Ulster AncestryUlster Ancestry


A list of passengers who intend going to New York in the ship CORNELIA of Portland, sworn at Londonderry, 15 April 1803.

Archibald Armstrong	18	farmer

Isabella Beatty	  	22	spinster

John Beatty	      	28	farmer

Rebecca Beatty	   	21	spinster

Stephen Beatty	    	 2	a child

Edwd. Brown	      	20	labourer

Manus Brown	      	19	labourer

Wm. Brown			20	labourer

Eliz Bruce	       	26	spinster

Jane Caldwell	    	20	spinster

Patrick Caldwell	 	25	labourer

William Coldhoune		30	labourer

Patrick Collin	   	22	labourer

Catherine Donnelly	 4	a child

Hugh Donnelly	    	32	labourer

Mary Donnelly	    	28	spinster

Chas. Dougherty	  	23	labourer

Cons. Dougherty	  	20	labourer

John Forster	     	24	labourer

John Gallougher	  	22	labourer

Charles Harper	   	35	farmer

James Harper	      	 7	labourer

Jane Harper	      	24	spinster

Robert Harper	    	30	farmer

David Henderson	  	20	labourer

John Kelly	       	24	labourer

Hugh Kennen	         3	a child

Hugh Kennen	      	51	labourer

James King	       	25	farmer

John Lenox	       	30	farmer

Jane Leonard	     	20	spinster

Robert Leonard	   	22	labourer

Andrew Little	    	35	labourer

Eliza Little	      	 4	a child

Jane Little	      	21	spinster

Jane Little	      	26	spinster

John Little	      	12	labourer

William Little	    	 6	a child

Jane LIttle	       	 2	a child

Margaret LIttle	   	 9	spinster

Hugh McAvery	     	24	farmer

Jane McAvery	      	 1	child

Jane McAvery	     	30	spinster

James McCann	     	25	labourer

Fanny McCarron	    	 3	a child

James McCarron	   	29	farmer

Jane McCarron	    	29	spinster

John McCarron	     	 5	labourer

Catherine McDonagh       	50	spinster

Catherine McDonagh       	50	spinster

Hugh McDonagh	    	13	farmer

James McDonagh	   	13	farmer

Richard McDonagh	 	11	farmer

Thomas McDonagh	   	 2	a child

Thos. McDonagh	   	50	farmer

Judith McIver	    	19	spinster

Mary McIver	      	17	spinster

Shane McIver	     	25	farmer

Thomas McKennen	   	 3	a child

John McQuoid	     	20	labourer

James Muldoon	    	24	labourer

James Neilson	     	 3	a child

Mary Neilson	     	25	spinster

Simon Neilson	    	25	labourer

Anthony O'Donnell		19	labourer

Catherine Rodgers		30	spinster

James Tracy	      	30	farmer

Margaret Tracy	    	 2	a child

Rose Tracy	       	32	spinster

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