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Londonderry, Ireland to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
8 July 1836.
Report and List of the Passengers taken on board the Ship Emmanuel
of North Shields whereof John Dearness is Master, burthen 424 tons,
bound from the Port of Londonderry for Philadelphia.
Sworn to before me, this eighth day of July 1836. So help me God.
John Dearness.
Witness :John Taney, Collector.
Columns represent: Name; age; sex; occupation, trade or profession;
Country to which they severally belong; Country of which they intend
to become inhabitants
1 Thomas Burns 23 Male Farmer Londonderry Philadelphia 3 bags, 1 Bbl
2 Jane Burns 20 Female Spinster Londonderry Philadelphia
3 Michael Hutton 21 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia 1 Blt 3 ch 2 Boa
4* Mary Gibbin 20 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
5 James Ward 20 Male Farmer Londonderry Philadelphia
6 Patrick McMonigle 22 Male Farmer Donegal Philadelphia
7 Samuel Curry 24 Male Clothier Londonderry Philadelphia
8 Patrick Regan 25 Male Weaver Tyrone Philadelphia 3 ch 3 Bbl
9 Hugh Griffin 23 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia
10 Margaret Bunting 17 Female Samester Donegal Philadelphia
11* John Griffin 20 Male Tailor Donegal Philadelphia
12 Alex^r Campbell 40 Male Farmer Donegal Philadelphia
13* Michial Campbell 12 Male No occupation Donegal Philadelphia
14 William Campbell 10 Male No occupation Donegal Philadelphia
15 Alex Campbell 8 Male No occupation Donegal Philadelphia 1 ch 3 ba 2 Bbl
16 George Loury 26 Male Farmer Fermanagh Philadelphia 5 ch 3 bags
17* Stewart Gibson 26 Male Farmer Londonderry Philadelphia 3 ch 2 Bbs 13 Bbl
18 Nancy Gibson 21 Female Spinster Londonderry Philadelphia
19* Thomas Gibson 1 Male No occupation Londonderry Philadelphia 5 ch 3 Box 3 bbl
20 Henry Gibson 22 Male Farmer Londonderry Philadelphia
21 Robert Hunter 14 Male Clerk Fromanaugh Philadelphia 3 ch 3 B 2 bb
22 Margaret Campbell 42 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia 4 ch 1 Box 3 Bb
23 Isabella Campbell 16 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
24* Martha Campbell 14 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
25 Margaret Campbell 5 Female No occupation Donegal Philadelphia
26 Samuel Campbell 2 Male No occupation Donegal Philadelphia
27 Eliza McCloskey 27 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
28 Bernard McCloskey 30 Male Farmer Donegal Philadelphia 4 ch 2 bo 2 Bagg
29 Catherine Gallagher 18 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
30 John Colhoun 18 Male Butler Donegal Philadelphia
31 John McDermott 21 Male Mason Donegal Philadelphia
32 John Dougherty 18 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia
33 Biddy Sherege 30 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
34* Sally McGilligan 26 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
35 Neal Coyle 4 Male No occupation Donegal Philadelphia
36 Patrick Coyle 34 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia
37 Grace Coyle 2 Female No occupation Donegal Philadelphia
38* Mary McGitigan 18 Female Samister Donegal Philadelphia
39 Rose Callaghan 18 Female Weaver Donegal Philadelphia
40 Neal Coyle 21 Male Joiner Donegal Philadelphia 6 Box, 2 bbs
41 James Sweeney 19 Male Sawer Donegal Philadelphia
42* Hugh McGitigan 20 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia
43* Michial Kerr 20 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia 5 ch, 4 Box, 3 bb
44 James Aiken 16 Male Clerk Donegal Philadelphia
45 Samuel Bail 19 Male Carpenter Donegal Philadelphia
46* Ezekiel Starret 20 Male Weaver Donegal Philadelphia
47 Joseph Fisher 18 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia 4 ch 3 Bbl
48 John Stewart 24 Male Weaver Donegal Philadelphia
49 James Baird 20 Male Weaver Donegal Philadelphia 1 ch 1 Box 2 Bag
50 John Rabb 23 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia
51 William Craig 25 Male Weaver Tyrone Philadelphia
52 John McConaghey 20 Male Sawer Donegal Philadelphia 3 ch 5 Box 3 Bb
53 Henry Jack 17 Male Labourer Tyrone Philadelphia
54 Sarah Smith 23 Female Samester Tyrone Philadelphia
55 Samuel Smith 22 Male Laborer Tyrone Philadelphia 3 ch 3 Box 3 Bb
56 David Jack 22 Male Labourer Tyrone Philadelphia
57* Ann Friel 17 Female Samester Donegal Philadelphia 3 Box 1 Bbl
58 Eliza Biers 23 Female Samester Donegal Philadelphia
59 Margaret McMorrow 40 Female Spinster Tyrone Philadelphia
60* Michail McMorrow 8 Male No occupation Tyrone Philadelphia
61 Hugh McMorrow 6 Male No occupation Tyrone Philadelphia
62 James McCruddin 32 Male Farmer Donegal Philadelphia 3 ch 3 B?? 1 Bag
63 Eleanor McCrudden 31 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
64 Nancy McCrudden 2 Female No occupation Donegal Philadelphia
65 Biddy McCrudden 5 mo. Female No occupation Donegal Philadelphia
66* Margret Harroran 25 Female Servant Donegal Philadelphia
67* Mary Gilloway 21 Female Servant Donegal Philadelphia
68* John McGintey 20 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia 3 ch 2 Box 3 Bl
69 James Boner 20 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia
70 Robert Coyle 30 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia
71 Robert Barr 20 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia 3 ch 2 Bbl 2 Box
72 William McClain 19 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia
73 John Burns 20 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia
74 Sally Hagarty 20 Female Spinster Londonderry Philadelphia 5 ch 3 Boxes 1 Bb
75* Maryann Hagarty 40 Female Spinster Londonderry Philadelphia
76* Ellenor Hagarty 60 Female Spinster Londonderry Philadelphia
77* Ellinor Hagarty 30 Female Spinster Londonderry Philadelphia
78 Mary McCormack 23 Female Spinster Londonderry Philadelphia
79 Isabella McCormack 2 Female No occupation Londonderry Philadelphia
80 James Hagarty 76 Male Farmer Londonderry Philadelphia
81 Henry Hagarty 27 Male Labourer Londonderry Philadelphia
82 Thomas Hagarty 23 Male Labourer Londonderry Philadelphia
83 Bernard Divine 18 Male Labourer Londonderry Philadelphia
84 Patrick Kane 20 Male Labourer Londonderry Philadelphia
85* Rachel Gelleland 25 Female Spinster Londonderry Philadelphia 3 ch 4 Box 2 Bb
86* Susana Gelleland 3 Female No occupation Londonderry Philadelphia
87* William Gelleland 26 Male Labourer Londonderry Philadelphia
88 Bridget Sweeney 34 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
89 Unity Duffy 21 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia 1 ch 2 Box 3 Bb
90 James Kerr 17 Male Carpenter Donegal Philadelphia
91 Edward Friel 20 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia 6 Box 1 Ba 1 Bou
92* Patrick Caulfield 25 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia
93* Brine Duffy 19 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia
94* Michial Kelly 19 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia
95* Thomas Huston 22 Male Carpenter Tyrone Philadelphia
96 James Gallagher 15 Male Servant Tyrone Philadelphia
97 Cornelius Kenedy 24 Male Mason Donegal Philadelphia
98* Owen Ruose 20 Male Weaver Donegal Philadelphia
99 Dennis McCarron 25 Male Weaver Donegal Philadelphia
100 Matthew Gallagher 19 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia
101 George Stewart 38 Male Weaver Donegal Philadelphia
102 Patrick McCullough 21 Male Shoemaker Donegal Philadelphia
103 Patrick Gallagher 50 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia 5 Box 2 ch 3 Bbl
104 Martha Gallagher 45 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
105* Maryann Gallagher 8 Female No occupation Donegal Philadelphia
106 Jane Gallagher 20 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
107 Peggy Gallagher 16 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
108 Hanna Gallagher 6 Female No occupation Donegal Philadelphia
109 Valentine Gallagher 4 Male No occupation Donegal Philadelphia
110 Mary McCoach 20 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
111* Cornelius Kenedy 61 Male Mason Donegal Philadelphia 3 ch 4 Box
112 Isabella Kenedy 58 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
113* Isabella Kenedy 18 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
114 Cornelius Kenedy 17 Male Mason Donegal Philadelphia
115 James Kenedy 14 Male No occupation Donegal Philadelphia
116 Nicholas Kenedy 11 Male No occupation Donegal Philadelphia
117 John Matson 22 Male Boot Maker Donegal Philadelphia 3 ch 6 Box 2 Bo
118 Mary Matson 21 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
119 Nancy Lynch 21 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
120 John McDonnel 21 Male Labourer Tyrone Philadelphia
121 Nancy McDonnel 24 Female Spinster Tyrone Philadelphia
122 Mark Campbell 40 Male Labourer Tyrone Philadelphia 2 ch 1 trunk2 Ba
123 Sarah Campbell 30 Female Spinster Tyrone Philadelphia
124 Mark Campbell 11 Male No occupation Tyrone Philadelphia
125 Daniel Campbell 9 Male No occupation Tyrone Philadelphia
126 Isabella Campbell 6 Female No occupation Tyrone Philadelphia
127* James Campbell 9 mo. Male No occupation Tyrone Philadelphia
128* William Campbell 34 Male No occupation Tyrone Philadelphia
129* Margaret Campbell 34 Female No occupation Tyrone Philadelphia
130* Mitchial Campbell 5 Male No occupation Tyrone Philadelphia
131 Margret Campbell 3 Female No occupation Tyrone Philadelphia
132 Daniel Campbell 1 Male No occupation Tyrone Philadelphia
133 Jane Gray 36 Female Spinster Tyrone Philadelphia
134 Mary McLaughlin 23 Female Dress Maker Tyrone Philadelphia
135 Catherine Corscadin 22 Female Dress Maker Tyrone Philadelphia
136 John Gray 19 Male Tailor Tyrone Philadelphia
137 Robert Wilson 17 Male Butler Tyrone Baltimore
138 James Stewart 26 Male Farmer Tyrone Philadelphia
139 David Foster 19 Male Farmer Tyrone Philadelphia
140* Alex Mitchal 20 Male Weaver Tyrone Phladelphia
141 John Sawers 20 Male Farmer Tyrone Philadelphia 2 ch 3 Box 3 Ba
142 John Sawers 19 Male Farmer Tyrone Philadelphia
143 Patrick Kelly 22 Male Farmer Tyrone Philadelphia
144 James Ramage 20 Male Carpenter Londonderry Philadelphia 1 ch 5 box 1 Bb
145 Aaron Ramage 18 Male Farmer Londonderry Philadelphia
146 James Scott 20 Male Farmer Londonderry Philadelphia
147* Patrick McDaid 20 Male Tailor Tyrone Philadelphia 1 ch 3 Box 3
148 Edward McGragh 20 Male Farmer Donegal Philadelphia
149 John Mortimer 20 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia
150* Edward Shury 19 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia 3 ch 3 Box 4 Bl
151 Patrick Green 26 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia
152* Darby McAteer 26 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia
153 John Williams 17 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia
154 Charles Stewart 21 Male Painter Donegal Philadelphia
155* John Dill 18 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia
156 Francis Friel 22 Male Clerk Donegal Philadelphia
157 William Carson 18 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia
158 Mary Carson 23 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
159 Mary McDaid 22 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
160* Catherine McMain 20 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
161 James Boyce 16 Male Labourer Donegal Philadelphia 2 ch 2 cask 1 trunk
162* Sarah Boyce 21 Female Spinster Donegal Philadelphia
163 David Shields 21 Male Stucco Plasterer Tyrone Philadelphia 3 ch 2 Box 2 Bbl
164 John Elliott 19 Male Clerk Tyrone Philadelphia 2 ch 1 Box 2 Bag
165 John Shields 18 Male Stucco Plasterer Tyrone Philadelphia
166* Samuel Boake 18 Male Clerk Tyrone Philadelphia
167* Robert Boake 16 Male Clerk Tyrone Philadelphia
168* Rosana Foster 22 Female Dress Maker Donigal Philadelphia
169 Isabella Wilson 19 Female Dress Maker Donigal Philadelphia
170 Jane Fowler 16 Female Dress Maker Tyrone Philadelphia