Ulster AncestryUlster Ancestry


The list of passengers who intend going to New York on the ship AMERICAN, 340 tons burthen, Alexander Thompson, master, sworn at Londonderry, 9 April 1803.

Andw. Brander			labourer		Fermanagh

Catherine Carr		21    	spinster		Petigo

Dennis Carr		22    	labourer		Petigo

John Coulter		23    	labourer		Petigo

Hugh Devarney		26    	labourer		Monaghan

Ann Devine		25    	spinster		Monaghan

Bryan Devine		28    	labourer		Monaghan

Robert Fitzpatrick		labourer		Fermanagh

L. Jenkins			labourer		Fermanagh

Arthur Johnston	   		farmer			Donegal

Mary Johnston			spinster		Donegal

David Kerr	  	28 	farmer			Donegal

Hannah Kerr	 	25    	spinster		Donegal

John Longhead			labourer		Donegal

R. Longhead		  	spinster		Donegal

Robt. Longhead	    		labourer		Donegal

Thomas Longhead	   		labourer		Donegal

Thomas Longhead     	28    	labourer		Donegal

James McCafferty	  		labourer		Fermanagh

James McCrea		20    	labourer		Ballantra

John McCrea	 	25    	labourer		Ballantra

Patk. McGeragh		22    	farmer			Donegal

Mary McGinn	 	22    	spinster		Cavan

Thos. McGinn		27    	labourer		Cavan

Alex McKee	  	27    	farmer			Donegal

Fanny McKee	 	26    	spinster		Donegal

Patrick McMullen    	29    	labourer		Donegal

Mary McSurgan	 	26    	spinster		Cavan

Thomas McSurgan     	26    	labourer		Cavan

L. Miller		 		labourer		Fermanagh

James Murphy		27    	labourer		Cavan

Thomas Murphy	 	23    	labourer		Cavan

Henry O'Neil		17    	labourer		Drunguin

Jane O'Neil	 	23    	spinster		Drunguin

Mark O'Neil	 	25    	labourer		Drunguin

Barbara Spence		24    	spinster		Ballantra

Catherine Spence    	23    	spinster		Ballantra

Robert Stinson	    		labourer		Fermanagh

Elinor Taylor			spinster		Sligo

Mary Taylor		  	spinster		Sligo

William Taylor	    		labourer		Sligo

Alexander Thompson  	21    	farmer			Fermanagh

James Tremble	 	26    	farmer			Donegal

Ann Virtue	  	25    	spinster		Donegal

Robert Virtue	 	22    	farmer			Donegal

John Ward		 		labourer		Fermanagh

Ann Whiteside			spinster		Donegal

John Whiteside	    		labourer		Donegal

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