     Vagabond       | 
#PAGE 3 
                  Matthew Dudley     Petty larceny  | 
                  John Caulon        Vagabond       >   91  2 9 
                  John Connor        Like           | 
                  John Bannon        Grand Larceny 
28th April 1742   James Caullan      Like           | 
                  George Smyth       Vagabond       | 
                  Henry Shaffrey     Grand Larceny  | 
                  Richard Swords     Like           | 
                  Daniel Garvin      Petty Larceny  | 
                  James Rogers       Grand Larceny  >   24  0 0 
                  Thomas Russell     Like           | 
                  Michael Cunningham Like           | 
                  Owen Mc. Guire     Vagabond       | 
                  Patrick Mechan     Grand Larceny  | 
                  Patrick Macken     Like           | 
26th July 1742    Patrick Heyland    Vagabond 
                  Thomas Williams    Petty Larceny 
                  Patrick Mc. Bryan  Like 
11th April 1742   Nicholas Hamill    Grand Larceny  | 
                  Bridget Reilly     Vagabond       | 
                  Matthew Murtagh    Grand Larceny  >   96  0 013th March 1737
28th July 1738    Patrick Reilly      Grand Larceny  | 
                  Dominick Flynn      Vagabond       | 
20th April 1739   Thomas Boden        Like           | 
13th August 1739  Patrick Kelly       Like           >   10  0 0 
20th March 1739   Michael Tyrrell     Like           | 
11th August 1740  William Morgan      Like           | 
11th March 1740   Ellenor Kavanagh    Like           | 
                  John Rafferty       Grand Larceny      15  0 0 
13th July 1741 
29th March 1742   Dennis Lynagh       Like                5  0 0 
                  Michael Mc. Cullagh Vagabond 
                  Andrew Tallon       Grand Larceny 
30th July 1742    Edward Clinton      Vagabond 
                  John Carton younger Like 
16th March 1742 
5th August 1743   Thomas Hern         Grand Larceny 
                  James Fitz-Symons   Vagabond 
                                                         40  0 0 
                        County Lowth [Louth?] 
20th April 1737                                           4  3 0 
19th August 1737  Mary Reilly        Vagabond 
                  James Mathews      Like            > 
                  Ever Mathews       Like            >   15  4 6 
#PAGE 4 
14th March 1737   Owen Boyle         Like 
29th July 1738    Bryan Downey       Petty Larceny 
                  Edward Mc. Cullam  Vagabond 
                  Robert Phillips    Like 
17th April 1739   John Mc. Donnell   Like 
                  Arthur Mc. Garrety Like 
14th August 1739  James Mc. Cabe     Like 
21st March 1739   Margaret Johnston  Grand Larceny   | 
                  Patrick Fedigan    Vagabond        >   20  0 0 
                  Patrick Mohan      Grand Larceny   | 
12th August 1740  Owen Callaghan     Vagabond             0 15 0 
12th March 1740   James Murphy       Like 
                  James Mc. Ardle    Like 
14th July 1741    James Gallagher    Like            | 
                  Hugh White         Like            >   10  0 0 
                  William Hill       Grand Larceny   | 
30th March 1742   Patrick Carragher  Like 
                  Patrick English    Vagabond        | 
2nd August 1742   John Bray          Like            | 
                  Patrick Sharkey    Like            | 
                  Francis Ohear      Like            >   15  0 0 
                  James Stewart      Like            | 
                  Edward Riccard     Like            | 
17th March 1742                                          17  5 5 
6th August 1743   John Mc. Gowran    Vagabond 
                  Ellenor Daly       Grand Larceny 
                  Thomas Roe Cawlan  Vagabond 
                                                         96 12 11 
I Do hereby certifie [certify?] that in the foregoing sheets are 
contained a list of all convict felons and vagabonds who have 
been ordered for transportation for these seven years last past, 
as also the several sums of money presented for those purposes 
in the several Counties of Meath, County of the town of Drogheda, 
and County of Lowth [Louth?], in the North-East circuit of Ulster 
and province of Leinster. Dated this nineteenth day of November, 
                       Thomas Kanning deputy Clerk of the Crown. 
                        County of Kildare 
A List of all convicted felons and vagabonds who have been ordered 
for transportation for seven years last past in the several 
Counties of Kildare, King's County, Queen's County, County of 
Carlow, County of Kilkenny, County of the City of Kilkenny, County 
of Wexford, and County of Wicklow in the province of Leinster. 
#PAGE 5 
                   transportation                   that purpose 
                                                      l. s. d. 
21st March 1736-7 Abraham Murphy      Vagabond      | 
                  John Mechan         Like          > 22  0 0 
                  Phelim Murphy       Like          | 
5th August 1737   Mary Murphy         Like             6  0 0 
5th August 1737   Thomas Byrn         Like          > 
                  Owen Dunn           Like          > 12  0 0 
9th March 1737 
31st July 1738    John Finnegan       Vagabond 
11th April 1739 
6th August 1739   John Doyle          Like 
                  John Vardin         Like 
                  Simon Delahunty     Like 
                  James Kelly         Petty Larceny 
17th March 1739 
2nd August 1740   James Quin          Vagabond      > 
                  David Hardin        Like          > 18  0 0 
9th March 1740    Thomas Potts        Vagabond 
                  John Cavanagh       Grand Larceny 
                  Edward Roe          Vagabond 
15th August 1741  Patrick Mulholland  Grand Larceny > 
                  Neal Daly           Like          > 36  0 0 
29th March 1742 
28th August 1742  Mary Byrn           Vagabond      | 
                  Owen Slaffery       Like          | 
                  Edward Dowdall      Like          > 24  0 0 
                  Patrick Kinshella   Like          | 
14th March 1742   Michael Malone      Vagabond 
                  George Fishburn     Grand Larceny | 
                  Thomas Bourk        Like          | 
                  Sarah Ryan          Like          | 
                  Mary Bourk          Like          | 
                  Richard Morres      Like          > 30  0 0 
                  Catherine Muckleroy Like          | 
                  James Neal          Like          | 
                  Theobald Bourk      Like          | 
4th August 1743 
                                                     108  0 0 
25th March 1737   John Frain          Vagabond      | 
                  John Careless       Like          > 19 16 0 
                  Patrick Moran       Like          | 
#PAGE 6 
15th August 1737  James Rourk         Like 
14th March 1737   James Rourk         Grand Larceny | 
                  John Mc. Daniell    Vagabond      >  6  0 0 
                  Barthol. Cormick    Grand larceny | 
7th August 1738                                       30  0 0 
7th April 1739    Thady Mahon         Like          > 
                  William Fitzgerald  Like          > 12  0 0 
30th July 1739    John Connor         Vagabond 
                  Owen Crow           Grand Larceny 
21st March 1739                                        6  0 0 
9th August 1740 
13th March 1740   John Quin           Like          | 
7th August 1741   Thomas Mc. Daniell  Like          | 
                  Alex. Mc. Daniell   Like          > 18  0 0 
                  Laughlin Lynan      Like          | 
2nd April 1742 
25th August 1742  Nicholas Mihin      Grand Larceny > 
                  Thomas Goodale      Vagabond      > 12  0 0 
18th March 1742                                       18  0 0 
27th July 1743    Laurence Hand       Grand Larceny    6  0 0 
                                                     127 16 0 
                      Queen's County 
29th March 1737 
10th August 1737  Patrick Cashan      Grand Larceny 
17th March 1737   William Kelly       Like 
3rd August 1738   James Cantwell      Vagabond      > 
                  John Fitzgerald     Like          > 20  0 0 
2nd April 1739    Catherine Connor    Like          | 
                  William Ellord      Perjury       | 
                  Andrew Morrin       Grand Larceny > 20  0 0 
                  Grizel Delany       Like          | 
2nd August 1739   John Lawler         Vagabond      | 
                  Daniel Kelly        Grand Larceny > 40  5 7 
                  Mary Foran          Like          | 
25th March 1740   Charles Delany      Like            18  0 0 
6th August 1740   John Long           Vagabond        12  0 0 
7th Nov 1740 Com. Henry Neal          Grand Larceny 
 of Oyer and 
 Terminer         Philip Fitzgerald   Like 
#PAGE 7 
17th March 1740   Patrick Grandy      Like 
                  Thomas Horahan      Like 
4th August 1741   James Bourke        Vagabond 
                  Thomas Horahan      Like 
                  Paul Dunn           Like 
                  Michael Donohoe     Like 
6th April 1742    Bryan Connor        Vagabond      | 
                  Darby Kelly         Grand Larceny > 75  4 6 
                  Patrick King        Like          | 
21st August 1742  John Conran 
                  William Doogan 
                  Patrick Grace 
                  Michael Hogan 
                  Roger Carney  | These and the fore-| 
                  William Delany| going four all con-| 
                  Thomas Goodwin> victed of felony of>56  0 0 
                  John Sherlock | death but pardoned | 
                                | by the government  | 
                                | for transportation | 
22nd March 1742   Patrick Moore       Grand Larceny 
                  Roger Gormill       Vagabond 
                  Joan Butler         Grand Larceny 
                  Dennis Ryan         Like 
30th July 1743    Thady Champion      Like          > 
                  Edmond Conrahy      Vagabond      > 26  0 0 
                                                     267 10 1 
                              County of Carlow 
4th April 1737 
2nd August 1737   Bryan Donald        Vagabond 
                  Dennis Brennan      Like            12  0 0 
23rd March 1737   Daniel Bourk        Like 
27th July 1738 
29th March 1739                                        6  0 0 
9th August 1739   Michael Corran      Like 
                  James Corran        Like 
                  Patrick Synnott     Like 
                  Thomas Reddy        Like 
                  Edm. Reddy          Like 
29th March 1740   Edm. Mc. Cabe       Like 
30th July 1740    Roger Farrell       Like          | 
                  John Brack          Like          > 18  0 0 
                  Thomas Brack        Like          | 
#PAGE 8 
23rd March 1740   Thady Clark         Like 
11th August 1740  Charles Toole       Like          | 
                  Mich. Martin        Like          | 
                  James Doyle         Like          | 
                  Matth. Purcell      Like          >  6  0 0 
                  Miles King          Like          | 
10th April 1742   Anne Hoey           Like          | 
                  John Nowlan         Like          | 
                  Bryan Doran         Like            42  0 0 
                  Dennis Boyle        Like 
                  James Walsh         Like            24  0 0 
                  John Kealy          Like 
                  Will. Lynchy        Like 
                  Edm. Mc. Evary      Like 
10th April 1742   Peter Fitzpatrick   Vagabond 
                  Terence Reilly      Like 
                  Tho. Fleming        Like          | 
18th August 1742  Darby Foley         Like          | 
                  Charles Toole       Like          > 72  0 0 
                  Mary Byrne          Like          | 
26th March 1743 
8th August 1743   Edmond Cavanagh     Grand Larceny   20  0 0 
                                                     192  0 0 
                       County of Kilkenny 
7th April 1737 
28th July 1737 
27th March 1738   Darby Ryan          Vagabond 
                  Walter Butler       Like 
                  John Reddy          Like 
                  James Doran         Like 
22nd July 1738    Patrick Kelly       Like          | 
                  Andrew Dargan       Like          | 
                  Bryan Mc. Guire     Like          | 
                  Dennis Ryan         Like          > 42  0 0 
                  John Delany         Like          | 
                  Michael Kelly       Like          | 
                  Patrick Walsh       Like          | 
22nd March 1738   Pierce Purcell      Like          | 
                  James Butler        Like          | 
                  Patrick Corkran     Like          >  6  0 0 
  Wm. Donohoe         Like          | 
#PAGE 9 
11th August 1739  Dennis Madden       Grand Larceny 
                  John Fitzpatrick    Like 
                  Thomas Deerin       Like 
2nd April 1740    Bryan Hurly         Vagabond 
                  Joseph Moran        Grand Larceny 
24th July 1740    Patrick Magher      Vagabond      | 
                  Patrick Farrell     Like          | 
                  Joan Reynard        Like          > 40  0 0 
                  Pierce Butler       Like          | 
26th March 1741   Michael Roth        Grand Larceny 
                  Thady Currin        Like 
                  Hugh Bambrick       Vagabond 
29th July 1741    John Comerford      Like 
                  James Comerford     Like 
                  Andrew Doyle        Like 
                  Michael Mara        Grand Larceny 
                  John Broderick      Grand Larceny 
                  Patrick Dwyer       Like 
                  Robert Nugent       Like 
                  Rowland Bourk       Vagabond 
14th April 1742   Margaret Cavenagh   Grand Larceny | 
                  Wm. Conway          Vagabond      > 66  0 0 
                  Darby Kennedy       Grand Larceny | 
12th August 1742  Hugh Mc. Daniell    Petty Larceny 
                  Thomas Magrath      Like 
                  Henry Bowles        Vagabond 
                  Richard Fyann       Like 
30th March 1743   Richard Carroll     Grand Larceny | 
                  Patrick Grace       Like          | 
                  Edmond Bryan        Like          | 
                  Thomas Keary        Vagabond      > 28  0 0 
                  Timothy Carthy      Like          | 
                  Patrick Broder      Grand Larceny | 
11th August 1743 
                                                     182  0 0 
               County of the City of Kilkenny 
7th April 1737 
28th July 1737    Mary Morissy        Vagabond         6  0 0 
27th March 1738 
19th July 1738    Tho. Carthy         Grand Larceny | 
                  Mary Carthy         Like          > 15  0 0 
  Eliz. Lacy          Like          | 
#PAGE 10 
22nd March 1738   Tho. Martin         Vagabond         5  0 0 
                  Roger Hart          Like             5  0 0 
11th August 1739 
2nd April 1740    Patrick Hosey       Grand Larceny   12  0 0 
24th July 1740    Bryan Hogan         Vagabond 
                  Connors Scanlon     Grand Larceny 
                  James Dowling       Like 
26th March 1741   Gordan Neal         Like          > 
                  Thady Hefferan      Vagabond      > 24  0 0 
29th July 1741    Patrick Read        Grand Larceny    6  0 0 
14th April 1742   Patrick Phelan      Vagabond         6  0 0 
12th August 1742  Edmond Hoban        Like             6  0 0 
30th March 1743   William Cody        Convicted of   | 
11th August 1743                      felony of death| 
                                      pardoned for   > 6  0 0 
                                      transportation | 
                                                      96  0 0 
                      County of Wexford 
14th April 1737 
22nd July 1737    Cornelius Madden    Vagabond      | 
                  Timothy Mc. Daniell Like          > 18  0 0 
                  Patrick Kenny       Like          | 
4th April 1738    William Ingerdall   Petty Larceny   32  8 1 
15th July 1738    Francis Fitzgerald  Grand Larceny 
                  Miles Peake         Like 
16th March 1738   Miles Darcy         Vagabond 
                  John Murray         Grand Larceny 
                  Mary Gill           Like 
                  Daniel Murphy       Like 
17th August 1739  David Redmond       Like          | 
                  Darby Redmond       Like          | 
                  William Mc. Cull    Grand Larceny | 
                  Hannah Murphy       Vagabond      > 18  0 0 
                  Patrick Barry       Like          | 
                  William Stewart     Like          | 
10th April 1740   Patrick Palliser    Grand Larceny   30  9 4 
19th July 1740    Maurice Kelly       Vagabond      > 
                  Miles Darcy         Like          > 24  0 0 
                  Edmond Prendergast  Grand Larceny 
2nd April 1741    Thomas Devereux     Petty Larceny | 
                  Peter Hanton        Grand Larceny > 30  0 0 
                  James Dunphy        Like          | 
#PAGE 11 
23rd July 1741    Isaac Foster        Grand Larceny | 
                  George Kelly        Like          | 
                  James Doyle         Like          > 18  0 0 
                  Peter Dunn          Like          | 
21st April 1742   Benjamin Shaw       Vagabond      > 
                  James Fever         Like          > 12  0 0 
                                                     182 17 5 
6th August 1742  Twenty persons presented 
                 this assizes and ordered 
                 for transportation, but 
                 all drowned in their 
                 passage from Wexford to 
                 Dublin, therefore no 
                 money presented 
7th April 1743   Andrew Fortune      Grand Larceny 
                 Murtagh Doyle       Vagabond 
                 Laurence Connick    Like 
17th August 1737 Patrick Mc. Daniell Grand Larceny 
                 James Mc. Daniell   Like 
                   County of Wicklow 
19th April 1737  Thomas Jackson      Vagabond 
                 Terence Byrne       Like 
                 William Kenny       Like 
18th July 1737                                      18  0 0 
10th April 1738  Edmond Boyne        Grand Larceny 
10th July 1738   James Genarty       Vagabond 
12th March 1738  John Keoghoe        Grand Larceny 
                 Charles Byrne       Like 
23rd August 1739                                    12  0 0 
14th April 1740  Richard Dunn        Grand Larceny   6  0 0 
15th July 1740   Michael Fitzharris  Vagabond 
9th April 1741   Hugh Lacey          Like 
                 Patrick Mc. Atee    Like 
                 Patrick Durass      Like 
                 Edmund Nowlan       Like 
                 Morgan Byrne        Grand Larceny 
                 George Cullen       Like 
                 Daniel Keoghoe      Like 
17th July 1741   Patrick Mc. Cann    Like 
                 Charles Kealy       Like 
#PAGE 12 
                 Edmund Kennedy      Like 
                 Patrick Bourke      Like 
                 Owen Mc. Daniell    Like 
27th April 1742  John Doyle          Like          | 
                 John Reynolds       Vagabond      | 
                 Terence Murphy      Grand Larceny > 60  0 0 
                 Richard Kerwan      Vagabond      | 
2nd August 1742  Sarah Donelly       Petty Larceny 
12th April 1743  Margaret Nowlan     Grand Larceny | 
                 James Byrne         Vagabond      | 
                 Michael Doyle       Petty Larceny > 72  0 0 
                 Elizabeth Dunn      Vagabond      | 
23rd August 1743 Joan Mc. Namara     Like            23  0 0 
                                                    191  0 0 
I Do hereby certify that in the foregoing sheets are contained 
a list of all convict felons and vagabonds who have been 
ordered for transportation for these seven years last past, as 
also the several sums of money presented for those purposes 
in the several counties of Kildare, King's County, Queen's 
County, Carlow, Kilkenny, County of the City of Kilkenny, Wexford 
and Wicklow, in the Province of Leinster. 
      Dated this nineteenth day of 
             November 1743 
                        Thomas Kanning deputy Clerk of the Crown. 
                      County of Westmeath 
A List of all convicted felons and vagabonds who have been ordered 
for transportation for seven years last past in the several Counties 
of Westmeath and Longford in the north-west circuit of Ulster and 
province of Leinster. 
Dates of assizes  Persons orderd for   For what crime  Money pre- 
                        for                            sented for 
                    transportation                    that purpose 
                                                         l. s. d. 
14th March 1736-7                                        18  0 0 
26th Sept. 1737   Patrick Prendergast  Vagabond 
                  James Donoghoe       Like 
                  Daniel Daly          Like 
                  James Mulligan       Like 
                  James Blunt          Like 
   John Ward            Like 
                  Michael Gray         Like 
                  William Mulligan     Like 
#PAGE 13 
6th March 1737    James Wheelaghan     Like 
                  Cormick Murray       Like 
1st August 1738   John Connor          Like 
                  Peter Carton         Like 
12th March 1738   Thomas Slevan        Like 
                  Connor Mc. Dermott   Like 
                  Jane Mathews         Grand Larceny 
                  Ellenor Nugent       Like 
                  Patrick Mc. Dermott  Vagabond 
                  Patrick Flanagan     Like 
                  John Mc. Avoy        Like 
                  Daniel Mc. Carren    Like 
13th August 1739  Baldwin Potter       Like 
                  Peter Kelly          Like 
                  John Harrick         Like 
                  George Macken        Like 
                  Henry Dalton         Like 
                  Michael Keatinge     Like 
                  Honor Molloy         Like 
                  Ellenor Naughton     Like 
                  Margaret Naughton    Like 
11th March 1739   Alex. Mc. Donnell    Grand Larceny 
31st July 1740    James Mc. Donnell    Grand Larceny 
11th March 1740   Ann Kean             Like 
5th August 1741   Francis Cassedy      Vagabond 
                  Henry Dalton         Like 
                  Dennis Heyland       Like 
                  Patrick Nary         Like 
                  James Dungan         Like 
                  John Kelly           Like 
5th August 1741   Dennis Kelly         Like 
                  Bryan Kelly          Like 
                  Peter Bowen          Like 
                  James Cavanagh       Like 
                  James Finlay         Like 
                  Miles Kearnan        Like 
22nd April 1742   William Gibbons      Like 
                  Hugh Slevin          Grand Larceny 
                  Thomas Reilly        Vagabond      | 
                  Christopher Manny    Like          | 
                  John Hall            Like          | 
                  David Golding        Like          | 
                  Henry Hyland         Like          > 64 0 0 
                  Thady Mc. Manus      Like          | 
     Andrew Manny         Like          | 
#PAGE 14 
24th August 1742  Laurence Whyte       Like          | 
                  Roger Farrell        Grand Larceny  104  0 0 
                  Matthew Mc. Donnell  Vagabond 
                  Patrick Mc. Donnell  Like 
                  Peter Griver         Like 
1st April 1742    James Gordon         Grand Larceny   24  0 0 
10th August 1743  Patrick Kearnan      Like 
                                                      270  0 0 
                        County of Longford 
22nd September 1737                                    18  0 0 
10th March 1737   Ellinor Power        Grand Larceny    6  0 0 
7th August 1738   Patrick Slevin       Vagabond 
                  Owen Mc. Cabe        Like 
                  James Quin           Like 
21st March 1738   James Mc. Naboe      Grand Larceny    4  0 0 
20th August 1739                                        8  0 0 
17th March 1739   Laurence Angley      Like 
4th August 1740                                         4 10 0 
16th March 1740 
10th August 1741  Thomas Needham       Vagabond 
                  Patrick Noonan       Like 
                  Patrick Brogan       Like 
                  Thady Hanly          Petty Larceny 
                  Patrick Mulledy      Vagabond 
17th April 1742   Patrick Kenny        Like            18  0 0 
30th August 1742                                       12  0 0 
29th March 1743                                        ------- 
16th August 1743                                       70 10 0 
I Do hereby certify that in the foregoing sheets there are 
contained a list of all convict felons and vagabonds who have 
been ordered for transportation for these seven years last past, 
as also the several sums of money presented for those purposes 
in the Counties of Westmeath and Longford in the north-west 
circuit of Ulster, and province of Leinster. 
Dated this nineteenth of 
     November 1743 
                     Thomas Kanning, deputy Clerk of the Crown. 
                    County of Corke [Cork?] 
A List of several convict felons and vagabonds ordered for 
transportation, for whom money was raised on the said County, and 
the several sums raised for that purpose for these seven years last 
#PAGE 15 
 The respective    Names of convicts    Sums raised and to    l. 
   assizes          felons and vaga-       whom ordered 
                   bonds ordered for 
Lent assizes. 
24th March, 1736   John Dawley        | 
                   Cornelius Coughlan | 
                   Richard Hagarty    | 
                   John Street        |  Seventy pounds to 
                   Honor Crotty       >  William Delaboide    70 
                   John Shaggareen    | 
                     als. Berry       | 
                   James English      | 
                   John Sullivan      | 
                   Daniel Crowley     | 
                   Timothy Duane      | 
                   Joanna Carthy      | Seventy pounds to 
                   Charles Crowley    > William Delaboide    70 
                   John Connor        | 
                   Dennis Sullivan    | 
                   otherwise Cullitagh| 
Same assizes       William Connor     > Eight pounds to 
                   Patrick Roach      > William Sweet          8 
Summer assizes                          No money presented 
1st August 1737 
Lent assizes                            No money presented 
18th March 1737-8  Timothy Carthy     | 
Summer assizes.    Owen Sheehy        | 
25th July 1738     Bartholomew Garalaght | 
                   John Bryan         | Fifty-four pounds 
                   Patrick Gould      > to William Sullivan   54 
                   Thomas Walsh       | 
                   Timothy Shea       | 
                   Samuel Price       | 
                   Michael Nunane     | 
Same assizes       John Bennet          Four pounds to 
                   Mary Fitzgerald      Samuel Lowthen          4 
Lent assizes       Timothy Connell 
10th April 1739    John Murphy 
Lent assizes       Mary Bryan         | Twenty-one pounds to 
                   John Murhahy       | Robert Williamson for 
                   Robert Morcarty    > these and foregoing 
                   James Kelly        | three                  21 
#PAGE 16 
Same assizes       Philip Hauraham    | Twelve pounds to 
                   James Pickett      > John Baldwin           12 
                   William Roach      | 
Summer assizes                           No money presented 
16th August 1739 
Lent assizes                             No money presented 
22nd March 1739-40 
Summer assizes                           No money presented 
29th July 1740 
Lent assizes                             No money presented 
17th March 1740 
Summer assizes     James Kelly 
27th July 1741     John Harrington 
                   Mary Fitzgerald 
                   Dennis Carty 
Summer assizes     Catherine Hamilton  | 
27th July 1741     Teigue Bryen        | 
                   John Ryan           | 
                   Peter Murphy        | 
                   Daniel Cullane      | 
                   Timothy Connell     | Fifty-four pounds to 
                   John Murphy         | Robert Williamson for 
                   Margaret Crimmeen   > those and the four 
                   Matthew Bright      | foregoing               54 
                   John Merrihy        | 
                   Mary Bryan          | 
                   John Lemmee         | 
                   Robert Moriarty     | 
                   Darby Murphy        | 
Same assizes       Margaret Sullivan   | 
                   Thomas Adams        | 
                   James Mahony        | 
                   Darby Driscoll      | 
                   John Carthy         | 
                   Timothy Leary       | 
                   John Sullivan       | 
                   Nathaniel Williams  > Fifty pounds to ditto  50 
                   Pierce Butler       | 
                   Chatherine Barrett  | 
                   Philip Murphy       | 
                   John Smith          | 
                   Cornelius Crimmeen  | 
                   John Long           | 
#PAGE 17 
Lent assizes       Timothy Murphy      | 
31st March 1742    David Dillane       | 
                   Richard Hennesy     | 
                   Catherine Buchilly  | 
                   Joan Nihane         | One hundred and 
                   Malachi Madden      | fifty-five pounds to 
                   Daniel Hagarty      | Robert Travers for 
                   James Connell other-| these and the 
                     wise John Sheehan > fifteen following    155 
                   Dennis Crowley      | 
                   Edmund Mulcahy      | 
                   Owen Hickey         | 
                   Daniel Murphy       | 
                   John Shealy         | 
                   William Johnson     | 
                   Timothy Dawly       | 
                   Michael Forrest     | 
Lent assizes       Teigue Murphy 
31st March 1742    Charles Regan 
                   Daniel Sullivan 
                   Daniel Donovan 
                   Michael Coskry 
                   John Sheelan 
                   Dennis Mullane 
                   Michael Murphy 
                   Dennis Commane 
                   Dennis Bryen 
                   John Roache 
                   Thomas Sheehan 
                   Maurice Spillane 
                   Timothy Coskry 
                   John Bourke 
Summer assizes 
20th August 1742                         No money presented 
Lent assizes       Darby Mahony        | 
18th March 1742-3  Dennis Driscoll     | 
                   Patrick Sheehan     | 
                   Ellenor Sullivan    | 
                   Cornelins Donahoe   | 
.                  Daniel Scannell     | 
                   John Connor         | Sixty pounds to 
                   Timothy Regan       > Robert Williamson     60 
                   Timothy Donohoe     | 
                   David Condon        | 
                   Timothy Carroll     | 
                   John Ronan          | 
#PAGE 18 
                   Michael Holland     | 
                   Thomas Fitzgerald   | 
                   Patrick Rayne       | 
Summer assizes     Patrick Lynchy      | 
9th August 1743    Cornelius Grany     | 
                   Maurice Killigott   | 
                   John Connor         | 
                   Patrick Lewis       | 
                   Daniel Bryan        | Eighty pounds to 
                   Darby Collins       | Robert Williamson for 
                   John Barry          > these and the six 
                   John Donoghoe       | following             80 
                   Nicholas Kearny     | 
                   Julian Murphy       | 
                   Ellenor Cahane      | 
                   Ellenor Roache      | 
                   Elizabeth Ivers     | 
Summer assizes     Catherine Sullivan 
9th August 1743    Margaret Linnahane 
                   Ellenor Ginnanane 
                   Margaret Jones 
                   Catherine Harrington 
                   Mary Shannahane 
                                                     Total   566 
County of Corke   I Certify that this is a true list of all convict 
[Cork?], To wit.  felons and vagabonds ordered for transportation 
                  for these seven years last past, and that the 
                  sums in said list were raised for those purposes. 
Dated this thirteenth day of December 1743. 
                                       John Purdon, Clk. Cor. 
          City and County of the City of Corke [Cork?] 
A List of all convict felons and vagabonds who have been ordered 
transportation in and for the City of Corke [Cork?] for these 
seven years last past, with an account of what money hath been 
raised for those purposes. 
At a general assizes and      William Knockins > Presented 
general goal delivery held    Ann Mc. Daniell  > as vagabonds 
for the County of said 
City the twenty-fifth of 
August 1736. 
#PAGE 19 
Elizabeth Keeff | 
 otherwise      |             At the same assizes the sum 
 Lynchy         |             of twelve pounds was raised 
Julian Croneen  | Convict     and ordered to be paid to 
James Barrett   > Felons      John Baldwin, Esq., for 
Darby Lyne      |             transporting to America 
Tim. Sullivan   |             Winnefred Kelly, Miles 
otherwise       |             Sweeny and Dennis Mahony 
Randam          |             otherwise Saxon, felons 
                              convicted at the last 
John Collins    |             assizes. 
William         | Presented 
   Fitzgerald   | by the      At an assizes held the 
Dan. Hennelly   > grand jury  sixteenth of August 1739. 
otherwise Duff  | as 
Susanna Crowly  | vagabonds   Maurice Heas     | Convict 
                              Timothy Deashiah > felons 
At the same assizes, the sum  Ellenor Mohony   | 
of thirty pounds was raised   Mary Ryan other- | 
and ordered to be paid for    wise Sweeny      | Presented 
William Delahoide for         Margaret         > as 
transporting to America John     Fitzgerald    | vagabonds 
Fitzgerald, James Murphy,      otherwise Ryan  | 
Daniel Donovan, Margaret      Patrick Ryan     | 
Donohoe, Joan Croneen other-  William Ryan     | 
wise Murphy and Thomas Dyer 
otherwise John Keef, six      At an assizes held the twenty- 
felons convicted at a former  second of March 1739 
At a Sessions of Oyer and     Margaret Hurly   | 
Terminer held for the         George Armstrong | Convict 
County of said City the       William Sexton   > felons 
eighteenth of November 1736.  Florence Carthy  | 
                              Elizabeth Carroll| 
John Vaughan     | 
Mary Bastard     |            John Boyle       | Presented 
Jane Carroll     |            otherwise Bryan  > as 
Mary Minister    |            John Finally     | vagabonds 
John Godfrey     | 
otherwise        |            At the same assizes the sum of 
Magrath          |            thirty-nine pounds was raised 
Rickard Donovan  | Felons     and ordered to be paid to 
Ann Murphy       > convict    Robert Williamson for  trans- 
otherwise        |            porting to America Timothy 
Lombard          |            Denashiah, Mary Ryan, Margaret 
Julian Sullivan  |            Ryan, William Ryan, Maurice Heas, 
#PAGE 20 
Michael          |            Ellenor Mahony, William 
otherwise        |            Knockins, Mary Harrington, Rose 
William Kent     |            Nagle, Cornelius Donoghoe, 
John Murphy      |            Thomas Keareen, John Kelly and 
                              William Fitzgerald, felons and 
Bryan Carrick    | Presented  vagabonds under rules of 
Darby Clearly    > as         transportation. 
                 | Vagabonds 
                              At an assizes held the twenty- 
At an assizes held the        ninth of July 1740. 
twenty-fourth of March 1736. 
                              Owen Callaghan      | Convict 
Maurice Bryan    |            Call. Mc. Callaghan > felons 
otherwise Gillane|            Joan Lynch          | 
Philip Daunt the | 
elder            | Felons     Joan Coleman        | Presented 
Phil. Daunt the  > convict    Richard Seehane     > as 
younger          |            Thomas Healy        | vagabonds 
Mary Daunt       | 
Dennis Kelly     |            At an assizes held the seventeenth 
                              of March 1740. 
The same assizes the sum of 
seventy three pounds ten      Catherine Sweeny, Ellenor Kealiner, 
shillings was raised and      Elizabeth Murphy, Honor Cavenagh, 
ordered to be paid to         otherwise Welsh, Honor Scannell, 
William Delahoide for trans-  Ellenor Magher, Mary Hickey other- 
porting to America Mary       wise Meany, otherwise Jane Hicks, 
Bastard, Mary Minister, John  Julian Purcell. 
Godfrey otherwise Magrath, 
Rickard Donovan, Julian       All being in custody under 
Croneen, James Barrot,        sentence of death for divers 
Darby Lyne, Timothy           felonies by them committed, and 
Sullivan otherwise            being reprieved for several years 
Randam, William               past, at this assizes, severally 
Fitzgerald, John Crawly,      pleaded his Majesty's pardon 
Bridget Kennelly, Michael     conditionally to be transported, 
Eyers, Daniel Kennelly, John  and they were ordered to be trans- 
Collins, Susannah Crowly,     ported accordingly. 
William Lyne otherwise Lyons 
Henry Jacques, John Sullivan, Michael Collins  | 
Ann Murphy, otherwise         Morgan Gallery   > Convict 
Lombard, Julian Sullivan      Lewis Leary      | felons 
and Michael, otherwise 
William Kent, twenty-one      Garret Connor    | 
felons and vagabonds.         otherwise Bane   | Convict 
                              John Lee         > felons 
#PAGE 21 
At an assizes held the        Margaret Bush    | 
first of August 1737. 
                              Margaret Healy   | Presented 
John Mortimore  | Presented   otherwise Bryan  > as 
James Twomey    | as          Roger Connor     | vagabonds 
George Stanley  > vagabonds 
Mary Guily      |             At the same assizes the sum of 
                              thirty-five pounds were raised and 
At the same assizes the sum   ordered to be paid to George Fuller 
of three pounds ten           the younger and William Clarke, 
shillings was raised and      Esqs. Sheriffs, for transporting 
ordered to be paid to John    to America, Ellenor Kealiher, 
Baldwin for transporting      Elizabeth Murphy, Honor Cavenagh, 
to America Maurice Bryan,     otherwise Welsh, Honor Scannell, 
otherwise Gillane, a felon    Ellenor Magher, Mary Hickey 
convicted at the last         otherwise Meany otherwise Jane 
assizes, and seventeen        Hicks and Julian Purcell, felons 
pounds ten shillings          under rules of transportation. 
raised to be paid William 
Delahoide for transporting    At an assizes held the twenty- 
Bryan Carrick, Phil.          seventh of July, 1741. 
[Philip?] Daunt the elder 
and younger, and Mary         Maurice Fitzgerald     > Convict 
Daunt and Dennis Kelly        Ellenor Dawley         > felons 
                              Owen Culloghty         | 
                              otherwise Kilty        | Presented 
At an assizes held the        John Scannel the elder > as 
eighteenth of March 1737.     John Scannel the young-| vagabonds 
                                                  er | 
                              George Austen          | 
              | Convicted     Patrick Raines         | 
Catherine     | of Perjury    At the same assizes the sum of three 
the wife of   | and           pounds was raised and ordered to be 
James Murphy  > ordered to    paid George Fuller the younger, Esq., 
              | be trans-     one of the Sheriffs, for transporting 
              | ported        to America Catherine Sweeny who was 
                              under the rule of transportation, and 
Barbara Bourke> Convict       and also the sum of seventy-five pounds 
Joan Browne   > felons        sterling, was presented and ordered to 
                              be paid Robert Williamson, for trans- 
Patrick Byrne |               porting to America Michael Collins, 
Joan Wheeler  |               Lewis Leary, Garret Connor, John Lee, 
James Barron  | Presented     Roger Connor, Cornelius Sheehan, 
Ellen Connor  > as            Margaret Bryan, Margaret Bourke, 
otherwise     | vagabonds     Morgan Gallery, Cornelius Donaghoe, 
Reaper        |               Thomas Keareen, John Kelly, William 
#PAGE 22 
Joan Lynchy   |               Fitzgerald, Owen Callaghan, 
                              Callaghan MacCallaghan, Joan Lynch, 
At the same assizes the sum   John Coleman, Richard Sheehane, 
of fourteen pounds was        William Sexton, Elizabeth Carroll, 
raised and ordered to be      Joan Field, Margaret Hurly, John 
paid to William Rickotts      Bryan, George Armstrong and 
for transporting to America   Florence Carthy, who were under 
John Murphy, John Vaughan,    rules of transportation. 
George Stanley and Mary       At an assizes held the thirty-first 
Guily, four felons and        of March 1742. 
vagabonds under rules of      Jeremiah Mahony    | 
transportation.               Cat.Dogherty other-| 
                              wise Prendergast   | 
                              Bridget Clarke     | Convict 
At an assizes held the        James Shinnick     > felons 
twenty-fifth of July 1738.    John Shinnick      | 
                              Dennis Mc. Carthy  | 
                              Charles Carthy     | 
Den. Mahony   | 
otherwise     | Convict       John Hennessy      | 
Saxon         > felons        Barthol. Bourke    | Presented 
Winifred Kelly|               Edmond Keane       > as 
Miles Sweeny  |               Darby Madden       | vagabonds 
                              Charles Sullivan   | 
John Parker   | Presented     Richard Flemming   | 
otherwise     > as a          Mary Benson        | 
Flanagan      | vagabond      At the same assizes the sum of 
                              twenty-eight pounds was raised and 
At the same assizes the sum   ordered to be paid to Robert 
thirteen pounds fifteen       Travers. Esq., for transporting to 
shillings was raised and      America John Scannell the elder, 
ordered to be paid to         John Scannel the younger, Owen 
Horatio Townsend Esq., for    Culloghty, George Austin, Pat. Raines, 
transporting to America,      Maurice Fitzgerald and Ellenor Dawley, 
Barbara Bourke, Joan          were  under rules for transportation. 
Browne, Catherine the         At an assizes held the sixteenth 
wife of James Murphy,         of August 1742. 
James Barron and Patrick      John Lynchy       | Convict 
Byrn, under rules of          James Bryan other-> felons 
transportation the last       wise Sowny        | 
assizes.                      John Dawly        | 
                              John  Mahony      > Presented as 
At an assizes held the                          > a vagabond 
tenth of April 1739.          At the same assizes the sum of fifty- 
                              six pounds was raised and ordered to 
Mary Harrington|              be paid to Robert Travers, Esq., for 
#PAGE 23 
Rose Nagle     |              transporting to America, [. . . torn] 
Cornelius      | Convict      Mahony, Catherine Doherty, otherwise 
  Donoghoe     > felons       Prendergast, Bridget Clarke, James 
Thomas Keareen |              Shinnick, John Shinnick, Dennis 
John Kelly     |              McCarthy, Charles Carthy, John 
William        |              Hennessy, Barth. Bourke, Edmond Keane, 
   Fitzgerald  |              Richard Flemming, Charles Sullivan, 
                              Darby Madden and Mary Benson, who 
                              were under rules of transportation. 
                              At an assizes held he eighteenth of 
     [NEXT COLUMN]            March 1742. 
                              John Dwyer            convict felon 
                              Barthol. Kelly    | 
                              Anstace Owens     | 
                              otherwise Gow     | Presented as 
                              Margaret Middleton> vagabonds 
                              otherwise Barrett | 
                              John Croneen      | 
                              John Ryan         | 
                              John Darrag       | 
                              At an assizes held the ninth of 
                              August 1743. 
                              John Macknamara   | 
                              Philip Corkeran   | Convict 
                              Joan Barrett      > felons 
                              Catherine Lycett  | 
                              At the same assizes the sum of 
                              twenty-four pounds was raised and 
                              ordered to be paid to Robert 
                              Williamson for transporting to 
                              America, John Mahony, John Dawly, 
                              John Dwyer, James Bryan, John 
                              Lynchy and John Murphy, who 
                              were ordered to be transported 
                              at a former assizes. 
County of the   Russell Wood, gentleman, deputy Clerk of the 
City of Corke   Crown of the City of Corke [Cork?], this day 
                hath made diligent search amongst the records 
of the Crown office of the said City, and that the foregoing 
list is, to the best of his judgment and belief, a true and 
full list of all and every the convict felons and vagabonds 
who have been ordered for transportation within the said City 
for these seven years past, with a true and full account of 
what money hath been raised for those purposes. 
        Sworn before me at the City of Corke [Cork?] the 
#PAGE 24 
               twenty-ninth day of November, 1743. 
                              Randall Westtrop, Mayor. 
          City and County of the City of Limerick 
A List of all convict felons and vagabonds who were ordered 
for transportation out of the County of the City of Limerick, 
with an account of the money raised for those purposes. 
 1 Joan Brenan          a felon  To the Sheriffs for trans- l. 
 2 Bridget Shanahan     a felon    porting three persons    17 
 3 Edward Charlton     vagabond  To them for transporting 
 4 Edward Hammon       vagabond    Edward Charleton          5 
 5 William Lynch       vagabond  To them for transporting 
 6 Same, Edward Charleton on a     two persons              12 
   return                        To them for transporting 
 7 David Glassan        a felon    David Glassen             6 
 8 John Kean            a felon  To them for transporting 
 9 John Hennessy       vagabond    two persons              12 
10 Thomas Conners       a felon  To them for transporting 
11 Patrick Higgins      a felon    three persons             9 
12 Honour Campbell      a felon                            --- 
Search being made amongst the pleas of the Crown in the Crown- 
office of the City and County of the City of Limerick, I find 
that the twelve persons in the foregoing schedule mentioned, 
have been, at the several assizes held for the said City and 
County of the said City within seven years before the tenth 
day of November instant, ordered to be transported into some 
of his Majesty's plantations in America, and that the 
several sums in the other schedule before mentioned, amount- 
ing to sixty-one pounds Sterling, were within the time 
aforesaid ordered to be raised on the said City and County 
of the said City for transporting the said felons and 
vagabonds, which I certify this sixth day of December, 
               George Peacock, deputy Clerk of the Crown. 
                    County of Limerick 
A List of all convict felons and vagabonds transported from 
the County of Limerick for the seven years before the tenth 
day of November 1743, with an account of the several sums 
paid for their transportation. 
#PAGE 25 
Assizes eleventh of April 1737  Assizes ninth of April 1740 
Assizes twentieth of July 1737  Assizes sixteenth of July 1740 
 1 Honor Rierdan         felon  29 Mary Sullivan         felon 
 2 Thomas Lynch          felon 
 3 Catherine Brien       felon  Assizes fourth of March 1740 
Assizes seventh of April 1738   30 Owen Cleary        vagabond 
 4 John Neal             felon       Summer Assizes 1741 
 5 Honor Haly            felon  31 William Rourke     vagabond 
 6 Thomas Orchard        felon  32 Cornelius Callaghan   felon 
 7 Mary Neal             felon 
 8 James Collopy      vagabond     Assizes twenty-second of 
                                          April 1742 
 Assizes twelfth of July 1738   33 John Ready 
                                34 John Farrell 
10 James Fitzgerald      felon  35 John Dwyer            felon 
11 Gillen Shea        vagabond  36 John Gaffney       vagabond 
12 Catherine Carty    vagabond  37 James Healy        vagabond 
13 Catherine Dawley   vagabond  38 Darby Hannon       vagabond 
14 Daniel Callaghan   vagabnod  39 Connor O'Conner       felon 
                                40 Maurice Commane       felon 
Assizes twenty-eighth of March  41 Connor Caffoe         felon 
           1739                 42 Maurice Gibbon     vagabond 
15 Brian Carroll        >       43 Thomas Fraly       vagabond 
   otherwise Oultagh    >felon  44 Daniel Nealan      vagabond 
16 Joan Barry            felon  45 Thomas Nealan      vagabond 
17 Timothy Knavin     vagabond  46 Francis Tracy      vagabond 
18 Catherine Knavin      felon  47 Honora Connel         felon 
19 James Courcey         felon  48 Daniel Hickie      vagabond 
20 Laurence English   vagabond  49 James Heffernan    vagabond 
21 Mary English       vagabond  50 Joan Sheaghan         felon 
22 Owen Hogan         vagabond  51 Laurence Sheaghan  vagabond 
23 Edmond Wade        vagabond  52 Michael Griffith   vagabond 
24 Terence Fogarty       felon  53 Ellenor Croneen    vagabond 
                                54 Maurice Stack      vagabond 
 Assizes fourth of September         Summer Assizes 1742 
           1739                 55 John Currane          felon 
                                56 John Cough other-> 
25 John Russel        vagabond     wise Riery       > vagabond 
26 Joseph Kirk           felon  Assizes seventeenth April 1743 
27 Edmond Power       vagabond  57 Darby Daly         vagabond 
28 Sarah Ryan other->           58 John Barragan         felon 
   wise Dulagh      > vagabond  59 Edmond Doyle          felon 
                                60 Patrick Shea          felon 
#PAGE 26 
                                                      l. s. d. 
     Assizes.      To William Bourke Sub-sheriff, for 
  20th July 1737   repairing the goal [gaol?], trans- 
                   porting two felons and erecting a 
                   gallows                            36 15 10 
     Assizes.      To William Bourke Sub-sheriff, for 
  7th April 1738   gibetting Daniel Ready, transport- 
                   ing two persons and transmitting 
                   felons                             31  1 10 
 28th March 1739   To John Bourke late Sub-sheriff, 
                   for transporting several persons 
                   and transmitting several felons   100  4  3 
     Assizes.      To Hugh Massy Sub-sheriff, for 
4th September 1739 transporting ten felons and 
                   vagabonds                          60  0  0 
     Assizes.      To Peter Felan for transporting 
  16th July 1740   five felons and vagabonds, trans- 
                   mitting prisoners and erecting a 
                   new gallows                        50  0  0 
     Summer        To William Bourke Sub-sheriff, for 
    Assizes        transporting twenty felons and 
      1742         vagabonds, transmitting prisoners 
                   and prosecuting constables         60  0  0 
                                                     338  1 11 
Search being made amongst the pleas of the Crown in the Crown- 
office of the County of Limerick, I find that at the several 
assizes held in and for the said County within seven years 
before the tenth day of November instant the sixty persons in 
the annexed schedule mentioned, were ordered to be transported 
into some of his Majesty's plantations in America as felons 
and vagabonds, and that the several sums in the above schedule 
mentioned, amounting to three hundred and thirty-eight pounds 
one shilling and eleven pence sterling, were within the time 
aforesaid, ordered to be raised on the said County for 
transporting felons and vagabonds, and for the other services 
and uses to the said sums in the said schedule severally 
mentioned, which I certify this twenty-fourth day of 
November 1743. 
                             George Peacock, Dep. Cl. Cr. 
                        County of Kerry 
A List of all convict felons and vagabonds who have been ordered 
for transportation in the County of Kerry for these seven years 
#PAGE 27 
last past, with an account of what money hath been raised for 
those purposes, commencing April assizes 1736. 
Assizes sixteenth April 1736. Raised for transporting   l. s. d. 
  Maurice Savane and Thomas Savane felons convict, 
  ordered for transportation                             9 18  7 
Assizes fifth April 1737. For transporting, transmitting 
  and guarding William Howran a felon convict, ordered 
  for transportation                                     6 10  0 
At the same assizes. For transporting James Stack, 
  Charles Crowly, John Connor, Cornelius Shea and Joan 
  Carthy vagabonds, presented and ordered for 
  transportation                                        30  0  0 
Assizes twenty-sixth July 1737. For transporting James 
  Marshall and James Agherine, felons convict, 
  presented for mercy and ordered for transportation    10  0  0 
Presented then for the charges of transmitting them      2  0  1 
Assizes eighteenth July 1738. For transporting Owen 
  Sweeny, John Mc. Loughlin otherwise Oltagh and Darby 
  Downey, felons convict, presented for mercy and 
  ordered for transportation, and for charges of 
  transmitting them                                     18 18  8 
Assizes fourth April 1739. For transporting John 
  Mc. Jeffry Connell and Daniel Killeghane convicts, 
  under the like order, and charges of transmitting 
  them                                                  14 10 10 
Assizes nineteenth August 1739. For transporting and 
  charges of transmitting Daniel Callaghan, Dennis 
  Downey, John Bromehane and Ally Noonane convicts 
  under like order                                      26  2  6 
Assizes twenty-second July 1740. For transporting 
  Dennis Connor otherwise Gunskagh, Daniel Frenighty, 
  Thomas Doolin, Maurice Doolin, Darby Sullivan, 
  Charles Rahelly, Dennis Sweeny and Mary Griffin 
  convicts under like order                              40  0  0 
For charges of transmitting them to Corke [Cork?]         7 17  3 
Assizes eleventh March 1741. For transporting 
  Matthias Gallavan, Thomas Paradine, Owen Ferris, 
  Dermot Collity, Michael Collity, James Bourke, 
  Cornelius Donoghoe, Teigue Dinaghy and Daniel Dinaghy 
  convicts and vagabonds under like order                45  0  0 
Expenses of transmitting them                             8 19  6 
Assizes twelfth August 1741. For transporting and 
  charges of transmitting Patrick Connor, Darby Connor, 
 Timothy Connor, John Sullivan, Dennis Sullivan, Dennis 
  Spillane, James Mulcare and John Stack otherwise 
#PAGE 28 
  Crosbie vagabonds presented and ordered for 
  transportation                                         49 12  0 
Assizes fifth April 1742. For transporting Garret Joy, 
  John Deneen, Hugh Brosnehane, Thomas Bryan, John 
  Hease, John Dillane, Maurice Cullane, Florence 
  Scannell and David Sheghane vagabonds under order      55  0  0 
Assizes tenth August 1742. For transporting Daniel 
  Buohilly, Daniel Breene, Thomas Millone, John Bryan, 
  Dennis Shea, Murtogh Shea, Timothy Managheene, Daniel 
  Quirk, Ellenor Mohill otherwise Quirk, Cornelius Lyne 
  and Cornelius Launy convicts and vagabonds ordered 
  for transportation                                     55  0  0 
Raised for expences [expenses?] and charges of 
  transmitting them                                      11  1  0 
Assizes first of April 1743. For transporting Morgan 
  Sweeny, Ellenor Connor, Mary Mansfield and Catherine 
  Fitzgerald vagabonds ordered for transportation        20  0  0 
Raised for charges and expences [expenses?] of 
  transmitting them                                       3  0  0 
                                 Total money raised     413 10  4 
                                 Total persons                68 
No money was presented for those purposes at the last assizes. 
                   Dated the seventeenth of November 1743. 
                      Francis Cashell, deputy Clerk of the Crown 
                                 for the County of Kerry. 
                       County of Tipperary 
A List of all convict felons and vagabonds who have been ordered 
for transportation for these seven years last past, with an account 
of what money hath been raised for these purposes on said County, to 
commence the twenty-seventh of March 1736, to the thirtieth of July 
1743, inclusive. 
John Fitzgerald      William Dwyer        Martin Carew 
Edmond Kinneseak     Nicholas Blake       James Slattery 
William Hamerton     James Blake          Darby Heas 
Edmond Bourke        Michael Broder       John Heas 
John Herns           otherwise Broderick  Patrick Ryan 
Richard Powell       Michael Diwane       William Bolan 
Teigue Bryan other-  Darby Hylan          John Bolan 
wise Mc. John        Thomas Dehony        John Looby 
Anthony Dwyer        John Ryan            Patrick Dalton 
Edmond Power         James Carrigan       John Marry 
Morres Hylahan       Daniel Lawler        Darby Slattery 
Catherine Leary      Daniel Collins       William Dunn 
#PAGE 29 
otherwise Glisan     Margaret Brien       William Ryan other- 
Patrick Grady        Mary Davis           wise Stuokagh 
Roger Sheehy         Daniel Carthy        Philip Trassy 
Edmond Cummin        Edmund Kennedy       Teigue Higgins 
John Proctor         Dennis Brien         Thomas Nowlan 
John Geagin          Maurice Bolon        William Kennedy 
Darby Spillane       John Ryan            Edmund Meagher 
Michael Hackett      James Prendergast    John Ryan 
John Flinn           John Hackett         Martin Cleary 
Connor Quin          David Haly           Thomas Cleary 
Morgan Dogherty      Thomas Hogan         Stephen Brien 
John Fowley          James Flannigan      Daniel Mahony 
John Reily           Pierce Flannigan     William Meagher 
William Armstrong    John English         Michael Hogan 
James Glissan        Edward Hanlan        Robert Shorthell 
Margaret Bryan       Daniel Mooney        Philip Hollaghan 
Edmond Flynn         Teigue Hough         Edmund Bourke 
Daniel Crawley       Patrick Byrn         William Haraghton 
Thomas Green         John Brown 
Catherine Nugent     Thomas Carew 
Search being made amongst the pleas of the Crown for the 
County of Tipperary, I find and certify that the several 
respective persons in the annexed schedule have been ordered 
for transportation as above set forth, and that the sum of 
three hundred and one pounds four shillings and six pence 
sterling hath been presented and raised on said County for 
that purpose. Dated this ninth day of December 1743. 
                  Samuel Waller, Clerk of the Crown for the 
                                 County of Tipperary 
                    County of Waterford 
A List of the several convict felons and vagabonds ordered for 
transportation, for whom money was raised on the said County, 
and the several sums raised for that purpose for those seven 
years last past. 
                    Names of the convict 
                    felons and vagabonds 
                    ordered for trans- 
Respective assizes  portation                                  l. 
Lent assizes.       John Connor        | Eighteen pounds to 
14th March 1736-7   Thomas Corban      | Beverly Usher and 
                    Honor Cahane       > Henry Mason Esqrs.    18 
                    John Greehy        | 
#PAGE 30 
Summer assizes. 
12th August 1737    Philip Caffoe        Five pounds to ditto   5 
Lent assizes.       David Kelly        | 
6th March 1737-8    Lewis Welsh        | 
                    Patrick Supple     > Twenty pounds to ditto 20 
                    Daniel Bane other- | 
                    wise Kennedy       | 
Summer assizes.     No person presented 
8th August 1738     for transportation 
Lent assizes.       John Condon        | 
17th March 1738-9   Daniel Murphy      > Fifteen pounds to ditto 15 
                    Edmund Connor      | 
Summer assizes.     No person presented 
6th August 1739     for transportation 
Lent assizes.       Patrick Galavan    > 
12th March 1739-40  Darby Dunn         > No sum 
Summer assizes.     John Mulcahy       | 
11th August 1740    Daniel Kearin      > Fifteen pounds to ditto 15 
                    Darby Mulcahy      | 
Lent assizes.       Hugh Tallon        | 
6th April 1741      Michael Mulcahy    > Fifteen pounds to ditto 15 
                    Richard Power      | 
Summer assizes.     Maurice Norris     | 
15th July 1741      James Tobin        | 
                    Michael Hallinan   | Fifty pounds to ditto 
                    Darby Quinlan      > for these and the five  50 
                    Edmund Costello    | following 
Summer assizes.     John Bourke 
15th July 1741      David Norris 
                    Darby Dooling 
                    John Egan 
                    Martin Fogarty 
                    John Scannell 
Lent assizes.       David Power        | 
17th March 1741-2   Edmond Lynch       | Thirty-five pounds to 
                    John Connell       > Beverly Usher and Henry 35 
                    Patrick Cullue     | Mason, Esqrs. 
                    John Beacon        | 
                    Mary Crotty 
Summer assizes.     Michael Whelan     > 
6th September 1742  John Reily         > Fifteen pounds to ditto 15 
Lent assizes. 
5th March 1742-3    John Fahy            Five pounds to ditto     5 
Summer assizes.                          None presented for trans- 
27th July 1743                           portation nor no sums 
                                                       Total L. 183 
#PAGE 31 
County of   I Certify that the above is a true list of all convict 
Waterford   felons and vagabonds who have been ordered for trans- 
            portation for these seven years last past, and that the 
above sums were raised for those purposes. Dated the 13th day of 
December 1743. 
                                         John Purdon, Clk. Cor. 
              County of the City of Waterford 
A List of all convict felons and vagabonds ordered for transport- 
ation for these seven years last past, with an account of what money 
hath been raised for those purposes for those seven years last past. 
                    Names of the convict 
                    felons and vagabonds 
The respective      ordered for trans-      Sums raised and 
assizes             portation               to whom ordered      l. 
Lent assizes        Edmund Roache 
14th March 1736-7   Patrick Grady           No money raised 
Summer assizes      No person presented 
12th August 1737    for transportation      No money raised 
Lent assizes        No person presented 
6th March 1737-8    for transportation      No money raised 
Summer assizes      No person presented 
8th August 1738     for transportation      No money raised 
Lent assizes        No person presented 
17th March 1738-9   for transportation      No money raised 
Summer assizes      No person presented 
6th August 1739     for transportation      No money raised 
Lent assizes 
12th March 1739-40  Darby Sullivan          Five pounds to 
                                            Francis Barker and   5 
                                            William Price 
Summer assizes      No person presented 
11th August 1740    for transportation      No money raised 
Lent assizes        John Walsh            | 
6th April 1741      Charles Banfield      > Thirteen pounds to 
                    Daniel Noonan         | the Treasurer       13 
                    Thomas Hallinan       | 
                    Oth. Allinan          | Five pounds to 
                    Michael Keenan        > Francis Barker and   5 
                    John Whelan           | William Price 
Summer assizes      Alice Payne           > 
15th July 1741      Owen Cleary           > Ten pounds to ditto 10 
#PAGE 32 
Lent assizes        No person presented 
27th March 1741-2   for transportation      No money raised 
Summer assizes      No person presented 
6th September 1742  for transportation      No money raised 
Lent assizes        Timothy Ryan          | Ten pounds to Phi- 
5th March 1742-3    Peter Moore           > neas Barret and      10 
                                          | Jeffrey Paul, Sheriffs 
Summer assizes      No person presented 
27th July 1743      for transportation 
                                                       Total  L. 53 
 City of    I Certify that the above is a true list of all convict 
Waterford   felons and vagabonds who have been orderd for trans- 
            portation for these seven years last past, and that the 
above sums contained in said list were raised for those purposes. 
Dated this 13th day of December 1743. 
                                        John Purdon, Clerk Crown. 
                        County Monaghan 
A List of all convict felons and vagabonds who have been ordered 
for transportation for these seven years last past in the several 
Counties of Monaghan, Armagh, Antrim, Downe [Down?], and the 
county of the town of Carrickfergus, with an account of what 
money hath been raised for those purposes. 
Time when 
the order 
for trans-     Names of           Their 
portation    convict felons     respective  Sums    To whom paid 
was made      and vagabonds       crimes   raised     or payable 
Lent assize  No convict or 
1737         vagabond ordered 
             for transportation 
Sum. assize  The like case 
Lent assize  John Armstrong        vagabond | l. 
1738         Pat. Mc. Donnell convict felon | 
             Knogh. Mc. Caffry     vagabond | 
             John Mc. Entee   convict felon > 42  Richard Johnston, 
             John Dogherty             like |     Esq. 
             Con. Mc. Mahon            like | 
             Edward Harvey         vagabond | 
Sum. assize  Flan. Clerkin    convict felon | 
1738         Phil. Mc. Neny            like | 
#PAGE 33 
Lent assize  Fennal Cullen            felon | 
1739         John Dollan               like | 
             Andrew Erwine         vagabond > 48  Nicholas Foster, 
Sum. assize  Anthony Murphy           felon |     Esq. 
1739         Bryan Callan              like | 
             Dennis Sherry             like | 
Lent assize  Henry Croan               like | 
1740         John Mc. Croddan      vagabond > 18  Humphry 
             James Kelly              felon |     Evat, Esq. 
Sum. assize  Pat. O Mullan             like | 
1740         Bryan Mc. Quade       vagabond | 
Lent assize  John Mc. Donnell         felon | 48  Francis Richardson, 
1741         Mary Mc. Mahon        vagabond >     Esq. 
             James Reilly              like | 
Sum. assize  John Clark                like | 
1741         Pat. Mc. Atee             like | 
             Mary Brattan              like 
             Pat. Hughs            vagabond    6  John Standford, Esq. 
             Joan Dennis              felon    6  Francis Richardson, 
Lent assize  Corm. Callaghan           like    6  Esq.; Do. 
1742         James Reilly              like    6  Do. 
             Thomas Jones              like    6  Do. 
             Francis Byrn          vagabond | 
             Charles Linchy            like > 18  John Standford, Esq. 
Sum. assize  Ann Newton                like | 
1742         No felon or vagabond ordered 
             for transportation 
Lent assize  James Steel              felon       No money as yet 
1743                                              raised for 
Sum. assize  James Dennis              like       their 
1743         John Nesbit           vagabond       transportation 
                                   Total  L. 204 
            Examined by Edward Fleming, deputy Clk. Cor. 
                          County of Armagh 
Lent assize  David Brown              felon        No money raised 
Sum. assize  No convict felon or vagabond 
1737         ordered for transportation       l. 
Lent assize  Peter Staunton           felon    5   Mr. John 
1738                                                Mc. Goeagh 
#PAGE 34 
Sum. assize  No convict felon or vagabond 
1738         ordered for transportation 
Lent assize  James Mc. Kenna          felon 
Sum. assize  Pat. Hughs otherwise 
1739         Parokagh Hughs        vagabond    5  Mr. Geo. Walker 
Lent assize  William Wilson            like | 
1740         William Fitzpatrick      felon > 20  Mr. John 
             Sheela Day otherwise           |     Gillespie 
             Robishaw                  like | 
Sum. assize  Cornelius Quinn           like | 
1740         Michael Murphy            like > 15  Edward Obre, Esq. 
             James Young               like | 
             Neall Quinn           vagabond    5  Mr. Adam Noble 
Lent assize  Hugh O Neill             felon | 
1741         Ann Totall                like > 15  Edward Obre, Esq. 
             Henry Murray              like | 
Sum. assize Joseph Wright              like | 
1741        Manus Fegan            vagabond | 
            Terence Fegan             felon | 
Lent assize Pat. Campbell otherwise         | 
1742        Mc. Cavill             vagabond | 
            Elizabeth Mercer          felon | 
            Arthur O Fegan             like > 44  Mr. Adam Noble 
Sum. assize William Hunter             like | 
1742        John Keenan        convicted of | 
                                treason and | 
                        obtained his pardon | 
                            on condition of | 
                             transportation | 
Lent assize Aeneas Collins          forgery | 
1743        Ann Terrill               felon | 
            Pat. Mc. Analty            like > 20  William Graham, 
            Margaret Hagan             like |     Esq. 
Sum. assize Michael Sandell         perjury       No money as yet 
1743        Mary Burns otherwise                  raised for their 
            Kelly                     felon       transportation 
                                      Total  129 
               Examined by Edward Fleming, deputy Clk. Cor. 
#PAGE 35 
                          County of Antrim 
Time when 
the order 
for trans-     Names of        Their 
portation   convict felons   respective   Sums     To whom paid 
was made     and vagabonds     crimes    raised     or payable 
Lent assize John Murray           felon | 
1737        Hugh Gibson            like | 
            William Williams       like > 20  Hill Wilson, Esq. 
            John McBride           like | 
            Charles Price          like    5  Hill Wilson, Esq. 
Sum. assize Henry Mc. Cashland vagabond 
1737        Robert Mc. Neight      like 
Lent assize John Shaw             felon | 
1738        James Mc. Ilvenan      like | 
            Richard O Cahane   vagabond | 
            Derby O Cahane         like | 
            Hugh Keery             like | 
            Robert Elliot          like > 70  Edw. Smith, Esq. 
            Robert Allin           like | 
            William Waugh          like | 
            William Dixon          like | 
            William Forrest        like | 
            Samuel Kimmin         felon | 
            Neall Mc. Farland      like | 
Sum. assize John Poague            like    5  Edw. Smith, Esq. 
Lent assize William Bruce      vagabond | 
1739        James Longmore         like > 15  Davys Wilson, Esq. 
Sum. assize Patrick Kerr          felon | 
            William Kelly         felon | 
            John Boyle         vagabond | 
Lent assize Ed. Morgan                  | 
1740        otherwise Giles       felon > 30  Will. Boyd, Esq. 
            Matthew Farrel         like | 
            Alexander Steel        like | 
            Ann O Neil             like | 
            Will Patterson     vagabond | 
            James Patterson        like | 
            John Patterson         like | 
            Edward Leaths          like | 
            Charles Mc. Auly       like > 45  Do. 
            Doug. Mc. Donnell      like | 
#PAGE 36 
            Oli. O Houghian        like | 
            John O Houghian       felon | 
            John Seely             like | 
Sum. assize Neall Mc. Auly         like > 
1740        Roger Mc. Bride    vagabond > 10  Do. 
Lent assize Andrew Beard           like    5  Conway Spencer, 
1741                                          Esq. 
Sum. assize Edward Ellis           like | 
1741        Adam Dean             felon | 
            Arch. Lemond           like | 
            Robert Lemond          like > 30  Do. 
            Bryan-buy Mc. Auly     like | 
            Joseph Neill           like | 
Lent assize 
1742        Mary Mc. Elery         like > 10  Felix O Neill, 
Sum. assize Mary Mc. Elroy         like >     Esq. 
1742        Ann Campbell           like    5  Mr. James Smart 
Lent assize    No convict felons or 
1743           vagabonds ordered for 
Sum. assize    transportation this or 
1743           the following assize 
                  Total 250 
                     Examined by Edward Fleming, deputy Clk. Cor. 
                         County Downe [Down?] 
Time when 
the order 
for trans-    Names of        Their 
portation  convict felons   respective   Sums    To whom paid 
was made    and vagabonds     crimes    raised     or payable 
Lent assize William Peden         felon | 
1737        William Erwine         like |     The Hon. Arthur 
            John Towel             like > 25  Hill, Esq. 
            Lawrence Wilton        like | 
            Mic. Mc. Mahon other-       | 
            wise Mathews           like | 
Sum. assize Robert Mc. Calla       like | 
1737        David Mc. Calla       felon | 
Lent assize James Harper           like | 
1738        Michael Burns      vagabond | 
           Absalom Kettles        like > 45  Mr. John Dunkin 
            Margaret Moreton      felon | 
#PAGE 37 
            John Cassedy alias John     | 
            the rover alias John        | 
            Moor               vagabond | 
            Stumphy Bryan         felon | 
            Elizabeth Shaw      perjury | 
Sum. assize John Kelly         vagabond | 
1738                                    | 
Lent assize William Laverto             | 
1739        alias Sacheveral       like | 
            Edward Murray         felon > 35  Mr. Adam Browne 
            John Martin            like | 
            Thomas Kerr other-          | 
            wise Carran        vagabond | 
            Jane Shaw, elder       like | 
            Jane Shaw, younger     like | 
Sum. assize Dennis Kearns alias         | 
1739        Mc. Kearnan           felon | 
            Mary Mc. Comb alias         > 25  Mr. George Walker 
            Mc. Calla              like | 
Lent assize Hugh Mc. Clement      felon | 
1740        Ellinor Quinlan    vagabond | 
            Mary Butler           felon | 
Sum. assize Thomas Shepherd    vagabond | 
1740        Patrick Doran         felon > 25  Mr. James Smart 
Lent assize John Bennet            like | 
1741        James Mc. Kewin        like | 
            Matthew Kane           like    5  Mr. James Smart 
Sum. assize 
1741        John Cooper        vagabond | 
Lent assize William Bingham       felon | 
1742        Patrick Hanvy          like > 25  James Echlin, Esq. 
            Phelemy Doran          like | 
            Francis Fegan          like | 
            James Orr              like 
Sum. assize    No convict felons or 
1742           vagabonds ordered for 
Lent assize John Watterson        felon | 
1743        John Young         vagabond > 15  Mr. Adam Browne 
            Thomas Taylor         felon | 
Sum assizes John Boyd          vagabond       No money as yet 
1743        John Bartley           like       raised for their 
#PAGE 38 
            County of the Town of Carrickfergus 
No convict felons or vagabonds ordered for transportation for 
these seven years last past. 
                                               | Monaghan 204 
                                        County > Armagh   129 
                                            of > Antrim   250 
                                               | Downe    200 
                                                 Total    783 
                  Examined by Edward Fleming, deputy Clk. Cor. 
A List of all convicted felons and vagabonds who have been 
ordered for transportation for seven years last past in the 
several Counties of Cavan, Fermanagh, Tyrone, Donegall, and 
City and County of Londonderry. 
                    County of Cavan 
                 Persons ordered for  For what crimes    pre- 
Dates of assizes    transportation       committed     sented 
19th August 1743    Miles Reilly        Vagabond         l. 12 
25th March 1743 
2nd September 1742  Isaac Byrne         Vagabond            30 
14th April 1742     Timothy Smith       Vagabond      | 
                    John Lynchy         Like          | 
                    Bryan Daly          Like          | 
                    Edmond Donnelly     Grand Larceny >     10 
                    Bryan Donaghy       Like          | 
                    Owen Smith          Like          | 
13th August 1741    John Sheridan       Like          | 
                    Edmond Hanlon       Petit Larceny >     41 
                    Daniel Mc. Guire    Grand Larceny | 
19th March 1740     John Duffy          Vagabond      | 
                    John Johnston       Like          | 
                    John Dawson         Petit Larceny >    [?] 
                    Phelim Reilly       Vagabond      | 
                    John Mulligan       Grand Larceny 
7th August 1740     Patrick Cummin      Like                24 
20th March 1739     Daniel Carmety      Like 
23rd August 1739    Mary Clancey        Like 
24th March 1738     Patrick Jones       Vagabond 
#PAGE 39 
10th August 1738    Owen Loughran       Like                36 
14th March 1737     John Fitzpatrick    Like 
                    Margery Brady       Like 
24th March 1737     Isabella Mc. Dermot Like 
                    Terence Fitzpatrick Like 
                    Philip Barry        Like 
                    William Watson      Grand Larceny 
19th September 1737 Bryan Gargan        Vagabond 
                    Bartholomew Byrne   Like 
22nd March 1736     Rose Johnston       Grand Larceny 
                    James Hussey        Vagabond         --- 
                                                Total    153 
                   County of Fermanagh 
                   Persons ordered for   For what crimes  pre- 
Dates of assizes     transportation          convicted    sented 
22nd August 1742 
23rd March 1743 
7th September 1742                                          30 
10th April 1742      Simon Cassedy       Vagabond 
                     Edmond Mc. Loughlin Like 
                     Robert Graham       Like 
                     Turlagh Mulvurnagh  Like 
                     Christopher Barry   Like 
17th August 1741     John Mc. Dade       Grand Larceny 
23rd March 1740      Francis Mc. Nolty   Vagabond            18 
                     Peter Lunin         Like 
11th August 1740     Owen Mc. Caffry     Like 
                     Charles Mc. Manus   Grand Larceny 
25th March 1740                                             30 
28th August 1739 
29th March 1739 
15th August 1738    William Henderson    Vagabond 
                    Bryan Mc. Guire      Like 
                    John Armstrong       Like 
                    Thomas Armstrong     Like 
                    Maurice Cassedy      Like 
18th March 1737                                             18 
14th September 1737 John Oneil           Grand Larceny 
                    James Magolrick      Like               14 
26th March 1737     Francis Mc. Ilkill   Like 
                    Owen Bannon          Vagabond 
                    Thomas Bannon        Like 
                    Terence O'Caddin     Like              --- 
                                                    Total  110 
#PAGE 40 
                        County of Tyrone 
                   Persons ordered for   For what crimes  pre- 
Dates of assizes     transportation         convicted    sented 
26th August 1743    Robert Mullan        Vagabond 
17th March 1742 
10th September 1742 Margaret Sally       Like              45 
6th April 1742      Paul o'Brillaghan    Like 
                    Arthur Mc. Coart     Like 
                    Patrick Sharky       Like 
                    Hugh o'Brien         Like 
                    Charles Mc. Cowell   Sheep stealing 
                    Edmund Mc. Cowell    Sheep stealing 
20th August 1741    Robert o'Neil        Vagabond         72 
                    James Mc. Cullagh    Like 
26th March 1741     Henry Keenan         Like 
                    Henry Mc. Quade      Like 
                    Bryan Mc. Quade      Like 
                    Roger Mc. Quade      Like 
                    Michael Mc. Cowell   Like 
                    Patrick Mc. Quade    Like 
14th August 1740    Henry Allen          Like 
                    Catherine Burns      Like 
                    Patrick o'Kain       Vagabond 
                    Philip o'Haghy       Cow stealing and 
                                         presented for 
28th March 1740     James Darcy          Vagabond 
                    Dunkan Keenan        Like 
                    John Lawson          Like 
                    Andrew Mills         Like 
                    Robert Mills         Like 
                    Cornelius Gormly     Grand Larceny 
31st August 1739    Hugh Moane           Like            15 
2nd April 1739 
18th August 1738    Shane o'Quin         Vagabond 
                    Francis Mc. Gourk    Like 
                    Hugh Mc. Gourk       Like 
                    James Mc. Gourk      Like 
2nd March 1737      Neil Mc. Gittigan    Like 
                    Knogher o'Quin       Like 
                    Charles Donelly      Like 
9th September 1737  John Gallagher       Like            15 
                    Bryan o'Divin        Like 
#PAGE 41 
13th March 1737     Neely Mc. Girr       Like 
                    James Mc. Cabe       Like 
                    Edmond Mc. Roddin    Like 
                    James Mc. Cullagh    Like 
                    Mary Mitchell        Grand Larceny 
                                                  Total 156 
                       County of Donegal 
                  Persons ordered for  For what crimes   pre- 
Dates of assizes    transportation        convicted     sented 
31st August 1743    Daniel Mc. Mahon      Vagabond 
                    James Flanagan        Like             25 
                    Bridget Flanagan      Like 
14th March 1742 
15th September 1742                                        20 
2nd April 1742      Michael Conolly       Vagabond      | 
                    William Caldwell      Like          | 
                    Adal Steel            Grand Larceny > 100 
                    John Gallagher        Like          | 
5th April 1741      Charles o'Donnell     Like 
                    Toal o'Boy            Like 
                    Michael o'Quin        Grand Larceny 
                    James Mc. Loughlin    Like 
                    Phelemy Cairney       Like 
                    Dennis Murry          Like 
                    Teigue o'Kelly        Like 
                    Hugh Mc. Namee        Like 
                    James Scanlon         Like 
                    Mary Gillispie        Like 
                    Edmond o'Dogherty     Vagabond 
31st March 1737     Patrick o'Conolly     Like 
                    Patrick o'Donnell     Like 
                    James Dunbarr         Like 
                    Patrick Mooney        Like 
                    Hugh-buy o'Gallagher  Like 
19th August 1740    Fergal Mc. Coart      Vagabond      | 
                    Fergal Cullin         Grand Larceny | 
                    Michael Mc. Coart     Vagabond      >  20 
                    Owen Galdanagh        Like          | 
                    Constantine o'Donnell Like          | 
2nd April 1740      Rose Mc. Guire 
                    otherwise Smith       Grand Larceny 
                   Mary Gallagher        Like 
                    Charles o'Dogherty    Vagabond 
                    Charles o'Boyle       Like 
#PAGE 42 
5th September 1739  Neal Mergagh Mc.Swine Like 
6th April 1739      Joseph McFarland      Grand Larceny 
                    Thomas Johnston       Like 
                    Dudley Gallagher      Vagabond 
23rd August 1738                                           15 
27th March 1738     Charles o'Gallagher   Like 
                    Robert Irwin          Like 
                    James Lorcan          Like 
                    Hugh Gallagher        Like 
6th September 1737                                         45 
4th April 1737      William Carey         Like 
                    George Stinson        Like 
                                                   Total  240 
              City and County of Londonderry 
                   Persons ordered for     For what       pre- 
Dates of assizes     transportation         crimes       sented 
3rd September 1743                                          30 
10th March 1742     Arthur o'Mullan        Vagabond 
                    Randal Mc. Donnell     Like 
                    Charles Shannon        Like 
                    John Mc. Geogh         Like 
18th September 1742 
30th March 1742     John Mc. Glosky        Grand Larceny > 
                    James Mc. Ginnis       Vagabond      >  12 
28th August 1741    James Mc. Enorland     Grand Larceny    80 
                    Owen o'Madigan         Like 
3rd April 1741      Shane Braddagh o'Cahan Vagabond 
                    Henry Murray           Like 
                    William Harrower       Like 
                    John Armstrong         Like 
                    Dennis Quigley         Like 
                    Patrick Mc. Rory       Like 
                    Henry o'Hagan          Like 
                    Bryan Conolly          Like 
                    Art o'Larkin           Like 
                    John Dogherty          Like 
                    John Hasson            Like 
                    Edmond Gallagher       Grand Larceny 
                    Fergal Gallagher       Petit Larceny 
                    Henry o'Donaghy        Like 
                    John Hamilton          Like 
#PAGE 43 
22nd August 1740 
5th April 1740      Patrick Cherry         Vagabond 
                    Patrick o'Cahan        Like 
8th September 1739                                          24 
10th April 1739 
26th August 1738    Samuel Carr            Vagabond      | 
                    Dunkan o'Higgin        Like          >  15 
                    Charles o'Harny        Grand Larceny | 
30th March 1738     John Halfpin           Vagabond 
                    John Mc. Loughlin      Like 
                    John Mc. Donnell       Grand Larceny 
                    Daniel Lunchanan       Like 
                    Mary o'Neil            Petty Larceny 
1st September 1737  Bryan Mc. Glinn        Vagabond 
7th April 1737      John Ross              Like 
                    James Mc. Dead         Like 
                    Phelemy o'Mullan       Vagabond 
                    Patrick Mulhollan      Like 
                    George Stewart         Like 
                    Peter Mc. Anurlan      Like 
                    John Mc. Gonigal       Grand Larceny 
26th April 1736     John Boy               Like 
                    Margaret Wrot          Vagabond 
                                                   Total 161 
The foregoing papers are a fair abstract of the prisoners 
transported and sums presented in the foregoing Counties for 
seven years, which I humbly certify, this fourteenth of 
November 1743. 
                                               George Taoffe 
A List of the several convict felons and vagabonds who have 
been ordered for transportation in the several Counties of 
the province of Connaught for Summer assizes 1735, to Summer 
assizes 1743, inclusive, together with an account of what 
money hath been raised in that time for transporting such 
felons and vagabonds. 
Edmond Cranally      Catherine Mc. Donnell  Thomas Flaherty 
John Roe             otherwise o'Brien      Thady Hoghegan 
John Kelly           Humphry Nelan          Thomas Donaghoe 
William Bourke       Thady Mullally         Michael Fahy 
Honora Coan          otherwise Lally        David FitzGibbon 
Mary Lavendar        William Shunaghane     Mortagh Mooney 
Owen Ridican         Catherine Casey        Patrick Bourke 
#PAGE 44 
Patrick Shaghnaffy   Hugh Dunn              Anthony St. Leger 
James Dalton         Thomas Linaghane       John Cahan 
Francis Spencer      John Lynch             Richard Lawless 
Laughlin o'Laughlin  Catherine Hinagan      Richard Welsh 
Michael Keighry      Patrick Kennedy        Murtogh Dermody 
Thady Martin         Dennis Daly            Augustin Mc. Carra 
John Shaghnaffy      John Daly              John Farrell 
Michael Carr         John Moran             Darby Farrell 
               County of the town of Galway 
Thomas White        William Burne 
                    County of Leitrim 
Edmond Burke         Gregory Mc. Ilea       Charles Costelloe 
otherwise Lahy       Thady Logan            Shane o'Bourke 
Patrick Mc. Glinn    Mable Mc. Carty        Luke Neilan 
Bryan Mc. Weeny      Bryan Kelly            Martin Molloy 
William Wilson       James Mc. Keon         Thomas Mc. Sharry 
Bryan Mc. Sharry     Thomas Sumaghan        Michael Kenny 
Bryan Reilly         ___ Culluagh otherwise Dennis Kelly 
                    County of Mayo 
Edmond Monnelly      James Farrell          David Roach 
William Mc. Donnogh  William Mc. Donnough   Hugh Magrath 
Daniel Davet         Morgan Brislane        Peter Greeve 
             County of Roscomon [Roscommon?] 
Bryan Monaghan       George Coghran         James Heany 
Partrick Keiraghane  Thady Kelly            Thomas Mc. Donnell 
Teigue Mc. Greevy    Thady Flynn            Alexander Mc. Donnell 
William Garvey       Matthew Mc. Donnell    Bryan Coyne 
Edward Phipps        John Naughton          Patrick Flanegan 
Michael Bourke       Patrick Mc. Padden     Owen Rourke 
Bryan Miraghan       William Griffin        Bryan Kenny 
Andrew Mc. Hugh      Thady Lyons 
Garret Caghy         Michael Denicon 
                 County of Sligoe [Sligo?] 
Henry Bruen          John Mackey            Rosanna Harcan 
Michael Connelly     otherwise Johnins      Bridget Harcan 
John Farrell other-  William Bourke         Dennis Higgins 
wise Fanly other-    John Mullican          Daniel Coser other- 
wise Fitzgerald      Dennis Gulmartin       wise Cogher 
#PAGE 45 
James Conolly        Patrick Jordan         Joan Gawny 
John Gallway other-  Laughlin Cugly         John Reilly 
wise Gallagher 
Patrick Cosly 
                     County of Galway 
Summer assizes 1736, six pounds presented and paid to William 
Turvin, Esq., late High-sheriff, for transporting Patrick 
Donnell, and eighteen pounds to be paid George Ormsby, Esq., 
for transporting Edmond Connolly, John Roe and Dom. [Dominic?] 
Summer assizes 1738, twelve pounds paid to John Blakeney, Esq., 
for transporting Connor Lynne. 
Summer assizes 1740, six pounds paid George Warburton, Esq., 
for transporting Mary Coggerill. 
Summer assizes 1742, one hundred twenty-six pounds paid to 
Robert Pierce, Esq., for transporting Thomas Donoghoe, Patrick 
Bourke, Anthony St. Leger, John Cahan, Richard Walsh, Patrick 
Dermody, Murtagh Dermody, Michael Keighry, John Daly, Augustin 
McCarra, Thady Martin, John Moran, John Shaughneffy, Thomas 
Flaherty, Hugh Dunn, Thomas Lenaghan, Murtogh Mooney, Catherine 
Henaghan, Patrick Kenny and Richard Lawless. 
Lent assizes 1738, twenty pounds paid to John Blakeney, Esq., 
High-sheriff, for transporting William Bourke, John Kelly, 
Mary Lavendar and Honora Quane. 
Lent assizes 1738, eighteen pounds presented and paid to Richard 
Trench, Esq., for transporting Thady Lally and Connor Lyons. 
                County of the town of Galway 
Summer assizes 1742, ten pounds raised and paid to the Mayor for 
transporting Thomas White and William Burn. 
                       County of Leitrim 
Summer assizes 1736, twenty-four pounds presented for trans- 
porting James Sunnaghan, Thomas and Bryan Mc. Sharry 
Summer assizes 1742, the sum of forty-eight pounds raised and 
paid to Booth Gore, Esq., High-sheriff, for transporting Bryan 
Kelly, Martin Mulloy, Bryan Mc. Weeny, Francis Morrison, 
#PAGE 46 
William Wilson, Patrick Mc. Glinn, Mable McCarty and Luke 
                     County of Mayo 
Summer assizes 1736, twenty pounds presented to be paid 
Mitchelburn Knox, merchant, being so much remained due to him 
for transporting seven vagabonds and convicts that had been 
sent to be transported, and twenty-five pounds sterling, 
presented Summer assizes 1738, for the maintenance of ten 
convicts and vagabonds that had been sent to Sligoe [Sligo?]. 
                    County of Sligoe [Sligo?] 
Lent assizes 1736, fifty-six pounds presented and paid to James 
Sodon, Esq., for transporting John Cullen, James Sharcot, John 
Kenny, John Hussey, Neil Mc. Hugh, James Fitzmorris, Thomas 
Forragher, Patrick Forragher, Bridget Costelloe and Catherine 
Mc. Glinn. 
Summer assizes 1740, eighteen pounds presented to be paid 
Charles o'Hara, Esq., for transporting John Farrell, otherwise 
Trawly, otherwise Fitzgerald, Michael Connolly and Thady Kegan, 
and Lent assizes 1739, twenty-four pounds presented to be paid 
Blashford Hughs, Esq., for transporting Dennis Higgins, Bridget 
Harcan, Henry Bram and Joan Gawny. 
Summer assizes 1741, six pounds to be paid Christopher Duke, 
Sub-sheriff for transporting John Galway. 
Summer assizes 1742, the sum of thirty-six pounds to be paid 
to John Percival, Esq., for transporting Daniel Mullican, 
Teigue Mc. Moroy, Patrick Jordan, William Bourke, Dennis 
Kilmartin and John Mealy otherwise Johnins. 
               County of Roscommon 
Lent assizes 1736, the sum of six pounds presented to be paid 
John Harward, Esq., for transporting James Gaynor. 
Summer assizes 1737, nine pounds four shillings and six pence 
paid to Usher St. George, Esq., for transmitting and 
transporting Michael Kenney. 
Lent assizes 1738, five pounds paid Bartholomew Mahon, Esq., 
for transporting Bryan Monaghan. 
#PAGE 47 
Lent assizes 1739, five pounds paid to Thomas Lyster, Esq., for 
transporting Bryan Mirachane, and five pounds for transporting 
Laughlin Naghten. 
Summer assizes 1739, twelve pounds to be paid to Thomas Lyster, 
Esq., for transporting Garret Coghy and Bryan Monaghan. 
Summer assizes 1740, six pounds to be paid Henry St. George, 
Esq., for transporting Thady Lyons. 
Summer assizes 1741, five pounds to be paid to Thomas Mahon, Esq., 
for transporting Bryan Coyne. 
Lent assizes 1742, fifteen pounds in the hands of Dr. Manley to be 
paid Gilbert King, Esq., for transporting three criminals. 
Summer assizes 1742, five pounds to be paid the same for 
transporting Patrick Flannegan. 
I Humbly certify the foregoing list to be a true list of the several 
persons who were ordered for transportation as felons and vagabonds, 
tried and presented at the several assizes held in and for the fore- 
going Counties in the Province of Connaught, from Summer assizes 1735, 
to and for Summer assizes 1743, inclusive, and that the several grand 
juries of the several Counties aforesaid, presented the several sums 
herein before mentioned for the transportation of the several persons 
for which the said money is mentioned to be raised and paid, amount- 
ing in the whole top the sum of five hundred and forth-nine pounds 
four shillings and six pence, and don't find that there was any 
other sum or sums of money presented by the grand juries of the said 
several Counties or any of them, for transporting of any of the other 
persons in this list contained during the said time. Dated this 
sixteenth day of January, 1743. 
                               William Knox, Clerk of the Crown 
                                 for the province of Connaught. 
                         County of Clare 
A List of all the convicted felons and vagabonds who have been 
ordered for transportation for these seven years last past, with 
an account of what money hath been raised for those purposes in 
the said County of Clare, returned by Richard England, Clerk of 
the Crown of the said County, pursuant to an order of the 
honourable House of Commons in Ireland, bearing date the tenth 
of December 1743. 
#PAGE 48 
Summer assizes 1736                                            l. 
 Barnaby Reilly    Transported as felons and a presentment 
 John Collins      made in favour of John Brady, Esq., 
 William Ryan      then Sheriff for transporting them of       18 
Lent assizes 1737 
 Barnaby Burne     Transported as a felon, and a presentment 
                   made in favour of St. John Bridgeman, Esq., 
                   then Sheriff of the said County for trans- 
                   porting him  of                              6 
Summer assizes 1741 
 Matthias Touhy    Transported as felons and a presentment 
 Charles Hehir     made in favour of John Stackpole, Esq., 
 Michael Hynes     then Sheriff of the said County for 
 Honora Neale      transporting them of                        48 
 Darby Kean 
 William Riedy 
 Martin o'Mara 
 John Riedy 
Summer assizes 1742 
 Michael Hynes     Ordered for transportation as felons, and 
 John Mc. Nemara   a presentment made in favour of Robert 
 Martin Meara      Harrison, Esq., then Sheriff of said County, 
 John Riedy        for transmitting them to Limerick and fees 
 William Riedy     paid by him for transporting them of        42 
 Darby Kean 
 Thomas Mc. Grath 
 William Curtane 
 David Doyle 
 John Baghane 
 Patrick Mc. Nemara 
 Michael Fahy 
 Honora Forave 
 Mary Mc. Grath 
 John Bevlan 
Lent assizes 1743 
 James Kean        Ordered for transportation, and a present- 
 Andrew Ryan       ment made in favour of James Butler, Esq., 
 Michael Cloon     Sheriff of the said County, for trans- 
                   mitting and transporting them of           24 
                                                      Total  138 
                      Examined by 
                            Richard England, Clerk of the Crown. 
An Account of money paid by John King treasurer of the County of 
Dublin and his Predecessor, and to whom, for these seven years 
last past, for the transportation of felons and vagabonds pre- 
#PAGE 49 
sented by the several grand juries of the County of Dublin at his 
Majesty's Court of King's-Bench. 
Easter term 1738. To Mr. William Scriven Under-Sheriff       12 
Michaelmas term 1738. To the same                            36 
Hillary [Hilary?] term 1739. To Mr. John Cooke Under-Sheriff 30 
Trinity term 1741. To Mr. Redmond Kane Under-Sheriff         50 
Michaelmas term 1741. To the same                            50 
Hillary [Hilary?] term 1741.  To the same                    75 
Trinity term 1743. To Mr. Richard Rickison Under-Sheriff     15 
                                                      Total 268 
I Humbly certify that the above sums (and no more) were presented, 
raised and paid by me and my predecessor to the several persons 
above mentioned, at his Majesty's court of King's-Bench, for these 
seven years last past, for the transportation of felons and 
vagabonds. Dated this first day of February, 1743. 
                  John King, treasurer of the County of Dublin. 
An account of what money has been raised at the general quarter 
sessions of the peace for the County of Dublin for transporting 
of felons and vagabonds for these seven years last past. 
July Sessions 1737. For transporting John Moore, Ann Jones, 
  Mary Butterfield, Mary Dowling and Mary Hobbs, there was 
  raised by presentment and paid to Thomas Granger, Esq., 
  then High-Sheriff the sum of                              30 
October Sessions 1737. For transporting of Thomas Cahill, 
  Laughlin Bergin, William Baning, Joseph Mc. Cormick and 
  Ann Conolly there was raised by presentment and paid to 
  Terence Kerin then Under-Sheriff the sum of               25 
April Sessions 1738. For transporting Thomas Thelony, James 
  Fitzpatrick, Arthur Mc. Mullen, Thomas Tallant, Patrick 
  Dempsey, Daniel Giraghty, John Reilly and Daniel Fox 
  convicted at the commission of Oyer and Terminer, there 
  was raised by presentment and paid to Richard Rickison 
  then Under-Sheriff the sum of                             40 
October Sessions 1738. For transporting Thady Gray and 
  Ralph Venables, both convicted at the said commission, 
  there was raised by presentment and paid to William 
  Scriven then Under-Sheriff the sum of                     12 
May Sessions 1739. For transporting of Faughney Farrell and 
  Patrick Sheridan, both convicted at said commission, 
  there was raised by presentment and paid to said William 
  Scriven the sum of                                        12 
#PAGE 50 
July Sessions 1739. For transporting John Reilly and 
  Patrick Dowling, both convicted at said commission, 
  and for transmitting of prisoners, and for the expence 
  [expense?] that John Cooke then Under-Sheriff was at in 
  attending the execution of John Flanagan and others with 
  guards, there was raised by presentment and paid to said 
  Cooke the sum of twenty pounds, and as it does not appear 
  what part of said sum was raised for transporting the 
  said Reilly and Dowling, I have returned the full sum 
  raised as aforesaid                                       20 
October Sessions 1740. For transporting Daniel Clayton, 
  David Hendrick and Thomas Scarffe, there was raised by 
  presentment and paid to Robert Robinet then Under- 
  Sheriff of said County, the sum of                        18 
April Sessions 1743. For transporting Daniel Wolaghan, 
  Darby Hanlan, John Power, Edward Cawlan, Elizabeth Ryan, 
  John Mc. Guire, Hester Mc. Guire, James Mc. Guire and 
  Peter Bath, convicted at said Sessions and at the com- 
  mission of Oyer and Terminer, there was raised by 
  presentment and paid to the then Sheriff the sum of       45 
October Sessions 1742. For transporting of Thomas Murphy, 
  Catherine Byrne, Judith Freeman, otherwise Byrn, Mary 
  Anderson, Bridget Mealy, Catherine Wall, James Laughlin, 
  Felix Doyle and John Ryan, convicted at said Sessions 
  and said commission, there was raised by presentment and 
  paid to the then Sheriff the sum of                       45 
January Sessions 1742. For transporting William Flyn other- 
  wise Leathercap, David Lawler and Thomas Moran, convicted 
  at said Sessions, there was raised by presentment and 
  paid to the then Sheriff the sum of                       15 
                                                 Total 62 [262?] 
               Thomas Greene, Dep. Clk. Peace County Dublin 
An account of what money has been raised on the County of Dublin 
at the Quarter-Sessions, and to whom paid by John King treasurer 
of said County and his predecessor for these seven years last 
past, for the transportation of felons and vagabonds. 
July Sessions 1737. To Thomas Granger, Esq., High-Sheriff    30 
October Sessions 1737. To Terence Kerin, Under-Sheriff       25 
April Sessions 1738. To Mr. Richard Rickison, Under-Sheriff  40 
October Sessions 1738. To Mr. William Scriven, Under-Sheriff 12 
May Sessions 1739. To the same                               12 
July Sessions 1739. To Mr. John Cook, Under-Sheriff          10 
October Sessions 1740. To Mr. Robert Robinet, Under-Sheriff  18 
#PAGE 51 
April Sessions 1742. To Mark Synnot, Esq., High-Sheriff      45 
October Sessions 1742. To the same                           45 
January Sessions 1740. To the same                           15 
April Sessions. 1743. To the same                            15 
                                                      Total 267 
I Humbly certify that the above sums (and no more) were raised at 
the quarter-sessions of the County of Dublin, and paid by me and 
my predecessor to the several persons above mentioned, within 
these seven years last past, for the transportation of felons and 
vagabonds. Dated this first day of February, 1743. 
                                      John King, Treasurer of the 
                                             County of Dublin. 
A List of the prisoners that died in the goal[gaol?] of Newgate 
since the year 1737. 
July 25th, 1738              24th, Thomas Elmes 
Patrick Mc. Kay              28th, David Anderson 
Elizabeth Slater             March 7th, Morgan Redmond 
January 17th, James Bryan    10th Thomas Scarfe 
April 10th, 1739             April 3rd, 1741 
Philip Magennis              Bartholomew Hoare 
May 26th, John Byrn          24th, William Murphy 
June 3rd, Thomas Quin        27th, Morgan Byrn 
October 6th, Patrick Finn    May 17th, Patrick Meaghan 
October 1st, 1740            Patrick Flinn 
John Roberts                 June 19th, John Ferguson 
December 21st, Rose Ash      July 3rd, Patrick Grouty 
January 7th, Judith Lamb     Mary Byrn 
18th, Patrick Duffy          1742, Mary Ryan 
26th, Henry Keating          Jane Ryan 
February 14th, Matthew Maher Elinor Joice 
17th Ann Bray                1743, John Underwood 
The above is a true list, this second of February 1743. 
                                              Thomas Smith 
A list of transports shipped off from the year 1735 to the 
first of February 1743-4. 
4th February 1735. Delivered thirty to Isaac Kelsick on board 
the Union. 
3rd February. Delivered twenty-three to Ja. [James?] Stevenson on 
board the Bruce. 
#PAGE 52 
12th February. Delivered to Ja. [James?] Stevenson on board  the 
Bruce, two. 
23rd March. Delivered three to Thomas Manning. 
18th February 1736. Delivered to Isaac Kelsick, twenty-eight. 
30th March  Delivered to James Byrn, one. 
4th April. Delivered to Morgan Farrell, fourteen. 
20th May. Delivered to James Stevenson, two. 
11th March. Delivered to Richard Ribton, twelve. 
13th July. Delivered to George Gibson, seven. 
14th May. Delivered to James Stevenson, four. 
17th August. Delivered to Christopher Quinn, one. 
22nd February 1737. Delivered to John Martin, thirty-three. 
23rd May. Delivered to James Stevenson, nineteen on board the 
     Dublin Merchant. 
30th May. Delivered to James Stevenson on board the Dublin 
     Merchant, one. 
26th May. Delivered to Daniel Magill, fourteen on board the 
     Dublin Merchant. 
19th August. Delivered to Tho. [Thomas?] Scabrooke, ten on 
     board the brig Orange. 
22nd February 1737-8 Delivered to William Fisher, two. 
12th April 1738. Delivered to Alexander Montgomery, three. 
24th April. Delivered to Peter Cullen, four. 
28th April. Delivered to James Patten, three. 
6th May. Delivered to James Patten, five on board the Walpole. 
15th May. Delivered to Robert Harper on board the Walpole, seven. 
30th August. Delivered to John Hornby, seventeen. 
13th November. Delivered to Isaac Kelsick, twenty-five. 
5th December. Delivered to James Bonnet, one on board the 
24th March 1739. Delivered to John Maylor, six on board the snow 
24th January. Delivered to Sam Oliver on board the Antigua packet, 
18th April. Delivered to John Wright on board the Rachael of 
     Saltcoats, twenty-six. 
27th May. Delivered to Thomas Steel on board the Southwell, three. 
3rd June. Delivered to Thomas Steel on board the Southwell, eleven. 
26th June 1739. Delivered to Pat. [Patrick?] Horish on board the 
     Carthagena, six. 
4th March 1740. Delivered to Nathaniel Sears, twenty-three. 
14th July. Delivered to Pat. [Patrick?] Roe, five on board the 
     Three Friends. 
30th June 1741. Delivered to Edward Hagan, eight. 
29th June. Delivered to Edward Hagan on board the Two 
     Friends, six. 
6th July. Delivered to Edward Hagan, eleven. 
#PAGE 53 
12th August. Delivered to Jacob Willard on board the St. Andrew 
     Maryland, two. 
21st September. Delivered to William Codd on board the Southwell, 
8th February. Delivered to Elisha Johnson on board the William of 
     Rhode-Island, fifty-two. 
8th July. Delivered to Mark Talbot on board the Two Friends of 
     Dublin, six. 
11th August. Delivered to ------ on board the brigantine St. 
     Audone, ten. 
23rd March. Delivered to Richard Goodman, twenty-two. 
6th May 1740. Delivered to John Dyatt, eleven on board the 
     Batchelor of Dublin. 
5th September 1735. Delivered to Andrew Buckler on board the 
     Baltimore brigantine, twenty-two. 
2nd July 1741. Delivered to Edward Hagan, fourteen. 
22nd March 1742. Delivered to Tim Donovan on board the Whitehaven 
     Galley, twenty-six 
28th March. Delivered to William Jackson on board Whitehaven 
     Galley, four. 
26th August. Delivered to William Basnot on board the Santry, 
29th September. Delivered to James Campbell on board the Molly 
     of Whitehaven Galley, sixty-three. 
5th October. Delivered to James Campbell, eighteen. 
21st April 1743. Delivered to John Martin on board the George 
    of Dublin, forty-five. 
21st May. Delivered to William Postlethwaite, seven. 
20th August. Delivered to Banjamin Bourke, eighteen. 
9th November. Delivered to Robert Harper on board the Charming 
     Peggy, one. 
18th June. Delivered to Joseph Tyrrell on board the Richard of 
     Dublin, one. 
28th July 1738. Delivered to Richard Durham, two. 
14th April. Delivered to Thomas Robinson, two. 
15th April. Delivered to Thomas Robinson, one. 
                                                Thomas Smyth. 
In Obedience to the commands of the honourable Committee 
appointed to inspect the returns of felons and vagabonds 
ordered for transportation. 
John Hornby most humbly presents to your honours a list of 
all the felons and vagabonds, by him contracted for and 
shipped off these seven years last past, so far as he can 
possibly collect by his books and memory, viz. 
#PAGE 54 
Constant Mc. Daniel     Mary Christian     John Savage 
Saragh [Sarah?] Dungan  James Bermingham   Laughlin Murphy 
John Quinlan            John Campbell      Ralph Venables 
Doroty Ryan             Peter Cannon       Thady Flanagan 
Elenor Kelly            Patrick Connor     Thady Gray 
The above fifteen persons indented the twenty-ninth of 
August 1738, for seven years, for which the said Hornby has 
received from Mr. Alexander Carroll the City Treasurer the 
sum of thirty-nine pounds for transporting the same on 
board the Appleby for Virginia, where they were accordingly 
landed, but no certificate returned for any of them, the 
merchant not having directions to apply for such certificates, 
as said Hornby had no manner of intimation that the same were 
necessary, otherwise could easily have obtained them. 
Dublin, second of February 1743. 
                                              John Hornby. 
A List of twenty-two convicts transported on board the 
Hibernia, Nathaniel Sears, master, for Maryland in March 
1740, by Thomas Cooke, merchant, the second of February 
                                            Thomas Cooke, 
Thomas Finn      John Hill          John Bourk 
Ann Nugent       Walter Shean       Elizabeth Long 
James Donovan    Peter Cochlan      Mary Halfpenny 
Patrick Reilly   Dennis Clayton     Catherine Reilly 
Philip Williams  Christopher Hicky  Lucy Coleman 
John Layer       James Mc. Cawley   James Walsh 
Dennis Dunn      Thomas Paterson 
Henry Bryan      Patrick Cowlan     At three pounds each 
A Return of sales of twenty servants from on board the 
ship Hibernia, Nathaniel Sears, master, for account of 
Mr. Thomas Cooke, merchant in Dublin. 
Servants names      To whom sold             l. s. d. 
Thomas Finn        Nicholas George for cash  13 10  0 
Ann Nugent         Nicholas Hyland           11 10  0 
James Donovan      Peter Boyer               13 10  0 
Patrick Reilly    | 
Philip Ze Williams| 
John Layer        | 
Dennis Dunn       | 
Henry Bryan       | 
#PAGE 55 
John Hill         | 
Walter Shean      | 
Peter Cochlan     | 
Dennis Clayton    > Robert Alison 
Christopher Hicky |      at 9l. 10s. each   161 10  0 
James Mc. Cowley  | 
Thomas Paterson   | 
Patrick Cowlan    | 
John Bourk        | 
Elizabeth Long    | 
Mary Halfpenny    | 
Catherine Reilly  | 
Lucy Coleman      > Sold by Daniel Dulanse 
James Walsh       > Esq., Maryland 
                                  Total L.  200 00 00 
                    Philadelphia, February 25th 1741. 
                               Davey and Carsan. 
In the ship Santry of Dublin, William Basnet, commander, 
were imported the following convicts. 
Mary Howard         Bridget Clark        John Ryan 
Judith Freeman      Mary Hutchinson      John Mc. Har 
Mary Burn           Mary Martin          John Reynolds 
Elenor Hutchinson   Catherine Wael       James Lyon 
Margaret Hored      Bridget Mealy        James Quin 
Catherine Johnson   Patrick Kenny        Walter Murphy 
Marget Johnson      Thomas Nudham        Patrick Carpenter 
Susannah  Bourk     Peter Fitzpatrick    Christopher Smith 
Mary Roach          John Nowlan          Roger Sweeney 
Eleanor Burrows     Dennis Doyle         John Clark 
Catherine Doyle     Nicholas Furlon      James Newman 
Jane Ball           Patrick Kinshella    Robert Bryan 
Mary Maguire        Laughlin Curry       John Jones 
Alice Usher         Thomas Lynch         Edward Ivory 
Margaret Cary       Darby Kelly          Thomas Goodman 
Sarah Donelly       Thomas Roony         Lewis Murphy 
Mary Stone          John Roony           Terence Murphy 
William Dulany      John Sherlock        Richard Kenim 
Andrew Kewing       Michael Hagall       George Osburn 
Foelix Doyle        Edward Toole         John Doyle 
John Condrum        Joseph Erwin         Bryan Doran 
William Desbrit     Terence Reilly       John Kelly 
Thomas Murphy       Thomas Fleming       William Lynch 
#PAGE 56 
Roger Carney        John Bannam 
Patrick Grace       Henry Fitzwilliams 
Port Anapolis   These are to certify that the above persons 
 in Maryland.   were here imported as aforesaid the fifth 
                day of November 1742, and that the same 
persons being called over, did severally answer to their 
names. Given under my hand and seal this tenth day of 
January in the seventeenth year of the reign of our sovereign 
Lord King GEORGE the second, King of Great Britain, France 
and Ireland, &c. Annoq. Dom. 1742. 
                               Benjamin Tasker, naval officer. 
An account of what money was received by Redmond Kane for 
transporting felons and vagabonds, with a list of such felons 
and vagabonds for seven years last past, and the names of the 
merchants by whom they were transported. 
Trinity 1741, received                                    50 
Michaelmas 1741, received                                 50 
Hillary [Hilary?] 1741, received                          75 
                                                   Total  175 
                  The persons transported 
Trinity 1741. William Murphy, John Hill, Edward Graham, John 
Gogarty, John Redmond, Bryan Mc. Atire, James Walsh, Thomas 
Hoey, John Dormon, Francis Neal. 
Michaelmas 1741. Mary Maguire, Mary Lawler, John Howard, 
Edward Wilson, William Shortley, Catherine Delany, Owen Murphy, 
Thomas Ryder, Hugh Reily, Mary Cologan. 
Hilary 1741. Peter Reilly, Teresa Dignam, Elizbeth Hyland, 
Thomas Kearnan, Patrick Kilkelly, Patrick Johnson, Matthew 
Tearnan, Sarah Ryan, John Gagarty, William Cane, Walter Hughs, 
Rachel Everston, John Carroll, John Farrell and George Forster. 
Mr. Thomas Cooke, Mr. Samuel Lyons, Mr. Bird and Mr. Joseph Weld. 
                              This is the return of Redmond Kane. 
An account of all money by me received by virtue of any present- 
ments of the grand juries of the County of Dublin for these seven 
years last past, for transporting any convict felons and 
vagabonds, with the account of such convict felons and vagabonds, 
as also an account of what sums of money I have received by virtue 
#PAGE 57 
of any presentments of the grand juries of the said County during 
the said time, as High-sheriff, and for what purpose. 
                                                        l. s. d. 
April 1742    For transporting Daniel Wholaghan, Darby 
              Hanlan, John Power, Edward Caulan, 
              Elizabeth Ryan, John Maguire, Esther 
              Maguire, James Maguire and Peter Bath     45  0  0 
Same felons   For erecting a gallows at Kilmainham       2  7  6 
October 1742  For transprting Thomas Murphy, 
              Catherine Byrn, Judith Freeman otherwise 
              Byrn, Mary Anderson, Bridget Maley, 
              Catherine Wall, James Laughlin, Foelix 
              Doyle and John Ryan                       45  0  0 
January 1742  For transporting William Flinn otherwise 
              Leathercap, David Lawler and Thomas 
              Moran.                                    15  0 0 
April 1743    For transporting Mary Gorman, Patrick 
              Carroll and Daniel Hughs                  15  0  0 
                                                Total  122  7  6 
           Dated this fourth day of February 1743. 
                           Mark Synnot, late High Sheriff of the 
                                     County of Dublin. 
An account of what presentments were granted by the grand jury of 
the County of Dublin at the sessions of Kilmainham for transport- 
ing of felons and vagabonds since the fourteenth of July 1737, 
and paid to Richard Rickison the Under-sheriff to April 1738. 
14th July 1737 For transporting John Moore, Ann Jones, Mary 
               Butterfield, Mary Dowling and Mary Hobbs, 
               bound to James Stephenson, Esq., put on board 
               the Dublin, but can't tell the master's name   30 
April 1738     For transporting Thomas Tholmey, James 
               Fitzpatrick, Arthur Mc. Mullen, Thomas 
               Tallant, Patrick Dempsey, Daniel Girraghty, 
               John Reilly and Daniel Fox, Captain Martin, 
               merchant, but can't tell the master or ship's 
               name                                           40 
An account of what felons and vagabonds were transported from the 
commission of Oyer and Terminer for the County of Dublin, for the 
year 1743 by Richard Rickison, Under-sheriff, and presented by 
the grand jury. 
#PAGE 58 
Trinity 1743   For transporting Daniel Dolan, Patrick Byrne 
               and James Delany, Charles Weld, merchant, put 
               board the George of Dublin, but can't tell 
               the master's name                              15 
October 1743   For transporting Patrick Purcell and Joan 
               Barefoot from the commission in the ship the 
               Charming Peggy, John Cossart, merchant, Robert 
               Harper, master, the money presented but not 
               raised by the County                           10 
                                                        Total 95 
                                                Richard Rickison 
A List of prisoners that died in Newgate from the eighth day of 
October 1737, to the first day of February 1743. 
1738 July 25th  Patrick Mc. Kay 1742           Jane Ryan 
January 17th    James Bryan                    John Underwood 
1739 April 10th Philip Magennis 1742 July 25th Elizabeth Slator 
May 26th        John Byrn       September 18th Elizabeth Brooks 
June 3rd        Thomas Quin     1740 
October 6th     Patrick Finn    October 3rd    John Roberts 
1740                            December 22nd  Rose Ash 
January 18th    Patrick Duffey  January 9th    Judith Lamb 
26th            Henry Keating   February 28th  David Henderson 
February 14th   Matthew Maher                  to be 
17th            Ann Bray                       transported 
24th            Thomas Elmes    1741 9th [?]   Neal Duffey 
March 7th       Morgan Redmond  Same           Jane Ryan 
10th            Thomas Scarffe  March 2nd      Elizabeth Long 
April 24th      William Murphy  April 3rd      Bartholomew Hore 
27th            Morgan Byrn     May 12th       Philip Meaghan 
June 19th       John Ferguson   28th           Patrick Flynn 
July 3rd        Patrick Groudy  July 3rd       Thomas Harahane 
                Mary Byrn                      to be 
                Mary Ryan                      transported 
                                February 2nd   Elenor Joyce 
                                       I have the inquisitions 
                                         David Tew, Coroner. 
A List of inquests held in Newgate on prisoners from May 
the third 1737. 
1737 May 3rd   Mary Coffee     August 21st    John Mullegan to 
1739 June 8th  James Hannage                  be transported 
               to be           September 7th  Michael Mara to 
#PAGE 59 
               transported                    be transported 
October 5th    Patrick Flinn   January 7th    Richard Page 
               to be           29th           Patrick Carroll 
               transported     February 22nd  Mary Ryan 
1741 June 29th Thady Fergusan  1743 June 17th Thomas Newell 
July 16th      Mary Byrne to   December 17th  John Underwood 
               be transported 
21st           Honora Mc. 
               Nally to be 
                                     William Walker, Coroner. 
An account of what money has been presented in the County of 
the City of Dublin for transporting convict felons and 
vagabonds for seven years last past, and to whom paid. 
                                                    l. s. d. 
1737, Midsummer sessions To James Stephenson, Esq.  63  0  0 
      Michaelmas sessions   Isaac Kelsick          102  0  0 
      Christmas sessions    John Martin             75  0  0 
                            Joseph Weld             21  0  0 
1738, Easter sessions       Thomas Robinson          3  0  0 
                            William Tiffin           6  0  0 
                            Peter Cullen            12  0  0 
                            Alexander Montgomery    15  0  0 
      Michaelmas sessions   Richard Durham           6  0  0 
1739, Midsummer sessions    Joseph Weld            111  0  0 
                            Samuel Horner            3  0  0 
                            Isaac Kelsick           33  0  0 
                            Joseph Hornby           39  0  0 
1740, Midsummer sessions    Joseph Weld             45  0  0 
                            Samuel Lyons            60  0  0 
                            Thomas Steel            15  0  0 
      Christmas sessions    Thomas Cooke            63  0  0 
1741, Midsummer sessions    Samuel Lyons and Oliver 
                            Bird                    69  0  0 
                            Walter Codd             27  0  0 
                            Jacob Willard           27  0  0 
      Christmas sessions    Joseph Weld             90  0  0 
                            Richard Goodman         54  0  0 
1742, Midsummer sessions    John Langley   96  0  0 | 
      Michaelmas sessions   James Campbell 48  0  0 | These 
      Easter sessions       John Martin    48  0  0 | sums not 
1743, Midsummer sessions    John Langley   21  0  0 > as yet 
      Michaelmas sessions   John Langley    6  0  0 | collected 
                            Robert Harper   3  0  0 | 
                                   Total 1161  0  0 
#PAGE 60 
1743, February 4th 
                       Alexander Carroll, treasurer of the 
                    publick [public?] money Co. City of Dublin. 
An account of all sums of money that have been presented in the 
County of Dublin, and paid to High-sheriffs or Sub-sheriffs for 
these seven years last past, and for what particular services, 
over and above the particular sums presented to be paid to them 
for transporting felons and vagabonds. 
                                                       l. s. d. 
April Sessions 1737, To Mr. Richard Rickison, Sub- 
  sheriff for transmitting prisoners, quelling riots, 
  for bolts for the use of the goal [gaol?], and money 
  expended on the guards in pillorying William 
  Banning                                             20  0  0 
Easter term 1737, to the same, for quelling a great 
  and dangerous mobb [mob?], who for several Sundays 
  and holy days riotously assembled on the commons of 
  Kilmainham, and there and in other parts adjoining 
  committed great affrays, and for apprehending, 
  prosecuting and convicting John Berren, one of the 
  rioters, and for his expenses in whipping Archibald 
  Kerby and John Mc. Cormuck in Swords.               30  0  0 
July Sessions 1737, to the same, for the maintenance 
  of five persons in custody from the eleventh of 
  March to the twenty-eighth of April, at two pence 
  per day.                                             2  0  0 
April Sessions 1738, to Mr. William Scriven, Sub- 
  sheriff, for quelling riots in the several parts 
  of the County, and for bolts and shackles for the 
  use of the goal [gaol?]                             20  0  0 
October Sessions 1738, to the same, for transmitting 
  prisoners, and for money laid out for the use of 
  the County                                          30  0  0 
May Sessions 1739, to Mr. John Cooke, Sub-sheriff, 
  for quelling riots, and for money laid out for the 
  use of the County                                   30  0  0 
July Sessions 1739, to the same, for transmitting 
  prisoners, and for the expence [expense?] he was 
  at in attending the execution of John Flannigan, 
  Nicholas Ball and Daniel Neal with guards           10  0  0 
October Sessions 1739, to the same for providing 
  bolts and shackles for the use of the goal [gaol?], 
  and for transmitting prisoners                      20  0  0 
January Sessions 1739, to the same, for quelling 
  several riots on the Lord's Day in several parts 
  of the County, and raising a guard for the same     20  0  0 
#PAGE 61 
July Sessions 1740, to Mr. Robert Robinet, Sub- 
  sheriff, for his care and trouble in apprehending 
  and bringing in several persons on the process, 
  who had not accounted for the publick [public?] 
  money, as also for quelling several routs and riots 
  in several parts of the County                      20  0  0 
October Sessions 1740, to the same, as a gratuity and 
  reward for his diligent and faithful discharge of 
  his office in executing the King's process against 
  all persons, who detained the publick [public?] 
  money, and for his great care, trouble and expence 
  [expense?] in preserving the publick [public?] 
  peace                                               20  0  0 
January Sessions 1740, to the same, as a recompence 
  [recompense?] for his diligence and expence 
  [expense?] in executing the process and bringing to 
  justice several high-constables and others, who 
  detained the publick [public?] money, and also for 
  executing several orders issued from the Government 
  with great integrity, and particularly an order of 
  late for inspecting and computing the corn of this 
  County and the species thereof, and returning a 
  faithful account thereof to the Government, and also 
  for discharging and setting at liberty great numbers 
  of poor prisoners without fees for one year past, 
  being a time of great rigour and calamity.         20  0  0 
July Sessions 1741, to Mr. Redmond Kane, Sub- 
  sheriff, for his great care, expence [expense?] 
  and trouble in suppressing riots in different 
  parts of the County, and for apprehending and 
  bringing in several persons on the process, who had 
  not accounted for the publick [public?] money, and 
  for transmitting prisoners, and for discharging 
  several poor prisoners without fees, who were 
  tryed [tried?] for different offences in this 
  County                                            20  0  0 
October Sessions 1741, to the same, for his care 
  in suppressing riots, discharging a great number 
  of poor prisoners without fees, and executing the 
  process against the high and petty constables 
  and other persons for the publick [public?] money 30  0  0 
January Sessions 1741, to the same, for his trouble 
  and expences [expenses?] in prosecuting, convict- 
  ing and executing several murderers at the 
 commission of Oyer and Terminer, and for 
  exonerating several inhabitants of the County of 
  fines payable by them on the green wax process, 
#PAGE 62 
  and for discharging a great number of prisoners 
  without fees                                     20  0  0 
April Sessions 1742, to Mark Synnot, Esq., High- 
  sheriff, for erecting a gallows                   2  7  6 
April Sessions 1743, to Mr. Richard Rickison, Sub- 
  sheriff, for his great service in quelling 
  several mobbs [mobs?] and riots in several parts 
  of the County                                    50  0  0 
Easter term 1743, to the same, for his expences 
  [expenses?] in erecting a pillory in New-market 
  and pillorying Robert Brady, he having several 
  men in arms to suppress the mobb [mob?], and for 
  whipping John Bourke, William Hoey, Edmond 
  Dogherty, and Mary Carrick in several parts of 
  the County                                       20  0  0 
July Sections 1743, to the same, for money by him 
  expended in repairing the chairs and tables in 
  the Justices and Judges rooms, and for iron work 
  and other services by him done for the use of 
  the County                                       22 15  0 
October Sessions 1743, to the same, for his good 
  attendance in suppressing riots and mobbs 
  [mobs?] in the County of Dublin, and especially 
  at the commons of Kilmainham and Dolphin's-barn, 
  and having men in arms, and endangering his 
  life in doing the same                           30  0  0 
January Sessions 1743, to the same, for his 
  trouble and expences [expenses?] in executing 
  Hugh Condron, and for whipping several prisoners 
  who were tryed [tried?] in said County, and for 
  slating the Session-house, Judges room and the 
  whole goal [gaol?], and all other necessaries 
  that were wanting in said goal [gaol?]           50  0  0 
Michaelmas term 1743, to the same, for his 
  extraordinary expence [expense?] and trouble in 
  pulling down the booths and tents on Gallows- 
  Hill and Stoney Batter, and suppressing the 
  riots at said places                             10  0  0 
The two last sums now collecting,                 --------- 
     dated February 4th, 1743.                    497  2  6 
               John King, Treasurer of the County of Dublin. 
An account of what money I received by presentment of the 
grand juries of the County of Dublin for transporting felons 
and other services. 
#PAGE 63 
Trinity term, 1739. For transporting John Reilly and 
  Patrick Dowling                                        10 
Hillary  [Hilary?] term. For transporting Philip 
  Magennis, John Reilly, Patrick Dowling, Mary Lawless 
  and Hugh Glascoe                                       30 
May Sessions. For quelling several riots, and for money 
  laid out for the use of the County                     30 
July Sessions. For transmitting of prisoners, for the 
  expences [expenses?] I was at attending the execution 
  of John Flanigan, Nicholas Ball and Daniel Neal with 
  guards                                                 10 
October Sessions. For providing bolts and shackles for 
  the use of the goal [gaol?] and for transmitting 
  prisoners                                              20 
January Sessions. For quelling several riots on the 
  Lord's Day in several parts of the County, and for 
  raising a guard for the same                           20 
                                                  Total 120 
                                                John Cooke. 
A List of felons and vagabonds shipped on board the 
Revolution, John Wright, commander, bound from Dublin to 
Delaware bay in America, September 1743. 
                                                      l.  s. 
From Trim 
 John Cardiffe        | 
 Patrick Maguire      | 
 Henry Finnigan       | For the transporting received 
From Mullingar        > by Sam. [Samuel?] Bathes ____ 12  0 
 Philip Magawley      | 
 James Gordon         | 
 John Grivey          | 
From Carlow 
 Edmond Cavenagh      For the transporting received   3  0 
From Wicklow 
 Joan Mc. Nemara      For the transporting received   2 10 
For the City of Dublin 
 Margaret Dillon      | For the transporting received a pre- 
 Mary Drury           > sentment for six pounds, no part of 
                      | which has been yet paid. 
                                              John Langley. 
A List of felons and vagabonds shipped on board the Sarah, 
Richard Berrell, commander, bound from Dublin to Delaware 
bay in America, August 1743. 
#PAGE 64 
From the County of Wicklow 
 Michael Doyle         | 
 Elizabeth Dunn        > For the transporting received  7 10 
 Margaret Nowland      | 
 alias Margaret Lennon | 
From the Queen's County 
 Dennis Ryan           | 
 Joan Butler           > For the transporting received 10  0 
 Patrick Moore         | 
 Roger Gormill         | 
From the County of Cavan 
 Isaac Burn            > 
 Arthur Burn           > For the transporting received  5  0 
From the King's County 
 Laurence hand           For the transporting received  3  0 
From the County of Longford 
 Henry Hyland            For the transporting received  ?  ? 
From the City of Dublin 
 Laurence Langen       | 
 Catherine Burn        | 
 Dominick Hogan        | For the transporting received a 
 Winifred Linton       > presentment for twenty-one pounds, 
 William Kennedy       | no part of which has yet been paid. 
 Patrick Smith         | 
 Edward Dogherty       | 
                                                John Langley. 
A List of felons and vagabonds shipped on board the 
Santry, William Bassnet, commander, bound from Dublin to 
Maryland in America, in 1742 by John Langley and Co. 
                                                     l. s. d. 
From the County of Carlow 
 Thomas Fleming    | 
 Bryan Doran       | 
 William Linchy    | 
 Edmond Evory      | 
 John Kealy        > For the transporting received   27  9 11 
 Dennis Doyle      | 
 Peter Fitzpatrick | 
 Edmond Toole      | 
 John Nowland      | 
 Terence Reilly    | 
From Wicklow 
 Henry Fitzwilliams| 
 John Doyle        | 
 Terence Murphy    | 
 Loughlin Keary    | 
#PAGE 65 
 John Reynolds     > For the transporting received  30  0  0 
 Sarah Donelly     | 
 George Ashburn    | 
 Walter Murphy     | 
 Lewis Murphy      | 
 Richard Kerivan   | 
From the Queen's County 
 John Couran alias | 
 Donald            | 
 William Donald    | 
 alias Despard     | 
 Patrick Grace     | 
 Michael Hogan     > For the transporting received  27  0  0 
 Roger Carney      | 
 William Delany    | 
 Thomas Goodwin    | 
 Darby Kelly       | 
 John Sherlock     | 
From the County of Kildare 
 Patrick Kinshelagh| 
 Mary Burne        > For the transporting received   9  0  0 
 Owen Slattery     | 
From the County of Longford 
 Thomas Needham    > 
 Patrick Kenny     > For the transporting received   2  0  0 
From the County of Dublin 
 John Ryan         | 
 Foelix Doyle      | 
 James Loughlin    | 
 Catherine Wale    | 
 Bridget Maley     > For the transporting received  27  0  0 
 Mary Anderson     | 
 Judith Freeman    | 
 Catherine Burn    | 
 Thomas Murphy     | 
From the City of Dublin 
 John Magher       | 
 John Jones        | 
 James Newham      | 
 Nicholas Furlong  | 
 Christopher Smith | 
 Jane Ball         | 
 Bridget Clark     | 
 Mary Haydon       | 
 Alice Tresom      | 
 Mary Hutchison    | 
 Elinor Hutchison  | 
#PAGE 66 
Mary Maguire      | 
 Catherine Johnson | For the transporting these 
 Margaret Johnson  | and the following three, 
 Mary Roache       > received a presentment for 
 Ann Keary         | ninety-six pounds, no part of 
 Margaret Hand     | which is yet paid             96  0  0 
 Mary Martin       | 
 Patrick Carpenter | 
 Thomas Rooney     | 
 John Rooney       | 
 James Lynagh      | 
 Mary Stoner       | 
 Susanna Burke     | 
 Catherine Doyle   | 
 Andrew Kerewine   | 
 John Bannon       | 
 John Clark        | 
 Roger Sweeney     | 
 Ellenor Burrows   | 
 James Quin        > Landing, for which certificate is 
 Robert o'Brien    | returned. 
                                             John Langley. 
  Upon the whole, your Committee beg leave to observe, that 
as these returns from the several Clerks of the Crown in 
this kingdom, were moved for on the tenth day of 
November last past, and that the last of these returns were 
not brought in and laid before the House till the first day 
of this instant February, they have not had it in their 
power, (from the shortness of time) to prosecute this 
inquiry in the manner the nature thereof merited and 
required, whereby many and great frauds and abuses of the 
laws now in force, for transporting of convict felons and 
vagabonds, might have properly been detected and made 
known to the publick [public?], nevertheless upon what 
has appeared to the Committee relative to the County of 
the City of Dublin and County of Dublin, in the progress 
of their inquiry and inspection of said returns, the 
Committee on re-considering their said report, came to 
the following resolutions. 
  Resolved, that it appears to this Committee by the 
returns made to the House, that the number of convict 
felons and vagabonds, ordered for transportation these 
seven years last past, amounts to one thousand, nine 
hundred and twenty persons. 
#PAGE 67 
  Resolved, that it appears to this Committee by the 
returns made to the House, that the sum of eight 
thousand four hundred and twenty-eight pounds five 
shillings and five-pence sterling hath been presented 
and raised off the several Counties in this kingdom 
these seven years last past, for transporting convict 
felons and vagabonds. 
  Ordered, that the said report, be printed; and that Mr. 
Speaker do appoint the printing thereof, and that no 
person, but such as he shall appoint, do presume to 
print the same. 
Journals of the Irish House of Commons 

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